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February 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…of Al . 1i liI Voc. I-No. (,). UNIVERSITY OF AIICIIGAIN, MONDAY, FEB3RUAR~Y 1, 1892. traction in the course of the Stu- Committees of the Mock Congress. PicF, THiREE CENTS. The Mockridge Concert. _____- (dcnts'ILectur e Association woitld be ''llhc concert, Saturday evening. 0 Oe f hemot jyast ~Onl I ebruarsv5 a lecture by ex- ISenatoi John J. Ingalls. ' le C10o- seisue respects, that itas been giv en ratlUnion wil ivtne t concert, as- i...…

February 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…*cZc. Of 1-MT. Dcdty. tablittied Daily (Sunadays excepted) during theiCollee 3 ar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION subcriptiontpice $2.;)0iper year, invariably inadvanc Singe coiest3 cents,. tiasale at lieca'and a STtttice news stand ht , wcolno.Stbscriptions may the lelt it he office at the DALtiY, Dpeta lousie hiach, at Sheehan's, at Stotitet's, ccwit h ay ofthe (Cmmnicationsa shouild rath tc tehfiea ty THE U. OF M. DAILY. Enln ed n...…

February 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…AT THE TWO S Commencn Wednsdy 'MrnnJnury"27, The Entire Stock.~ Of Clothing. YI ( THE U. OF M. DAILY. A MS wroNO WAR WITH CHILI! I n a nthe pre of Clothing, Hints, Capls, Unaderwear, Clones, Mittens, hosiery, S92, IRNKS. VALISES, Fine Shirts, Cotlares, Cuffs, Oeralls and Jackets, \We are going to let the tmtbtie loose amiong thirty-eigtht thsousandtltaos ($3S,000.00) north of aseechondisA fee twenty stays, whlicts mittbteitt Fetbeeary 9, <<t ...…

February 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. Nowtrc\ilr Ioous, Corner of1Alai and(1Liberty-Stre-t s. I «oil] 'Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of' Guitars, t)"lijios. etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU-1 25 South Fourth Aee, C.ity. +TEN FOR O1j (Oer-coat. G armoents worth $f12.00l to $0 ., I Pure Fresh Cleat ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. I 1U(101 for 1 Gl EST'lABISH1ED18,51~. (OtCIISE. one yeal-. Three full terms requi...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…of n. Wail VOL. 111-NO. S3. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, 1FEM)IRUARiY118. PRICE, THREE CENTS. iHON. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS The majority of those who took part A NOVEL DANCE. -- in the field day last fatt are atready Will Deliver the Washington Birth- Patrons and Patronessis of the day Oration-Success Crowns memhers of one or thse otlser (if Terpsicorean Muse Will Produce the Laws' Efforts. teegymnasiums, an iedig'Living Whist." good st...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…'J.Of 1 TF(.1~tU. Published Daily (f~uedays excepted) duriflg the Collece yesr, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tbbst-tptite yrie $2.5t0 per year, lnvarlably tvitellne inge oe-pe :catsr. Stebsetip- ttottc tmay be left at he ofice of the DILYto et Siottt't, tvth wlcofcthe edittorsor tomme niatieetons- shold rechcthe otibet by Jay. Addriesseail mtteintendteid fit pubica- tieitthe Maning Mel tbtir. All binetes THE U. of X. DAILY, Atn Arbo...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. HERE -,is YOUR : CHANCF410 ALL OXT.Eil(OATS AT OFF. ALLI SUITS AT. OFF. Our LEntreStock of N eglige e Shirets, tewi tsarchedtl larts alld Fai~h, at EON E llA IFI ' 1''F 'ITis is forone week L only. We ALL SliN1'E1 iNS AT I0(FK. ave Nobbv Styles aod lie (Corec't (ilors fthe I C'toiliiiSeson01 I lles srtlin lu.'' ( ote bob t' oat'size is gone. See these bargains before buying. WA DHVAMS, KENNED Y RE...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THE LT. OF M. DAILY WHITMANAeebi10S PL APE IP TE Of Philadteiphia, ' T SIF ~kDE I.ND ol TE NITE3 LAKES 711E:I1LeSI I =N -sIT MAS1.1ALIOWS.! Mxorui} Clltoil oti wneONLY $1400. 1T['e have Received the fc ioee, £'orlsbaai and A hone _hals. -T-he CAL : ILatest Jads in Fedoras. Lit itI- iiFELLOWS IN PROP'ORTIOsN. (34 So. State Street) :_SV0 =- SELLS THEM. WILSEY, I ~ ___________________ A outh iState Street, - UPt'STA IIts.j -" MOIfORE &WETMORE, BO...…

February 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…r ~ f , ' . 1a 1 . T N Si. TV -No %. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, THUTRSD AY , FEBRIUIARTY1184 EETECN. YitICE, THREFt CENTS. THE LAWS' BENEFACTOR. and large mining interests in the! A CLEAR EXPOSITION. To G eAwa3 ipper enossa Of the "Christian Constitution of A Short Biographical Sketch of the In 1843 Mr. Bhl niarriedcit Mis Society" by Prof. Herron, Late Christian H. Bhl, of Iowa College. We iW is c -5f in, I cipencils aiid of Detroit. Caro...…

February 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY., d /u , at I rusted with the work of education antiquities were made additionsl x6R ..l4. T =-- - su the Usiversity of Nlichigan the wvould rapidly follow, aud the re- - time has come when the departumett1 suits would be benefical, not simplyU IN S Published Daily (Sundiays excepted) durin<; of--iiclnuge-n«itrtr of Smitiilanuegeyearterbyreto the tUsiversity-its faculty as I TI-F . O M IDEPNDNTASSCITIN suoldr rle asuel stbli...…

February 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886WHEN You WISH YOUR THE CHEQUAMBIEON ORCHESTRA. INSPEC THE SRN STYLES LH. 'L1E\'I', CT SPRING 5i 8o. (5 o i 0501( iantl Moat. in ,ST[I F nt>id FED)ORIA 112%,1S now in at EXCILLSIOR LAUNDRY -. Afl'f3 " ; Eg i3 FHI6t N6R 20.U 5.51? I L155N 5'11 El' GoodIWol. Guaranteed. Goods olil Ifor Store Formlierly Occupied by TWO SAMS. d lvr~. A.F .V ,Po.Done, callai tCrGai sssan'usi Will be jsrelothe oual ...…

February 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF Ni. DAILY____-___ BETTER STILL \Hser~e i, auTaker. All Qur Tan Shoes LOWNEY'S -SUPERFINE' 511VO11, LlOV ES andI'1114S, iiNE-Fc)UIII OFFl. Z CHOI1COLVR TtKIDLIANEIGLOVES iand II111 S 15 -OU T11Il II()1ll 9 'IThlieslet Rubibers in town for the Price. AtT "H"'5 C perT-16. Calkins' Pharmacy ~w~s~ &mrEs~ NMEOQE & JFQRR NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 9 AND) STATE ST., CORNER OFi WILLIAM. )hAVE A St 1 '111Y (.F TlEWO R K S ()I' Who S L("IUICI~l N ...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…a II. of Vo7, V. No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I, . Wailti. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1 189.. PRICE---THREE CENTS. All- TW;ESTERN VELEV EN. tilWlla wsufrtnt nI I IIOLOGICAI SOCIETY. NO G O TDN sirn kept out of most of toe gal'l'es iy__ _GODSTDN OUTING HAS CHOSEN ONE FOR .lit jur. As a fieldtgenteral and toekieSMR. LEWIS STRAUSS DISCUSSES1 '9,FAVORING WISCONSIN. ENGLISH PARAGRAPHS. I ins to lcarn without books. ______lmal is pierhiaps a staoP t...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF I. lDAILY. f eI. r the ire Tilnnli. it irls i M-hi- McKe-nzand ilKing. of last Fear':I LI.. F EB. 15.. N__________ l ha1111g:someti-Nvei 1a l utg-;eAttlli i("1111) hel-i n nim- B" FIciA.I.v BA.LiE I ii lwd aily ( iSna Xpe)d ur tilo1,Ml rofes"s t. C(i i-ann Illi- I!son. ..- THEGE M. IN DEPEND[NT SSMAIIN, vrsity t recoigntied this ned.-it. 11t:plan At t1 nians nut it. ofit liii tt EN'S FINE %SHOES, tin (ilingdynstt ii it 0nitits tacty...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…THEII;U. 01? i1. DAILY. MWHIGAN tCENT 1ime Table (Re-iced) Nou. 18, 1894. \4alnl edFc __-350 M ail ------ NY. Special---.5 15 NY.Special__. P,'.sernEx---_..10 25 N. S. Limited.-. A . . Pacific RE -- Atlantc- E,___ - 7 47 FuN.Fpressc--- 5 40 Weterll E--. G. 1. I-cores--11 05 (,'ll. Nt.. Fe-- -- (i. IW llia11o, I. XW. Iluce , GI. 1. &T. A;;i., (ililcaca. Act., AnuiA Takil e ctcciSuinday, Aug. 1, 1x94. rrni1ae Anns Arboron 0i li-ell 7: Ic. il. 7...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…L', )t l l)V 11 I,'' ((1 4]] QQ tOU7Nn THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK GYMTS. 1_cha rs\ Bookstor t~le fit aoed tolet sa tp fr nArorMc.C ita w,500(. M SU ITS Vortnely with George 'Vahe 191 OGTUSCLSAL SA ntet Stttr aft casted upon propetreeie aml o K. Washington st. Headquarters for CLAESCLSA TOILET SOP dntficton. Sfety deorm oit ac to rent. +VitIeelelaSml'ln eveirything a Student needs in the t.C,, ttsrras. Veerro.; clue,.? l e, ~oh (Ciynna~~l 11S 1S...…

February 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V1. No. 894. UNIVELISITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, FEBRUARY 1, 1896. FouR PAGEcS-3 CENTS.r ONE IIITARI Is enough for one person to I play on at one time. One 11 guitar is not enough, how- 1041 ever, to supply 3,000 stu- I constantly in stock several H S dozens of guitars of various SI makes and prices. y IBETTER LOOK AT OUR UOFM. GUITAR.,1 S It's good as its namve. i5$ THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., 110 S. MAIN ST. Last D Oy GREAT SHOE SALE! -Of...…

February 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…a THE U. OF Ml. DAILY 34 of P ait Pu ,biation re bright aP a good pat t + f 4~,of lie work diplayed alhows merit wxothy of a stff writer on oit of the Publilshed Daily (Sunday excepted) during older papers of this class. Blt to coi- the College year, at THEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN, timde ini the seie rtitmterely gWives T~lEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN. evidene of a lak of unor. Since OrrICI: Timex building N. Pain st., oppoite its first tuiiier the editions...…

February 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICGHIGAN GENTI L Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Mail and Ex----3105 Mail.------8 38 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special-... ,7 0 Eastern-Es.----10 12 N. S. Limited.-_0 25 Atlantic Es.---7 15 Pacific Es.---12 I5 D. NEspress.---- 5 40 Western Ex----2 00 G. R. Express ---11 0S Chi. NI. Es.---10 28 0. W. RUssLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arborf Nj L.NN ABI( . RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 1,05896. 7:2...…

February 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M.. DAILY. THE LATEST NOVELTY IN GENTS' SWiINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96. Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. RANDAL L Photographer 15 Washington Block. SPAIDING'S Educalonal . MIUM1lHF RES ! Souvenirs of c TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS ba ceplete setcmprising Basobali, P. ot- bal Tens n olf players andaBchs will e set to any addess in te' United states or Canada upo te reelpt o1 i0 A. G. SPALDING& BRS., Nw' orkc. Chie...…

February 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… DAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 86. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MOB a ( l L D o FINAL DEBATE. showing numerous actual examples of THE HONOR SYSTEM. -' cvI 9 here our government hmd been in- AVictory- for the Lits, Although effieient and where dedlcs al i Cl9 ass to Take Final Action loadu jig~ Ta ilri-cured when we most neddhas ony the Laws Win First Place., iuato.o t dpin AND IMPORTER, ti oeagraint a ht li M. Adam...…

February 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. :ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during Association? If the officers and cli- rectors of the association arc workingb for the best interests of else associa- tion, wNhy should they be %fraid to let THE STORE. _ _the College year, at7- Y their work be known? Tliere is nee- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tim-ies Tinoes building, 79 S. Main St. be- - tween Liberty and William Sts. M1ANAGING EDITORI a. F. Tuss...…

February 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GENT'AL Time Table, (Revised) Sept. 27, 1895. Mall and Es -- 47 N. Y. Special--_ 7 5 N. Y. Specil--._. 4.58 Mal--- 5___ 43 Easters Es---10 17 N. S. Limited.--. 9 25 Atlantic Es_- 7315 Pacific Es ---12 15 D. N.Espresss---- 5 40 Western Es -1 55 G. R. Espress -.-11 C5 Chi. N4t. Es -5 10 0. W. HeSGeLES, H. W. HAYES, H. P. A T. Agt., Chicsgs. Apt. Ass Arbor * RAILROAD. Time Tabir, Jan. 31, 1897. NORTH. S...…

February 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DALY. "i~g~~ss s. aa~aaaw~ZThis is the Week to M N O J S H A LLER' S bTILMRSTYODOBuLINS.... Bu ...........PRICES TELL IT JEW ELRY WODRFLYA Mandolin at ---------------------- $1.98 STORE WONDEFULLYA Washburn Mandolin at.............. 15.00 46 S. Main Street. ~ hnyuir°iedfo A Good Mandolin at --------------------8.67 r walking. about town toI OTHERS IN PROPORTION. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY 0 stop and take one o ur01 9e ...…

February 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…~tjle ii. of VOL. VII No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1898. PRIcEc-3 CETS. i - - ---- i WI LD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in =suits 5, Trousers, and Overcoating S NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. -PALMERS'PHARMY.e PIPE S ALE! FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti...…

February 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…L'lHUNVE1tS1'rY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~ri edic, and says his mdcal eucation- I~f o 41. indispensable in taking care of the Before H1&Vinu'g Your f laborers on his plantation. He will make Oolomvbia his permanent home ANPE T . N thelshe ODa ledas yearte) urngand hopes soon to be snrronunded by a F o os e lo ".T. THE UNIVERSITY OF3 MICHIAN. colgsetmntfMihan en Faa'S. ol.g tloomis, of rand gRapids, n.a T e e ry anftu tween Liberty and Willia...…

February 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…3 _ THE UNIVERSITLY OF MICHIIGA N DAILIA. Men's Furnishings That Sell Thnsives ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES Of THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of StylesI Sweaters .*ins all the Combinations of Shirts .. Colors. The, best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- Random Wool, a fiue sutta Cotton and 4-ply smohgren odo Linen- Bosom 50c. The Underwear sot amn odo best shirt in the market to-I any scratching mate...…

February 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store f W. W. Wetmore, ...1OO S.Main~ St., aza 342 5. Stat e S hAS FULL LINES OF UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND. NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices.' University School of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. Departmen...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…IP VOL. IX, No. 93. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1899. THRtEE CENTS. MAY FESTIVAL. basis of musicianly attainnment. She free man has a right to life lie bao -- will be heard at te Friday evening the right to iwork wichl of necessity Concerts on Thursday, Friday and concert ino a broad range of seletion, follow. 1Dring lt year 3,200,000 12an 3. iasluing notolysooe of te great p opl ere nt of epoyeti S Saturday, May 11,12ad3, risn wh...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DA FY. ! 13urlt ester in the Choral 'in ,h. +. *1. L tE omntrSeries. bO ttisi Daily 181 tq ia' eel) i ing th lt.I th'fl Con cert of tIt Ch;loral U RninoV Co eea r, . eii n "ill ic' cit-nIbidyeening, ( Pe.,:; t ry t.Willy Ieurnuooer. lhe ro- J TH: U1AiEHIIY CF MICHIGAN. ooed toha vrztiiio, neetidby isc 41 " frrn I hu l i Pe . ttciini,; ont d'Inn t ii. pieist %t. 1li o (dir r01/ F,1t tit c 1i 'without iolilt, in 8of t...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE UTNIVERSITY OF 1ICUIGAN DAILY. FULPDRSS We can Fit you out CORRECTLY. The NiagarPFalsRoute CENTRAL ST N IrrT INII Taldng EletO :Ag. 14 19. Stlall tnd Eollt.o. ....... ..rI N Y ntote: :ei~d 4 r.0 '1101 F.: leon.. .......... ...I t 11 toil. Ni 1 , 1?x 00........... 5 Grtn 16EphisExpoo. ..... ..1 faCT.'o.... 1¢$ :c Rost-n.N. Y1k 114fa4.......813" G.IR. K& tl F'::r-...........54 Co p. ........! Pati: 1'p. ...............15inA l ...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

… 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S A D.A.TinkOS . W. KOLLAUF, D.~~ A.Tikr SnTAII4OR, Furnishers. Has Received a Flee Line " a01®t ew GoodIs. $ ' 334 S. STATE ST. 214 East Washinogton St., na 5th Ave_ W.J.Bo,)T11,PR'e..l IntercollouatoGBureau 01 tlGadeuhiIGG6oy Ctum JYtH.S C.oAT, HERet Vc ipee.~ GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANe, N,.Y, BINK ! Cape, Gowns, and Hoode made to order and rented. AlsoCas . Canes, Class Hate and Caps, Class College P...…

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