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Some of the Work Being Carried
on Here.
The botanical laboratory is not wci-
out its original investigators. Ever
since college opened in the fail series
of experiments and investigations have
been carried on steadily and now each
of the researches has his or her work
well under way.
The unicellular forms are being ex-
perimented with by Miss Snow who
is filling the vacancy caused by the
illness of Miss Langdon of the corps
of instructors in the hotaleialabora-
tory. Miss Snow studied last year
tnder Prof. Klebs in Basel, Switzer-
land, where she also carried on some
original research along the lines that
she is now following. The onicelluiar.
fortes are to be described according
to their development. Upon investi-
gation some prove to be phases in the
higher forms of plant life while others
are constant it their unicelled sate.
The Object of Miss Snow's investiga-
tion is to fitd the conditiotstutnte
wlhich the higher forms exist in thi
unicellular state anti in the same cote-
nection to study the various effects
of nourishment, tenperature and light
on these organs in their appearance
and increase.
The past work along these lines has
not been accurate because the mater-
ial experimented with has been noe
or 'less impure. But in te present
work cultivation has been carried on
with absolutely pure materia. Al-
ready many isolated 'forms have been
reached upon but their full develop-
ment has not been traced.
The Investigation of these forms has
been carried on very little in ihe pautt
and at present, so far as is known,
Miss Snow is the only person in the
United States making any such itves-
tigation. In fact, before Prof. lebs
took up the work the unicellular forms
had no place in plant organization.
The equipment in the Michigan lalbor-
atory for this work, Miss Suow has
found to be better than that lit Europe
The library here is also very com-
plete in this line.
Mr. Timber'lake, who began his re-
search under Prof. Harper at Lake
Forest University last year, is study-
ing the structure of the cell plate. At
present he is at work upon a problemi
in Karyokinesis or i other words the
series of changes gone through by the
nucleus in its indirect cel-divisiot.
This problem is but partly finished
and so no results are as yet fortheow-
-Mr. Livingston is making a stu'dy of
Algae with especial reference to the
influence of external conditions upon
their reproduction, vegetable grmth
and behavior. 'His work just now i
confined to the Vaucheria. The in
fiuc-es of nutrition and of long con
tinued absence of light have separate
Iv been determined and now the plan'
is being aited upon by a s'rong an
I continuous light. 'Some very interest
ing results have been obtained, so
1 pelally as regards reproduction. Par
of Mr. Livingston's work is merely Shigetsuna Furuya.
verificatioa of results already obtained
but other portions of it are strictly orc Some of the older Japanese students
iginal, particularly those in which theneed no introduction to the Univer-
action of strong light is concerined. sity public, but those who came here
this year are not so well known. Of
the latter class Shigetsuna Furuya,
Religious Census. '00 L, deserves prominent mention.
The religious census of the state ui-He is a graduate of 'Doshesha College,
versities and of the Presbyterian col- at Kyoto, the old capital of .lipan. At
leges, edited by Professor Kelsey is that institution he received a scholar-
about to appear in pampihlet form. ship for excellence in deportment.
Advance sheets of the work indicate shigetsuna's course was one leading
mich new matter, statistical and to politics and law. Ile graduated in
otherwise, besides that already pub- 15.
listed in the Atlantic Monthly for e- Upon leaving his native college he
cember, 1507, under the title, 'Stae was given an excellent position ii the
Universities and Churcht Colleges., Mysuvishi Bank, te largest in Japan.
Statistics appear in tables convenient Its proprietor tvwasaki, had taken a
for reference, collected officially fromi kindly interest in young Furmtya, and
the sixteen state universities and while he 'sis enploydiitho bank
thirty-six of the thirty-seven Presby- encouraged his writing articles on
terian colleges, in whicit taken 'togeth- "Finance," etc. This literary work
er more tan 1,000 students were en- led to ils being offered a position on
rolled last year. In the state univer- the Koku Myn, a daily paper, printed
siies less than 12 per cent of the sin- at Vko, whchthhd alradypublish
dents ere found 'withtoutci cltr'cit-a few of his articles. After consider-
ticritonor preferene.hoable experience as a newspaper re-
in the state universities of Indiana, porter Futruya 'was sent to Hawaii
Kansas, Michigait, Washington and ring the recent disturbances as a
W est Virginia, having a total enroll- correspondent for the Koku Myn.
iett of 5,173 students, tte .Methodist. hiens his work there had been com-
Episcopal church was credited with pleted ho turned his eyes toward the
1,t0tmembrs antiaudhirett;theUnited .States and was soon en route
Presbyterian, with 54; the ; ongr ega-for Ann Arbor, where lie svas entered
thesaitit, (112; site i')iecou wi~ as a law student this fal.
1Whqsod with 612; the 1tpos'nopiiv, with
484; the Baptist, with 352; the Church When Questioned as to his motive
of Christ (Or-Discipes, or Christian), for coming to the University ho gave
with 227; the Uitarian hurch, wii them as three in number.L.His great-
166; and the Itoian Catholic with 15. est desire was to see the country of
In the sixteen sntiversities, with a to- 'vhich he had heard stch wonderful
'tl attendance last year Of 13,63, the reports. 2. He also wished to obtain
'BethOdtst Episcopal church could ai accurate knowledge of American
clait 2,159 ietbers atd adherents- civilization and life. 3. The most
the Prebyterian chut-ra, 2,284; the practical ais which drew him hither
Congregational church, ,3 Epis-as the study of law. Furuya intends
ogCongregathottal church, 1,730; tile tos become a diomsit amd ptca
copal ehurch, 1,215; the Baptist churc ton e politician
1,03; the Church of Christ, (07; the when he returns to Japan, and consid-
SHaman Catholic church, 528; ane theers the law course here a very good
Unitarianch rch. 431, preparation.
:thiari e turht. 431h may be o He also expressed hihself as to the
tinedas of the steward'silet ci.y ht e uprobable benefit his American life and
stsdy would bring. In his opinion a
Today the Last. Japanese who intends to become a
lawyer should study in a native col
All those who desire to enter the lge, for the legal profession there t'
oratorical contest must hand their almost a caste and one must absolute-
naites together with their subjects ly be a graduate of a Japanese law
and the class they represent to the school to be admitted to the bar in
Secretary C. D. Landis, some mttsmto- that country. But us Shigetsuna in-
day. Thetirule is imperative and no tends to beoa diplomat and run for the
one who fails to attehd to it still be legislature in Japan, he thinks his
allowed to enter any preliminary con- American training will be very bee-
test. ficial, both as it broadening influence
Also every person who deosire to and as giving him an insight into
eiter the contest must hand the see- American polities.
ritary three type-written copies of his
oration m before Fel. 10. Journal Club.
Does Not Fit. Last evening the Journal Olub ne
. oes---Ft in the Botanical Laboratory and lis-
cThe baseball cage has arrived and ted to a very interesting review of
when placed in position in the main Merton B. Waite's article on "The
part of the gymnasium yesterday was Pollination of Pear Flowers," as con-
s found not to have been made accord- tamed in Bulletin N. 5 of the United
- ing to Manager Kieth's specifications. States Department of Agricuiture.
-It lucks several feet of being as long The review was made by Mr. IT. R.
- as ordered, and when pulled up to the Foster, who is a graduate student
F girders the sides lack fully four feet now specializing in botany. His treat-
1 of reaching the ,floor. It is quite a mont of this very interesting subject
tdsappoentment and will retard the was alsie and brought forth many ex-
- work of the candidates materially u- Presions of favor from the nimemem
t ti made over. lpreet.
Just received a special line of
Vlor Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money..
Each $3.oo and $3.50.