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February 01, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-01

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VOL. VII. No. 86.



( l L D o FINAL DEBATE. showing numerous actual examples of THE HONOR SYSTEM.
-' cvI 9 here our government hmd been in-
AVictory- for the Lits, Although effieient and where dedlcs al i Cl9 ass to Take Final Action
loadu jig~ Ta ilri-cured when we most neddhas ony
the Laws Win First Place., iuato.o t dpin
AND IMPORTER, ti oeagraint a ht li M. Adams wvas followed by-W_ M. -
Univ ersity udebate Saturday night was (ianidler, of the neg"ative. It 'vas ' Ih meeting of the '99 3I class, held
~ ASPECILTYevident from the tirst thsat M. Cihad- oi Saturday forenoon at 11 o'cloek,
FULLUIISS UIT A PECALT. th stongst eldher ii reeit ssto he ott inoportant factor in w ai dled to oruder;by President Beals
liearoiitest. Thatcitsestgniiiiitit (liiiwhom isirly statesd tie sbject of the
NER thorough uniterstanuting of tie lursa- temenes.ettiioaguen-Gi
N0, 2E. WAHINGTN STNEAR AINiiot leave nit where liotf Rory be- meig
NO. E. ASHISTONST. EAR AIN.tioii, excellent- alility as a speaker is tlitfottetihiorc h eus i trsoosveo
1. ^ !uis the isoier toihlullthe closest at- -
testtos o onaudenc. t ceeset t te received froiiotihi'jutdges osi acgu- liunisicsystem iire a rd ly thiairuian
SO!nursit as well as oin delivery-. P. D. Beosrlssiid. after quoting fromi
eSA ! verytlhiig that eomisohiis to m .XaCkied a ue sonoertl letterseceeived from the various tust!-
We're got a fine assortment of gosod dehate, it ivas a coimplete sue- -F.tu.ioarsowhere tensystem to invopera
good sore toilet soaps, no per- ces, asd the oinly thing o erer utdmiencsie by his clever thrusts atrhists tsweetesytmi noea
fame in them, just soapi and ill psredecessor, ada ilopnns i onallofwihermstfarab,
soa oat oc ckeks.3for 25. Try is that the visiting eirmianssoouldtada i" sl~siit esio hc -rrms aurbe
aake nest time. hv! inoilgs ocl atste ogesseral.Ie eniforcedullhs argumennts '- rstioiiwspsrseiitrd whtih
-A---PARAY ti esratedne well and uonderstood thsorousghly iosv strongly sect forth the nteed of some
T1he cositest had its sclros h to extpose the weaik lpoinssts sis-estin isoriffctis Iisith nei
1-pres h 6 . STATE ST. hotsost argsumsents. psresnt tie for the prseventioni of the
stave who load the Aissericasi and popsi-
'ris fTe sdiebatei-wstclosedriltsiheii sega- diisoesty-in tsxa.ilisstisss.
__________________________________ 'l1-r :sile of st-equstttn, soot onily lsot
live by C.5. I'Le~tary, tic. L. Mr. 3Mr. AV. D. Ward, rcentoly front
tlis bte cito tir literary repreosota- '-srts.551c s le-tgtrso
C losin-g~out Sale (ies bitt nalse rcced~ed i too gO'Lery is so sery olelilso-as-. -soL1--I ict.spkinlongersf
';! r sh sr i .. ,ax 111 -, i' . se s s 01 list'Hie lsot in use tthere'

H4oliday Goods
3rown's XDrug 6More.
Cioroer ofOlsin otnd Huron ots.

uoe ot of thie te rs-tr'sc-tIiiiis
AV. Mi. (5li1audlec, sf liii- Isisi ilasrt-
soot-st, siott first honioor asodl tir $:tts
tetiiiiototstl, 'wviles . S.ULothierssnil
F. Z. 5arsssotj -ofrt-e itlerary the-
lstlsi's. o-sis ec oss1 sndtoid isis-
riesptiively itills hesi$31) snldi$2t
lixt-Sentsosr 'alosot-i'.of Detrosit, Ire-
sided, andoul t t souioeeeis 'xci-
isesot huoros-by hlsots stssis remaosrks,.
.1. S. Fallt-ere, osthlit-liter-ary uepart-
ssssst. otiseosed lt itsbale for thus af-
tirsoistlire. Hilsitis-itas a sdis-so lt
stir,,zseit; in ss-sary ft's him.iiol#

sole frt ltooseif sodl liii' debatinog n0-
ersts of lt'esi-versiti- tliat Isis Dice
stattesoi Schsa rondsitiono(thats'est1't
lost isilicst- helii-josigee is-islo thes' ial
toss-cit that lie iiosiest's ui . s 0ti5~ s's.
Turet-osslttmakisnicsgsof thoe is.idgres
soers-cs- sofllows:
Lathers .5 641i 32
Adlsms _25 624660 5t
Cartetsdyi632s 21(;20
Asisotte 024 3355543
tisslso1 115° 0211
O'Leary_ 4 2 566342 3
A fter anouncinssog lteso sour itofthe

stindsmasde a ssong spupesal fits- ts sadops-
litsniby the clss.
Te last claune of the resolution
adoputedl declared, '"tatSloe imedical
clsoss of '199, of the University of
Aieigas, loestherebty take sofirmuantd
uniompohromsing attituode againost ansy
soot all dishoonesty iso any ando all ex-
asoutssstions andt that rise saidl class
liteslhereby a-stloo:-izethe cossossittos-
rf the -class alreadly ssppointed to fonts-
olate lou-s for the goversnance of sintn-
hess of the said class duringcxni-
aotiuons stod the sosettos of coniction
s'ulnlt-etealty- totse isnflicted its e
xf ilatii oof sthesa sid ltawrs.nwhich


11exllinoItoe twio systestof tiis'-rs sdebato andsl awardting tliii ts? isnontosals ososssit tee sisal1 within ac soeic e
K 0ablonsaCoat, mc TOE BEST. srelet undeiscusilsison to 0551 it outt ProsfiesorTrueblloodtoil55sinttt 1that sieontime result of olewo-rikto time elass
Alt giades of lord and soft Cosal. those iri-ecssary iffi-si-nceis. Alr. Latil theiiifamuultyicousosoite1104ssisl -tisi eet sot'fisadophtion lii .siss-o-thirids tmajor-ity
Camel Coal and Coke. es haliiiv llos tst. ts 1utol t si t usno tivsidoisif lthi- lit-st 55or5 iii- i ti e"
XY. ST A.sEBLEIR+ debhiatt fitorebuttalsumnitthessisllith iii '5to Isaki intshsloebau-ste sithtoClo- t xetdta h ls ilb
Telepone No. 0.One shootrust of Asserti-I seprellostlm hs vh s
ma uooliise.w itsisis-I liie."sortiisofthei(liii- 'liideltcStuili ltt bes' hisirnt0dso iileurof theou oonissg lecture
Opposite Late Buoiling. WFilla nemester fuse hate for- thou-negsative-.Is- tookh tho-r sevssems sm's-tho'ltossltssof thus-
too lessons a week.
coturserthast crla tsit'ccc thue siholec quusteiso. Not Guilty of Lemoeny.J
2 7 Thonmpson Street. aus usoenosf tim e sit'givrie, Stris-ss-
_______________________________ lntruotorn on Spion. tBolsundsS. Iit-htlI '07 D, iwho ss
-AT'-11, Iheluquestions-isos thi-racticals' o hns
pot sio f sit-s, anduileitsthis' sounsuuo'ts ts'sscs. lliglt'y. truownsadst ou w Iris- {hridwt h-lacn fdn
WAnn S BOOKN STORE. nfth lbssffssuhi''lira i' lyushyinugthsat a1- bidge, inustr'ucstnrsiistt'he 'suis- s ifurtIso-by'iiouiueifDtii,
-ae neraente aksi-eun ho has chasoge of ('slkin & CSit's
thiouugh our goverrnimie'ut uaiylie usible'hsseluiirslsntu ako scsot
Nosy othe boot time t e t o ar otacotnin n yt stiee aantslohepr zodntsal idepot in Ihis ciiy,'wsvtoadjludged'u
ITatic psoliciy ioutheury,still isiralti- violat' thus'liquor lsaws. Late F-ruiday ntgit ttetills audy
S W A T R S ca omarso ih1'h' ---'-set nsiglot silile shinug sreossd, S n-ei-"re'Thte trial idol baud fought anod uuuisso
ofEnladit efcinc i vienserio byia cdetachomoent of thus'cit-witnesses nere examsinsed. Timeho i'
W~e have the best quality and ofsueasdisehiiwa i ites.-is ouot only a shoot tisse. As re
tie askced that thue gove'rnsmen'st be coson- police sihso, becsausse ouf Sue suosuserous
at thelowes pric51015l of time prosecutious, Mr. Mitchell
at ho lowet prie. pared bySloe lprogresesomade iuner Ituefts of late abosut towvnsiere sin
Sporting God n ymna- rods and by thue demuocrstic seouuisussst tactive dutiy. Thur oticers sssrroundedtlso ruuls nt ssuutb io u
sium Supplies a Specialty.*Sisat Sthey produce. thse prowilers, au-ested thurn. usd eriinal libel, sod silks daspags's iso
J.Q. Ash cus, '95 L, svdo continuedt started towvard Sloe jail. No rsrostunce thue 01000 of $2,0100. Thue'two diostaul
g + th~~~~Sle argumens ot forSloe aihiinutire, slis- wsimnade, but after soume stelay tihu ae rnte aetknsdsi h
A S O K8 O E tinguiusliedl -himself for h is brillisant re-instructors siucceesded in estuabliesing'atte, Sloe Xi tPsi thihosIseing. for ands
1Up Tatewt' onT owntie utlal, andthue successfully isorthSle their Identify and pupo~IOCsead secor- time Delta SienmaDeltas agatint tic.
Ann Arbor Mainn t. Ipr'cetieal argumoent of lis opspoaenst by hgIlireea.Mtcll

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