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February 01, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-02-01

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*cZc. Of 1-MT. Dcdty.
tablittied Daily (Sunadays excepted) during
theiCollee 3 ar, by
subcriptiontpice $2.;)0iper year, invariably
inadvanc Singe coiest3 cents,. tiasale at
lieca'and a STtttice news stand ht ,
wcolno.Stbscriptions may the lelt it
he office at the DALtiY, Dpeta lousie hiach, at
Sheehan's, at Stotitet's, ccwit h ay ofthe
(Cmmnicationsa shouild rath tc tehfiea ty

Enln ed ntenme f11 . 1colleges oe owmn h hs ol e 1 ORTHE SEONDTESEMESTER
five uiviersities faee ltIbotht sexes, . . Greek, Latin, Frentch, Gerant, atid Matltemtatic;1
atit 279 women tave takena degrees. ~ +hss e iuScnlai i
A Japaniese studcent describes II' - ex ,
sat) itt a Itonakletter thus: "a.very + _ °'
large butilalitigwhlere tetoys play 1P ook +
foot-ba)lI atndlon tt tc lays reatld e Uivsi ity Boaksellers, - - Stale Strait.
halve takeiiIte very nteresttig slep - -_rot
of itakitig the subject oif Marrtage

ocok,.n.it tey ateittotppeattentiandittDiv orce' atditinuct tdepartmnt
(lay. Aititesantll matter initetnded iorcitulica- o tltvlEtstta
tics to lhe Managitic Edittoe. All btineititit tca -cnOll
cotmticalitinsattoitldt bi seiitt the tisi- .\ttciog some iif the great teachlersI
ns THaE . ~ AIY in the liniversity Extensiotirnove-
Ann Arhor, M~ich. muatat appear the naites of j ohtn
Rutskita,IDante Rosselli, F. J . Furn-
5.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ta Pi.Ciita.'it iiti im i it. ~ rof.1F. Murtiice andTIhomtacas

In tita iADiING SCHOOof Bi INEilt.
tiena~ltstrcucant ltiing ittge at-
$1 50i pet wtek, studenitsnassis taetta poittins.i

Gi. L. tiCetu ax, '9:?, Assist. Mamagiicg Ettitt.
it'.i-.'ii Esittic, '9i, Ast.Idantagitgic tori.
J. IC. 'itt xct, 'it, Businessna iutnage.
Fxi.tn. Eca 1NtT, 'ti3, ASit. itIiniacSS iltntuc.
lit.tauV.iictz, 'tct.ssitinBuinxsta tat
Wit . .tl .il ,i '.i i.tRttAittnmliii. '.
F' it vMJAcu , 'Si. 5DANiii KCi. t'92
'TeEdtitocs doi ttot hltahemtaelvesrspn
sibe torthte otptaaition nittsttetttttts fctorrestt-
itaittictspa, iiing'uiinthtitAILY,~v

I- Itglies.
It Johntis Hotpiis te students
Ihae a Hocuse of(Cotmtntuts, itmod-
elleid lfter Ite Enlis bo dy, iwith at
spceaker aid searetatry of homana d11
foireign affairs. 'The miisitrv brings
int thle subjects for ubscussions.
It is saulidtat thle Nuortwesterti
Un'tiversity is to htave a base ball
team Iequaal to thact of ally of thle
Easterna colleges. Polole, Y'ale's old

___________________ E ~B TheLiuao

in tdi tIs inlaelluistanit liltie ltttciti.

ad Plain, 50c. a I

ini Fasioslin
oritig. F lie

Sfir ir c mleimabers of thtr(flee catcher; Rictt late of the 7' toversity C~ (lass, 7-ic., lithe oif leiei
Clutb are comtplainainigcaf the lack of of Nlichtigatn, Pattersoin, of Syractuse, \~ Goods toiselcti
takngcoleg sn<Y5 andtlothter base tall tmeinare satmotg
spihcy, tatg, cleestg, whitcht fromt. ('tll for
are truly reptresenltative of the IU. of te stauletats. They wtill raise h I ooo ~ln i ii
NI. NItost of taotgsofialnatdei efilittrieaitEat
arad satltcutittdtth Iterbert MIichlrson, lil. I)., pro- ao. Suit.
reputation oaf their glee cttubs, have fsiro hsc tCaktnse-i .MI T, Nt )
tiets arite by ctnlegcacatssity, tax accepted an invitation front Seiut osptitil receiput tuf price.
whbile at the U.. of. M. the best sotags te Internsationtal Blureaui of Weights ,IIOEHIM k SON, anANNnnARBOR, Ina. S. AvlinShri)t.
htave heeia writteit by Itrofessors.ast1earstosed isuinrIerotIic.
The reason for lis is htardl to findt. tisetbihtanIrith na .ual~-.
Parix, to uetertuine a nesc standard Ladies' Mackitntoshes ittbeuatiful
Surely te t'. of 11. tossesses as frIt ercssct to varieties, lust received at Mack & ,a .
good anmateur poetic talent as anyvirtosofsaeofhit P
university in the coutntry, and hxas as virtoso .wvso ih. Prof. $1.95-8(01 silk umtbrellas worth $3501
Micelsta ao thanel th otchanato 14.511 tiarked $1.95 at Mack &IC Toledo, n ro n ot
mtatay distinctive featnres abut ichloa lnndtemcieSehmid's. n ro n ot
whlich iicatcthy"i songs cotild be writ- hec sill use. It wvilltbe costly, of Hot atud cshut tathus 10 cetits, at Ptust Michigan Railway.
icta IV Irtst haxuctr atatcirdelicate sworkmtantship andutititricate Office Bather Shop. 'tcCi nafc itaheili
conistrnction. F[t ihe tess style collars, : ply, hate ' Aerivlenta sat Ann iin Arbottaonly.
Ioets stilt cotisider this antturIy toor2fr5.Mc&Shmd
uto assayswithi the catise for this crunt- Iy the swiltluf the Ile NMary M t0at1o lo rr: h ric- thitv tnk &illSearemiurl.lz<1yiz
tlaint. Setat>o es okIteulae aght in the thteatricadaastuu of-AtnlNio . 1.MaltilEpes ..........7; atDl
INTER-COLLEGIATE, aly receive n8300,000. IDuritta her is s ilthits fevetuiigownttat opnyhuuihesktn play- ct GPIuaaeanr... t
Iw ;Mt niestlasa}m-life time .\hrs. Steiwart sass nuble inetrss will htiesettthie nost etuartmitug of NSit . 2. fMaila Txri.'ceuc.ii i
iieri-hisag mte' 's it tl tuea. .............S a i p . mi.
losas Ssute I thehespeaetacoeuduuie's, "sYot ut: tcccPassen'r 'Tolada Accutuit .ti. i3.i
itasittttt ulass for tprolessors thretier chasrities, attdl her twilletets Lthe It."'it the (GrandutOpera hoIluse. -'iia nd eimi betwteent 5ittiAttic' nit
titis s'ekmoncre Itha $4,ooo,ooo, si gathery of I(CstitiualIty chartingit t. ilc'ys apa-Tld ny
valutatble painatings antit ailibrary oiftge c uutufi(bttckt cta A lTl rins D,5ino-dtexcepituu "
At Hhat-ivard fur ifty=a-cars ic arn ucisoita aitsriI o o to tuettuAmeurictanisttuguettis seasui ttc Ai''iit tiivcciu
3 ar bok ndilanscitstoloalocupytttta ss tutu u aittac iiitheihetsuutt 11. iBENNE.TT i, it. S. oGREE-Nsu'utuct
stmoker Itas grschtatedhasi tht ivrcthon- Iintstitationts af learning ati chtutrtclioittohutsaof I telegititute toI tie uGe. Ptass. Acetc, tcacl Attic.
cirs cii his clatss. uciacities. 'Thretteox libranrv acts udraiti as titas hithecrtut ieu'hertict t.t
'Iter ar iity to hecita -ocrs .;ao,oo andthIte picttire gallheryvandLapse if tycurs secems tnsver tou mni
libtrary. Sirs. Stesasrt teases stltiers, tattut i tiinfitthu proucietiono 0e pnt cdmcjnosadett auda bu 5o0o A o ieI"i atv tiIt is AP
seiiors at Nate. . u itlictilt touualuyze Mutujstta scharmits, i
Nate sass taxed last yerrfocr the BUSINESS LOCALS. bcut pehapits thic gretatest is the usotnuit
fisttneTevaueopopryh y tenderntess thtt'ells uti iiw5ordi
fisttitu. I'tesclte f rotet Ncticen ineted ha this ctumnnacithicrcte tatiutt, aindiicefinauble essecesshitcht,f
isesdwa 00.o 0cents p eline. Specitua cite orlanger to omisuoite ta sell-knowss'coeuttlet, is AI "~T
assessed snas $45,000.tianud extatinaesuuittuetdhi'applyitigat fociuldinth le tuighit"shte is a.nvsomnt,
LlainatStantford jr. hiss a co-ott- the DA0 fiucatIiteoeeuittehvd, tteiep
erative society optenito1sttudetasnt Andti et lterofylekwil ear ounrced isionof Itostinitolis originual, ic that it
sti it beterityenwit befauid ttrepresetuts her as yeartnitng, nigh hove-
itstructors at $2-5o a share. town. Yati sill cay they tire site-half sick, at th~e-opettitig. of the lay, svhet __________________
At Oxford thuree scholarships, one- the pri choupai orthm.le mire stonthler thosahitads are fotitdat
Mak&Stni.sprightly atnd as yet iitrecking of J . NSN SO~
of $175 said to of $200 a year for Ladies of the U. of M. wtill fitid it .love's tf"ing. _ This season Modjeskt'L TMOc OS
three years hiase beettawsarded to greatly to their adviattage to call irnnus, is surrountded swith a ecnmpatty utniform- State Street Grocers,
when-itn need. of Clpiks, Dress Goods, Iv strotig, withoot ia siiugle steak spot Stndcentsptrongeespeiallyoiieh.
wvonton. or Fancy D)ry Goods. Maek & Schmid. it its comtpositiotn.245STESRE.
1f 24S".TT SRE.c.

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