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February 01, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-01

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Al . 1i liI

Voc. I-No. (,).

traction in the course of the Stu- Committees of the Mock Congress.


The Mockridge Concert.

_____- (dcnts'ILectur e Association woitld be
''llhc concert, Saturday evening.
0 Oe f hemot jyast ~Onl I ebruarsv5 a lecture by ex-
ISenatoi John J. Ingalls. ' le C10o-
seisue respects, that itas been giv en ratlUnion wil ivtne t concert, as-
in I il cisity Halt either this or last ssetb N s(eeca ouo
ya.It ssa.s not of a swear isomuc Bishop andi othtcrs, on IFebruary 1 2
Si ad tse comsipaniy cerysen- inst on the r 5th, IPaseresvski, the
itacitsedto respiondsito tht-i 'it ~ n ~ans ta asee


t~i~ itf aimiiteit fewisin the acidi-
e toscurecanieccei. The
prme ipogramtll was lpurposestlsitae
1(iiiiii ii liitosatisfy tiosec sho ihias
ic so111C'eeiiii.5s eitertainimenit.
IC isetiesrsit thescomipansy tsar-
iig ~ renmsi . ',Iticire52le sit
one attemp tiiurinig tteeiing tos
forc asieciei candstit wsa, very
-i-i' try reukedIiilisthes'sinoseec.Mr.

cisitedt Amserica, swilltgivearc ia
tie trioceedts frisisiscis Isil sites
turnuedsitotit'e si-cats' ',- iii isisisis I
Meecing of the Athletic Boaru.
The Atthtetic Itoard it iItmseet ini
AlphtasiNsustallSaturdtas moriii iii
The treasurer retportedithiiat theirc

Speaker II. IH. Parsons, oif the
iiock Consgress, has appoiniteil tie
fotlowving comimsittees:
1.Etectisons-icketts, tPnttissoi
ansI Ross.
Ways andsi teaiis. ---- Busrke,
tIsirtiss, Halt, tReardton, asns Nichi-
;; kp~rprations.-liTowle, lid -
less sack aisdlMosies.
4- Judciary.-ILyosso, Iarson,
2 ltski sipail Cisiaesii- ---I~i>
soni, lsoeb anditParker.
6. (;rsiiiics.---Ktii, icketts
ins Towssle.
7.Ricers anistI lartbors.----Smiiitti,

i I,
( z"t,
p a l.

wa bu oiltetesr oSo .After tie gensuine a-1Chpa ndDae
ic sad susiidest, andi it 55a15seeis tiegini the Isase-bitt seaiison. I tic it Nricist tire.--Adtter, Ilalt
St sas the sGisti sitthe comnisiy osissiittee harmy ius s-ti-ie thme iase- Sielt
1.0 restpoindttisesicosres, afw a lt l esnttcitertaiiiinmet, his iSiis taikc I.Foiresin .ffairs. -- Strauss,
colsiper studienits islvariossprs pla~iicNtsMtsatrch sissepotiedsatistac-i Dlncitactk isnstI Jlt.
iw hall extibIiitestves-c rc tastetory1) rt'i>ss.'sixteen liishliscis o. NIMitiittr- .ffisirs. - -- LIh

insi iimngtesaipmis sispis it
r isis tsii siti ~~l 1 ii h
se -uita n siti s to N Ih e s l ip p d t h a t i t
I ' 'n cItit t he I -scisr tes 1si 1t01
ct1111 lie fssrmier tisissesses us
is (Sirsf etisve sass vice, ansI sins
tS tlperfetfreectotsiandcteasce.IHis
pisicrfiit iotes fitted the vast isicito-
iiihus soslit"She Alonse Cli iiitt i
Miv Sasidiess"tbeiing estpecially isell
rciv ibcl yiithe audisieince. NIiss,
Boctsfosrs, the violinist, is a superior
playeri andl execustedsl endetssouin'
issiccirto svtthssniothiness andsin ii
isis. tHer iiotes wvere veryclctear andst
her fingeriiig accutrate.
Ntr. Nockridge sins evidiently issa1
ini good viiice.Ilie is a singer of
great poiver, and liihisiuciation ivas
rcitt.rkably clear. Mirs. Silitois
piisssses a siveet voice, but tier
rainge vas linitted. I-er best nuim-
bcr ivas lBeethoven's"traise the
Redeemrs Goodness." The last
siumber of the program, thse"Trio
from I Lombardi,' was perhaps the
finest of the evening, but its effect
sras somewhat marredi by the confu-
sion created by those wvho were leav-
lug the 'halt1, a practice that- should
bse avoided as moth as possible.
:after the tenth number, Professor
Stanley announced that the next at-

1 ullocr Me leaucisailp m .\i1. jov I (,iifi(in 'Ind hlihil

sic prisdscng ciregusarlyt 1h c(ii
iiitteeionithe [c l s ls inutchi
ll is Sisirepor t iprogrisi s , ut
bois g ssn''di iwrestlinig ciiii
AtliciAssoiaition ofiShSilI iii r-
its sfit \sssosssninisting' the lI'
sit Ni tis participt it lshissormastions

Icr1l II siIt I1tIIi II
ste alldisuiss.
is.Tesit, ic5s.-i t t ,Sm h

tMailed to You
Throcugh Your
' .lawfsssmi rrui-s ,of Finet lin
tt~.1 'ir Scieisitiiics'ladl-'s.
si-s1011 issis lsse tiilissiMeropoltan5tyl
ini Shos ,iiiii500t 1 i t.lsu iss isassAiIn issis~
R1FY FE&@., pr d
I Ei'11)1, IH
(liss. 8tssslltu' & CO.
arc suit ; Ilip it pccatlc cc-
d5Cilcd picesti c ic
andis tces.
Cehc§. Speller & .
S. STATlE S it E El'.
ANN Aittlili.
Monday Eve., February 1, '92
And tier sirs company of players in Shake-
rper 's cersedy
Sale of seats ope" Fridaya&V9 a. us. Orches-
tra, V..%; OrrebsetatCircle, $1.25; 11aicotty. $100ii.

of ass inter-- nil tguateauletic l aueiiic Strauss 1a1n11Smlith.
emiibracinig tile uivelrsitie ssitf N icl Ii 1'6. Nianufactuing i'. --- N I os secs,
gals, Wiiscosinsii, :Mimisiesstai aniS pi~atler Indl Ricketts.
Nosrthssesterns unicersit.Itits pro- 17. iines ansI Alining---hart,
isosedt to o itld nisassual ielit itay, Chapmianl aiidtKun
indst fiisIormiia fsost-tbailIleaguie. i5.Eduction. -Chapmaisns Par-
'Ihe iiiatterws re ferrcsd tos icoiii kciriiittNitchots.
niittee fur farther invei-stigastiosn. I9 1nsi Nitiss ns
'Tie hoard tainis learnethti-t the aiidIiBurke,
S. L. A. expecteti tois er ro N i litia.i--Sternm, Lricbutisi
$r1,5cc to $2,0cc soteci toapply51for IN alt icc
a pio~n of the suctp1us tim aist ill; I, ensios.s cifini, ItBurke
the suipport of time bail tca.111 iiis11n01.

'hPierinacetons Fooi~t-allAssocia-
tion tins appropriatetd I ccc fsr a
sew college infirniary.
"'Mr. it.tI. Reagan tinstbegunl
this nmonth a series sif illstrated
lectures at Chickering Hail, Newv
York City. His audiences of the
5th were of the highest and most
cultivated order. It is unnecessary
to state they were thoroughly well
pleased with the magnificence of the
views and the delightful character of
the lecture."-Taleel. Mr. Reagan
gives the last entertainment in the
S. L. A. course.

22. Rules. -Reartdoin, Lyons stud
23. Printing. -.iarsoni, Lipsson
aini Steria.
24. Coinage, Weights anod Meas-
ures-Ross, Reardon, Hiatt, Drake
and IDellenback.
25. Accounts. - D~rake, Shiaw
and Adler.
26l. Imnmigrations-Holt, Stern
and Lyons.
27. Columbian Expositio.'
Spitzer, Dellenback and Strauss.
28, Merchant Marine and Fish-
eries-Curtiss, Hart and Holt.

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