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February 01, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-01

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34 of P ait Pu ,biation re bright aP a good pat
t + f 4~,of lie work diplayed alhows merit
wxothy of a stff writer on oit of the
Publilshed Daily (Sunday excepted) during older papers of this class. Blt to coi-
the College year, at
THEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN, timde ini the seie rtitmterely gWives
T~lEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN. evidene of a lak of unor. Since
OrrICI: Timex building N. Pain st., oppoite its first tuiiier the editions of
post office.
--- rinkle have apharenty fotiid it cec-
EDITORSesxtry to rdictle the women f the
C. D. CAR, r. L. J. F. T1sAS, '7.
S. E. KxsreN, '5. . iR. Sims, 's9. LPiversity simply because they are
w. 'i. lIdenuESs, hiE . L. Cclxxxi, '5 L "co-eds." Perhaps this is inteided to
MeANAGINGI EDITORI coivey the "otese of ones twn stiler.
G. .liAnISO, '55 L. oriy," as Jamies L. Ford defnes liii
JtrISNSS3SANAIERt oe, but it has the apiearne of be
L. c. W'iKEii,'so. ing aii attack made because te op
ASSOCITE EDIORS ponents tre inot in a position to iiake
L. A. Pratt, '9O . P1 Heath, '0 P a public defeise. Sice the (ourt
C. A. lioughion, 'St . . E. Sherman, 'ti. Jeter's first siles brougt glness
I. C. Buck, 'S Pl. l. iB. Gammon, '98a. to a back room owned by Damin&
IF. A. PMier '9G Ii. Rt. It. Reilly, '95b
i, C. Faulds, '5 it. J. iL. Walsh, '55 P. Walker and aroused a genial warmnth
Susannah Richardson, 'SO ii the neiglitoettod of Newberry
The suscriptin pee o the Daily has Ball, Wrin11kle has thrown mut at the
been rduced to Silt0 in adeice for the ret
oh the year. Leave susriptions at the Ladies' Home Jornal and has abused
Daily office or with P. C. Pieer, U. ohfPh the uscibers of the staff of that apr.
Rewa Stand.
______________________________No dobt Etward WV. lik dill kill
Through tile kindness of Seretary fP-rty-six imeii hiionie foottall seasoms;
Wsatie the Daily wiii hae a bulletin pertisitS Ruth Asimre occasionally
boarii'n the main hll. t willle falls to imention the fat't that slit is
plceed ner the tdoor ttRoom A ntl ahwys glad to hear froiiioie of he
will be isetdftr announcing t'nive- 'Wrinkle boys; bnf 'Wrinkle's editors
city news aitt for similar' puepoe. soutld overlook these sitall triors.
- --- t woiuldP be better fortemi to send
The attitde taken byiteunie coil their kindly-iiieant advice to the Str-
troling fraternities iii the annual ballti Publishing Co. by personal letter,
matter is far faron geitlenmia ly, to etiliziig the lopitr's colimtns mire f or
say thre least. They tttitly sekiowi. fresh imater ihan fr this "aiit so
edge that the motioni tf the Regets on antI so ot" wict is grwing ilb olwdt h etr n oenlmntr sadscei"e
yet they refuse tn come out like mten to borrow' and expression from a d-
anid say' so linurally acd fairlyp. It cision handed down in 17 Csper'.
is act unpleasant pill for thieii to sal- Whitney, 124.
low and we exteind our synxiatiies5
but no amonit of whiting or beating At the Alpha Nu Tonight.
about the bushy will ellp their side of TeApaPiSceya hi sct
the affair. The Regents have decreed119tngtwilis'. herofcs
temprarly hatthe se f te, ym-that were elected last week for tie
nasliun is to be denied for private second semes~er. ate nexv oficers
functionsx; there is iothing to dslrove
are: President, Romutimio Atais;
am assiuption that they wiii hold a vice tpresti, MISS :icictt Garnmer;
foxy executive sessions at some future
to and take an entirely different secretary, Leonarc L. Retick; treas-
stanxd. Their actioix at the Janary urer, H. Geismcsr; librariai, C. .
meeingdos nt eemto hae godChubb. The program that will be
faith toxard the annual bll coinmit- given is as foloss: Addresse, old
tees if, as Is alleged, the latter hd and new president; music, Miss Sea-
paid the suns of $100 asked for the bolt; paper, Mr. Smith; vocal solo, MIr.
use of the Gyinnasium. It would Gesg; reading, Mr. Sinos; inper.
have harmed no se if the matter sonaton, 'Mr. Iubin. Social,
had been postponed until after the Match-Safes Distributed.
Twetieth annual ball But the coi-
nittees in charge of the bhall can At a meet ag of the Athletic Ast-
show nothing in this to excuse the ciatioii yesterdap' silver nathi safes,
snobbish and discourteous position'umade by W'ight, Key & C'o., of De-
hop' have hiken since the decsion was trit, sre presented to eact member
given out. They will not go to De- of thio 'varsity football team for
trit this year, neither wiii they join 100-.0
bonds silk the . . C. ('ub to hold The souvenirs are of handsome do.
forth at the rink., Why then do they sign. One side contains the nanme of
not put aside their chidisness and Ie player neatly engravedx'ih hs
extend a frAk selcome o their fel- position, the oiler side bearing an
lowstudents, mnuking the best of he nuieled yelloxv and blue lag, as a
inevitable? inatue football iii enamel
There are a fexv hings xhic he During the second semeter the lab-
editrs f Winke hve et o larnoratory of general chemistry xwill be
"edtor ofWrikl hae yt t (ernopen to studens both forenoon and
and one of these is thatk a mosy st fenoTeewows oscr
ing does not add to a good joke. tbles should apply ealy.
Many things in Mihigan's humorous t;P. . FREER.

M.t E.t hutch,(",-iiideix M1 Cobern,
liliticisili" evenimng tol-de "The Itithleii
M Aan of the Heart.' One seek trout
ellis eveing Heiiry' Ostx'im, Phe cole-
brated evangelist, xvilb.'ygiit revival
mseetingso in the Mtliodist church.

topic, "The Simliicity of the Chiristitan
Fife." 12 mi., Sumnday shool. 6:30 ip.
iii., Y. 1'. S. ('. R. 7:30 p. in., Yoti
Mlen's Sumnday Eveiiing Club, subject,
"A Popular Misconception."
1'rte. byterin churchi-10:30 a. us.,
"Behold the, Kingdomn of God is With-
hin Yen." 12 in., Sunday school and
Blible C'lasses; 0:30 p. mi., C. L.'Mils-


Services in She nexx-Behleheisisoinary exveinig. 7:30 p. i., a: re-
chumrch:-iloi S. PFouthlaxe., 1Rev. J. Neu- viexvow oseo hneeme iai i
lil~lilhislo. vil it'hihi i lentm ai college touvn for not accepting
10:30 a. in. a. mi., toptic, "The i11,1,1tit i-st
xwhamt this'xxuv in tl nd hle sea sop'y," The city Younmg :Mens Chriistiman As-
"DirMant ieit Wid tmulDee "-- tociation -meet dinn'their rootmis on
horsm ,,In." 2 i., undy shoo. Main at. at 2:45 tomotioxw. A short
(i;30 p. mi., ptrayer miniig ifth ie aod'eso xvllh be given by one of Antn
('ll'itldi iulaxo Soiey hel p' heAihtor's .promninent business ieenon
psttor. 7:30 p. iil., regitlairserxdce. Iosbet "'lciBn l ~1
Ini St. Andrewv's chuirch iext Siu' ronizei 11e met''iingopniso xithia
tp ,morixing, PRex. H-enry- Tathock xxill fifteenmilinuxte somig serxice. The as-
coiltinue his pre'seinttion of Chishtan."oeiation is bteconming a very polihi'
Unihty. In te ex-eing thtere xwiiilho'eiteetinig place, fort' youiig ImenitoniSil-
futll chortil serx-ice -ihout sermnon. dlay atfternhtoi, 133 being isresemit last
- Sunday-.
Evangelist tnugo-(Axvill preach at the' NOTICE.
Chixrchi of Christ Sumnday moriliug acidItt sould be a great acconmuodation
tveniiig. Fie xvill aspeakd si "The Sipir- to hiear froms all of the senior its xvho
ihuootPio"'in heulomuigant itiRave not replied in reg'ard to caps and
"Har Z~ldln"il he eel-g gowns. W. C. Bt)PST,
"Iteit lehiion iiitit' t''eung.Chairman.
B~othi asubjectsxiii be illmstrated six
the lachoardSubscribe for the Davy~.

Rlex'. 'T. Ws. Younimigxll preach ad
10:30) ott"Searchingctghio Scriptures."
Sunetsy schooil at 12 in. B. Y. P. P.
t (6:30. Preachitg by theitpastor ah
7:30. subjet, "'Thie' Pligin for
Yotung Mten." Seats free. All cor-
Services at Ohio CongregmtioctaL
church Sucndiay xill be mm folloxws:
10:30 a. ni., preachiti by Ohiopiastor',

Cincinnati, 0
I cist my vote for the University of
Michigas, Ass Arhor, PMich., in thie con-
text for the $1,50 lathe, whtichi you nifer
to pceet on Matrch, 1, 1896,,tm the techni-
cal school receiving the freatest number
of votes.
V'otert Full Name---------------.
Street No . . . . ..----------------
{Voters mast be as leapt fifteen years
old. Ladies cannot vote hut 'may aid is
securing votes.

Your Money's Worth.
'The editors of the Daily desire to call special attention
to the fact that the paper wll be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinationis of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange-
mentj enables them to keep's fully informed on, University
affairsdurinpcommencement week.
The Daily is] not a7 cla ss publito;-cation;-,it is devoted to
the, whole University, and gives the news of every depart-
ment. Itais the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating to- thissinsti-
tution and happenirgs in the college world.
The Daily will be doliv rltd at your door or mailed to your
homse address for the ren ander of the year (until June 25,'
1896) for $1.60. Leave yonr su~bscription at the Daily office,
at Meyer's News-Stand, 46 E. William, ortwith anymember
of the Editorial Board.

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