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February 01, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-02-01

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THEII;U. 01? i1. DAILY.

1ime Table (Re-iced) Nou. 18, 1894.
\4alnl edFc __-350 M ail ------
NY. Special---.5 15 NY.Special__.
P,'.sernEx---_..10 25 N. S. Limited.-.
A . . Pacific RE --
Atlantc- E,___ - 7 47
FuN.Fpressc--- 5 40 Weterll E--.
G. 1. I-cores--11 05 (,'ll. Nt.. Fe-- --
(i. IW llia11o, I. XW. Iluce ,
GI. 1. &T. A;;i., (ililcaca. Act., AnuiA
Takil e ctcciSuinday, Aug. 1, 1x94.
rrni1ae Anns Arboron 0i li-ell
7: Ic. il. 7:I5 a. cIl
12:25 p. i . 11: 0'0 .i
4:15pi. i 9:00p.111.
'risrnbetiieeniAce AirborcandiT
A911 riinii daily except Sunday~.
lW. 11. IIENNETT G. P. A. Toleidii (.
Time Table, October 7, 1894J
Lieec YIiilanilfrom tiiiiressi St.,7:
an ii11:0:i. mi., 12:45, 2:15, 5:CII, 6,45,90
10"'ke p.in
LeavecAiiii Arbor .Jiiict in, 730.9:3
Li-avi: pilntiifromi Ciongrcess.l.. l
5:(R,,0f:10 a-ad 9:0uh m
heave Aim rbr Jiiictioii, 2:1x), 4:0
IU iruiaoiiicityliit ime ~e iincl;Ii
ForlEsiiythiig audEierylboliy.
COUSNS & HAL, flrists, ' io

INTER-COLLEGIATE. Iiiicoell ccill offer a. couc in thlStdiy; BUSINESS LOCALS.
if roclas (IIt't l l ty),.toin lcludii lit I NeticeaInscerted in this cilamn at the v-ate-
iiatorl occiirrelici-ifof;-of i e t s per lie. Special rates for at -I
i~es ltleilCl hiii-i-hov "icelic tt- !ntrlocrv eofrcs oo h iliac, ad etrcalinecs rrehd by apply ili
I ili iiiiieillli~ll iiiliii 1c1:i iiNl~icc liiil0i0(. Iiiiplrlili~ii ofjlat c the.lit Ahe Lt.sii iillce1
ti111tmicyellopicalcst1dy-cof ilIflenr ail
41 i i Ilih cv lto f lol,751loof iuccc-ilci etiy i 10011 cr1cIleth intihe1W aily.
9 oh I Hii oIIpkinic I nive-reity dli- ae 11nd -ock; i-haracteiticseof liililiii Aic y-ot illiitni-d o'of iii--iurlict-n
clo !stnics; readilig if specili lllnilgrlilci l-il aclcaso li --mtclasseft(.C, iiet l
lIw-moii-ll 1dleartmenti . liave talen (codogye1I 111d Oil-ralliii ; :V-gue 11111k lliinderiy,-,\o1.) 1N. Min
NO TICES. 1'iIicltcd -Uiih 101 cc e., and11 they ccill lit c3iii1lOlt inifirst
111 Coursci 4 of Politicail lcciioilly Illi1 ;-i)c-N-.lll ilicilel cet.
tred l-riniile of fleie-ni-ceu- of l-iiuaiic )- --, - For hoarders advelcrtii ise ntD ily.
c-ici-n iii b- iiiiiilci-ii--Ica- Qiia i -C. 11NI-1. lace Stud(o.ns Now c i he e tiUm-
- S-ecti I 'il iim-i-tloni3IMonidays at.:;7 Ili I ii, Course_'.1Ic)- theliii- ci ii to.-chal-c your lleculr-" boundi, soilif
i.1), . insteadi1 of at 27p. i.11.. lie stoiledl;ciclulclii liith c ill Xe lioliie -i-d ii he yon eich a fiucttilace job lt a liii ii
iii 1111 :iiint aiillieiclt. differelit E clioc ccwill be -as followcsc: lto thi: Artiguc Bookl ' Iineuy, 1.; N.
11 YIN Sc. c uIiccLiM .I sO.dd pll: al 1utuslilile It S.Pie rm25cnsil
\get; ,11 initaion, t) he ~al 101)( f eec.II I 910- lTnce lhi Plautu3Thei ci.adveisn1011721 i-Iicrlin 0.
I uui .icy. lil,._lNI. aiiflNXI l
gici-il ililiiihe iGymni um Febii 1cl. 15 ccill f0cc. I li1-i II Ic 111( 1 0'Illi5111 llliiliec. 'city I istei-l11y.
1 , Tcl i eec. u5 Lcy ll1.: l lll . ii_
R 'be lii lr- ooni. .Xlpli-luioel ilsollld be Seci.TI'v -3 tcclcc, Ailr:lciau ililli l>- T XAS MEXICO NDCALIFORNIA1
maeno atrt - lFr) 1 irii:l.iey 331,x. XXIII.landX LV. TEXASs
01 lor1. o-. \1 l-ia-ilini Ibiy. Bkc. I I iandI XI I.
1111 ci-couci9:00ece ciii i 'c 11 11 eNi-clon 11 vy, Blis. Lad -c iX iiici i cXc[.i cili Ii I. 7ci
an is A N 1-houri1. c-illsliin offcri 111li-C Iinlt cciii- N -iolc r1111 3, n laconnectioni wito terii . lla iWli
iiiil cecticntIr. canlbellacdiferentrthout if
,0) an 71d - ia o tudentsit lilli -tl- c dcc i. e iiiiteii 1 V" 1101- ;Ialn& Morct tain riiSo tero alway,,1
Ex)Pi . ;. Slalrlil-aticeilli bei o iffer cged i l ilffiSt dent af ccclil wi lbe u d r he iisc 113- 11 fsd i-n-;-TexashcflcPacitic bailcell, Internatioi-
takle.th cureclreuetedlif(011-h rde'. A,.th 1boos 1to1)E, sei n aly tlo ly8 ret r he rnotilro adn~, lni.
rcpt Tan .1).1. . 1. 1 lot- LVNI). for suoel w r ot.cieclll10 inii Cillsti 1, la~edI inlsecrvice t thcroughifirst cbtss-
. tlct-ii;iliil-rc..1ilcIl ; l bu11-t ec et-c o10takle Courc- 23 11141 cc- {leepin ll tr andl tourist l -7 pin car-
t vlnwocec to see-_ll. Mheadei-ior lulo ac l eatcing Chicago daily at 1 - .10 a. 1.,.
RS Icril clonttholdlelave-their11(Z
s111111'ieslposileli- n111111 iii ,00tiie 111:- ia c-eSt. 70u1s to Little Rockt, Malvernc
nameslci, lhc osubject of hiriloraltIiion:,
5 ii -1111 iii ca-cle uc- r-pieclt eila 1.chloice, of-se 1111ion iso Ital itbokclan1 lie !(Hlot NSprings), Austin,,1. Sa1n .0.10111:..
11. Qularles at Itie I'si I ll ueby lFct. ((1-id I 0.N0N)_lN-ard-eheo Ihre O1III-ii

t ii orauonsc shouldbol 1:- Il-uolillinb,; 1 11-_' . LCA..NDA17 mae t cil hi-hough sl-ipinig car fur
1111 11)11. the Ciy of 'Mexico), 1 %'a:;;, Lui-
J..II. Q,_ lLllN ie 1-ri., 1-eb. 2. hhocri Ililllli l cI m-rtAnigele.siandtSan Fraincisco. chic s
C n Leaf iu c eigholeiu011loUiversity 1ha11. i the only line trocmChiicagoi wulch cali
Lo b givn in th_ Gymnasum Feb. 1., 1S., Fb.1-il. . Mc (11. 1. 1I)'w ilio hlofer this exceletsrie --I c
1~ i~ t 11119 ci~ll lot litt Illli tiI)Al5. 17. churc-h ati32 ill.. oli"ThI- wcrite io aniy ticket agen l .Itl -,.1171 a
1 3. I.((SI-M Temptc c~atiloncef laciel. 011511hor connecting lines far r i-iltelf
lel I b st 111., el.371.leiIce . 1-. . lnuc ilul nI'atter shcoccing time, roulte, iato,. 1.71-
AV leskeiniidthe Toletdo, fliu hoard to'ieditors focrIce(4(9-Ic eccec u i 111.Nbil rption of ears, etc., or
submi tosawkeepensitheifociiicl honec SAlissitas in Iocwa."C. N. ClIA.N, (6. 11. & '. A.,
St. Louis & Kansas t yR1. 1., rc.'ui c1tc-colol li oioeng Sun., 1-eb. 1._-Ilic. A. .1. o lrricy , I ;OSi
lieClover Leafltoiite, "Fast ebel lrprlc-1i17(cciolesdnofNorDmUnvriyI I..A L"JEAstG.1A.
Line' for St. pLouiesl IfdNith-eIsaerio1ui, hrumoro-u.s.or.1sentimental, 0.UA.
LousMo. aid 1c ceioisliiiiorcic li ectiicit-l atwill spear: all S. Illilopl-. lcurch-Il ! '12071 N. CIlcek sI., Cliet cn . l
West and Southwest leaves T - Cnot 1morcct111111f7i0) crordseaeuicl e igil i :_0__.____
leido Union Depot at 5 . 1:)2. froiclaiCe, noabtIcexceeud 710(50)cc (1'119i11l c..ri., F u. 17. Ni-\ i u 11n111 Alliliali Advertise, illthe Daily.
ltoi cl i ull eig-clisur i-ovc ni t11 itlic
uailyc, arrives New Unioi ii l I, T'Balof tIuc l-uuiiticc 11 W'Vi 1111In lr
the largest i(ine ccodd), Nt. uBage ye~:t e, 1fllg i i-ourbde l ( mnluailill. iuiii ITl A~ u i
Liseicietililuatiiag legal1Ic-i-ils. Xleiuiei-c of ii, ii . . 0.AuBreSH I uuc1Til
ANN lie ciliceS.mLce\ihico ululle :cnitiihiit
C~ONNIECTION WITH ANARBOR te eirIweas11, otiue111olteAoilngisin O
foi- eomcpetition iaul essa11oru uluccic s, 1 i i uu-Mlnot ~ qlcili- 1(
aud lMiciuigauu Centrallines1at1cc it l'mediig ccii0wrdsilcliiceglli 1111 N:1.0MI' 71Lf ICIiONS.
Toledo. 2,701 HOT SPRINGS, ARK.,1
ally legal toic~. fI'lici cr%110)decsirueIco XNce ccant 1to lily stamup iiolectuon-s
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free comipete for liii ligallecsay" uri- 1e- Iand il 11l lly 111011for thlsil c t 1.1onTEXAS,
aind Vestibtileduleeplesccith- (uel d ohElilthermms lreceipt if trice ackeduis 19 cii ctor I ciL.-NG LE
lilt clangc. ntthiria1c,lb-fori Fctlr.1. Colectionse chould buc sent by regis-
.011 other conitribiuioscshuld bel Ien cc-I eed maiil or emhicee ccitih letter ninli-; 'NI)
c.c..-.J E4i l"-b1INS, icerlhanded cith tl cilnuu es tlio 1D1. log lprice lude eparate- ccvi. Al'C SAN FRANCISCO.
{gleeal Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. F. Ol S ll lihianl;ill,: i to11111 Ic l I send 1-112superli uior p ovll siheetslcoIire - cr e tv exais 111d1C(aliforn ia ,l Ipili0
4 "eclule. by Alailh 151. Illollsilll lelricec. iCal- line.
DIETAS & SCHANZ, F FI.lulX. XX. . CI0XlI-N17&(o.,
qu~. oa 3 0 A I O R I~i111 i(, 1- cu-ililI ld u:1Ic i r otuci. lliainuo, S ii.s
l~ts n etsyeso oeg n o THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS..
mesliet ool et Istlss alend firsaidfae uigra d haDiy ieo
wcorka guaranteed. Cleaniiag, pressic.m-ud ,AlffI~l NW i 3IL9c LI171 i
eatl ealaedcie. ete~s i u ieiIh ~ *FOR A111LEG11WS IaI. -Iii4:'1l SS ii-le Ii hytullrom
411 . Slate sI., Se coIlo AniArhai UULLLUL AG T LREOTEXAS,
22 Years in the Busines ~ I uVa Litlleritc-k. 3lvie 1, Texrka, Pa -lul-
- 1 1etieccliiad SaiiAntoio. l'a.cseeagers
CITY LAUNDRY, -T H L 1111 lst Spriagshlucc iilyonicne ciuealtrs
itt pi gs a 1: 0 a. in. ix hou r1-icc
M. N. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. T qui1111 ctt Iiiagb csleeping car line lbetween
Ii ,~f j/3 tlicl o ael Mlvrn .'lsoidaily lheelf
MERCHANT TAILORINGfr! U)®Id®II.;audslre eigCiaoii a
Cleainig, Pressiagad Ilepaiii J 7 L d 11 lleil i li cmiiillt e
done neatly by A ngei-es, Cli.
A~fI. CUOINEAL~c 6,E Waliigtiii Xil be delivered at tiheyour room the remainlder o ' o hu ilr, i liute aiiilfall infiritlilll
u CAST 11U110N1STRIEET. tilt college year for only.HALE50A.
hoedVailk Guiriiteed. beads called for lllclleiiiil'IC- .1t raPi ls. Al
gid delitered. A.. F. COET, Proip.N C IA
ANN ARBOR U E S 0 . S NI1Iteb~t 01111 E+ ICI ~ii lar t.,CICuAGOI
STEAM DYE WORKS. atFofe' esSad . H.. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh,
Lies dcad Gents' ClotiClteuaed At Daily Office, Times Blocka tfltSN tn, C.'m..-ir. Ant. Pmoe. & Ticket At.
or Dyed. ,Ice. 7th ave.ad Smith- 717 Madisoa at.,
3W. HURtON ST, ANN ARBOR. or at Paul Myer. State St. , News Stand 1114iel t, itill cm, I'm, Tioledo,0)

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