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May 06, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 159) • Page Image 7

…WElDNESDAY, MAY G, 192 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _._ THIS LASSIFIE lAMCOLUMN CLOSES CLOSE$ AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. TAILORS c .i ; Laments War Talky HER MAN THlE TAILOR $25-$30-$35 SUITS 402 South State Street . ; . =LQ ST .1. t ' r--y' ;. . j r'""'....1 v^r. ^ . _._.e... 7_ ,,, 'Try our Chieese Ch i cken Thaidurg Sand wiches4 We deliver Kew~pee Pho. )GIG I LO§T---Llev.elyn setter, grey with1 black spots. Return to Dr. McK...…

May 06, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 159) • Page Image 8

…VAO1M PTGHT DAILYOFFICI'AL BULLETIN' Publication in the. Bulletin is constructive notice . t all members of the University. Copy received 2)a tir Assistant to th. z'es'dent until 3:30D p. n0(1:30 a. mn. Saturdayh Volume 6WWDNESAY, 3MAY 6, 11925 '1w~br 159 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thomas J., Dudley, Har old W., D~uncan, Russell E., Finkleman, Max, Fores- ter, John A., Goddard, Edwin N.. Griest, Richard S., Hall, Robert L., Heath, Forrest A..,IHuf[...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

… Sir4i xil and . . y _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ EIGHT PACES ANN ARB~OR, MICHIGAN, TUE DAY, MAY 6, 1924. EIGHT PAGES .................... stfIrlA~rTV ans Recognition NGT IffUI OITINI5 I tdnsLav IIaP.IITT 0PE1~ HM UFj DEMOCRATIOM FORMEDY BER TTADIO LEI if N TTb RES AX S BSIUT GR AM PESDE ean:7 eathletes win 'coveted; mu f pace ;on the Ameican Oympic j411ffATfh HIT MLIOX~$l~TAX N)I1)AL RTE lillI)-- Isupporters in C.V. o ud...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ( FACULTY 2 COURSES International Acclamation Given Anatole France On 80th Birthday, ls Will Work In History And English Independent Of Classes STUDENTS STRONG INi HIESIE SUBJECTS MAY APPLY on creating new special courses department of English and his- vhich, it is believed, will attract pecially strong students in these tments was taken at the regu- ionthly meeting of the liter-ary y held yesterday afternoon. first spe...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…_______TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY t.1, zs- - Notices - the joint meeting of Portia and Adel- phi. Ada Mulholland, undergraduate rep- resentative, will be in her office after Read. The Daily "Classified" Colul INFERENCE REPORTS LION DOA SIFT AT THE THEATER Screen-Today LEGATES TAKE ACTION ?EW APPORTIONMENT OF MEMBERS . ON Delegates from the University to the eighth national convention of the Young Women's Christian association which i...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGA\NDILY_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ... ,.... s _. 'I, NEWSPAPER OF1?THE TERSITY OF IUCUTUAN j I ever'y morning except Monday, Ujniversity year by the Board in Student& Publications. of Western Conference LEditorial joiae Irssis. excluijvly en-~ this paper and the local news pub ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate granted by Third Assistant Post- neral. ion by carrier, $350; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Biang,'...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…THE ,MICHIGAN DAILY I UnIUEII rican Entrants To Circle, Globe- First, Says Pawlowski Greeted By Newly tadlo, Ballinls, venlenees ;POR.T JFNE RT WORK ON 2RI The American entrants In .what. has delevoped into an~ "Around-the- 'World" race for airplanes of all na- tions will no doubt be th'e winners in the opinion of. Prof. Felix W.Pawlow- ski of the aeronautical ei~nineering department. In spite' of the set-backs that have been encountered...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…THEMICHIGANDAILY a r-' ) NamC L ___ _. MW - , .11 - .. -4 BE.L TO SHIFT JUL6 FOR ORIO Changes Wilt Occur Before Meet ritli Buckeyes Here on Saturday E WILL RUN QUARTER; IBBARD MAY QUIT HURDLES h Steve Farrell will send a tely reorganized track team on .d against Ohio State when the ams meet Saturday in a dual t Ferry field. pite of the heavy mists that >ver the cinder oval yesterday on Steve Farrell put the men h a sound workout an...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

…THt MGcuGAN DAILY COLUMN CLOSES IAT 3P.M Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) 1525-M vs. Harrison-Owens, 179; Wright-Milduer-bye. 1. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES of 12e per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c pet e er more insertions. White space charged for at same arged only to those having phones. Ask about c'ntracts ising,> line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for tions, cash ina dvance. Minimum, 3 lines per in...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 8

…TH~E MICHIGAN ,t .Y OFFICIAL. BULLETIN In the Bulfletin is constructive notice to all members of ilty. Copy received by thle Aasitaiit to the President until (11:30 a. im. Saturdays TUESDAY, MAY (l, V124 Nmber 158 x£ ... IBusiness concernilng the annu-al picnic, will be taken uIT. Every mrrab r requested to be present. JH. 1. Tang, Chalrrnai. Physics folloQlui1: The Physics Colloquium waill meet at 4:15 Tuesday, Mlay 6. in Room 202 Physic...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…WEATHER All AND COOL TODAYI -ALIt 6 paArt On XXXI II. No. 157 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARDOR MICHIGAN, pSUNDAY, MAY G, 1923 TWENTY PAGES PRICE F] DOWNS, IlAME IN L BATTLE F rIIAJF OF SiENIOR CAPS AN D C (GONW.S STILL UNCALLED) FORj K E I Only one-half of the senior caps and, gowns that have been ordered have been called for and, according to George Moe, these remaining outfits must be called for immediately. As Swing-out is to be Thu...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA~N, SU3NDAY, MAY 6, 1923 jingostic nden ie in Literature A Demand for Dignity Richard LeGallienne, in a recent CARL GEHRING eminent biologists who tell nos with critical essay on the biblical re trepidation that the cream of our civ- searches of one Dr. Jastrow, cries outilztnisdngof.taperso in dispair, "Yhre fetish of emoray lzK"oni yigof.I apar o is ovioslyabsrd." Witoutat-The birth control s fervently ado- ...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…TE MCH>TGAN DALY________ city Wome ?morial Building Noyes hall, the gift of Mr. La Noyes as a memorial to his wife, I ewonmen' s building at the Uni- y of Chicago. The building it- ;onstructed at a cost of $500,000, dor Gothic; the furnishings be-y o nop particular period, but ar~e ay periods to simulate the ac- .ations of generations in an old ik ?Xfanor house. Some of the kings are fromx the Noyes homie ke Shore Dhrive, Chicago. adminstra...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TIHI MICHIGAN DAILY SSNDAY, -MAY I], 1D235 Among the Magazines By N.B. Gerbait Hauptmann, in the April issue of TIhe Dial, begins the story of "The Heretic o1 Soana", an eccentric hermit goattherd who dwelt on the top ot the Alps. ttaotinann's natme should be sufficient tidvertisemoent for any story. In the same issue is an exceptionaldilsogue tetwes n 'Smith and Jones", in the progress of whicth tihe'two tmen'Oattemnpt arson, and...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY ein date because of the ig-Out comes on Thurs. Brealis Altitude Record record for a plane carrying a load of Look over the values in the class!- Paris, May 5 .-(By A. P.)-Avor i v5500 ,pounds. rising 26,250O feet pie .-h~ ~uui .aw~day . uontard yesterday broke the =altitude j il iiteil1;1!Iii tii111 I; IIg 1i o1t l0Ii1I1B1i IIl d ii[9TESTS INCREA SE RELIABILITY OF 2 RADING SYSTLYUIL AWRES DECLARES Jus "Examinations aid ...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY.,MAY 6, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAEd THREE WAGNER'S RETURN A Review and an Appreciation Wagner returned to Detroit as glut ED'WXARD C. VAN H-ORNE 'n Teblat loe lieor th W5iva ious as ever, the beauty of is nilo- s. 5 't"'tan and Iold" given by th dies undiminished, the magc of his shrlivedxv)intetrtnte Oter Company, themes more enchanting. Stilt he is preude to the first at ~s av epeinly el tIsod ni's in ASei(si t Andt ) as Iildin lia M...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…[L MICI JIGAN D-AILY______ i Elatl r X FFJCIAL -NEWSPAPER 0OF THE UIVERtSITY O0 1 MAhGAN 'ublishcd every morning except Mond ig the University year by the Board itrol of Student Publications !embers of Western Conference Editoi « iation. L ack upon the observance of these sa-,11111-1 " I cred functions as the most brilliant:4 I' form the shining stars in a hazy back- ' / s11f,,,,/i.% ground of youthful memories, they are aythe links which ...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAEFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY G, I92 SprngMeans Light Lu Pis Daity slads PlcaentrrtoundEg EDITEI) BY SCOg baa civ ::u150~-. Rr:N2s: ow~n pro- arealasSrnesi ms. ad ih e lect tlrai erreov5 in ' ligchitsmtheybills qb check.. ,'fhe tqa. h]eypeserapcsothem'sands, honds raibing with iraoa a-VoUcher-s re .urnIed to SiCo but te ee rs ht with a long. streoag, coyt presure apr-g sut hict seems to open hearts andi to lay then sare in duirst of S...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…THIE MICHIGAN DAILY I and jiunior class baseball rill not be heldl tomorrow, nit of the MIiChigan1-1owr who are plan~ning to try out las baseball teams are re- turn out for the next prac- ie tems will be chosen soon. nid juniors' practice at 4 nday and Wednesday after- Palmer field, while sopho- I freshmien practice at 4 .iesday :an Thursday af ter- als for the Senior Girls' play eldi this weelK as follows: ersa group yat4 o'clocki 'lees- ;c...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY , 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACif": Vr Maiteus and College Enrollments t=, 'iian a -ort' o too'NEWXELL BEBOUT Ifco,?oeifr lsrts into sight. Ed- hr c. a gitell 5 e;i b s r< Cie c it r'_ i, say soh 1)be'o at ie culture eve It)h!_ , ,I ou ec lis _a: itil h ct, rt en l it pratcailty (A ;r-a' I a ( rU 5 c ,r r 1 atd pills) . * t th P 7opra t 'L i it- s'onthat I , t 1 o2 'ut r v uhndbthe- P \a i iir Oe rth ti . d there _.i t.wo ., a w e . ...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

… ... \ - . . y w.«.. !. .... l a I 0'- ----. \.,ti-'J .:. . ;: M . .- --"- rY. IVE HINIMS T sm t, INMl CS BEAT NO E DA (E CLOSE GAME BY111-10 SOR Continued from Page One) oimt to center, Uteritz taking third? e out. Shncklefo-d singled scor- teritz, and Kiinke followed hirn the plato when Foley fumbledv 's grounder. following inning the Wolverines ated the feat. Blott singled and 'z and Kipke drew walks fillingI ases. Cast...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MEHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY G, 1923 BO MR. L~/REN E'S that I knows. It i a notabe addition TRILGY N E' to the Sprig List of radabe ot. TILE CAPTAN'S WILtL , y1). 11ii.s- -__ lince. 'Ihotis etzer. -'(0. 'MEDIEVAL Reviewved tby Robert I 'c~':' SCANDANAVIA Tree of the most readabl e peces;. ifIll s ~ I of D. 11. tLasrence'svorks, tht1t IIg RDLIRA1 ySgi ttave ('vetro asthave Ijust een sI t ,nttisd5Alned Kniopf. eih lloteit ttv Thoma...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 7

…THIS COLUMN ICLOSES AT 3. P, M )VERTI SING IOICE iThe following B~ox Replies are at the Daily Office: 1.2, BA, BC, J'SC, Jake, .MICH~IGAN DlAILY CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word Sday, paid in advance. inhimum barge for first day, 25c. Minimum herefter, 20c. Three cents per word- per day if, charged.. White space hiarged for at rate of five cents per gate line. Classifieds, charged only those having phones. Phone 960. D...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAIY f, i921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY JIN OSMmnt, then we merely have the time --_ . INGOSIVIworn atte eng fought all over (Continned fronm Page Oie) gain betw'en the embrone and te 'el of Rtodin, lonticeli and others 'are''fosiliferos. 1 e realI revelations of his nicroscopicsn-Ithe ,absriies which aountdtwilsent e :ih.littleaten find tleimselves 01 clIpyn 5 othing so1r doorks of ais omewtat lesser degree 11ace o importance are selfenident ...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 8

…THE MICH AN DAILY GOING ON ICE-Copy for this column should Isubmitted by i :30 o'clock of oe day before publication.) SUNDAY s-InrriyMn' il ltsets in Upper room, Lane hall. ' '-Openi forum at Congregationalt" lurch. O---Student class, Church of Christ,, Bets in Upper room, Lane hall. 0--Stuidenit Bible classes meet in esley hall. --Open house at Wlesley ball. -Russia n Vesper service at St. Arm's church.' -Talk to young people at +Con- ,ega...…

May 06, 1923 • Page Image 8

…_ r, ,.. c"tntt"n IT-1 rr-" a nTr I r'I r. A %, r. A TI %. A(.!. I ILPiIiIm1A D ILSUNDAY, 2IIAY t,_123 VAG N Eis ..oh rect rehnaeoloic 1 <li, cv- glv The tlrts ''frtti l sthy Ca! l ,hre ard his "')(try ilt (Continted frota Pge Seven) ._,, i Fyet arere spt sile tran fir ,t itto; e^:n s "e orirt 'so ati _e ai - rants cwilswant to (barrel wthal ~t of the things I have are:ady said, hbtut nretecl in, tiftin5Egy t stry, 'it, his ctstittlrs-and 5...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 9

…11 . ttl I Sectio n Two' ' VOL. XXXI IT. No. 157 ANN ARB3OR, MICIGAN, SUNDAY, MIAY f, 1923 PR~ICE FIVE flIV Th COURTS OF WORLD 091 T6 ' CAN'T ESTABLISH1 T1110 A ".0tllA cW £ A /t Program Of Spring Evets7 SMING-DUT FIGHT SESO )Epirr, iyWAER!THURSDAY WI LL B Y..... nnEiaIrnnAYSrPTAGE MAY 7 MAY.!lTl r nn;rrnVWa TIo )rtehH OUSE , "He, Jim, anna go swim-n VNRVN "Hey,: Game Wisonsin Tenns 1'L1(latchA oel fehmn wt 31Y2 ot rlacs...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY________ 'run ~trouble than she would oerdinarily. The SL~ MEiinn Fi avse heIish not to fight R LS J iIJ ritin' armesbutbecusethie party, riii Twa not powerful, this plea met with FENM U I itl epne Professor Turner went on to discuss SPEAiS IRISH the revolt of 1916, the various party NIZATIQIA AT systems in Irelandl, andl the attempts NIS HOPKINS at Ecompromlise until the Free State agreement was reached. In closing, the spe...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 11

…I' e . WAGNER The rocent archaeological discov- (Continued from Page Seven) cries in Egypt are responsible for an :s will want to quarrel w.ith gsonre ls things I have already said, but increased interest in Egyptian history, le a stand against the aged com- and Charles Scribner's Sons have tators and technique-quibblers found it necessary to bring out an- have kept Wagner operas away other large printing of Professor i those for whom they w...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 12

…,1TNDAY, MAY 6, 1923 SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1923 THE MICHIGAN E -1grateful. Not worldly enough to cul- of his own, he should seize the oc- Chres Vildrac. The best poem is 'Mt ltthe Zaijers of a lion, heyet casion to shine at the expense of- the "Helen" by H. D. authors whom he is supposed to be _;understands those wvho would lionize atoswo ei upsdt e ByN B - Taous he c ould lynde criticizing." I wonder if Mr. Dell has BOOKS REICEIVEDy 'hin. Thoug...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 13

…._ ;. --- AIN UAILY SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1523 From "Things Near and Far," by ing away. But again it is often like rthur Machen. an inviolable seal that lasts for- life, lasts till death. God has created it "Asl: of some what Love is and it of many kinds and seen it endure or ill be no more than a breeze mur- perish." iring among the roses and. then dy- -rom, "Victoria," by Knut. Hamsun. JAY 6, 1923 a, -lAY 6, 1923 £ jw WAGNER'S RETURN A Review...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 14

…-PAGE FOUR THE MVICHLGAP ,DAILY SUNDAY, MAYG., 1923 SUNDAY, MAY -6',.1923 THEE MICHIGAN DAILY --____________________ - ______________--____________________________________l__________f;ii ^ Spring MeansL Light Lunches Maltheus and College Enrollments i tx^# _ r ,. , , .; k"2'y r ;. . Dainty salads Cooling drinks Pleasant surroundings Tut-les Lunch ROO 333F :i l a .'ArLdL:su.. So uth of MajiesticL 'C,.d,..,- k m. - ~y =. -~n EDITE...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rells Of Bad Library Iitions I( South America Belmont Parker, publica- er of the.l:If panic wofiety who recently spoke at theI on the subject of "Southj Abraries," told many inter- s that exist between the raries of Qur country in compari- n to those of South America. 'They are in a pitiful state of ne- ct," Mr. Parker declared, "and cor- tive remedies can only be made r a long period of time. The majority of people do ...…

May 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 157) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y OFFICIAL BULLETINI In the Bulletn is coustructive notice to all members ofI ty. Copy received until ::30p. im. (11:;34) a. mn. Saturdiay) SUN DAY, NAY 6, 1923 Nrzmbr 157 Fl.orid Boasts Of Big ( As W4ell As Bath ing rho, fonrth reaular meetingz of the Unciv r ;ity Senate fD facYel? r1022- w ill be held in Room C, Law Building, on the evening of Mon 'a..May1 t Fo'clock: Ord~er of business: 1.Annual Report of the Board...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…/. lit inn I TURE : LDA! No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MAY 6. 1922 MICHIGAN - OHIO Tau e Ti REPORT FRENCH Senior Opinion WOLVERINES SCORE 8-3 VIC TTo Fake In .,Favors Cane Day TRICK MEN EET This Evening WILLING TO OK. Set or Sunday OTAP Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering Tlie consensus of opinion among the society, will:hodd anIinitiation ban- seniors on the campus is that Cane ut at 6:36 clck this evengatM day, hich has be...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…~alt, I - . near future would be forced to - Well, e the committee on correspondence, e'd like permission to write home. Mother's Day Cards e iiVeity . Kern Draton'W.; KHAKI AND VACATION The government is doing everything it can to make the well known assertion, "A million men will spring to arms over night in case of war", a true one. R. O. T. C. organizations in a number of uni- versities, a nationalized militra, short enlistment...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…i i UI Iu ini LU T SPEECHE~S De Molay to Give Dance Satuwrday hall. Tickets for the dance may now Night be secured from Cecil Leopold,.'24, Members of the Ann Arbor chapter, chairman of the dance committee. Rob- Order of de Molay, will hold a chap- ert A. Campbell, treasurer of the Uni- ter dance beginning at 9 o'clock to- versity, and Mrs. Campbell, will be the morrow night in the Packard dancing chaperones for the evening. ( it r' I!c ...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

….. '' , T ... p _- .. ,r .. ., . .. ., ,y . .. : " w .' ._,, ., ,. , , ... . .. y .. _ " :, .;: w: from your 17 Nickel's SPRING FOOTBALL END5 NEXT WEEK; TOURNARMENT TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY " Nickle's Ar- 1 a certa al stim etition. ay findc he "pep e aftern nhas bey ch mom d try the ment we promise ergy into; * in amount . lulus born d yourself p" tocarry -:u oon when * en trying. nents come. U perfect Billi- e. have, and will put re-...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

…ORES YICTGRY OVER Y FOR U.S.C. MATCH "ontinued from Page One) Charlep Merkel, playing num- B for Michigan, did not en- any undue amount of trouble ing a victory over Meyers ofI in straight sets, the scores -2, 6-3. The match failed to any sensational playing on ide. Merkelrwith steady style Smerely wore his opponent and° captured both Sets in a g fashion. The Wolverine cap- ss the, ability to recover shots pponents when they seem good ses and...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f, 0 5 _:: _:.. . ' Patronize DAILY AdvertiserstI THEIR PRICES ARE RIGT-SO ARE THEIR GOODS "EI U u Em PURCHASINRG If you are not getting as much for should the fault E CONOMY your money as you really may be I assure you en you phone your order tat it will receive just as and careful attention as you were present in per- PHONE 393' FIRST Perhaps you are not buying your goods at an economical store. It may...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 7

…K.A.T. CARDEN PR TO BE GALA AF RTY AiR - I The University iris' Glee club will hold their last meeting this year at 4 -o'clock Tuesday afternoon, May 9, in will Barbour gymnasium. Officers will be 0 12 elected at that time and a short busi- orn- ness meeting will be held. lock, Tickets will be on sale for the Sen- ior Girls' play from 2 to 6 o'clock Mon- day for women and from 2 to 6 o'clock. uing for the general public Tuesday and' Wednes...…

May 06, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 156) • Page Image 8

… Ml . l CHIGAN DEL NOTRE DAM CIAL BUT ISO p. u. (11: a. m. Saturday', BEATS .E 6-3 (Continued from Page One). Yawi.l l aa .,, As class dues must be paid before] tickets are purchased, all freshmen should present a receipt for their dues or be ready to pay 'them when they buy their tickets. Wishart Talks At Service Tomorrolv Copy SATFIUDAY, MAY S, 1922 Number 158 aculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: e will be a mee...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…ATE TE.. TODAY I Ab Alo 4:3atig DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I XXXI. No. 149,. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921. PRICE GERMANYGIVEN 6 Decoat ins SeNtRT Forail Tonight DAYS.TO CT ON Finaltouches have been put on the decorations in Barbour gymnasium d evrythng i inreadiness fr they Architects ball which will start at 9 Atlantic Monthly Editor Delivers Prin- o'clock tonight. All tickets were sold cipal Address at Phi Beta several da...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…I I-IL awaa'...i.xrsUA LJa'fmaL FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN shed every morning except Monday during the Univer- by the Board in Control. of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise a this paper and the local news published therein. ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ter.' ription...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…LIl L I1 Gustus def. Baron, 6-1, 6-1; Hall def. Marentay, 6-2, .6-4; Robbins def. Orn- stein, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4; Clippert def. Cohn,; 6-2, 6-1; Dunakin def. Denhurder, 6-2, 6-1; Ackerman def. Stephens, 4-6, 6-2, 6-2. ITH OHI SAET CK MI Campusl 1FIcet SPORT CALFNDAR In the second round Hall, 2589R, will play Robbins, 1422M. The result of another fraternity match has been turned in, Phi Sigma Delta defeating Alpha Tau Omega, two matches to one...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…The Screen and amend- the existing abmitting the 'd of arbitra- existing con- Owing to necessary increases in the university budget for the academic year 1921-22, the tuition at Cornell has been increased to $250, beginning with the first term of next year. The tui- tion increase was made necessary by the fact that the university has used every cent available during the past few years for the payment of salaries, and it has not been possible...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…I FESTIVAL NOTES. 1 .'u I Series! -I Violet Ingleright and Ralph Sarager, both' of the class of '21 of the Univer- sity School of Music, will give the firstj of the graduation recitals at 8 o'clock this evening at the School of Music. This evening's program is as fol- lows: Lungi del caradbene...........Secchi Nina ......... .....G. B. Pergolesi Per la gloria.................Boucina Ralph Sarager Sonata, Op. 22...........Schumann La .rasc...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…to Page Three) en on the trip and experience gained n will aid him con- are problematical with the'odds slight- ly in favor of Ohio ini view of past performances. The oirtcome of the meet may depend to a large extent on these events, if Standish, Burk- holder, tand Douglas break even in their specialties the dashman, javelin, and high jump should swell Michigan points to a winning margin. Apricots! Apricots' Large size can fin heavy syrup for...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…IIIUAN DAILY [it 1's pro- vin Lust," li All-star 7in "The News and -Norma Talmadge in Passion Flower." Holy :e comedy, Bray comic, [(inogram s. i-Vera Gordon in "Th~e est Love," Vanity Fair s comedy and Pathe Re- DuiMabel Norman in "The Princess."- Mermaid com- "Wedding Blues," and In- itional News. TIS WEEK Stage l(Detroit) -"Four Horse- of the Apocalypse," from famous book~ by Vincent 2o Ibanez. A motion pic- will wear one of those beauti...…

May 06, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…THE 6..r%&a. . ....... .. Y. ...... . .. OFFICIAL BULLETIN I FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921. Number 149. ior Engineers: All Junior Engineers are requested to fill in the registration cards for class directory. Cards can be obtained from members of the committee n the Technic office. Cards must be in by Friday noon, May 6. A. J. STOCK. lege of Pharmacy: A meeting of the Faculty will be held on Friday afternoon, May 6, at 4, U. in Room 212 Chemistry...…

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