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May 06, 1923 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-06
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,1TNDAY, MAY 6, 1923

SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1923


-1grateful. Not worldly enough to cul- of his own, he should seize the oc- Chres Vildrac. The best poem is
'Mt ltthe Zaijers of a lion, heyet casion to shine at the expense of- the "Helen" by H. D.
authors whom he is supposed to be
_;understands those wvho would lionize atoswo ei upsdt e
ByN B - Taous he c ould lynde criticizing." I wonder if Mr. Dell has BOOKS REICEIVEDy
'hin. Though he could acta los des - a grudge against some critics. Prob- .Intrusions, Beatrice Kean Seymour.
Gerhart Hauptmann, in the April pisno one, e is aaoss ably he has. It is fashionable among Alfred Knopf.
issue of The Dial, begins the story of self-conscious hero worshipper.' No i eative Itrite sh on w.e Wit- Mirrlr s of s
I creative writers noel, you "know. Wit-' Mirrors of Moscow, Louis srait.
"The yHeretic of Soana", an eccentric doubt he could be made to feel more nss the Bokman's Mail. Thomas Seltzer.
hermit goatherd who dwelt on the comfortable If some honest students A Line of Gowf of Two, Bert Les-
top f te Als. ~autman's amewould say wht they. really think of The little appreciation of Josephine ALn fGw fTo etLs
sop of the Alps. Hauptmann's name shis poetry a Peabody's "The Piper" by Abbie Far- ton Taylor. Alfred Knopf.
should be suflicient advertisement for for'well Brown is a good recommenda- Lady Into Fox, David Garnett. Al-
any story. In the same issue is an The first essay in the Bookmanf tion for those who have not ead the fred Knopf.
exceptional dialogue between "Smith May Is by Floyd Dell. it ischatty and American classic in poetic drama. Life of Christ, Papinni. Harcourt,
and Jones", in the progress of which suggestive and is entitled "Criticism JCr s e m z Brace & Co.
the two men attempt arson, and fin- and Bad Manners." Of the literary aJoseph Conrad!is gven maazne;
all oe il,3 th oter I tel hecritic hie writes: "It is, of course, an sp ace again. Praise Conrad! This[
ally one kill ; the other. Istell the- ipi upon Ia po duev w time the critic is Grant Overton. Yes. A review of modern music will ap-
wants to write novels of his own to read the article: anything about Con- pear in the Sunday Magazine for May
pause I believe it needs a red flag to put him at a desk before a pile of oth- rad is all right.j 13. This will serve as-a preliminary
warn of violence ahead. "A Wedding er people's novels and ask him to criti- It isn't feasible to mention every- to the thirtieth 5a; Festival. The
Feast" by Manual Kromoff is written cize them. No wonder he is often im- thing in the Bookman, nor is it worth three distinct phases that led up to
in the same sort of dark nood. patient; and no wonder, either, that while, but there is an article on book j the music question of today and its
By far the most enlightening arti- lacking as yet the opportunity to make illustration by Robert Cortes Holliday,- outstanding figures will be discussed
cle in the volume is the Hungarian himself known to the public by novels-id a Malcolm Cowley criticism of at length
Letter by Bela Balaz, for it justifies--
in a fascinating style the statement
that "history, and especially the cul-
tural history of a small people is more T
significant, more illustrative, than that H ED ND AI
of a large people."P FA
In this issue also is the first of a PERFECT DAY.
series of articles summarizing thej
present status of the arts. It is en -
titled "The Progress of Painting b After the stroll, drive or
Thomas Craven." Of the poetry I rec-
ommend Maxwell Bodenheim's "Desho a
cadent Cry" as a splendid definition si elA C L
of an artist. The other verse is Dud top things off to
ley Podre's "Marigold Pendulum" and
Natalie Clifford Barney's "To Trave perecton.
or Not to Travel" which is justifies
only if the reader has much spare
Kindly excuse the wash drawingE
"Lucretia" which is pasted in as a
frontispiece.172 4S
THE FREEMAN (May 2): Per- r
laps Austria has been unjustly ma-
ligned for precipitating the great war.
The rumor that she instigated the
murder of her Archduke Ferdinand
may be false. Herman Lutz in an en-
grossing article, "The Serbian 'Black I
Hand'", gives references in great Once you try, its
abundance to documents which tend
to prove that the plot was hatched ir adf to go b.
Belgrade and that the assassins re
ceived help from Serbian officials.
In the same number of "The Free-
man." Mr. Bertrand Russell begins an
essay on "The Sources of' Power" it ;
which he aims to show that the great --_-___
powers (military and economic).
which are exercised within the State
are ultimately reducible to mental
power. "If this is true," he says o
"both military and economic powe
could he indefinitely modified by the
operation of mental power." His firs °
installment promises an intellectua
Two other articles worth reading
in this Freeman are Theedore M ay
nard's evaluation of Hilaire Belloc
and Lewis Mumford's essay entitiec
"Ex Libris" which tells a nice con
trast between William James and
George Santayana. Santayana re- G
ceives special recognition this month Government statistics show that over 60 of the business failures in
since he also appears in the Bookman asttenyears were due to insufficient capital. Interesting and important.
his "Life of Reason" being chosen a
"The Book of the Month."
"T k h th."It merely shows that the majority of young men that start out in business
SCPRIBNER'S for. May opens with!
some charming letters taken front =for themselves haven't enough preparation for the task; for surely the saving
correspondence between George Mere-
dith and Alice Meynell. These tw = of adequate capital is as much a part of careful prepayation as is technical
personalities are romantic ones to find -
together. ;-.knowledge'.
THE -30KMAN Probably -the
most interesting thingto the camrpus; This bank can teach you the first lessons in the great school of Thrift.
will be "The Literary Spotlight"
which this month is turned upon 'ter tat you must learn or always by the sound advice
Robert Frost. Now don't believe that Afa
Mr. Frost really looks like the cai- actual, knowledge gained in years of banking service.
cature of him which accompanies the -"
article: fortunately he does not. He,
the poet, more closely resembles the
figure jNch we see under the spot-
light itSelf. "If Mr. Frost," we arer
told "had lived in classical Italy or =
Greece, he would probably have tend-: AD
ed sheep." Concerning Mr. Frost's n Arbor1Sav1gs an
sojourn in Ann Arbor the article says: .: -
"On the campus of a great western .
university he is ill at ease, though The Bank of Friendly Service

tisteplc ofti agiie =RESOURCES $5,600,00 Two OFFICES
publish articles of op1^iiou by bath ' =
stuidents c-nd Ifacuilt tu tbes i.i
thfe judgenrt uof theeditor, the'se nrti -""
c?es n rcof intrinsicvalue and itere'st.
71Iis does riot tea;i that-. ~jmoiwc: irs-
fl iuion either in (1pC)ri Vtpl or of. - ---°

JINGOISM j ment, then we merely have the time
worn battle being fought all over
again between the embryonic and the
of Rodin, Monticelli and others are fossiliferous.
real -revelatiofns of his microscopic in- The absurdities which abound when
sight. little men find themselves occupying
Works of a somewhat lesser degree. places of importance are self-evident.
emanate from the pan of his friend LeGallienne intimated as much in his
and colleague, H. L. Mencken. This indictment of the possibility of such
author is not possessed of the finer a work as the Songs of Solomon com-
sensibilities so apparent in the works ing from anything but the highest in-
of Huneker, yet he cannot be gain- spiration. But as democracy seeming-
said on that score. Where the latter ly insists upon raising the common-
was the true artist, a reviewer and place, not only in the eyes of the mob,
critic this country may hold up for but, worse still, in its own self-con-
comparison with any European prod- sciousness, we must expect the great
uct, Mencken is more of the philoso- to be utterly discredited. It is a sim-
Vher. I find his grandiloquent nes- pie socialogical process, unable to
simism full of innate charm and per- compete with or even to get the high-'
meated with deep feeling. He may er point of view of intellectual aristoc-
well take his place beside such men as racy, the rabble naturally insists one
D reiser, Robert Frost and others aS the weakness, unreality and invalidity
being representative of modern Ameri- of the beautiful. Hence Browning,
ca in her higher literatary ashects. Dickens, Thackeray and Tennyson are
held up for ridicule, being considered
s in thea ofivirl o 1l t t ~old fashioned. Yes, old fashioned pos-
ist in the field of criticis m a"n'- sibly, but basic nevertheless being the
*int uinhalo . e - - very steps in aline of progression to
T-Alits ard nlavwrizhfc certain rn._ that which exists today. It is not ex-
sons who assume they have ine lof' ij pected that this idea will prove a
nte t na"a +t 'frPli-"A Thq tlo popular one with the Browns and
do and do and do. offering identie1 I[Smiths, but it is the truth.
U h tuh

. Well Pressed means Well
Well .dressed anen ta'tk. care to- keep their cloth
Nothing so restores th'at.look of newness- to -a s
cleaned-and presssed by Dettling. Give him a -trial
that "Well Pressed means Well Dressed."




"The Faultless Tailor"
1121 S. University


n1,-tforn And t+- ain .
succeeding work. Before 1 n hoti'1
writer and works render themsel-"p-
t'11-niph ip-ent. nd cUianpOV i'-
terly from the literary horizon. Sneak-,
ifn? in terms athletic, thov ren'inro n-
of a tract man nos-esaed of inst o-
1-z THe man ro inthe short ras1'.
-vt fir long distance r-nine h' i--
simply out of the question. EigmeJ
O'Neill is great .because he is ii-
a familiar with drawing room eti-1
rmtte as he is at a rlial in notter's1
field. The monotony of Sinelair- Lewis'1
two recent works. Main Street a n
Babbitt, is monotony of two entirely!
different sorts, and as Lewis know,'
life in all its phases he -handles both 1
types well. In the former we ha-e l

Moreover, it is high time for us to
get our very best fibre to the fore.
If anything is to be discredited at all,
discredit the commonplace. Art is
after all the one surviving element,
by which the achievement of races
is always measured. By that we have
concrete knowledge of the intellect-
ual capabilities of various peoples. We
know nothing of the exploits of busi-
nessmen of the ages past. We know
rich and poor existed, it is true, b'ut
that is all. Nor do we know the
names of the remarkable athletes who
performed in the magnificent Olympic
Games, but we do know that Myron
left us, in his Discobolus the statue
of one of them. Yet even here we
know not the name of his model, a

An Electric Drye
for Your Hair
The easiest, quickest way
DRIES the hair completely in
few brief moments with a stead
current of cool or well warmed ai
Should be a permanent fixture i
every sorority house.
Good for lifetime service
Detroit Edison

the dull gray routine of village lite perfect specimen of masculine devel-
in America's great Northwest. In the opment. fete race may die, but its
latter it is the monotony of business s
lifeas ivedby he aerae midleart lives on forever, a silver token of
las cien. But the saler typde, achievement. Preserve it, therefore.
lsa ciinzen. ,ut the smaller types' If the mediocre is entering definitely
with, little to offer but one phase of I
lifeor to, un ot enirey. Ftz-into our art, then there is something
life or two, run out entirely. Fitz- radically wrong with the core of the
gerald gave, us the story of the flap-' people. This the white an had bet-
per and he has been doing it ever ter take to heart, and soon, or he will
since. T-echt writes books. "Ach sI shortly be treading in the footsteps of
schrecklich." Still others concern the older civilizations, the Greek, the
themselves solely with inebriate types.,t ortCatonh e e
with factory life or the farm. These Roman, or the Carthaginian.
peoule never are, antI never become,
significant. Eliminate background, WAGNER
and achievement is impossible. That; (Continued -from Page Three)
is the krnn iinon whi.h s man' bril- 1


Main at William


s Le roc upo wjias lay ai
liant but short-sighted intellects come'
to grief. s
A splendid cross-section of what isa
going on in the field of modern Amer-'
ican literature might be obtained by,
examining conditions at any of ourc
great universities. This is much more
true today than it was five years ago.r
The reason for this no doubt lies in1
the same causes that account for thet
"revolt from the village" phenomenont
existent among our- men of letters. Anc
extreme self-consciousness is appar-
ent since the war, and whether this
is good or not may only be determinedt
later. The conditions are too new, and,
we live entirely too close to them toc
obtain the proper judgmenti whicht
only the future can draw. But the
chaos which results is apparent to thet
dullest observer..
We hear much about bloody redl
young upstarts who, denying all the
antecedents of a great past, use the
works, of John Ruskin as a cuspidorc
stool. Obviously we expect such indi-
viduals to be the spitting type. Dot
they not represent mediocrity infused
with a little learning, transformed
into humorous, raging fools? Still
others" of the same category come
forth with "Art! Bah!" Yea, be
careful 0 you muses, whom you would1
educate, or there will be a reckoning!1
I verily do not believe in the oppres-
sion of the masses, but don't let us1
have a literal "Fool in Christ."
Yet, on the other hand, we have,
quite the opposite extremes apparent.':
The, existence of professors who
stopped learning back in 1850. and
are :positively unable to appreciate
the work of great modern writers, is
no more excusable than is the entry
<<: ol~t King Ccumio place into- the
delld-of art. Grantinig our youtng r-adi1-
cals .,.are in -their infanlcy of deve 'lo p-3

for making up melodies. You havei
only to listen to children inventing
songs to learn that it is wholly natur-
al to have an irregular beat or incon-
stant rhythm and a changing
key and of course, the rhythm and key
changes constantly in Wagner.
If we were to examine our musical
minds we would find stray ends of all
kinds of melodies running through
them. We would even find that cer-
tain situations or certain objects would
call up definite melodies. So with
Wagner's operas, there are numerous
melodic fragments at work all the
time, and certain ideas, certain situa-
tions in the play will bring back some
of the melodies. It really doesn't mat-
ter whether you are able to place the
melodies, or label them, or nudge your,
neighbor to whisper, "That's the 'Wal-
halla' motif." All that matters is that
you submit to the pervading element,
beautiful sound.
Sometime or other you mu~st have'
originatedca pretty melody, ad then
tried to recall You wvill remember
that you never could get it exactly
like it vas the first time; it changes
with repetition unless you write it
down., Wagner's melodies are like
that; they seem always to be chang-
ing. 'Walter in the "Meistersinger"
tries to sing a song in several verses,
but each verse is a little different than
the one before. Hans Sachs says that '
the older p~eople won't like that (he
means, the straight-backed people),
but he has to admit that it is beauti-
ful. He, says the older_ people want
nielodliesq they can remtemiber. analfhat
Walter's mnelody, is too elusive; "Bt
'it is b~eautifunl," hle finally- confesses.
and we must come to thl same con-
clu sio n regardaing tVa ner.
Abd)ut W %agner's techiniquethr'i
a g-oo~ld dal to Ihe satidl,hiut 1l Onit
watto spew: aabont it. ;Musical a




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