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May 06, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-06

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XXXI. No. 149,.



Forail Tonight
DAYS.TO CT ON Finaltouches have been put on the
decorations in Barbour gymnasium
d evrythng i inreadiness fr they
Architects ball which will start at 9 Atlantic Monthly Editor Delivers Prin-
o'clock tonight. All tickets were sold cipal Address at Phi Beta
several days ago and it is estimated Kappa Banquet
MUST ACCEPT TERMS FINALLY that more than 600 people will be in
BY MAY 12 OR TAKE CON- attendance. Tuxedos and white trous- STUDENTS ENTER RANKS
SEQUENCES ers will be worn.
Supper will be served from 11 to -OF SCHOLASTIC FRATERNITY
PAYMEN T TERMS WILL 1 o'clock in the refreshment room, in~~~ .
BE ANNOU7NCED TO DAY shifts of 150 persons at a time. No "Editing is an art. An editor must
smoking will be allowed in the build- not only create new things, but he
ing or on any of the porches. The must inspire the things which make
Protocol to Demand 132 Billion Gold grand march will start at 9 o'clock.m ,a
Marks, Less Sums Already Dancing will continue until 12 o'clock. them," was the opening theme of the
Received The committee has attempted to speech on "The Editor at Bay" which
maker the decorations the feature of was de ivered by Ellery Sedgwick,
(By Associated Press) the event and these have been evel- editor of' the Atlantic Monthly, at the
London, May5.The Allied ultima- oped from plans worked out by the
faculty of the architectural depart- 14th annual initiation banquet of Phi
tum issued to Germany today sum- ment. It is requested that no flowers Beta Kappa in the Union last night.
mons her to reply categorically by be worn. President Speaks
May 12, at the latest, whether she will Pryof. Campbell Bonner, president
perform her unfulfilled obligations to of the fraternity, introduced Mr. Sedg-
the Allied powers. wick by calling attention to the name -
If Germany fails to comply, the Al- which was given to his speech by er-
lies give notice they will preceed on ror in yesterday morning's issue of
May 12, with the occupation of the The Daily, namely, "The Editorial
Ruhr Valley, and will ndertake all Bay. He remarked that he was not
other military and naval measures." sure just what The Daily meant by
The terms for Germany's payment this, but he was going to allow the
to the Allies Reparation Commission Nine Colleges Signify Intention of speaker to start "baying."
by tomorrow. Meanwhile the Allies, Sending Delegates for Meeting Mr. Sedgwick laid open many of the
Ma 20Mr egwkladoemayoth
the ultimatum states, are to continue inner workings of one of America's
with all necessary preliminaries for great magazines and gave many help-
the occupation of the Ruhr. PROBLEMS VITAL FOR BETTER ful suggestions to writers who aspire
The ultimatum was handed to Dr. CAMPUS TO BE DISCUSSED to bringing their works into a worthy
Sthamer, German ambassador to Lon- publication.
don, this morning. Nine of the 10 Conference schools Magazine's Aim Educational ;
The protocol of German obligations have signified their intention of send-"
to be handed the German War Br- ing delegates from one or more of "Life for a magazine is hardly more
dens ;Commission in Paris tonight by their publications to the first Confer- important than mere existence for an
the Reparations Commission says: neEtri sscain hi wl individual. What is important is that
the epaatins ommssin sys: ence Editorial association which will intensity of life which makes for char-
"Germany will perform, in the man- meet May 20 and 21 here at the invi- sk
ner laid down in this schedule, her ob- tation of the University publications. acter. The purpose of a magazine is
ligations to pay the total ixed in ac- Editors-Elect Coming the important thing. If it be a serious
purpose, it can only be education. Al-
cordance with Articles 231, 232 and The delegates will in most cases be though the ethods may be diverse,
238 of the Treaty of Versailles, 132,- the managing editors-elect and busi- the a t s maaie must
000,000,000 gold marks, less (a) the ness managers-elect for next year's be distinctly educational. Many pee-
amount \already paid on account of publications of the various schools. pie place too much strength in argu-
reparations; (b) sums which may The purpose of the convention is to ment itself and not enough on the at-
from time to time be credited to Ger- discuss various campus problems, mosphere which surrounds it."
many in repsect to the state proper- such as student government organiza- Inspeai othe 35,000 to 4
ties In ceded territory, etc.; (c) any tions, athletic control, eligibility rules, In speaking of the 35,000 trou 0
sums received from other enemy or and also such problems that affect the manuscripts which come through hisl
former enemy powers, in respect to Conference as a whole, since the col-b'hands every year, Mr. Sedgwick told
which the commission may decide lege publications play such an impor- of the impossibility of a personal
credits should be given to Germany tant part in campus opinion, according reading of them all. He continued by
give toGermny,' gsaying, though, that every one gets a
plus the amount of the Belgian debt to to those in charge of the meeting. fai show. He said that in receivingl
the Allies, the amounts of these re- The meetings will be held at the
ductions to be determined later by the Union. During the week-end in which a story his habit is to read the first
commission." these meetings will be held, there and last page, ' eand I can generally
The protocol then provides for the will be the Cap night ceremonies, the which we want or not."s
issue of bonds, as previously outlined, Interscholastic track meet and a track Editor Must Control
which shall be secured ot the whole meet with Chicago.Et
S assets of the German Empire and the News Service Important As a general rule the unsolicited
Gernin states. Among the questions which will be manuscript does not count formuch
discussed at this time will be the eli- according to the editor. He said, fur-
gbility of athletes playing profession- thermore, that there is no reef in the
AaPHANNE;asba.Thiestin asrofe- sea of journalism upon which there
PROGRAM FOLLOWS ceived a great deal of attentIon late- are so many wrecks as the control of
ly in Conference and metropolitan pa- a magazine by the business depart-.I
u". went. "It used to be important that
1 ks by members of the faculty pers. Another matter receiving atten- t. It sed be imon at
an4 -students, musical selections by tion will be the Intercollegiate News the editor should be his own master-
Medow's orchestra, and singing of service, in which an attempt will be now it is essential.
Miclgan songs composed the program made to get a omre efficient service bOrn e sat yabltesf.sanE
of te spring banquet of Alpha Nu, de- on news between schools. born ediosympat mes firt an
bathg society, last night at the Union. ten crios it hat mean g n
i . k Klly,'23gavea sout alkeditor can be neither too young nor
Ack Kelly, '23, 'gave a short talk i 4if too old."
ntoducing Earl Boxell, '22L, who act- Mr. Sedgwick concluded his addresst
ed s chairman. Addresses wre giv- with the statement that there is noth-t
r'0by Prof. Herbert S. Mallory and When The Daily went to press at ai ing which the editor looks forward to
P~f. John R. Brumm, both of the srly hour this morning, no word had with more anticipation than to have
rb oric department, Edward T. Rams- been receved as to the outcome of the each succeeding issue of his maga-
del, '23, Robert B. Ritter, '22, and Northern oratorleal league contest zine better than the former one.
Byn F. Field, '21. The banquet com- held last night at Iowa City. Michigan Albert C. Jacobs spoke for the
mifee was made up of Byron F. is one of six -colleges who competed men initiates and Miss Mildred P.
Fld, '21, chairman; Wilbur D. Spi- and was represented by Oscar A. Sherman for the women. There were
d, '22, and Adrian T. Hess, '23. I Brown, '21. more than 200 people at the banquet.

Freshman Swing-Out Contests Should EAS MASKS AID FIREMEN IN i
B SupervisedSays Dr. forsythe
A leak in the ammonia tank of the
refrigerating plant of the Sugar Bowl,i
"The annual contest between the limit is determined and supervisors 109 South Main street, necessitated the
(freshmen of various fraternities in are present. services of the fire department about
putting up the swings for the Swing- The men injured in the fight are all 1 o'clock yesterday.
feeling better and not any were com- It was necessary for the firemen to
tout pelled to go to the hospital, although use gas masks to get into the base-
vised and controlled if it is to con- sevtral sustained injuries in the arms ment of the building and after two1
tinue to prove satisfactory," declar- and legs in falling from trees. Dr. futile attempts, they succeeded in
ed Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director Forsythe was called to several houses stopping the leak, which was due to
of the University Health service, in where men were temporarily uncon- a loose bolt on the tank. Little dam- 1
an interview yesterday relative to the sciuos from exhaustion. age was done.
annual contest Wednesday evening. The action centered mostly around E
the Library and Tappan hall and con- REGENT BEAL TO REPRESENT
Many Risks d tinued until after 10 o'clock. UNIVERSITY AT INAUGURATION
"While there is no reason for dis- Four Injured
continuing the contest if it is desired The men injured were Lloyd E. Cur- President Marion L. Burton has ap-
by tht freshmen," he continued, "there1 rier, '24, who suffered from a wrench- pointed Regent Junius E. Beal to rep-
are' too many risks and too many ed neck; Maurice Wood, '24, with in- resent the University at the inaugura-
chances for serious injuries in the juires in his legs, and Harold J. tion of Dr. Coffman as president of the
/ contest as it'is conducted now." Dr. Leyda, '24, and Ernell R. Lewellyn, University of Minnesota. The inaug-
Forsythe suggested a plan such as is '24, both in jured from a fall. Many ural exercises will be held a week
wored out with the freshman games I others sustained slight injuries but from today on the campus at Minne-
n similar contests, whereby a time no one was seriously hurt. apolis,



Article le C IOTADT

features Review JlUI1J lINI UI1
Featuring an article concerning the
purchase of shares of a corporation by
la director from a shareholder by Har-
the Law Review comes out today.
This is the third time this year that a e
student in the Law school has had one L
of the leading articles in the maga-
zine. According to Prof. Ralph W.
Aigler, editor-in-chief of the publca- (By Associated Press)
tion, it is an exceptionally high hon- I Washington, May 5.-Unem-
or for a student to have any article ployment throughout the country
published among the leading features increased .4 per cent during
in the Law Review. April, according to figures made
Another article of interest in the public tonight by the department
current number is "The Court of In- of labor.
dustrial Relations in Kansas" by H. A decrease of 7,037 workers
W. Humble, professor of law in the from the payroll of 1,424 firms
University of Kansas. This article in .65 principal industrial cities,
deals with the critical experiment in, normally employing 1,60,000
handling labor and capital in Kansas men was shown by the statistics.
which was Governor Allen's topic
when he spoke here. Another feature -
is "The Trust Company in Michigan' EU, F
by Ralph Stone, '92L, president of the
Detroit Trust com pany. L I U I IL I M E - EVE N T
- "Weigh in" for freshmen for the
Large Crowd Hears Musical Program tug-of-war in the Spring games will
Which Varies from Classical take place from 3 to 5:30 o'clock next
to Popular Monday afternoon in Waterman gym-
-- nasium. Sophomores will weigh in at
SAXOPHONE PLAYING BY GARD. the same time and place Tuesday. The
NER FEATURESVAUDEVILLE committee in charge of the games
- wishes to stress the fact that abso-
Playing a variety of selections vary- lutely no men will be allowed to par-
ing from the classical to the popular, ticipate in the tug-of-war who do not
the University of Michigan band scor- conform with the preliminary re-
ed a big hit in its Spring Band Bounce quirement of weighing in.
held last night in Hill auditorium. Program Changed
Opening with "The Victors" the band As so many more men are expected
drew unusual applause from the crowd to attend the pep meetings than at
in attendance which showed its ap- first thought possible, the schedule
preciation of every number. has been changed. The freshmen will
The organization and training of the meet at 7 o'clock Tuesday night in
band were manifested in the overture Natural Science auditorium instead of
to "Orpheus" by Offenbach and also in in the Physics lecture room as for-
the overture, "Comique" by Keler- merly announced. Sophomore men
Bela. The most popular selection was will meet at 7 o'clock Thursday night
"A-Night in June" by King, which re- in University Hall instead of the time
ceived an encore as did "Rose". and place announced before. Complete
Featuring the vaudeville acts was instruction concerning the rules of the
Jack Gardner, '22, and his saxophone. various games which will take 'place1
From'his first appearance in the spot- next Friday and Saturday will be
light he was hailed with applause and given out at these meetings. Tips on
cheers which did not abate even after how to secure advantages in the games
he had given several encores. "Make will also be divulged.
Believe" as played by Gardner and his Fifty men will compose each of the
pianist, Jimmy Walkem, '23, was one of three sophomore tug-of-war teams and
the big hits of the evening and will the same number each of the fresh-
be long remembered by the crowd men teams. The iltweight teams
present. will include men under 135 pounds,
The All-campus quartette also went the middle 4hose who i the scales
over big. Introducing old time and between 135 and 160 pounds, and the
late popular hits, they especially heavyweights will be composed of
pleased with "I Never Knew", "Roll those weighing more than 160.
'Em Bones", and "Wait 'Till the Cows Three Teams
Come Home". As there are likely to be more than
Powers and Lauver in an act enti- 50 trying out for each team, it has
tied "Watch Our Step" introduced sev- been decided to choose the 50 heaviest
eral novel dance steps. Their skit was tryouts in each division. In this way
novel and something new to former those weighing 135 and slightly below
Band Bounces. will have the best chances for the
Diamond's Syncopators concluded lightweight team, those just under 160
the show with many popular song will land berths with the middle-
hits. Each member of the orchestra weights, and the heaviest over that
was an adept in his line and did figure will pull for the third team.
equally well in putting over the act.
SGirls' Glee Club AN
The response to the appeal of the
Proceeds of the concert to be given
tonight in Detroit by the University ladies of the W. C. T. U. to contribute
Girls' Glee and Mandolin clubs under cast-off clothing to be sent to the des-
the auspices of the Michigan Alumnae titute inhabitants of Armenia has been

association of that city, will go to the up to the present time better than was
fund for the proposed Women's build- expected. The large pile of non-de-
ing. script articles of wearing apparel were
Under the direction of Miss Nora sorted, packed, and prepared for ship-
Crane Hunt a varied program has ment yesterday to those who. have
been arranged. Elise Smith, '22, with been reduced to poverty as a result
her chorus from the Junior Girls' of the war.
play, will accompany the club. Those in charge of the campaign to
The same program which will be secure the clothing wish to emphasize.
presented tonight at the Northern the fact that there is need for much
High school will be repeated Tuesday more than has been received. The
night in Hill auditorium, campaign will continue for some time
yet. Those desirous of sending in
MAC DONAlD, '22L, FOR UNION contributions should call 369-M and
PRESIDENT BY PETITION their packages will be called for.



Engineer-Law Conflict Fails to :
rialze Due to Change in
Line of March

Seniors were started yesterday
ernoon on the first step of their s
trip 'toward Commencement
months away in one of the most
cessful occasions since Swing-out
established 21 years ago. Fine sp
weather aided in making the day i
orable, the climax being reached
President Marion L. Burton's WE
ing address to the seniors at the
Classes assembled promptly in I
positions on the campus and, as
strains from the Varsity baud, dr
up on the steps of Hill auditor
were heard, turned and marche
column to Hill auditorium. A caps
crowd of nearly 5,000 pe ple filled
building, seniors taking their place
the reserved section on the first f
1 Petty Acts as ChaIrman
Fred J. Petty, president of the
for literary class, who acted 'as-cl
man, introduced the Rev. Arthur
Stalker, of the Methodist church,
gave a short benediction. Petty'
gave 'a short talk, touching chiefi:
the necessity for class spirit and
opportunity offered by such an as
bly to develop an o'ganization
could make its influence felt.
President Burton, the print
speaker, delivered an address
was among the most powerful
heard on such occasions. -His (
theme was a plea to the seniors
realize the chance offered them
their position to bring a real spir
unity among Michigan students,
went on to say that the state has 1
ed its faith in the University by
generous grant, that Michigan is
ways growing and must continu
grow, and that a new realizatio:
common purpose among men'
women of Michigan must accom
its growth.
"Keep Off Grass" Emphasized
He then brought in the presentc
paign on the campus to "Keep oft
grass", as something that deals
an apparently unimportant prol
but one which is an indication
something bigger, a feeling for the
pearance of the University itself
expressed *his whole-hearted su;
of student activities, saying that
would not have a student body
did not organize whatever act'
could be organized. His favor
comment on The Daily finally re4
ed applause from the audience.
President concluded with a plea
"Greater Michigan" movement,
would make the present gradu
classes proud to be Michigan 'ali
in years to come.
After the exercises the cl
marched in order, forming an "M
their swing around the campus
ending at the Library, where g
pictures were taken of each of
Traditional Conflict Missing
The traditional conflict betweer
engineers and the laws at the I
neering arch failed to mterialize,
to the change in the line of mar
the Student council committee,
engineers being forced to be conte
with pnarching through by t
P. H. Scott, '22, Takes Place of I
Campbell, '22; Another Vacan
Now Open T,
Preston H. Scott, '22, will tak
place of Brewster P. Campbell or
spring ballot for Student Council
cording to 0. W. Rush, preside
the junior lit class. Further a
will be taken to secure a nomin

take the place of Hugh W. Hitch
"22, who has lately withdrawrn
name from the contest for Sti

The recording secretary of the Un-
ion has received a properly signed
petition bearing the name of Archie
D. MacDonald, '22L, for president of
the Union. This makes the list of
candidates for this office three, the
other two being R. Emerson Swart,
'22E, and John M. Winters, '23L.

Library Installs Public Pay Phone
William W Bishop, librarian, an-1
nounces that a public pay station has
been installed in the alcove just west
of the main entrance of the Library.
It is not a library phone and will not
be answered by Library officials.

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