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May 06, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-06

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No. 156


TTo Fake In .,Favors Cane Day
TRICK MEN EET This Evening WILLING TO OK. Set or Sunday OTAP
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering Tlie consensus of opinion among the
society, will:hodd anIinitiation ban- seniors on the campus is that Cane
ut at 6:36 clck this evengatM day, hich has been set for tomorrow,THE
-- _the Unint take in 15-neymembersD, is a day on which all seniors should
MAIZE A N D BLUE CONCEDED and one honorary member. ETER DISPATCh SAYS OP- support the old tradition and appear FISHER EXPECTS HARD S''RU)- ]OTH TEAMS APEA
SIIGHT ED4E DYER BUCK- The following men will be initiated: POSITION WILL NOT BE with their senior canes- GLE TO SEEP HOLD ON IN LOOSELY P
Honorary, Charles Evans Fowler; MAINTAINED "I blieve that this is a fine tradi-.TOP H0GS GAME
EYES juniors, A. M. Cortright, D. C. Seitz, s~ tion," said Sydney R. Sarasohn, '22, TOP HONORS;-
-"W. A. Cotton, A. H. Stewart, B. F. COMPLICATIONS MAY business manager of the Gargoyle. "It ITT EE
FARRELL EXPECTS MEN Hoffman, J. A. Packard, W. J. Piper, BRING ADJOURNMENT is shameful if the seniors do not keep DIXON WILL STAAT Al'IBATTERYMN I
TO REPEAT '21 VICTORY B. S. Burke, P. B. Pew, W. F. Moore, -p, this custom. I gives us a certain MOUND FOR ICHIGAN, RESPON BLE
J. W. Ross, C. R. Paton, P. G. Goebel; Russian Delegate Starts for s picturesue. background. that we do ..-.
seniors, A. J. Koetsier, D. F. Herrick. not have. It. really shows a lack of sas
Tbo p~aersat thebanuetwitIto eetCenralCam ..Visitors Rated b One of Strongest Elliott ~ields ox to
Moorehead, All-Round O. S. U. Star, The speakers at the banquet will Meespirit and tradition if this custom is Nines in Conference This .Holds Visitors
Is Entered 1n Four be Charles E. Fowler, the new honor- not supported. .Year -.Scath Hi
Events ary member, who is chief engineer of (By ArMaynard A. Newton, '22, chairman''"-
the'DetroAssocsoratedgeaPdess)n-of the social ,cornmittee, declared him- '
the D'etroit-Windsor bridge and a pro- London, May 5.-It is now generally self in favor of Cane daysaying, I With the Notre Dame game now Playing the poorest
tWinent man in the engineering world, Believed,- says a Reuter dispatch from
Track enthusiasts will have the op- al Prof. ilitam Cngiering ordthe .vd ,s etrdipthfomsl nfao fCnedcryngotoe, CahRy Fishr "and his squa they Have shown thus
am heartily in favor of carrying ut over, Coach Ray ihradhssudte aesontu
ity ofet itnsssing one of the sanntPry nerni Cdartmeot.h Genoa, timed midnight, that Mr. Jas- all traditions. I believe that all sen- of Varsity baseball players are ready so the Varsity baseba
portunity o insig oeo h aiaY enginengdPate. par, Belgian foreign minister, will not
most .Interesting ,track meets of the ' ' maintain his opposition to the. mem- iors should uphold this tradition by for another hot battle thIs afternoon ed Notre Dame by a *
I:'nu peetd oRsi carrying their canes .tomrrow" loosely played gamet
yeara 2 o'clock this afternon,when . orandum presentedtoRussia whichg e ica tatis, the on Ferry field against the University serypaytergo.
Michigan's team will meet the Ohio it is expected France and Belgium so of having an annual Cane day f Iowa. hs will mke the fourth Both teams appeared
State squad on Ferry field. 'u will accept as now framed. If the should e upheld," said Francis M. Conference game of the season for the the South Bend ,aggre
iii iFrrel sKme-wLlb memorandum is not accepted Premier Smith, '22, managing editor of Chimes. Wolverines and they are anxious to eight errors which hel:
a lose rbut sy he mee. nta tha 'W. yd r p by rtn "It is the .duty of all seniors to do all add one more win this week and verine total materitli:
b Wolseone, b IU-LLondon immediately. . in their power to make this day a suc- keep their slate clean, k igan got away to a. pj
verineeto hpeat heirtprformnceIthus ,keeping
verines tosceeeat their performance css. It is imperaive that' the mem- compelled to come fro
of last year when they downed the Genoa, May 5.-It was asserted here bers of the class of '22 support this a tight hold on top honors' in the Big run lead to win.
Board of KDirectors Asks General tonight that the little entente, in view tradition and in this continue the Ten. . Elliott, who started
Bluckeyes by a small m ,gin. Conferene of All taiinadi hsway cniu h
e y . , rinelpn h sm ers of the complications that have arisen precedent set by senior class- Owing to the track meet with Qhio for the Varsity, was
Have Four Sprint Men Members over the memorandum presented to es." State this afternoon tbe' game will not wild and after he had
The Buckeyes have an all-around ; ...-- Russia, contemplates proposing an ad- ceeatse ystart until 4 o'clock so1that the spec- men and yielded a hit
Trdi h 0 n 2 ddshes CANESI CNSITT RNuntictheple ps ichnw arn - rf I I-runranato.bfr . le h ahlc
star in Moorehead, who will be en- NUST CONSIDER PROPOSED journment of the economic conference Ftators may have a chance to see the frame he gave way to
"tared° in the 106 and 226 yard dashes, CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION' until the problems which now are un-T runners in acion heo th game. letthe Catholis"d
the high jump and broad jump. The". settled can be taken up with some bASEcfl ai I!.I l l1 1Coach Fisher plans to use his star innings.
other sprint men' for the visitors are All members of the MichIgan Union1 them out. This planissespecially sp- rrDixon against thie Hawkeyes. Sheenan Leads.for
Locke, C.,ainell'and McGregor. In the are requested by the board of di- ported by Dr. Eduard Bengs the The Varsity undsmanalady has Sheean, leadoff
paHrThe Varsit 'noundsmanangsa yhhas Sheean, lead off I
100 ard dash Michigan will enter oi to attend a specil meeting to two victories over Conference teams Dame, in the first Inni:
'e10ya to attend ah 'clh eeg ty Czeho-Slavictforeigntminister. to his credit and will 'make his third out, flying to Kipke a
Simmons, Burke and Goldwater, while e he as7:15 o'clo Tey Ma- Abel Joffe, of the Russian delega- start this afternoon. followed him weft
in the 3220 Simmons, Burke and Davis, 6 nteasml al o h u-tioti started for Mscow tonight to Ica,'4anDeni,
illc the rio.B Davis pose of considering the adoption of Macay, '24, andlDsmmink, 3, Carry Iowa has one of the stroigest teams Knode. Then the We
will camppse the trio. Dav s is taking several proposed changes. in the confer with the all-Russian central First Honors in Mysery Play in the Big Ten this season and should got into deep water.,
the place of Purdy, who pulled a ten- Union constitution. executive committee which is now in PrEsentation give Michigan a fast battle. Last week and Blievernicht in qt
don in practice Thursday ai'd will not The proposed changes follow: session in the Soviet capital. they made the crack Illini team go to and, Castner followed t
be able to run. Annual Membersip NO AMATEURISHNESS SEEN IN 10 innings before annexing a, win and sharp single to left s
It is not known as yet just Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 1.firIPTf J FIRST NIGHT'S PERFORMANCE had a read of five runs over Illini n- Ellitt then gave his t
many men of each team will be al- Annual Members. Every student of ltil the seventh frame, when the Iowa of the inning to Thom
lowed to enter in the quarter and the regular session of the University --went to pieces and the Suckers tied balls on the next man'
half mile events, but Steve's choice is shall become a ember upon paying [(By Leo J. Hershdorfer) the score, winning qut in the extra yanked hjm in favo
sure to include Joyner, Siemons and such tuition as may be prescribed by iiMichigan dramatics have moved up inning. Schultz went into the
Lewis for the former event and Dqug- the Board of Regents, such member- several notches in one night. The Off Color in Purdue Game men out, three men o
las, Price and Everett for the latter. ship to continue during the 'period for Purdue has a win over the Farmers balls on the batter ani
The names of any other men who may which he has paid tuition and to ex- LIST COMPLETES NAMES GIVEN first production of "The Thirteenth this year, but it appeared to be pretty with , bang, making.I
compete will be posted today. pire when the member leaves col- . OUT AT ANNUAL Chair" by Mimes players in the much of a fluke as the Iowa team was the third out.
Pitftinger to Run Again lege. BANQUET Mimes-Union theate last night justi. away off color In that game. Notr.e -Dame scored
These men will be pitted against Article 'II Section 2, Paragraph 3. -fe this statement eynd any doubt. In all probability the awkeye bat-tird-when two Nit c
Trlgg, Everett and Pittinger, the The annual :es for members of the Student publications appointmenTesthia from beinnin toend. Ill prbilite Hawkee at thrdr wh Bo hits c
Buckeye quarter milers and Kilpat- faculty shall be $7.5i0.(The rest of announced at the annual publications Frohwein. Frohwein is conceded to be of one run. Michigan
ricky Gurer and McKhalfilers.the pragrapsh $to .T remainsintac) banquet Thursday night and not pub- from the opening serio-comic family one of the best pitchers in the Confer- its- half .of the sam4
'Pittinger is remembered as the man jArtle III, Section 2, Paragraph 4. lished in yesterday's Daily were as quarrel to ?he dramatic discovery and ence this year and has an exception- Schultz doubled and
The leIe tnPaa.follows: confession of .the murderer ally steady receiver in Locke. With with a hot single to
who eat Larry Butler out for first The membership year shall end Aug. The business manager of Chimes, tewaswas-suh opposition againstErnie ickpitcher. isarted
place in the 40 event last year. 31, except in case of students who areeJames W. Hume, '23, named the fol- ;raety#p-acted. Not a hitch any- and Dixon the prospects for a hot on" their hitting' strea
In theml y Bwen, Hattendorf Cor- Scn 2o rtiler P ga lowing: advertising manager, H. J. where - all went smoothly, calmly, pitchers' battle in today's game look ceeded to knock in fiv
ran, and possibly one or twmore, Section 2 of Article III. Lyda, '24 circulatIon, E. . wink, no player hesitating over lines, no quite bright. before the game ende
and glmte , Withimadeanrex-enl Sa 7,mPragraphi.Jr., '24; publication, L. B. Ettleson, female impersonator 'giggling fool- . ' Wimble and Schi
and Magley. Wikoff made an ex- Article III; Section 7, Paragraph 1. 24; credit, R P. Selway, 24Lisly at the stag hands or eviolinVick opened the fift
celent time in the indoor Confer- Summer School Members. Any ,st- ' ~argoyle Appointmentsay'24L slyr aas has or the viol fast through the box a
ence meet and in the Illinois relays, so, dent in actual attendance at a Sum- James C. House, 24L, who will be pseveray former campus productions. eU1 . rificed him to second.
Michigan's milers will have to put mer session of the Y managing editor of Gargoyle, named What better tribute can one pay to ,but wimbesand Kno
forth their best efforts to cop this member of a Summer session faculty Donald Coney, '24, R. V. Randall, '24, The Thirteenth Chair than to sayH+iI the first blew scoring
event. Davis, Chute and Penberthy may become a summer school mem- a.B..Jencs, '24, Richard Underwood, h 'Alsnwking in any the fri
C. Bcoeasmmrsholm 2 . Josn e 25MG®e thati asetrlylcin nay- fr ne h rm
will be Michigan's candidate for the ber, entitled during the Summer ses- '25, P. W. Kniskern, '25, M. G. Leath- thing savoring of amateurishness? -
t.mieeetadwlruagi sion only to all rights and privileges erman, '23, and D. L. Ephli, '25, on' h ovrnscm
two mile event and will run against s,.Role Is Difficult An unusual number of attractive more in the next inni
Albery and Cranz of the visitors' team, of annual members (except the privi- the editorial staff. The art editor will To William A. MacVay, '24, as Ma- features will add to this year's Sen. Ipke; Klein and Pick
lege of voting or holding office) upon be E. G. Wellin, '24, and the staff will dame La Grange, the spiritualist who ,r Girls' play, "Pomander Walk," choice which put P
Ppaying such summer dues' as the include C. B. Seagers, '23, Ha ey Day- outwitted the "prideof the force," go which will be given at 8:15 o'clock brought in two more
Board of Regents may provide. idson, '24, A. T. Peck, '25, a\d J. C. the chief honors of the play. His was Thursday night, May 11, at the Whit- Paper scoring.
'Article V, Section 1, Paragraph Clarke, '24. a difficult role, and his interpretation ney theater. This is the first Senior imbles penedth
MI H CN liV I ENThe financial secretary of the Union, The business assistants, as an- of the part well-nigh perfect. Gerrit Girls' pl to be open to the public ing with a single and
ex-officio, to be appointed by the Uni- nounced by J. Ross Riford, '23, busi- Demminck, '23, as Roscoe Crosby, car- y tplicated the trick, put
varsity Senate Cunci as hereinafterness manager, are: C. G. Hale, '24, H. dued off his share of the performance hring the schl year, frmer plays third. Shackleford ca
6 "L prv.d+. Barrett, '24, D. B. Frederick, '24, with an ease that gives one the im- men wee only a long sacrifice fly a'
Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph 7. Leo Franklin, '24, L. I. Goldwater, pression that this is 'not his first ap- ent week only. advanced, Knde sc
The Dean of Students of the Univer- '24, H. L. Robinson, '24 D. W. Steke- pearance before the footlights adv going to second. Kn
WOLVERINES WIN FIRST MEET sity, ex-oafrcio.. tee, '24, D. J. Seder '24, R. A. this effect is being carried ot by gi to seon Kn
I . pper- James Stevens, 23, as Inspetor at third on a fielde
IN HISTORY BETWEEN THE Board of Governors helm, '24, L. J. Foster, '24. , Donohue, never twitches an eyelid the scenery, which is being painted i Kipke hit to short a
TW'O SCHOOLS Article V, Section 1. The board of L. J. Carter, '23, head of the Stu- during all the time that he conducts Detroit. The costumes also add to the the third out by roll
. . :governors shall consist, of the dents' Directory, named J. B. Vlack, the. strenuous investigation after the 'artistic qualities of the play 'as they baseman., The final
in's tennis team vanquished president of the Union, its fi- '23E, Wedell Herrick, '23, Margaret murder, while his application of hard, are all of the period of George III came in the eighth fr
Iioin b tensor offomatches nancial secretary, and the Dean of McIntyre, '23, Elizabeth Hoyt, '23, J. third-degree methods to ferret out the An all-star cast has been chosen fpor got a life on an err
Illinois by the scar of fpur matches Students of the. University, ex-officio; A. Beresford, '24E, H. B. Gessner, '24, slayer nght put even Nick Carter to "Pomander Walk." Practically every second and third on a
to two in the first meeting on the one Regent of the University to be ap- Marjorie Sweet, '25, Emily Shepard, shame. member of the cast has gained popu- a wild pitch and sco
courts in the athletic history of the pointed by the Board of Regents; and '24, C. E. Howard, '23, Geneva Kent, Takes Part on Short Notice larity through previous'dramatic work Vick made his third
schools yesterday afternoon. The three members of the Union, two of '23, Anne Keidana, '23, and R. M Harry Clark, '24, as the suave young and the director,, Prof. :John R. , Vick Makes TI
whom shall be alumni, to be appoint- Schmitt, '23, as ssistants painter from Paris, is to be commend- Brumm, has gained a reputation as a Michigan s battery
diate tt they wolbe eady '- .ed by the board of directors of the Robert E. Dyment, '23E, and E. E. ed for his successful efforts, while play producer through his work with responsible for the
dicatd that :they would be ready to Alumni association of the University Hartwig, '23, business managers of Howard Donahue, '24, who on only a other Junior and Senior Girls' plays. tory, Schultz by his

gue: the Universty fSuthern Call- of Michigan, to serve for terms of the Directory and the Athletic Pro- few days' notice stepped in to take Tickets will be on sale to women stopping te. tre D;
fornia a battle when they meet on three years each. The terms of all gram, made no appointments. the part of Helen O'Neill, the most from 2 to 6 o'clock Monday and to the opening round and h
Ferry field at 10:30 o'clock this morn- members of the board of governors Sumnmr Daily important female character, is equ- general public from 2 to 6 o'clock few scra tch hits the
ing, shall end on Aug. 31. 'Leo J. Hershdorfer, '23, managing ly deserving of credit. , '- Tuesday and Wednesday in the box and Ernie Vick wit
The Maize and Blue racquet-wield- Article V. Section 2. (Beginning at editor of the Summer Michigan Daily, The play is a, mystery, one that office in Hill auditorium.,- which were responsib
ers started out with a rush in the sin- line 13) . . . . power to fill vacancies named the following' staff: city edi- holds the audience breathless and ex- - the Maize ad Blue
gles, winning all but one of the four in its own membership caused by the tor, J. B. Young, '24; night editors, cited throughout the play. So realis-nand }node were the
matches. Sanchez was the only Wol- death, resignation, ineligibility, or H. A. Donahue, '24, J. E. Mack, '24, tically was it enacted that during TYanCBBdTO SPEAK verines wetr'come thr
verine who failed to score a victory disability, the persons selected to Rbert Tarr, '24, and G. E. Sloan, '24L; the seance scene several girls in the AT OB BTERS' MEET than one tingle, bt
oven his oppqent..,The Mchigan dou- serve .until the :vacancy shall be fill- editorials, H. S. Case, '23; wnmen's orchestra shrieked for the lights to a pair of hits.
bles teams did not look exceptionally ed by 'the authorities designated In 'editor, Dorothy M. Bennetts, '23; and, be turned on, .and one elderly lady Kane, Prohop at
formidable. Merkel and Reindel, play- Section i of this article, or until the sports editor, Jack D. Biscol, '24. reprimanded her husband for almost Ty Cobb, manager of the Detroit TI- were the only Notr
ing together as the first doubles' com- disability shall have been removed; Herold C. Hunt, '23Ed, made no ap- shouting out loud "I knew that was ges, will he the guest of honor at showing merit. Th
bination, found some difficulty with and power, etc.... pointments to the business staff of the, the ran" when the guilty person is the huge meeting of the Booters' the seven hits for ti
their opponents, and although they Article XII, Section 1, Paragraph 2. summer paper. . found out.. club Monday night at the Union. He (Continued on >
did manage to win the second set of (Insert "and the School of, Educa-' Second Performance Tonight has been scheduled to deliver a talk
their match, they faltered in the de- tion" in part (a), and eliminate from C Tonight the second and last per- on, "Sportsmanship In and Out of
ciding set and lost. The score of the part (e) "the Homoeopathie Medical eas UIformance will be given, so to say more College."' In his talk he will point
entire match stood as three to two iii school".) " ' of the play now would be to the dis- out the general attitude a r"
Michigan's favor at this time, making Annual Election Date a $ advantage of those who intend see- should take toward life, and the
it necessary for the other Wolverine Article XIII, Section 1. The an- ing ft anew or again, far it surely de- pliability of athletic rules of.oond
scoswbinatin of Rorich and Sanchez nsl election of president, recordingsres to be seen twice. to every day existence.' SATUR]
to triumph in their match if the con- secretary, and five vice-presidents as.The Law school turned out en masse The marvel of it is that amateurs An evening of entertainment, li
test was to be won. Illinois had won above provided, shall be held on the for the annual Crease dance held from (could so well put on such play as spersed with short speeches by ot ' 1080hA
the first set of this match, only to campus on "campus election day." 9 to 1 o'clock last night at the Union. "The Thirteenth Chair"; the pity of it out of town guests, members of nis mat-h. -Mihi
fall before the clever playing of the Article XIII, Section 2. (Eliminate The feature of the evening was the is that Hill auditorium or the Whit- faculty and Booster club members sity of Sf
Michigan men in the two folowing "at the annual meeting.") Crease paper, surpassing all former ney theater were not secured for the been arranged. The entire busin 3:00
sets and with it went ther chince to Article XIII, Section 3. Eliminate editions 'of this law journ~al, which production. By producing such results of the year will 'be reviewed and p° k meet....Miiei
tie the match. Section 3 and change Section 4 to Sec- contained the customary knocks at as these, Mimes has proven its right laid for arryillg on the work n 4:00 P.


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