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May 06, 1923 - Image 3

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A Review and an Appreciation
Wagner returned to Detroit as glut ED'WXARD C. VAN H-ORNE 'n Teblat loe lieor th W5iva
ious as ever, the beauty of is nilo- s. 5 't"'tan and Iold" given by th
dies undiminished, the magc of his shrlivedxv)intetrtnte Oter Company,
themes more enchanting. Stilt he is preude to the first at ~s av epeinly el tIsod ni's in ASei(si t Andt ) as Iildin lia Mcitaear.
the und~isputted -Master of 'Ms(candixwllplaed; it contains the haunting tret f. ieno' hea he! t1i:;imostsile toClpetk olla5 pre-
what was worse, presented by a gon-prascc melody wh ich reurs so often Mlaria tire na-tin'-llisr hi to snit iiin o a Wagner opera without
hoe German opera Ctiompay roim Dec tiroigh te (ler. At the end of telbsotsslk in heI lacan helat i,,, n e, ig abt Wager too.
in; and, what was almost saciigioux tsecondvtat this pray er is sungfy 181in "iso'tanaset"' adt Grtrldi t' Jot s- i11haccn, s;,
a cotmpany thtafproditeed Wagnet as t l lnd(Geit, she. lst i ffhe vgos, Ill grin" Oemigihti wel rift ticr SiVanr is like the ftMfie. Briowing
well as, or better than the Ite teit n-ie10d11own t lp ito ''l'sage crowss on Matoei'is cleit rdaoai.a ny? ''0' leitrn Russian din ia.-isit-
tan. Not many yeas ago t was read- danc.etsuitd(fliker, mlist It" c'riivt, ailt Iezo-ss::nol~, whchmetitilt155that v et t viibecau1 c. p15111 lch for com-
ing articles proving concluiviey tat itheniia glden ight breaks tirogh(illy sit"" oan taclatch15if'glilosat a I' ' orivoltiti, adliiiIdttdet
German music sas nee technituete a uemiiit dislossing a stiritly Illoig ove'll' i' ~ttitfor w515)a'svli 5011' '' i ii'ss'he'iall is reallysiplieit.
sore of tmateiatical exercise sworkei titioughi te cloids tleavnf. tFour- ipraiolorIcoftralto. I tik hter 5"oie1 To1gel 't thecyat valie of tesit
ot by thte 'omiposrsatid to be lare-ftsnaigels lir' aseninig this sair- is the: loudst i iin he wofIle otpi~'-tams, lmll'ustlecm'e'' is aliftle
tented to the German pulblic in the xayifasuithflet circle stout te slep- At sy rate, it i a floi iti-f volce'' c'ltlt" onie -msuMjudge by commionl
intervals btwseen Iil',tanufacture of lng childiren, wsitile teorihetvico- Tat munttnt fie tkatli sdvirsestt sO irter Ihani tcittici i. 'lOsreaI
extlosises suit the r asullyof Itze- tiimies to play the prayer. criticisii, though, fvor it is ntl a louderithe'it'btlts as a simple literay iotr-
orlie. Mliii you hI--tx'sbien telliiig T's'settings in all the oeras aCC voicer tan ~'iv ii~t't", or tfils'ss' e t i ciea~e" ifsxluimmein~ssel' tt:
'ot'settandiitexityl" > }c-eit fby litirate as sonl' the Gemaisilinio or VaitGoion's, ori manity of the 111111 te'lutrIwcingtias 5aituimotitna poet.
reo i'15illiiu h-sit _ tins's o fanthing tiiotmnake teii. Ini'"latns liltdsitgert tic injo'.Si' ver ca- er r t as a iietahtyil5t ii'i'-
iv hbadhIit; very- ' 'titto llitilit t i,''the intrior o the htt.w itt h ble ''agertitn siigr, cull a go5I stro1 t ii aks hmsiintliile 111
you:. rc-ti 'ii snf - itt,". - i1., anit s gtot oslitvte i Ithit-i a lir is inttrfti-c'O. Itt en sItwls s s ion- liti tccstng to est Cl'iktov antIAn-
to reassuimte oui'fort. *.titiiiit. tirtiiiu, its ictirmintg atiltc-nin'ci--te, icer Orrutla eiii il ili 'tai es, titesesxwath ilo s11' xlettet'your in
Ther iiass of stpcra-e ' ; ' r!:,1 lii tu Ia;. ic IsodeI, ditified'ilanimpitressive"tr1st fggs lurfng tie lay0. uit if fi
ot fr thy Vgnter' en -'" ' ivA, IThtc, 'Whie althIe sitgernst-ere toot. ltocelta Rouesslr Imafe ll en'aginglg ituic'; lltliliii thmitOhilthttit n ciln
audienri's ere smaill but11excr'ttion-sii- 51100 it ci t standilg. There Sis hEsa.iaind a spiriftul soailitdotto alsu for ia mral, a5mlaing iit5 iis te des-
ally' tnelligeit niiiaptpreitivte. 'Tfiy no one'inidiidualit itsgreat as sotti" hdll sllpaft Icin lla''I f nsd r'- pi of tiii vity-niti" it te 'i 14111 thir-
it tot i"ti' the oras by itateal- f flh'eWagierian tafrs, ie Fri - tel'withflhtrtiirns'i, ri'll-ivsoice. lt a t tiningliiimllniteingt.'r~Iis tati:
platuse at teendtvloh eery stathi 01 stidt. Gtski. or Wite hill, butt there Sineiturer sa iizaetg r "'il: a cbu the icoittrl itiilictitso SWag-
melotty, bittwere, osi the cottrari, the iwecreuumany not far telosw. Icuitc.' She vsas vey'Ic:'trci.,ttiti tii'ris s iisuiit oilmC as ill liac
nmost atentive, thie most quitt attiiencee Rolt"rt 1ut,.an ecepit' tinatenoril. gottier t-ver v-ti'fc-i ty careflcon- iscisiio~s bouittheitt ,feri iii Cet
I ase evet' soensat Iopra. Feiw boxes appeared ice:xir as S'u'lfr in M''Miner- sousimthtods. TherC' ectas ilth it ''51weCromatctlismtiantl c'-111111 i. 'ig-
were taketn. cittitthe loxveecfloor wias inger" andits oh ~tengri. HI ttin st 'lacitgit0:1 iher voce tll' r l 'e ccntr is the sitplest tic ost ntalo
discturagingly etmipty. This indicates evet, tielows svie, powerful atdtatititi iofrliotmpisrs.
sontetitigs xwhiih it is itnnecessatysiet, atnttsingswisit itlligenc-e cult All litt all.tie l-itlittf' i fttxeshot Iii sorry that soOmait'tepletOha101
to oenttin. retraint, neer sotinttg on tig i tatithas viei Dutroit ticr itmlnyi'risnto ideetd Wchter 'mlii srytat
The cottptatireceruitetdfriititall the elotes just tbecuause, tey art' igb yeas. I aseoye 115'1tie Chitirc'git sit inut itie tas btentsett pillnck
ttttra houses in G(ermtany atd litt notes. tis s~oin the first at-iof Opera xtwlen it tis cdliii, anliw s -c-t ountlalrlitg isl muscathitemes.
gehet' indotrlii. It consisfsill the brt 'Meitrisinger,'''AluftoQuiet htic"cit: plasntly' 'utprllciJ bI theIlorxt:lof I iii shibty ad lt'Waner lcu.asili.i
itt'the Germancutsitgers and tssr' nd his N'ratixe itthe last actS Ill te Rhussint Op'in 'Company, u thIis tely ciuToisy, to "jhst gross-" outthe
bcetight bhi-forthe1*-obviouso eal-on "Loheingrin'' xwercuforgettble. tein -is ar bettecthat' titvrof thtem. It pdlet. I titut:Wgeroc on~dst
tftprovtidinguoir its ois-n vlshtoolt, 1e- rich Knitte who sng the tnle tads ie srlriigtireIf'so51natyf 0e1-li - be apprecitd by 'stsI sein'
ids feuding Ateitcia thact itfoftwhichi Tannnlauser'' anci"'rista auh is-' eshae for ''.cC the peaccuret'oci 11ar- t' cultutadianiitror m tu'ic but ittho
ft. htdupeIntrvet''i'd.Thy frsout I luecis sil to hi' atolmat, anull t icingN ac -. 1 -'''1inllefteutitticar. wseSu rs ectd hiy oitc orns ef itli-
their owit seen seeral crloatdshoresusntg in Gernany for manywr'-is, niotheenu Iee fur silng.The Sat irvi
of it-saitterre ine'ndig Iltoritg utItdid not guess this froms Iearie". t'rirt, iier brhi t;t Lt' tiris hreewk n'a m~'strtlu'ic -- l te shmeipte.
their inn msiinst'15, but I understandt his fresth lyrcovxoic e. It is nolt so hayst eason5150, atitthroethas cto gout u ' tietey tiere ile tfo-e e'CSti'
the uniois tre ojeedtu, so thetr- a voiers utt's lit it is used xxitttwiy luk hoOicte,' l' ist ind tuttti'-- fr-ott sut-li e srarecutnto iodu
chtestra wIssndrawntfrotitAmierian octeat skill. At te smtime i f itt Ci 1 f Wct'lli'c erfoisacritiuuIte- (:it"snsisiI OrPa e '5retit
musiciianis. It is siI thut tey' fadlvie tmesina lit' o ie, fo' awek
n money tIspathe~lirtrIalnfportationtvoice wouldl neer b har abve-iiii' lil~il11littlli11111 iiittiiililiiitliltil11uiit
ansht 11thi steastip ine tooik the Wauge's tmeav' irchestaioni. Ii
rsof aloising tetuto plilt'alt-cthtiy'.d clrestu as shoicm n his r'-min hr'ig
hadl saute enough tory here. A iti ltnm fIucu sTt
{hlir firsce rfclomances1,0inhBoston uitsero."''artmthe firt act fre siig it toy e etde -; oIa h=rwwap~«Vns tatm hnh ssr
acrcos-isild hark. Ivitt oft' t-i- auo SiittlI wikhelove,' it'l Ihus rln itin-
nt inenuigto flruetiun- tn.fr li tlyHertebrout'out altticis-ai n'es.
nunce mt totur rest s.u'uon ut.ith Ic1bean u it imtt-t anuietlyiand thent i
0ore1c uerutsaddduf i(1fitr'Ill 't's-n. tr- i t~ frc e fmrt ianid pion minifto
They re 1111 irur tti-etroh itt t it at thue'iuhd of'I cit ptras-vhe' 15=' clvd j
Nutscunftveto' gt' "lTie ictulut~git 0hisi eutl1'Dro.I tlif'second'htstti-uihe'-
ting." thlamC'-r, ofSpacmut''s sord, faginusug:;thehm'thtlis ine 'hO '5'-I_
ttandCti'tfutiod iu rmiug ''and ocs-uty- trouc r. TU iu'ti' sc san ituo, mitl P
mg tftur eveninimg'-. tutuc1 uctsitutnIthus voccocdid th 00rvtpit
Last txeel ter gaessfuv s tiefi- lt thuensuuii t.h phsesutwa suna i''
oe',; pruine's "envcigot, fil5 at.huIsa Ihtoc1
''Tauunl'autem '," Lihe-ngrlin,"'andiTriu To-or atterutu'l~lf''acn as genial old!
stan and solue," anid IHuunut,-tsinr's IHucus Sarfhs. sous the esto h ai'
"Honsel and Grefte." 't-tme isinuone tonis. lthisli uper regiter he haintl=
cfthe comupanys' I lc s inadde, amd few the "ring" thatiitniiiuuehi one f W5hit-1
u-Io ctiuld be at all atisrsey'crifi-;hiltxhn hes uas at his eighal.Lt
c ined. Tie "sat" systens is nt fol-;ertalicnew anth sered to inse as
lou-oc and the company is solidlyf' ' uits Sefs. His senu'swithil the,=
gono. Singers uwho liner leads in onee riung lovers, hEva and Walteteie =-
opera uay havesmsnaler parts in sub- full ohintlinss A siurnl ius,=
cmors hch gles theu singers btt op-i"Tritan" lie aaiti bad at tenderti role-
tuortuniit s, and muakes Ifoc greater ar-Ito play. antdh id it sympthetcallyiti=-
islry. The operas are unified by syut- "fLhngi" te took the pat of Tel-__
pathetie. acting amd singing, and thearanund, a villain of tbs deepest dyel
freakishness and deermnined itdividnt- ILoterin diul the part well but they
-Osadto hr foutnd in the stas of the; terrible demandi on the vocal chords_
MerpltnadCiaooeacoir nuht tanayvie n h, Tparisics is lacking hrre. The ocreslca strain Bran evident. Thur forte high Gs i=H /(E IT i
rnd chorus of the cotmpinco ntaiut t atone would uear on thur voice if=
60 or 70 msemblers eaih. lthersu-re not numuerous ether duitiil_
"Hansel and tretei' -as the first, uthir. 7i nheN e1 t r V ic o lc
to be given. It is tosil on the old iAexander Kinis took the bss lead
fairy tale of lbs duo children who are itt eah of thur Wagner operas Oni=
ost in the wood, are capured ty a Wagner oura a day.' That in itslf FOR $100.00_
icannialistic witch, uhem they finally is it fea. And vet Kipelsshoswed ncc
outwit. The childinenos paits nerr-tins ef n-arainess. His voce s deep = Yoo have been waiting fr ratatlking machine valor so here is you
-made gay and spontaneous, while lBen- and sonorous, and he manages the highs opportunity to get a genuine Vctor ictrola at such a remarkal
no Ziegler, as the father, gave his meten that Wagner sprinkles in so- low price

role just the right om ount of drollery, generously. j-uial ih sh~isl ih
Thie pant taken by Paul Schwarz is The singer who attramted mont at-=MscliRgt Mcaial ih
written fcr the tenot', and is perhaps tentlon in Non York, Elsa Ahoen, did = urme in for free demostsration today.
the most difficult of all, becatuse it the- not singr at all, although she wan -
mands great vocal flexibility and mush scheduled tc sine Isolde. The reason- ________
he made ludicrous at the. tame time. 'for this I dc nut know, but it may sell=.:
In the opera, F ustperdieck tires be becsiust. the hotuses wero too snsall.
snatches of German folk songs which tiShes was hailed as the greatest IsolIde c a b r & S n M u i Ho s
rnade it seem very quaint and old. Rich since somebody or other, hark so far ~ u e re & S n u i o s
snd colorful -aisthe orchestration and, that nobody now iving remrnmbers - 110 S. Main Street
under the ciretion of Ernest Knoch much about hurt anyway. In other ..
all its heautlss sere brought out. The words, Aluen was cc sider r the great- t l1: ;ltIltiiiiitiiiti1illhhl3iii#iE ttihl1 #tll~h~lllti#it###llllflhit#t1i#J#l~tthtflfti#

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