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May 06, 1923 - Image 6

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MR. L~/REN E'S that I knows. It i a notabe addition
TRILGY N E' to the Sprig List of radabe ot.
TILE CAPTAN'S WILtL , y1). 11ii.s- -__
lince. 'Ihotis etzer. -'(0. 'MEDIEVAL
Reviewved tby Robert I 'c~':' SCANDANAVIA
Tree of the most readabl e peces;. ifIll s ~ I
of D. 11. tLasrence'svorks, tht1t IIg RDLIRA1 ySgi
ttave ('vetro asthave Ijust een sI t ,nttisd5Alned Kniopf. eih
lloteit ttv Thomas S(ltizer, in one vo-" Reviewed by hidelootis'
tie whIicht has been givetn the title of ;I is perhaps the jst test, a it is the
the first, "Yhe Captaitn's D'olt) his highest ,paise ot Sigrid Uinset'
is not the ordinary tytte of short-story "tridal Wreath" to say that by tis
otutmesut a tritogy whirth develops one ook the young No's'egiati author
a love tesis: three ittdomiitatle otes,lias soeti herelfcaaltbe of standing
eaich symtbolizedith te ojet whose;lseIit dttIau-t tt ate
natte tittes tmetiece.e, tte(aittis,Jensen.iSotme reutaftfionsh'te atat-
1}ot1, Tthe Fox antd Tte tLattybistt.ied a taine I: the tutliiatiton of
(Ctosety retted by thesis, they des el-'trt,iu I avransttler" (of which te
ott to a further iegree thetp te of tBrtdal Wreath is but the irs Iart) I
shtort story that Jenies Braiictt sell contt ted antI extended it. This at-i
has iade of hsitgroups, 'ahichltare -st orkc rotes tat'le liasrisen
btoutnd together rthronologicalvy and abov e tte faults ttet arred 'tenny"
that in which Walo Frank failed so'heitoly trtits nvel ointtet. tew t
utterly swith his "City fttoki" tshetmein etghiire tie fatlts t to efunts ittishl
tte stories resist the biniig inlu-tie rital Wreatt." tCleary tere
corce of plire. :2i'~ e teriti iitaing wide 'iii
deepknowedge a ie lie reltyste,
Sote one has lamtentedl the fatrtndilwittt for caitt tf tsttire exatI
that the vottite was publshed it this niies we refer tts as iiaginstioti al
country tnter the title of "The C'ep- ,geis. Fr tee resen es I ased
lain's Dolt," rather thati "The tasty- te' "fditl Wreatt" ihtl le olt'er!
bird," titder whlichm it was putiblistied grett Sen'sihaviainomees recetly
ir Etngltand, on the grotutnss that the petlishied.
tatter is the best one of the trilogy, RIt basic coeption, to.t, tepwoursks
Iagree, hostever, witht the puiieter, are aike, greatly as they siffer iplit
that thte first deserves first honors aind, The Iso nen turnet for theis tolitri-
if tItiadtmore space t oight enjoy oevet man: Sigrit t'idset r'cistntts
tittting forth tiy theories concernng the story of a swottint pca et
the dominatnt appteat of "Tbe tilad-,strongly itisividuaized, of teftour
bird," wvhichi appleat is not, Iteieve, teitt cetutry. The soety ft whsici
to the literary sense ut to the van-,Kristin Lavrnsdatter lues is simtple,
P'7,tihtousgh tnsitotitus'itflattery. natttrttlotity ote emove fro'tithe;
T'he first story (this cttisideration is tasba i.tltansI follore tourush
aiso attihatitii'whlicd h isutit forestall intensri'every'aton if the caract
tny ecusatiott thtt I chose the best ers, Scarcely different fromytt' is!
seconid est and least of the three) the rl igontshich Kfrstin is taglt
"Thtet'aptaiin's Doll" is writrusit antI whtichishe revoltsfrtt t la1i't tis
sotrt ereions, earti of svtihttns' ftultv the itan she Itives I' sostis
artistically sith aniiipressiostii' l iketetrasitiotil twrtge'il sinust
sittuneti whs it stiggests'stht i ~t tl, ht Sigridt tndset Itas sie it ar'
)niht asiy ad efecice + e da-otter than that, by'tirowing the so-
mteht aniy ii fetispodc f:' t etn- Istasisusa this't rgir struggle tsissen
ne ttrttttJs's'dnest K'r tt'lar," whicthe girlatd ter fater..t sfrgg i'
wavsitoitucedlastitegr sthes. Ti r tutecamituslthes.twoftim',btaisot 5
twetygqicky caningscees T t eser csoi at s-tsnd tat' his little
o'he'r f' isTht" Fox, wthitIiwas pub-sd aughfte r lis grttssnasiiii ifs ito
lishtedlatst sunieittnii te IDi at, andtit nn, itt affectos a~c
Thte Ladybii'd, re srittenilli its' more'it, 'alss trigttsimiyt tt
tovninlprsiartveme;frieslfbtaotohrt tey'are all dotie in tie itiitahtet'htam'fs's. BPtt I imoitn'tre tc' t
sty'leitt Lawaretire's ltongtr tnoes. 5 iihby iierii ie syiopsis a stiet y dit-
Eachihtantlet the thesis of lore on- ci tety coorseieid andtbeautiful' re-
qusering solne seetmingly ittconqier- rented.
able otbsttale to The Catatint's Dol'tBeesitfiutity tpressee it srely' is, ;'
Isite'ansIcontemptt, bresd of famiiiiar- athouigt soriesly vwits the prolsiont
ity, fals to indonitatile ote swhen rf dsssrintisn that uuarls'l "Te LogI
the womoaniisoderates her'statenient, diJurney." Sigridt hnshet's style isj
Ill come to Afrira swith you. Butt simpler. barer, lin entest's Ittt no'
I swoo't promise to hotor ansI otey1 Ies efetive If at ties the restrit
you," Iy "But anyway t stool say it, is so otviots that it beoes iaristic,
before the marriage service, I need- 'tievietteless its geterait the boott gisi
nt, eed IT" A fear of losing herbty avoidiig, etento to strenuousy, f-
individulaity andithtte necessity of ls- usieness and recklessness itt speech.j
ins ansI hurting a best friend are the' Spre aid lean as the descriptions re,
Sobstacles -which are overcome in The they are yet impressive; particitlarlyi
Fox.The Ladybird reiterates the old thin accont of Kristin's fist visit to
phrase. "Lose conquers all," by te Oslo. One tussae is Kes' "ve of'
breaking dowtn of the sie's fiseity Saint .)lark" done over again:swhiri
and the seceptanice of her lover's ad- is high praise,
monishmnt, "So don't forget-youi are I tsee that I am cosding uip otthi
the night-swife of the ladybirid, wthie samente I started, ansd I fear that Is
yoo live end esen sthen you die j aerne tesaebt.ltl.S
advise the reeri to hirnt his ears front
In thetnight, in the dark, ansI iiim ebeppnan itnisedt
deah, otuarenite,"Allthrs' rethe harmoties t ant tryitng to initate.
centered-about soldiers and are givenI asstre hint tat if te apreciates the.
a more broadminded aspect, as a prod- 'cleartess mnd stegth for which San-'
uct of the war, tlsen tould logically datavian literature is distnguished, he
he given the same temes, sere tey silt etioy-only that is fr on weak
wrapped about other characters and a terns-Sigrid Utdset's great c~o-
other tes, Butt this tbroadmindedness position.1
offers the chance for vivisetioti and __
examitnatiotn of the cross-sections Of 'But this curse of getting a liveli-
the hitherto hazily misunderstood to' hood remais profoundly unnatural to
ives of people, under the pressure of'loan, in spite of, his ong experience
love, of it; hence his frantic effort to es-
This trilogy of L~awrences is one, cate froths what he erroneously calls
of tle est representatives of thus nusd-; life Iby running himself red in the'

emn love story, with which to compitare I face at Lotld's, by rowing himself
the pink ones of a few years ago, limt sblue in the face at Henley, by drink-
few of thae ehiskered critics can'} ing mehyated spirits, by plAY-
disapprove. This volume gives nmore ing nmind-torturing games like- chess,j
,Clearly and precisely the modern dle- by kntocking stmall halts in smeall holes, 1
'eelopments, in the philosophy of anby clintbing Alps-and even by writ-
all-controllinig love, than any otlher, ing books,"

Fronm "Things Near sod Far," by ing away. But again it is often like
Arthur hiachen. an inviolahble seal that lasts for life,
lasts tiltlsheath. God has createt it
"Asl: oh soimu' s-lout Love is anid it :of omany kindts and seen it endure sir
'sill he nomustore than a breeze mor- perish,"
iurinig anions thme roxest antI then sty-; Frotm, "Victoria," tiy Knsut hhautsun.




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