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May 06, 1923 - Image 1

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jingostic nden ie in Literature
A Demand for Dignity
Richard LeGallienne, in a recent CARL GEHRING eminent biologists who tell nos with
critical essay on the biblical re trepidation that the cream of our civ-
searches of one Dr. Jastrow, cries outilztnisdngof.taperso
in dispair, "Yhre fetish of emoray lzK"oni yigof.I apar o
is ovioslyabsrd." Witoutat-The birth control s fervently ado-
temnptinrg to ofter tie controversy be-5 Gcatet to steni the time of ridii cia
tween Mr. I, Galieno soil he learnedI popagationm is howldt iowii ty ignor-
docto, I everheles fid myelf ant stuid law-maers as a new-
strongly inisymipathy waitli ihe stat-sfnl0 a. "Ames-ropli
ment miade bsytie fsrmer.1hetheti, tion" as Tioore Dreiser pts it so
logical dscs stion ins'icaled iset, ecuses umitiigaed'tramong tlb
brought about biy Dr. Jasrsn a cain- 1ykl, alcte the truly enighiene
ng that ilie Sonig- sof -'limn v e m~ansi cltfresiinsiisulislafind the rais-
wit isat diutiitthe resul of fol- lore, ling of cilen iepeiient.
Ih, cormpilatiion of vvicih promt -55-linder all of hese cosditions arts-
that -spleniId iponi, the apiexoscri tic sat-nsdards ri-sa to be artistic
tu r-l IbIaut- and irefineent. This standa~rd any logr It is thse in-
LePatieniiea severt elycalingeid. As-- troalucug the svlgr, tes lang anI
cording to the htar, -a tie i, s irfantyito lseri-ouisswritimig I soli
of Burns, Braswniiing stndothes- hrdlmys ,ciiimsndrs, "Sutand n our d155
be the result or centuries of is-r -nit'- Sir:' I sould tpe to acnue
tion in our civilization so coslsi a! at Ieat a reses-a of teii-Owns
lofty worst like te Songs of Solomn:a - importac asswriters, enin~ a worl
bear no direct reIlaiiinshs ipt i- of standards rugh-shiod, i sandards
al ht day nd -g - Rather y at al. Patterned after th Rnsian
the avs-ry proces-s of ciil zhio . the teiisesncies as so much crreit liter-
work coulti hardly- tava any author- !f ur i-, I might suggest tliat Tolti
ship other than tihat of somIe get in his hrdest and most exrene m-
mind or group of mindsaperhapssof Ineat is never caught of his. dignity.
the emiic popl. {That is an elenent of greatness, gr n-
Now we of this country are the per-, caniud s'biity, elf-restraint yet
fat example of tie rising tide of ds-m- true feelng, that really idriififiea pow-
0~~~~~~~~~~ ea, eIc u siho~ieisr. e is the typical tig man, -a Co-
place hiss sion a peesta, y.3-t arissor-' )anss,sdrsing usintidynamice
racy a such is comptely dihicois titnam ndmmlie cmmand- our atten-
Then I woul lit a to askswiy ii tion soil respect by ties-ry inten-
that so tmy of our leadSisg iyofhs nr onhy
those that arce left, anmds the e- c- °itl Cleverness, a play of sords pleas-
cre-sng nit-ohsr of 'iiomun tuir tu igl aarand iwih ns deinite idea-
a.e beginningto rec-ognize v-'5s is.- ittmind, is antherr s hr se of mdccn
ror the resmts -f emo ncracy, donorss- a-r ing 5 Ta pesnss sepeding sley
racy the great las-eter! I amiswemato oat th- -is- I iouldsikhihe to ques-
this we might sw-cl renmainm witlhi str lon ansI reatect by tie very intess-
realomof-rmssslisrsr i~-attse sr-"-syost hisve, ithestraait, btsidchntjusst
to obserse tiese reasons tandiItb-e £ sit arinds spining v-rsd." his
facts they adlminister. Lieatire'is - tendeicy, 1 tinki is t te found chief-
moreonser tsemost prtmclu of tise. ..I in okc reiewsing, the idea having
arts for this purpose. The sriittim rttnouit that tese reviewsi exist
word and sentence are easily uinier- for themselves alone, and not as a
stood by the masses, whlereas thse otier survey of a given work The sust-
arts, by the abstract quality o1fteir' THlE LITERAllY BOLSHEVIK tution of cleverness for true suhstance,
inception, require keener minds tl a bluff at artistic merit where no real
draw similar conclusions. reek by reason of the fol shoals ly- reason of the demoralizing influence comparisons are being made, is truly
The answer to the question is self- ing near and all about them, democracy is exercising on literature, appalling, Under no consideration will
evident The very structure of res- Apropos of what is being offered by I find myself in accord with certain such vapid stuff endure Those who
eat-day society places a colege edu-o !read it are charmed. momentarily,
cation within the reach of ev ery o I j nothing more, The creators of this
aid tha result is inevitable. The aver-{ trah mght just as well try their had
age must needs come down, People D5- - at poetry, and introduce a kind -of
who ordinarily would never think of!- Roc4 1 - I te pr ta io s liquid verbal jangle into a world a-
writing suddenly have a Geisa-- ready too full of tinsel,
sciousness of enlightenment, viions To such shallow, garrulous and i-
nt greatness treuble their simple suls i sincere persons, having little to offer
and withs their many ifurcias, artistic' JACK BERKMAN }beside a smattering of philosophy, o-
standards heretofore lughh must re- ciology no doubt, and a are know-
vamp themselves to n-et tie ew ce-' Dse's ountry has its great men sith owni course freely; other peples lim-dge that art exists, good taste and
mand, It is a simtpule hit of camoi~c,tea ses salient is relief ansi easily per- Ied or dircted his nmigraton with a working background completely di-
andqute s cicttficasmodernre- cc- stiis which interpret the outbring- racial ansI religious hatred, His child counted, I would like to recommend
quirements nec-essitates. Under t' e5 ing of talents, Tlake examples. Fg-ssboniau tm profd- a reading of the works of ames G.
codtosi sacs fbdImtland ;:sa her writers, those of the prsioadde n h aesta uneker. e,so lately deceased, has
foljmgemta 'sshhdh it Llzmbtheso age influenced by high lion. i-His life was but a long seriesI left a veritable encyclopedia of in-
considered as slough in the literatuire is eals and discoveries of the day, those o miserable, leturing events."Cmn' formation couched in the very flower
of our golen age, now brought all o George I's reignm aroused by the[oewneteefrta h e of modern language, popular yet ex-
to te fre.Medicriy i havng erdarkness of the prtedl; and her lst mcamaoelanchly, that through the cellent.' Moreover, the gentleman was
day; loug may aihs wavet of great statesmen cominglto the fronts course of ages there grewe within him not one of those single track Individ-
Thus se can easily see sihat a furs'is-en the threatening storms of an- a dealsier sadnits? muss, wel grounded in one or two of
of meaning that short quotation of Mr. nihilation by other countries, or in- The Jews of today have inherited the arts, but quite vacuous as to the
LeGallienne's emblodies, when applied termnal troubles had to be averted this mlanhly disosition of their .rcst. 1-uneker knew his field from
to a hisoad topic liue semocracy. He France has her heroes of the revol- ancestors, along siith a doiinatig start to finish, and his conparisons
used it with great ffect in bringing tou that she might rear her head love for music. Would such charac- are rich in imagination and invention,
out the, weakness of r Jastrow's The Hebrewv tribes were once shep- teritico imbue them with a liking for e ihad that rare gift of infusing hisi
chain of reasoning, and it also applies herd people, tending their flocks as ,the frivolous song, pronouncing sheer own deep personality into his work,

here with sundoubtedh power. Imagine they wandered over the land given by gladness, or with 5 disposition iwhich and all along si- are conscious of. his
the Is- educated and uncultsured ce- God to their patriarchs. And as---------eps ts hide its lamghter poetic presence, of his guiding star in
placing t,, me refined, and se take cog- through aimless days they perercated' ands laughs to hide its tears?' Indeed deftly pointinig out bits of light and
nizences at conditions wherein the real on, these God-fearimng peoptle sdevelopssd the latter. shasde more or less obscure to the
itaras y artist nmust either aiim witts poetry ansi song and b-cmse the c-sm-I To search for the musmical instrum- nynmass. Put read his reviews of Tot-
the cisr at or be dragge undser. What posers of magnificent airs directed tois mint that bots consoles sod omakes >!(.Y, i~ostsivsisy amnd Artaybasiseff to
resumit- -a fm-sc atstmnsin. igutires mm their cdivinity. his-sid, ticegreatest of ione feel that umystic, dee-pcr aide of Issun boar to size up an uthior! Bsut
the ssmdof letters tosdayt Not ones-time,,-tpoets was liiut ie of issnu. ilife lb-ecrueltiess, fcars, isoys, sssr- cs-sitisstreastise othus Parsifal of
of tim uasis sissa o'It 1s1c;ss", Its-t '1 iscumsis.tsshe Iririiss f 's rowis, tortusres,sandshtroubsmis hsich 5\ssgnssr isnote aimexcellent sappraisal
pis 5ig o s shnpcsi,-isiuum is onus1:4 e)- i ssu rt' WN, oisa, 'le htsrsss irestheyhavesre is-scsi thisugisis-tstotheir ise-t i5 rss! IHis ediscsisaiosofatthse art
bue -- i i's teeuusi -i ,m --- ~ st-s :Oum Page Five) 1 :.. t.tsh iis .5,.-s-scu)

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