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April 19, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…, a - i- -. ' JL Z 13L{ 1 ..L1I - -/ . Juniwrs Give.. Songs, Dnuie"s On Stunt Ni-t Jame Cissel, Marie Heiil, :Stunt Night, thle League's conltri- bution to clp lielatnlhtfetuedtheemem- brofthe jiunior-j-crass in vo(Cal. and. piano solos and a solo dance. Jane Cissel, '35, sang two of the day's popular ntumbers, "Smoke Gets In. Your Eyes," and "Love Locked Otut"; and 'Clarkc Schell, '35, gave three vocal solos, accompanying himl-- se...…

April 19, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY Physics Group Will Meet Here June29And 30 Scientific Group To Hold Its Fifth Annual Summer Meeting At University To Present Papers Social Program Will Be Included By Body For The First Time The American Physical Society will meet at the University June 29 and 30, Professor H. M. Randall of the physics department gnnounced last night. This will be the fifth annual sum- mer meeting of the society, regular meetings having bee...…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Mostly unsettled today; probably rain. Y .1t igau ttij editorials Age Limit In The Beer Bill VOL. XLIII No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENT 0 Action Dalrymple Censured Issuance Of Per'mits To Eastern Gangsters Brings On Heated Controversy 'Keep Graft Out Of Beer'-Cummings Pacific Coast Agent Is Shifted Without Attor- ney General's Knowledge WASHINGTON, April 18.-WR)- Three weeks in off...…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Chicago's New Mayor Plunges Into His Work lWolverines Meet Detroit Club In Tcinis Opeiei Satirday The Michigan tennis team will run into its first competition of the year this Saturday when it meets the De- troit Tennis Club at Detroit. Although the Wolverine squad suf- fered a great loss by the graduation of most of last year's Varsity men. Captain Richard Snell being the only one to return to the present lineup, Coach ...…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…, APRIL 19, 1933 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PGE ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE From the PR SS BOX By John Thomas More Yankee Publicity Kipke's Carnival Wolverine Nine Wolves Practice Mee ts Hillsdale' Guard Shift For In Opener Today EarlyWorkout Game At Hilltopper Park Gridders Continue Work :1- t'* - O E McCARTHY'S Yankees come in for a little extra base- ball publicity again as Ruth has been walked a total of 1,- 818 times during his - long caree...…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IHCHIGAN DAILY .<- proves with this play that he is capable of real drama as well as the comedies of manners for which he is famous. While it is the policy of the producers to sub- ordinzte the actors to the action in this play, no review would be complete without some mention of the superb work of Diana Wynyard and Clive Brook as the man and: wife who endure two wars, watch their children grow up and then peacefully grow...…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CAMPUS <h I& boCILT Report Large Sale Of Tickets TQ Military Ball Reservations No Held After Tody; Moore's rchestra Will Play With more than 190 of the 250 tiekts to thc Military Ball already sold, Donald E. Knight, '33E, general chairman, expressed the belief last night that the quota would be ex- hausted by the end of the week. Camlpus sale has been limited to the above number in order to provide against the ballroom ...…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r More Academy Papers Printed For Institutions Robbins Announces Re- lease Of Second Volume' Of Discussions The second volume of papers de- livered before the 1933 session of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters was released from the printers last week, according to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to Presi- dent Ruthven. Each year papers are published in this form and are distributed to more than 300 universi...…

April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…'I A BUSHED 1890 'IY iw ttVl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 6wx VOL. XLII. No. 140 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1932 WEATHER: Fair today. MEDICAL STUDENTS Lea PnRIITY ding Chest Surgeons of Nation I UVL11 UI I U11 I IV TO ATTEND To Dismiss Classes in Medical School for Nu Sigma Nu Convention. W. B. MAYO WILL COME Ruthven to Welcome Delegates at Opening Session Thursday in Mendelssohn Theatre. Classes for ju...…

April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEST r. tREST p[s a ors ]Known, Police Claim; e of $50,000 Ransom Paid by Parents. [ILADELPHIA, April18-I) iorities predicted the arrest to- of a man anid woman alleged to kidnaped nine-year-old Hilda !sky for $50,000 ransom at Wil- gton, Del., Friday. They said knew the kidnapers. Ida was dropped from an auto- ilie at the parish home of. Fr ph Pugliese here Suniday and !n home hysterical but unharm- Father Publies...…

April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… Normal TR P TIGERS, SOLONS MOVE TO TOP WITH CUBS WINNING OVER CARDS IMAIlfRAl M ATE HN NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE IIIIIUUU1l1lL 11111 1 t Liinksmen Open Intercollegiate Competition With Normal C Wednesday Afternoon. b Wet grounds caused the post- Donement of the scheduled match with the Detroit Country Club for p Coach Thomas Trueblood's Varsity h golf team. The Wolverines remain- ed at home throughout the vaca-i e tion period. Trueblo...…

April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 1 ~, ~932 1F ished every morning except Monday during the University the Board in Contro of Student Publications. ber of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- >n of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news published herein. red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second tter. Special rate...…

April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…0 SDAY, APRIL ,THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y PACE F1VL T I ul N64 'Ill= TAMiff - - -s for League Spring Dinner DIRECTS DANCE LIS0, TO HOLD I ANNUAL ELECTIONS in Mendelssohn Theatre. Election of five members of the central committee for the 1933 Jun- ior Girls' play will be held at 4:15# o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, ten wo- men having been nominated for the different positions. Other nomina- tions may be nmtade ...…

April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…A* THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. _ _ _ r OFFICIAL BULLETIN blication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. German Department: Bronson-Thomas Prize-The latest date for handing in essays for the above prize is Thursday, April 21. The exam- ination willhbe held on that day too at 2 p.m., in Room 201 University Hall. Questions w...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 89 404W t r Iaili MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 144. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929. EIGHT PAGES TO USEAMPIIERS TODAY IS FINAL DATE FOR DUES ffSeniors Given Last Opportunity To Pay Class Fees And Give Graduation Orders Seniors in the literary college willI today have their last opportunity to pay class dues and order an- nouncemen and invitations, ac- cording to James E. Duffield, treas- SALE OF...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…'Tr, MOT= --1 2'1- PAdE TT G ' HE M ICH-IGAN DAILY PAOE TWO THEM ICHICAN DAILY PRESIDENT LIT TLE 'EFFORT TO TURNS FIRE FIGHTER IN VALIANT SAVE ISSUE OF ALUMNUS FROM FLAMES OSCAR 0. M. VOGEL MARTGIN HT. VOGE IV:, RO.MARK"ET Continuing his career at the University in a blazing path;' of glory, President Clarence Cook Little turnied fire fighter long enough Wednesday afternoon to help foreman Gustav Dicks put out a dangerous fire which ...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…0., ThIDAY APPIL - 2~) - . .................... MH-O CHI PLANS City .,supply' Buying I MICHIGAN QINN&R PLATES CARRIED: TO LATVIA RY -AMERICAN MI'T'~F _! I PHYSICISTS TO10 0EAS'E 1.NI iL r1.1 11 F _Ten members of the University N E W MEMBERS, Joseph E. Mills, commissioner of Mihgan's recently created din-! with Maize and Blue as a result of! physics department will attend the purchases and supplies for the city ner plates are now ser...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

….6 * 4; AGcE FOUr " THE MICHI'GAN, T ILNG FRIDAY APRIL 19, 1929 Published every morning except Mondayi 4u~ing the University year by the Board in' Control of Student Publications. r Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en-] titled, to the use for republication of all news ispatches credited to it or not otherwise eredited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at ...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 5

…17~ FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929 THE MIChAIGAN DAILY PrAG1E P'V r.~. eo__.____ . ...LL... __._ . .__. . 44., ;, ' ATAM M- r °- . a . 1. iA I, ar iy I> ~t I Y t 4 a Ii* ,;'F DANCE ANfl RFFPTION HONOR GgEST Fourteen Are Initiated Into Pi Lambda Theta Mary Lewis, Author, W711 XT..... A A TT W, DWINIVIW&W owgsw AT MODEL LIE PARTY WILL BE HELD AFT OPENING MEETING AND BANQUET STUDENTS ARE INVITE Banquet Speakers And Women High Exe...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

…PAc~ ~IZ~ 171E MTCVeA E ITL cr- ~ r rirI- l-, i l _____ .., SIX WOLVERINE TRACKMEN LEAVE FOR KANSAS MEET ST R.0 RC ldWeather Marks { Ul] IL Big TenBall Games gOV' N tI WEAK HTTMRKS VETERAN PTHRInroim iiMEET GETS GODPTRT: ETOIL fO iiILL ILL ANNUAL HELM VtNlI Michigan Entries Will Be Facing 'tiff Competition; Dash Stars To Confront Eddie Tolan' WEATHER HINDERS BROOKS1 Six Michigan trackmen, accom- panied by Coach Hoyt, left yester.- ...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 7

…f <'~. i~ ,A1i 2 ?AO~ S~V~ I~A~ APRIL 19, 1929 Tt-1~ MICHIGANT DAILY VARSITYLOOK YtITH BAT IN (Continued FromI The failure of the W connect more frequent ball was gomewhatn g after the way the tear the southern training hitting for a team ave in the South, Coach] horts batted the ball a rate of .143 in the opener. Myron and McCoy, t men in the Michigani formed capably. The cepted some difficult short without an error Coy showed that he...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 8

… TA G * L" t t I-IT - -,T-HE-MIC1-1I AN D IL FRIDAY, Arl-,Tr 19, 1929 PACt1~1~±GHT - T'Hh~ MIChIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIIJ 19, 102~ S U r-S a r 1 D A IL -Y'OFFI-CIAL BULLELTIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p.,m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Vol. XXXIX FRIDAY, APRITl 19, 1929 No. 144 Fire Drill: There will be held some time 1ioda...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLHED 1890 it .4jW Ar t r t 4 aiti, MEMBER ASSOCIATE' PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 147. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928. EIGHT I GERMN PHILOSOPHER WILL SPEAK TONIGHTl INHILL AUDITORIUM "THE WORLD IN THE MAKING" IS ANNOUNCED AS TOPIC JiEYSERLING SEATS ON SALE TODAY, World-Famed Thinker Thinks Genius Who 1arrie, Becomes Serf To Thoughts Of Wife Count Hermann Keyserling, world- famous 'philosopher, and hailed by many cr...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGA\N DALY T HURSDAY. . _ ._ __ _ _ _._ _ BISHOP ENDS DUTIES AT VATICAN LIBRARYj Word1( has been received fromiitWil- '' liaim W. Bishop. head of the Univers- ;:.:.: ::ity librarvy, that the. work which hie adl his party had plannled to do at ."ti' s'' ;the V atican library inr Roane is now so wxeli organized that hie sailed tromi Naples on April 14. Bi.iishop wl arrive on the "Duilio" in New' York { on April 21. arriving in Ann Ar...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I G N I II/ KHEng'ieriigu radlato Prese nlts Yost Inatcr-Jew -Ori Ergierimg College SMOKES, DRINKS ON DE CK "No school with which I am famil- iar is better fitted to prepare students for successful careers in the gas in- dustry than is the University of Mich! fan," Frank W. Steere, '12, vice- president of the Semet-Solvay Engi- neering corporation and president ofl the Michigaar Gas association, de- STUDENTS MAN1AGE FOREST...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…t t lished every morning except Monday ithe University year by the Board in i' of Student Publications. rier of Western Conference Editorial ation Associated Press is exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news hes credited to it or not otherwise 4d in this paper and the local news pub. 'herein. red at the postoffice - at Ann Arbor, an, as second class matter. Special rate tage granted by Third Assistant Post- eneral. scription...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHTGAN DATLY i 1 1 &A-A aiiA I A a.LVt ka 1_ La 1A Ar/ x ..n CLOTHI ILL BE HORSE APPE IN F NOTED FASHION CRITIC TELLS OF TREND By MISS ELSIE CARtEY Paris Fashion Critique Clothes of several various kinds will be worn by Michigan co-eds while canceing this spring on the Huron, it is believed by fashion critics of New York and Paris. With the pass- ing 'f winter it is deemed certain that fur coats, which achieved consider- able ...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY VIMMERS TO RECEIVE LETTERS; FOUR WIN AMA EREMEN GIVEN FIT LURELS AND HONOR DEVELOPS CUTTE TUIIIfQ AI DCOURT QUINTETS ICLE AEUT ~L IK E AESTHETES Fourteen Amiphiian Heroes, Nation. lional Collegiae (Championu, rliii Rcognition MANY iSEE LAST SERVICE Fouiten members o Michigan' a swimming team, national collegiate and Big Ten Champions, will receive letters, according to Coach Matt Mann. Four other members of the sq...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 7

…....... . ....... YfSTURDAYS, RESULTS XMIbiI('AN 1LEAGU'E BASEBALL CHATTER ICoach Ray Fishei 's Wolverines corn- roa i' 0the. visiting team was retire tined pitching cf mid-season caliber ool strikes every tine at fiat. with timely hitting and nearly per- fect fielding to win the opening Big! Bill ~cA fee silowe(I a tendenacy. troit ......000 200 002-- 4 10 0 Ten contests with Northw St. Loais.......000 000 01-'! 1 6 1 Purduc in an impressi...…

April 19, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 147) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN D.,-iLY I LY OFFICIAL BULL IThursday, and Friday of this week in the lobby of Tniv}rsity Hall. This will Tbe the last opportunity to purchase them. J br osh #Seniors: members of 1A Mr. Coleman of the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company will interview \eNwemers' Seefioil, Faculty Women's Clb: The New vcomers' Sction of the Faculty \Women l's Club1 wll ha1ve ia card party- at 2:30 o'clock; this afte-rnoon at Betsy Barbhour hojise...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 1


April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…SCE TWO TH M L. TC~.'LAA HCAN AILY*- TUESDAY, APH PL 111, 1927 I 1 I" 1Y11%.11 11V OlD TWO TI-IF M~ rV4TCAv fAtlYTUSDYAPIL19 12 NUTRITION AUTHORITYI WILL SP1kK TONIGHT Noted Cornell Phlysielogist To Discussj SubJect O}f "Energry Production III M edl a wcal Work." i ____ __ I DEALS WITHMETABOLISM t Prof. Graham Lush, of te physo- logy department of Cornell Medical1 school, New York City, will deliver] a lecture on the subject, "Energy1 ...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…Tt7ESflAY, APRIfL 19, 192? THE MTC TGCAN n"AIL " .:. ' 3-' 1 S B -l\.. 11 ..~. .U9 L..rA .aaLaL ' ' " 11V 1" i 1114iifIW STUDENTS COMPLETE lflnlnfl UHiTIu TfIfL CHIEF OF POLICE ASKS ASSISTANCE , .. DISN"TICTIVE FOOTWEAR * 14A 1 Co-operation of the students in help-I Ing Chief of Police Thomas H. O'Brien I maintain order is asked in a list of Party Inspects Industries Of Stage; "Dont's" compiled by him. The list Party I es in srvie...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…- S PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1927 t i ~Jt~ ~ thereby have a legitimate protest. ButI _______ ______the majority, also, being reasonable, ff will see that some measure had to be, Control of Student Publications, It is quite possible, of course, that RE'MOVE'THE i ican Iraia Members- of Westemz Conference Editorial teaching respect for women is no art STD Uth AsoCiation._ of college edcationl; and it may be NET Th...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…it TUESDAY, ,APRIL 19, 1,927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY " Aa it Z i. A AJ64-4 i -- . =r , T Y 4 5. 5 '2_s"' s ) ritunAmerican Teachers And Nurse In China. BIILDIMO tUNV LACKS!A ieeFm Danger But Plan To Return' MORE THAN $1 50,000 ..~.. F naca taepn~ tdR l m'nte coni April 1 Shows V r ~ Need For $141,4 $ NEW YORK GR~OUP ACTIVE!' .'.<. . According tjo Vie financial state- ment issue(T April 1, hy the Alumnae Council, there is a balance of $1...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUFESD:AY, APRIL 19M 192? . - SI1~EDAN ILL8[Favored As Head Of REGISTRARS MAKE' P'ROTECT AMERICAN INTERIESTS Washington School SMITH PEIET _____________ Ira M. Smith, University registrar, SPEAKEB AT 8NOUUT' V'Bka jus etre from the annual]' I E I } of Collegiate Registrars, held in At- lanta, GIa., of which organization hie was elected nresident. Mr~. Smith's election followedl active participation in the direction...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'AGE SEVE~N ............. __ - ARTICLE BY SAAIN EN PULSE IN ORU MilL PROBLEMS OF FRATERNITY DEALING WITH NE SFUDENTS AND PLEDGING DISCUSSED BY DEAN Fornwer Uniersity lecturer cusses American Skycraper Treatise on Architecture I1s-. in PRINTED IN MAY ISSUE Eliel Saarinen, one of the noted architects of the world and recently a lecturer in the architectural college,' has written an article for the May number of th...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN- DAIL Y TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 192? MU IEveryone wishing to paric i- pate in sp~ring foot ball practice is asked to report. today at Ferry field. Eqipment will 1)e issuted at Yost field house. E. E. WIEMAN. IWIN NFATIONAL M'1ET Ainvericilli e:guet1 ! Detroit. .....000 000 101- - ; Cleveland .l.000} 010 02x-- SChicago ,...000 020100 t St i~oti:> .000 : 0201- rBoston......000 000 000- New York . .000 003 00x- IPhiI. ..........…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 9

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE PAGE NIN1~ flfIfXh WOLVERINES Lord Burghley, Star Hurdler, Leadsi WEST VIRGINIA Cr FOVIDRLL CANDIDATES IX ENRLYAANOSSIT to IN P NN R LA S Cambridge Team ToPennsylvania Meet AB ND NS SH FTmi Tff#I len indications poit to the fac tpAsciedPs} WILL n rDAY thULecenttlihiCowch then(t tJ F (oBheyIAiLIIAi 8-or inr urhe kmedoe h ~ ~ U~0 it' n~' lbaCniSehi iiiintendsi (By A'socated Press) from Gibson, of Fordlam, last ~p...…

April 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 140) • Page Image 10

…E TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY I - a POOR INVENTOR GETS MJILL.ION ADVENTURE CLUB AlYOFCA ULTI _______HEADED B Y RABERf TUESDAY, APIRIL 19, 1927 Action of tihe Administrative Board: By action of the Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Mr. Arlon Ley has been recorded E in Spanish 2 because of dishonesty in a written examination in that course. Wy. It. liunplrey s, Asst. 1lean iteligoji 14: Tuesday section will m...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…I .Aa . t %."Mmmmwnfth - EIGH~T PAGES ANN ARBRI MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL4 19, 1923 EIGHT PAGE&, TChester Project '011m 1T[IQN RII~SoloistIn Band Worries Europe [UI/VILJIVIIEII[i UUI VIL D Concert Tonight FORSPRNG A CNCET TON'IGSHT~ t~hoc Non 1 ro F esii n d opli. 11iii Prc' e-0: Ptogn- m i f.~ 11 iteen l ,est):5i urtir~ e Ic~ n 5)" n . r 77 eT: ouncil Tu RfEGISTRATION fE ALL-CMpgPUSS SATED TO T TE-\ JUIORQJS ]NAMED TO If f I N ANNU...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…____________ ~T" E MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL 45OU R ~ ET YORK TO HAMB UR G ppp yyyy ..Actual construction work 10a st reo ible, de ign < lto mal' trips be.. Acm~e to Encourage Work Ni Fine Aris -Peenllirly Fa irale to All Parties OVE-RtNTN1 TO RAISEh 'MOMi1Y TH11ROU GIILOTTERY Stockholm1, March 29.-(13y A. P.) -Artists in Sweden. --wio happen to be narrow circumstances have sud- 4y~ been cheered by the news that to government .st...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…'CIE MICHIGAN DAILY Girl Leads Rescue ' Of 600 From Fire Lomen I rlife memiberships to' eaguo should be made ;sible. Checks may be 'thy Wylie, 1052 Bald- cts with other enter- yen for the benefit of, of Michigan League' the Panhellenic ball m)ed until next fall. rr horse-shoe pitcing will hXod rt 'meeting at 5 o'clock this aft- rL in B~arbour gymnasium. Facuilty Women's club will dgve lge tea Tuesday,, April 24, at the nece of 'Mrs. Burton....…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THE-IMICHAIGAN DATILY ..~- , .. .. NEWSP~APER OF THlE ;ITY OF MICHIGAN ery orning except Monday' versity year by the Board inl lent Pulblications Western Conferenlce ]ditorialF -ed Pre-, is exclusively en- for republication of all news ited to it or not other"Wise paper! and the local news pub- means for identification. F+indi one of slaught of the disease. Let us pray s them now, register at the booth as- that the terrific plague does...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…THE MlCHIG.AN DAILY r ,. yews From Th& -hive ,,tudents will w-ork to the Orient this sumnmer iumusical in 'trum uats. They ustitute the official orchestra nwricaniceein liner lcaving Freit shortly after the close le e cyear. 'L1olill (N. .)-After an lex- -of the records of all :the stu- ently, it was annouinced that LLLjorty f the footbail team aniong the highe._t grades t year. °D. L. Williamson, '23,3 :er mani, has never fa~iled an on s...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _.,,. ; d /. m immm. p k wvft ./ 101111111111w) (rr y I -.000orAlk, . .. MO RAY TIL Le*ks Slow Up Runners In Early season Outdoor Work V AULT "SENSATO; k J IE ILP BEN SHtOW WELL ach P~rrel continued to give his i lgt 'rk" yesrteday ato pre- them 4 the trials that will be 1~L this week 'or early next. It is rini the weight events where there Smuch good work as the men ;do' their best or near it when they L...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 7

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY ,. I ,I THIS. COLUMN ICLOSE$ AT3P, , VERTISING NOTICE WANTID The following Box Replies are at the HOUSE WANTED-I have a client at the .Daly office: Jake, 12, BC, M 'BA,18, PDU. ..|ICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advance. Minimum chage ifor first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Tliee cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of five cents ...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 8

…______ ~TH E MICHIGAN DAR"iL_______ _w.__k_...__. ._.._,- ._ FBULLETIN i on InA the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of rty. Copy remvdmii ~ . .M(1-30 j.. m.Satiiria.) r yrivdAY, APi 3*,TL 1D. 2 I _ _ 1 I the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans Thursday, April 19, at 3 p. in. M.;I4 BURTON. IvrsXity Lecture: Professor Henri Eauser will deliver a University lecture upo.n the sub- ,t "The Present Eiconomic Situa...…

April 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…r IV o pit 11!UU hal x ASSOCIA PRESS *fl DAY AND NIGH. ,,, ' ' ) t _. Zi~ SEJIVICI I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1922 PRICE .-. -- - -- WERLE ADDRESSES MEDICAL SOCIETY "There seems'to be no co-ordinat- ed effort on the part of municipal and statb institutions to stamp out tuber- culosis either by educating the public of its danger and insidiousness or by actually combatting it through sani-I tariums and open air camp...…

April 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…But all this does not really prove any- i -. m ing except Monday during the University ontrol of Student Publications. ! THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as is exclusive entitled . t-the-a" disptchs ce~td t itor not otherwise nd the local news published tkereie- oSe.:eAnnArbor, Wiehia. as a d Ltr or ail $3.5o. Press B inlg, Meynard Street. 16o. Editorial, 2424. to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signt- pear in printbut as an evidence of faith, LI b:e ...…

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