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April 19, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-19

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Fourteen Amiphiian Heroes, Nation.
lional Collegiae (Championu,
rliii Rcognition
Fouiten members o Michigan' a
swimming team, national collegiate
and Big Ten Champions, will receive
letters, according to Coach Matt
Mann. Four other members of the
squad have been awarded AMA's.
Bob Darnall '28, Garnet Ault '30M,
Clarence Batter '28, Clarence Horn
'28, George llubbel '29E, Ernest Reif
'30, Meyer Rosenberg '30, Al Seager
'29, Dick Spindle '29E dud Thompson
'30, Bob Wagner '28, Frank Walaitis
'30, Bob Walker '30, and Toni Wat
son '29 are the letter winners.
The AMA winners are Harold Bail-
ey '29, Walter Chaffee '29A, Bob 11al-
sted '28E, and Edward Warner '0.I
Captain Darnall and Batter will be
receiving their third letters. They willt
be lost to the 1929 team through grad-
cation along with Wagner, breast
stroker, and Horn, water polo goal
tender. The loss of Darnall and
Wagner will be felt next year, as the9
former is Big Ten and national chain-
pion in the 100 yard swim, while
the latter is Conference breast stroke
Six men, Hubbell and Spindle, bach
strokers; Horn and Wagner; Seager
and Watson, free stylers, are receiving
their letters for the second time. The
remaining six letter winners are all
sophomores. Walker, Walaitis, Ault,
and Reif, free stylers; Thonmpson,
breast stroker, and Rosenberg, diver,
will receive their first letters. These
swimmers will all be eligible for two
more years of competition.
flalsted, a letterman for the past
tIwo years, was beaten out of a po-
sition in the breast stroke by Wagner
and Thompson rceiving his AMA,
He will graduate in June. Bailey,
fancy diver, is being awarded his
second AMA. Chaffee, and Warner
ar both back strokers. The former
has completed his college conpeti-
tion, having represented Detroit City
college for two years, while Warner
has two more years.
The number of letters given out is
one less than last year, when 15 were
awarded. Four AMAs, the same this
season, were awarded in 1927.
With the addition to the Wolver-
ine's net schedule of a match with
the Detroit Tennis Club to take place
this Saturday at Detroit, Michigan's
tennis players are now slated to con-
pete in nine dual meets, besides the
Conference tournaments at Purdue.
The Maize and Blue racket wielders
Conference dual meet champions in
1927, will engage seven Conference
iIlinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
and Chicago, in the order' named. The
annual match with Michigan State
will he played here April 30.
The pre-season match this Saturday
with the Detroit Tennis Club will pro-
bably be composed -of ten singles
and five double encounters, ad it is
expected that all members of the
squad will see action.
F our or the ohd men fromn last
year's cam iosh i p team, Capta in
Barton, Moore, Schaeffer, and Algyer
(Continued on Page Seven)

Lovable Steve Farrell, up the pro-
verbial creek (as they tell me the boys
say) foi athletes to represent dear
old hlichigan at the Ohio running
ouid inisted hat his run-
ners and jumpers perform yesterday
despite the simply beautiful weather.
And oul, girls! 'ven if they can't run

and jump, they looked absolutely ex-
quisite in their georgette ensemble or
Maize an(l baby Blue.
)inmpled knees twinkled fast and
tu'riouii ', but somehow all the hand-
some 0 i'ri5s of tlios dimpled knees
Senm ' to Ay too long in one place-
,ll xc -pt the petite Captain Hester
and Iln l.thlie Stafford Jones and the
I ercel.ai hamndolplh Monroe. So much
for the ruiners until later, but it was
a paity t hat lthe boys have to stay in
t'ining A) the while that Coachie
asi roll guzzles bon bons while di-
recting them.
The jumpers were not. so good, this
altho-,ih Charles Waldo resembles

Catching crabs, after a season of
intensive training under the tutelege
of Coach Emery, caused the husky
J Daily ( U 51 en to lose a two mile
" lew fog; the University all-time
c(lanipionsh)ip last night. After trail-
ing the Daily blade wielders by a
mile throughout the race, the speedy.
Michigan Dame's crew was able to
win a gruelling contest in G hours and
59 minutes from the much heavier
Daily boat.
Despite the fact that a brilliant
moon shone overhead, the diminutive
c(oxs wfin of the Daily shell, Jo Cham-
berlin, was unable to locate the exact
Sposition of the banes of all husky
Phil Brooks, the lightest man in the
hoat, tipping the scales at 195 pounds
s;trove mightily to fight the careen-
ing careening shell, but he was woe-
fully unsuccessful. It seems that Ellis
Merry, pulling number 5 in the center
I or the boat, caught two crabs on the
end of the oar. In an endeavor to
shake them off (the crabs) Herb .Ved-
er, holding down the sixth seat,
caughtone of them on his oar. The
confusion which resulted caused the
boat to overturn with the valient oars-
men precipitated into the clear;, plia-
cid waters of the Huron.
In the meantime, the Michigan
Dames. harely a mile in the rear,
pulled by the upset Daily oarsmen to
win the race with a perfect stroke of



31iss Ma iu Volp j
Of West Bethlehem high school,.
Washington, Pa., who has .jult set a
gorgeous record as a coach of that
sbc-el's girl habsketbt}allf ean. TFime
team, under Miss Volpe, las won 8

out of 87 games. The team won 2:. irene Pavlowska's dancing partner.
games and lost none this -Ca 511.. T he Anld ite weight throwers! Did you
school is very small, having less tinie vr notice that the sylph-like Wil-
50 students. No less iii1s'iv O ford Ketz actually seems to be an
than the record made by the girls a('sthete when he throws that great
are their cute orc hid ero pce de (hi' big hammer?
unifornms. Shoes of beige duck trim- After the t;tials Mr. Farrell told us
med in white were worn throughout girls that today he would post the
the season. ofieial list of those who will parti-
<ipate in the affair a't Columbus, where
_ a ian:,ements for the premature May
Day pioceedings are* now well under.
' E way.
Speaking of wash-outs, there was i OURTEEN NUMBERS

Miss Carrie Waite
Promising newcomer among the
women athletes who should make an

a wow of a freeze-out yesterday at
4:30 p. m., (railroad time) when the
famous Polar Bear Folo team metl
the Eskimo hoeky' team at the annual
football contest held at Lima, Peru.
Roller skates -which ru 'o
gasoline haie recently beeli in-
vented. Ann Arbor gas stations
have anlounced- special accommo-
dations and price, for students.
Floppy organdy hats and net sun-J
shades, approved by Vogue, will be
worn by women fans at the local base-
ball stands, due to the lack of pro-
tection afforded by university auth-
orities for the school girl complexions
so popular with the bigger, betted, and
stronger fraction of the student body.
The 3ichia" V"sity coas'ter-
wagon crew will make its first
first public appearance in com-
petition with the kindergarten
Fast Workers at 11:30 o'clock
tonight at the Union pool which
has been drained for the event.
The women of the University of

awfully determined try for our Olym-
Coach Matt Mann has awarded nu' pie team. Miss Waite can throw that1
merals to 14 members of the frosh big heavy discus a very long ways
swimming team. This is one more and she looks so sweet when she does
than last season. when one of the it that she really ought to go across
best yearling teams in the history of to Europe even if only for the trip.
the sport was developed. She says it isn't very hard to thr;ow
Breast strokers are plentiful in the it as she has worked very hard to get
1931 squad, as five of them will re- money to pay off the mortgage on the
ceive numerals. Edwin Beebee of old home down in Kentucky and many
Buffalo, Richard Mertz of Detroit, times she has thrown persistent suit-
Roger Eisman of Erie, Louis Katz of ers off the porch..
Chicago, and Raymond Gould of De-
troit are the freshmen who won their MILWAUKEE. - Billy Sixty has
awards in the breast stroke. been reappointed Varsity golf coach
Five of the yearlings on the 1931 at Marquette university.
squad are free stylers. None of them
are as outstanding as the 1930 fresh-
men were last year. These numeral
winers ari Howard Auer of Bay City,{
Edward Russell, Norman Shikes of au A'
Brookline, Mass., Joseph Witter of i
Highland Park, and Robert Gold- J
1smith of Kalamazoo. I I"''a
Clarence Boldt of Detroit, former
national interscholastic champion, is \
the sole back stroker among the num-
eral winners.


Spring football continued today in
real earnest, with the renewed call
for recruits by Coach Tad Wieman.
More than 100 uniforms were issued
for the Tuesday practice but more
men are expected to come out, ac-
cording to Coach Wieman, "There are
many fellows who have not reported
who should be out here as no one
has any position sewed up. I have to
have an almost entirely new team
next year anyway and a few more
changes won't make any difference."
The competition this year is keen
and the spring football therefore pro-
mises to be the most important in
the annals of Michigan ,football his-
tory. Not only is it planned to fill
the gaps left in the regular lineup by
the graduation of many of last year's

New Tennis Bandeau
This is the latest style bandeau, to
be worn on the tennis court, accord-a
ing to Paris fashion notes. Although
the picture was cut off at the neck+
it is rumored that a very engaging
suit resembling pajamas completes
tme costume.
members but the suggestions are that
there will be many changes in the
entire make-up of the team'.
Most of the time of practice so far
has been devoted to work on blocking
land the candidates have been given a
strenuous workout. This year will
see more scrimmaging than ever be-
fore, according to Coach Wiemain.
And, furthermor, according to all re-
ports received from the field, the
amount of training planned promises
much work to be done and much com-
petition for the Chicago Alumni tro-
phy this year. Practice will be held
five days a .eek from' 3:30 to 5:30
o'clock. The men will, however, be
Hallowed to get off early to attend home
baseball games, but on these occa-
sions the practices will begin earlier.
The first three weeks will be de-
votd to fundamentals with different
phases' stressed every day, to prevent
training becoming monotonous. Cap-
tain George Rich and other mem-bers
of last year's varsity squad are hard
at work and several members of last
year's freshman squad are making a
showing which promises definite
competition for the first team squad.
T.his Page Edited
(Women's Editor)
Aud Remainder of Women's Staff

Really, I've never had the honor
before of writing for the sports page
of an paper even of the highest de-
gee, but when a paper such as this
worthy journal makes the demand-
well! You fee, I don't know much
about baseball, but then I always have
figured that it is just a matter of
impressions, there really doesn't seem
to be much more to it than that. I
never could get a thrill out of just
watching a few men get out and run.
aroumida square unless iiey were
goodlooking hike Frank Harrigan oi-
Bennie Oosteibaan. I couldn't find
Frank yesterday but I saw enough of
the game when I watched Bennie run,
leastwise they told-me it was Bennie
and from a distance it looked like
An d when Bennie wasn't out there,
I had a good time just looking at ts
men in the stands! ;did you ever se
anythink LIKE the men who attend
these baseball games? I always
thought that it was sort of the elite
of anywhere who went to baseball
games, but then I suppose college
baseball IS different.But. just thme
same you can tell the different classes
of men who attend. And if I ever
wanted to date a man who goes to a
college baseball game I think I'd
choose one who sits down on the
grass just alongside the diamond (that
sounds exciting but it really isn't)
because they are always the ones who
wear white knickers and wear slouch
hats and smoke pipes. The rest look,
mor thoroughly like "collitch" men
and wear decrepit looking clothes sup-
posed to be the "latest thing" and
smoke Chesterfields incessantly in
hopes some girl will be fool enough
to say "Blow some my way." But after
Jim got nasty several times about tell-
ing me why the man in the center
insisted upon yelling "Foul" at'a man
who really didn't look nasty, just be-
cause he hit a ball backwards or did
not aim it for one of the men on the
field (and the players were always
doing either one thing or the other) I
got bored and if what I attended was
representative of a college baseball
game, well-Saints preserve me!
for all miakes of
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Michigan amy anxiously awaiting the
appearance of the Varsity football,
squad in the new fur bonnets, the
rage for these cunning Stetson models
having been started by Professor
Laurence M. Gould, whose portrait
in the latest head garb is now on

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