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April 19, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-19

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Kelsey Explains Significance, Results
Of Expioratiions Made While On
Recent Oriental Trip
Opening the 23rd annual meeting
of the Classical Association of the
Middle West and South, on Thursday
evening, President Clarence Cookj
Little welcomed the, delegates, more
than 300 of whom were present, and
told them of some of the benefits that
he saw accruing as a result of the
study of the classics, warning them of
some of the steps that the classicists
must take if they are to bring the
classics before the notice of all the'
people and realize the full value of
such a study.
President Little called the classics
the key to mental recreation and I
stressed the point that if the children I
of America are to understand and ap-
preciate the classics they must have
some point of contact with them, and
that those people who have charge
of instructing them ins this apprecia-
tion must add some human interest as
k bait..

Nicholas Longworth
Congressman, who will deliver Com-
mencement address in June.
Speaker of House of Representatives
Definitely selected to Address

Senators King And La~oliette 'Tike
Part In Ileated Battle Againstk
Claims Of Non-Existence
(By Associated Press)
question whether the Senate special,
committee investigating the election
contest brought by William B. Wilsol,
Democrat, against Senator-elect Wil-
liam S .Vare, Republican, is still le-
gally in existence was argued in the
United States district court today.
A decision will not be forthcoming
for more than ten days, as Judge J.
Whittaker Thompson, who heard the'
case, alloted the committee five days
to file a brief and granted another
five days for the filing of an answer.
The question came before the court
on petition of the committee for pos-
session of the ballot boxes held by the
Delaware county authorities.
The defendants in the case filed
an answer denying the right of the
committee to demand the ballots and
other records on the ground that the
committee does not legally exist, Con-
gress having failed to passaa resolu-
tion to continue it. They also ques-
tioned the jurisdiction of the court.
South Is Attorney
While Gary C. South, special repre-
sentative of the committee, appeared,
before the court as its accredited at-
torney. Sen, William H. King, of Utah,
who was accompanied by Sen. Robert
N. LaFollette, both members of the
committee, took a leading part in the
Senator King fought every conten-
tion# that the committee was legally
non-existent. When the point was
made by counsel for the Delaware4
county official that Mr. South had no
legal standing because the committee
had no legal authority to ask for the
ballots, Senator King said the point
was not controlling.
"If it should be held that the com-
mittee had no right to designate Mr. 1
South or any other agent, thetcommit-
tee itself is here, through Senator La-
Follette and myself, to make a de-
mand in person for these ballot boxes
and other paraphernalia," said Sen-
ator King.
With Emil Jannings in the part of3

[ t _ _.r

Dean Stout Speaks iKraiuatn g1ass
The opening meeting was also fea-
tured by speeches by Dean Stout,who I SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 20
spoke on the "Propraetorship of,,Pliny
and Bithynia" and Prof. R. S. Conway, Students of the class of 1927 will
of the University of Manchester, Eng- hear Nicholas Longworth, speaker of
land, who spoke on "The Chivalry of the House of Representatives deliver
Virgil." Professor Conway, in his the Comence entadres ue20
speech, drew a contrast between the address June 20
position of woman in the ancient in Hill auditorium. Definite an-
world with the position of woman in nouncement of his selection has beenl
the modern world. He declared that made by the President's office.
the progress and the advancement of Representative Longworth has been
a civilization may be accurately de- mentioned prominently as presidential
termined by the position that women timber for the Republican ticket, in
were allowed to hold, or that they 1928, due to the possession of the
claimed in te era, being considered. speaker's gavel in the House and his
However, irgilbdingotspproved.fposition as Republican floor leader
However, Virgil did not approve of from 1923 to 1925. His wife is Alice
ome isad the spe k taken against Lee Roosevelt, daughter of the late
Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the ;president.
Latin dpartment. who has lately re-sn Graduated from the Harvard Law
turned from the Near East, where he I school in 1893, Speaker Longworth,
has been directing the operation of after taking his degree as bachelor of
the University of Michigan Near East laws in the Cincinnati law school, en-
Research party, was the main speaker gaged actively in Ohio politics, serv-
of the Friday night session of the as- ing for four years in both houses of
sociation. He outlined to the mem- the state legislature. In 1903 he left
bers some of the results of the trip i state politics to become a member of
and the explorations and told them of the national House of Representa-
the significance of the trip.E tives,, acting from 1903 to 1913. In
s oldCoins ound, 1915 he was re-elected to the House
Among the significant finds that and has been a member continuously
were made by the party were a hoard since that time.
of 60 gold coins of the old Roman !-- !
empire, minted in the second century; ANGELL SELECTED!
two letters written by a )reek yoFuthR PRES BOARD
to his mother about 200 A.D. ; and F
three shrine pictures from shrines
that had been later moved to private Prof. Rboert C. Aiigell of the socia-
houses, said Professor Kelsey. logy department has been appointed
The earlies of the gold coins found to the Board In Control of Student
by the expedition was minted during Publications to fill the vacancy caused
the reign of Hadrian about 134 A. 1) by the resignation of Prof. F. N.
The rest are of the reign of Antoninus Scott, head of the rhetoric depart-
Pius and 39 of the coins have the por- ment, it was announced yesterday by
trait of this emperor. Sid have the Prof. Morris P. Tilley, of the English!
portrait of the young Marcus Aurelius, ;department.a
while he was still Caesar and before 1 Professor Angell was a member of
he hadhrisento fame. Not one of the The Daily staff" during the years!
coins, as far as has been determined 1917-18 and 1919-20, and for the
seems to be dated later than 158 A.D., second semester of the latter year,
according to Professor Kelsey. lie was sports editor.
acorin t Po ssy.- - - -- --_-----
Thirty-three of the 60 coins are to'
be the property of the University and STATE LEGISLA TU
are at present in a loan collection in S AT M N F
(Continued on Page Three)ST TE NT O
RHODES SCHOLARS Legislators of the state of Michigan
1jURESP-OR TINTG IWill receive a formal statement of tie
needs of the University during 192S
London, April 18 - That Rhodes and 1929 in the form of a University
scholars, especially Americans, are bulletin prepar'ed by the Regents,
hurting Oxford's sports is the view which will be placed on the desks
taken by Max Pemberton, author. of members of both houses in the
l'emberton things that the studious- state capital some time today.
ness of the Rhodes men breaks the Legislative attention is asked for
morale of the others who think it lit- two problems-removal of the limita-
tle use to compete with the older men. tions on the mill tax and a special
Recent history shows continued appropriation of $4,925,000 for con-
successes for Cambridge and defeats tinuation of' the building program
for Oxford. The Cambridge men lay during the next two years. Each item
this to their rivals' alleged effemin- on the building program, the report
acy and dislike for training; while Ox- states, "represents a positive, im-
ford graduates think that the Rhodes mediate need."
scholars study too hard and that the Withdrawal of the limitktion of the
woman-element is too strong. University's share in the proceeds of
the 'mill tax to $3,700,000 is asked
TANAKA IS NEW PREMIER by the Regents, since the University's
expense "already exceeds its current'
(By Associated Press) income by more than $200,000." Al-
TOKIO, April 18.-Baron Tanaka, though "its fundamental principle is
+h 0.-MV111i:- nnr.ty hn ano-nnt- to nrovidea nnincome which increases

(By Associted IPres)
WICHITA, Kans., April 18.-Two
persons were known to have been
killed, two missing and ten others in-
jured, four dangerously, as the result
of an explosion of ammonia which
wrecked a grocery store near the
downtown section here today.
An unidentified woman and child
were missing, anid could be heard
moaning in the debris two hours after
the blast.
Resultant fire was quenched with
the aid of rain of cloudburst propor-
tions which foloweA on the heels of
the explosion.
I t
I Wisconsin Profesor Will Open Third
Convocation Series In Hill
Auditorium iunday
Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, of the
philosophy department of Wisconsin
uiiversity, will open the third series
of student convocations with an ad-
dress next Sunday morning in Hill
auditorium. Three services on con-
secutive Sundays have been arranged
by the special committee appointed
by President Clarence Cook Little.
Dr. Meiklejohn spoke in Ann Arbor
during the first convocation series a
year ago and more recently at the
second annual congress of the Nation-
al Student Federation of America!
which was held here last December.
He is an avowed liberalist in the field
of education, having become particul-
arly prominent since his resignation ;
from the presidency of Amherst col-
lege three years ago when he and
the board of trustees there failed to
agree on certain policies.
At the present time Dr. Meiklejohn
is making preparations at Wisconsin
for the introduction of an experimen-
tal college at that university next
Announcement was recently made
by Dean H. E. Hawkes of Columbia
university, chairman of the executive
committee of the New York Times
Current Events contest, that the same
judges who officiated last year willj
again grade the final examination.
The men named as judges are: Lin-
con O'Brien of the Boston Herald,
Prof. James S. Myers of the journal-
ism department of Ohio State univer-
sity, and David Lawrence of Washing-
These men will pick the final win-
ner of the contest from among the
winners at the twenty leading educa-
tional institutions at which the pre-
liminary tests are graded. The execu-
tive committee will write the ques-
tions for the final examination' which
will be held on May 14.
The local committee will meet this
afternoon to make final arrangements
for the local contest which will be
held Saturday morning. Prof. Everett
S. Brown of the political science de-
partment, chairman of the local c6m-
mittee, stated yesterday that it is not
'too late to enter the contest.
Tickets for Mimes' next play, "An-
na Christie," by Eugene O'Neill, will

go on sale this morning at the box
office of the Mimes theater. The cast
has been in rehearsal during the en-
tire vacation period and the play will
open] Thursday night. Three pfer-
formances will be given on Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday.'
Addison Pelletier, '28, and Dorothy
Williams, '29, will take the leading fe-1
male parts in the production. The
former, who played a leading role in'
the Junior Girls' Play, will take the
part of Anna Christie. Miss Williams,
who has had leading roles in several'
Comedy club and Masques produc-
tions, will play Marthy. These are
the first women students ever allowed
in a Mimes cast.
In addition to these, Charles Liv-
ingstone, '28L, will take the principal
male role.
All seats are priced at 75 cents and
may be reserved at the box office of
the Mimes theater until 6 o'clock of
the nights of any of the three ner-

More Than ?,000 Driven From Homes{
Property Damage Over Million;
Red Cross Asks Aid
(By Associated Press)
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 18.-
The old river dike, on which 800
men have been laborhig for two
days in an effort to stave off the
attacks of the Arkansas river,
has been breached. The towns of
England, Aitheimer, and Keo, are
in the path of the flood and the
water is expected to spread for
(10 miles south of Keats.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 18.-Heavy
with the flood waters of two-fifths of
the toal area of continental United
States, the Mississippi river and its
tributaries hammered incessantly at
the levees man has built to reclaim
hundreds of square miles of fertile
Throughout their lands, man and
machine tonight contued to pile on
sandbags and construct emeregency
reenforcements on the dikes to pro-
tect the flood plains extending at an
average width of 30 miles from the
Distress Is Great
Widespread distress and extensive
ruin mark the places where the river
has overcome its artificial bounds and'
laid claim to uncounted thousands of
acres of land.
Spreading widely over Missouri,!
Arkansas and Mississippi, with lesser
areas inundated in Illinois, Kentucky,
Tennessee and Louisiana, the flood]
has driven an estimated 25,000 per-!
sons from their homes and wrought
material ruin expected to mount into
the millions of dollars.
Upwards of a dozen lives have been
lost in the unequal struggle of man
against force.
New Rises Registered
Most disheartening to the refugees,
atop levees or in camps that dot the1
valley, are the upward revision of
flood stages issued by the weather bu-
reau. At Forst Smith, Ark., where
the Arkansas enters the state of herE
name, new rises were registered and!
official predictions said new floods
probably would break all records with
a stage of 37 to 38 feet.
The most serious situation on the
Mississippi river, north of Vicksburg,
tonight appeared to be at Knowlton,
Ark., just above Lacona Landing.
Residents sent out a cry of distress
today and a government boat was sent!
to pick them up before tie impending'
breach there should occur.
Warning that stages which the Mis-
sissippi will reach as the great vol-
ume from upstream moves southward,
S. W. Brisk of the Memphis weather
bureau, urged that all precautionary
measures possible be taken.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 18.-The Red1
Cross tonight appealed for contribu-'
tions to replace a fund of $25,000
which has been ordered set aside for
Mississippi river flood sufferers.
The greatest immediate need, the
organization said in announcing its
appeal, is for housing and food. Re-
ports to the Red Cross indicate at least
25,000 persons already have fled their
homes and must have both food and
shelter for an indefinite period.

OHIO STATE-Ninety per cent ofj
the men students work their way!
through school, either in whole or in

Forty Warships Of Interested Powers
Prepared For All Developments
Predicted At lIankow

Royal S. Copeland
United States Senator and Michiganj
graduate, who will address the bus-
iness men of Ann Arbor at the bi-
weekly luncheon of the Chamber of
Commerce today, speaking on "An
American Merchant Marine."
Former Mayor Of Ain Arbor Is Only
Doctor To Hold Senator's Desk
In Present Congress
Sen. Royal S. Copeland, '89M, Dem-
ocrat, New York, will address Ann
Arbor business men at the bi-weekly
luncheon of the Chamber of Com-
merce today on "An American Mer-
chant Marine."
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en-
gineering school has been named as
chairman of the reception committee
for Senator Capeland,while Horatio J.
Abbott, chairman of the Democratic
state committee, will preside at the
Senator Copeland, who is the onli~
doctor to hold a senator's 'desk in the
capital during the session, is one of }
the leading Democrats in Congress.:
His term as senator from New York
does not expire until 1929.
Born in Dexter, a village about
eight miles from this -city, Dr. Cope-
land received his higher education in
Ann Arbot, graduating from the Uni-
versity medical school in 1889. After
taking post-graduate work in Eng-
land, France, Germany, Switzerlan
and Belgium, 1A9 -returnied to this
country and took up his medical prac-
tice in Bay City, Mich.
In 1890 Dr. Copeland was appointed
house surgeon of the University hos-
pital and assistant professor of oph-
thalmology ond otology. Five years
later he was appointed to a full pro- !
fessorship in ophthalmologoy and ot-
ology in the University medical school
and held that position for 13 years.
During this period he served two,
terms as mayor of Ann Arbor and one
as president of the Board of Educa-
After leaving the medical school
here in 1908 Senator Copeland became
dean of the New York Flower hospital
medical college for t on years. At the
close of the World War, he was chos-'
en commissioner of public health and'
president of the board of health of
New York City, and held that position
until 1923, when he was elected toj
the United States Senate.I
Senator Copeland is the author of
I several textbooks on medical topics.I
1IOWA-The only two students who
received all "A" grades are men who
are working their way through school.

(By Associated Press)
SIIANGIIAI, April 18.-Chiang ,Ka-
Shek, generalissimo of the Cantonese
(Nationalist) army who has declared
his intention of driving out the ex-
treme radicals from the Koumintang,
Cantonese political organization, is
reported to have taken the first de-
termined step by setting up a new
government at Nanking, In opposition
to that at Hankow, which he charges
is controlled by the Communist ele-
Though details of the constitution
of the Chiang government are lacking,
the report is generally credited, and it
is understood that prominent leaders
representing Canton, Nanking, and
Shanghai will have a place In the
Thus the original Cantonese gov-
ernment would appear to be split in
twain, and the hope of unity among
the southern opponents of the Peking
government to have been dissipated,
temporarily at least.
Northerners Reform
Both factions of the Nationalists
have been bending every effort to get
the support of the various provinces
north and south of the Yangtze river
and the adherence of the commanders
of the various military units, but in
the meantime the northern forces,
which not long ago were in swift re-
treat, have had a chance to reform in
some measure.
The foreign powers have made cer-
tain that they will be prepared for
any developments at Hankow, where
events of serious import Iwere pre-
dicted. Forty or more warships of
Great Britain, the :United States, Ja-
pan, France and Italy are stationed at
this port, or are patroling, ready for
whatever emergeny may arise. Aboard
this great fleet ar WOO00 men who
could be landed forthwith.
Because of this ,perhaps; or in the
way of marking time, Hankow is re-
ported comparatively quiet, and what-
ever foreigners are still resident there
are considered comparatively safe,
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 18.-Despite
intimations in Paris and London that
a five-power agreement to "send an-
other and more sharply worded note
to the lankow government on the
Nanking outrages has been reached,
Secretary Kellogg was still undecided
tonight as to the next step so far as
the United States is concerned.
The secretary began personal con-
sideration of the reply made by Eu-
gene Chen, Hankow foreign minister,
and recommendations as to an answer
transmitted by Minister MacMurray at
Peking, when he returned to his desk
this morning from a brief Easter va-
cation. The secretary ihImself was
authority for the statement that he
had reached no decision.
Fire On Cruisers
While word was going out from the
state department, additional reports
came to the navy from Admiral Wil-
liams, commanding American forces
in Chinese waters, that the American
destroyer Ford and the cruiser "Cin-
cinnati" had been fired upon in the
Yangtze river. The Cincinnati re-
turned - fire, silencing the Chinese
I guns. No casualties were reported.
The London ad Paris reports of
an additional and more strongly word-
I ed note are believed to refer to the
diplomats in Peking and to imply that
Minister MacMurray and his col-
leagues are in agreement that a sharp
note should ae sent. There was no
official intimation in Washington,
however, as to recommendations Mac-
Murray may have submitted.
At the time of the formulation of
the first identic notes demanding
reparations for the Nanking outrages,
there were indications that the Wash-
ington government was not prepared
to take as drastic action as the Pek-
ing diplomats mayhave suggested. In'
the end the more moderate course fa-
vored in Washington apparently won
the support of all the other govern-
ments concerned. Whether Secretary

Kellogg is again inclined to attempt
further negotiations with the Hankow
authorities rather than to resort to
something in the nature of an ulti-
matnm +to nfnron nmnlnenna w+ tA


Mephistopheles, the screen version of
Goethe's "Faust" will be presented to-
morrow and 'Thursday at Hill auditor-
ium. According to producers, the film
is a screen epic of importance, por-
traying in a grandiose mannmer the 1
old legend of "Faust" evolved into
huge tomes by Marlowe amid Goethe
and set to appropriate music by Cou-
For those who object to moving
pictures in Hill auditorium because
of the waits between reels, two ma-
m chines have been installed so that
the picture will be continuous. The
,proceeds of these two nights of enter-j
tainment will be turned over to the
Womn's league building fund.
the removal of this mitation, it is
claimed in the bulletin.
Plans of the University to expend
its needed increase in income include
more intelligent selection of students
by personal interview and correspon-
dence, President Little's system of in-
troduction of the student by a "Fresh'-
man Week," provision of more and
better instructors, limprovement if
living conditions, and disposal of the
student body in smaller, coordinated
Necessity of the expansion of the
t University's conservation program is
stressed. "The University intends,"
the report states, "to develop its de-
partment of forestry into a School
of Forestry- and Conservation, under
an outstanding director already se-
The lack of any well-developed de-
partments in the practical arts of
music, painting, sculpture and draw-
ing is emphasized by the Regents as
is the nneesity for th-e ovnansinn of


University hall, the oldest building use of the balcony for about 15 years.
on the campus, has been condemned The State Legislature was asked for
funds to replace it in 1921 and 1923,
as a fire hazard after an investiga- and the Regents strongly advocated
tion made recently by State Fire Mar- its replacement in 1925. At present
shal Charles V. Lane. there is a measure before the legisla-
The fire marshal recommended that ture asking $900,000 as part of the
the theater and balcony of the build- regular University appropriation bill
ing be discontinued for use for plays to build a unit to house the adminis-
or entertainments of any kind, as the trative offices and class rooms which
construction and age of the building are located in the old building.
constitute a fire hazard in itself which IIt was pointed out by the fire mar-
would endanger life even though shal that University hall is not only a
proper escapes and exits were in- danger in itself but that it endangers
stalled." All offices and class rooms the new Angell hall which is separat-
en +o h Vnrnidp ithP xitrinr £de I a r., it hb- ,-n,, n1, l fP An z oa

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