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April 19, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-19

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~Jt~ ~ thereby have a legitimate protest. ButI
_______ ______the majority, also, being reasonable, ff
will see that some measure had to be,
Control of Student Publications, It is quite possible, of course, that RE'MOVE'THE i ican Iraia
Members- of Westemz Conference Editorial teaching respect for women is no art STD Uth
AsoCiation._ of college edcationl; and it may be NET
The Associated Press is exclusively en- also that some of the women on the Nozhttesno ece aeTEOl EI E
titled to the use for republication of all news~No ththesnrbncshaeHEOD EVLSA
dispatchescritdtitono tewecmudontdsrenrxpt re- been removed from down near the There is nohingcuite so go o
rrodlitrd in -iis paper and the local news pdb-spect. However that may be, unive- Egngcoo h1tdim o h tetetr saca ge. ood ohr
city students could still be gentle- Diagonal ought to go too. I poeso eursacniulfcs
Entered at the, postoffies at Ann Arbor,mealesntoythmaoiyrfsinrquesactnalou-
Michigan, as second class matter. Special }rate mn tlat o nytemjrt of . « lg in new fields to quicken the slug-
Wae postage granted by Third Assistant Post- them, but all of them. Unitl this rath- cuetermoaofteeie.gspleofnadec-vnth
master Generp. O oretermvlo h nie ihpleo nadec-ee h
Subsc-iption by carrier, $ar ; by mail, er millenial day Comes about, the ,r jueietpr a rnItd eea tednsuo h oa
Of.f0.ebenches willrhavestoBremaingremoved, by good and sufficient reasons, which stock. It is so that Mimes' forthcom-!
hard SceetA. Abr rs uldnMy though the "offended" student body
nes: StEit ra,42;Bsnes234 er uc ptraim"anybody )bat an engineer would have ing production of Eugene ONeills
Phn: dtril 42;flsnes2~i. der uc paenlim"realized long ago. "Anna Christie", which will open
EDITORIAL STAFF « "* Thursday night for an indefinite run,
Telephone 4925 ISARMiVRAENT POSIBILITIES If they haven't anything better to should close the dramatic season of
Possibilities for world disarmament, do than sit and watch co-eds, they that organization with hasty glory.
MANAGING EDITOR though somewhat blighted by the ought to go to the Lit school and work "Anna Christie" will please mightily
SMITH H. CADY. JR. French refusal to be represented at for their marks, and sho k some-a good combntion
« . ...something tecmu ed.Wt
Editor................ W. Calvin Patterson the three power conference suggested, oeo h by"ilh kcig h rd iiterimpngefte"s. W i
Cit Editor................Irwin A. Olias h ueflbseigo h S e
J Frederick Shillito by the United States, and the failure Soefthbyswlbekcig Glencairn"-thle O'Neill drama which
Nevis Editors........... FPhilip C. Brooks saying they have been deprived of an
Women's Editor.......... .Marion Kubik of the League preparatory commission completed last season and opened this
Sports Editor........... Wilton A. Simpsonoprtnyofstig utoejy
Telegraph Editor ....... ....Morris Zwerding to accomplish anything in four 'weeks opportunitycofpsitting outsto"enjo
Music and rama.......Vincent C. Wall. Jr. teofutfu disgwatereuti
of dscusion ma stil b regrde asChristie" should do the same. The
Night Editors hopefmyutilbereareda they don't get enough of that while
Charles .Behytnet Ellis Merry hpfl on these sreig trips all engineers play is not the mst perfect drama
Cattonr Chanwc St anford N. Phelps The principle promise for a success-yg in the world, but it is one of the most
fo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith u'lmtio seem to take, maybe the S. C. A.
ame Herald Casam' A. Wilson flmtton seems to lie with the human in the American theater. The
~snes resh air camp would board them foi
Assistant City Editors Coolidge conference. "It is believedawekos. theme will prove sensational to this
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau that at this meeting the British gv aps n hce osmbti
JoehBusikement will propose, not only limita- Frmnwoteol a ne-Is not so purely salacious as some
Maron Anderson MCOiton Kirshbaum. tion of cruisers, but also reduction in would have you believe, and it is not
Margaret Arthur Pa~'l Kern thei onaeadpehp intto gineer can put himself on exhibition is fdry eeyfravrieet n
)ean C~nphell Sally Knox etroonageand erhps ofi thtosefekihbu dit1 eey1o detieet n
Jessie Church Richard Kurvink. of submarine construction Thouh t eroeo hoefeks leat last it occupies an acceptable
theater ti. Clark G. Thomas McKean . France is opposed to such moves, her striped affairs the juniors over there
F elardC.'Cuniiag KenethPatickplace in dramatic literature. The fol-
Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy ultimate approval has been suggested inflict on the public, lowing cast has been selected to pre-
Jsaueiard W. celand Morris (unn l* *
Clarence :Edelson James Sheehan by some observers on the FroUnlds I Sent the production:Stn_
William Emery .Sylvia ;hiStonead . o-swreop.
Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor that she would not want to antagonize WieteBaid . os er 1Johnny- the-Priest" . . ..Roy G. Curtis
J Martiti Frissel Nelson J Smith. Jr. Great Britian whose naval power the canmpus whenever it was they camne A Postman.....Theodore Skinner
ElaiertGruber WThadeurnoe o elOetos ce, hyMraetGosra ielewsk might easily be the deciding influence oe ornoetus ~ihete Larry, the bartender. .C. Lyman Crane
Coleman ~~~~i ay uropean diplomatic confer- should have taken the white redwood CrsCrsohro ....
Harvey J.Guatdcrson :Herbert E. Vedder encde; and also that France "is in need Stadium along with thene.
Istewart Tooker M ilford Vauik .. Charles D. Livingstone
)&Orton B. icove of financial consideration from the ' * * Marthy Owen'..... Dorothy Williams
-United States and England." Now the problem arises as to what Anna Christie . ... Addison Pelletier
BUSINESS STAFF Regarding any general program for shall they coo with the benches they Mat Burke......Francis K. Kleutgen
telephone 21214 world disarmament which the pre- removed. Tradition requires that Johnson, a deckhand...........
Iparatory commission may formulate they be preserved, because the dear................. Theodore Skinner
BUSINESS MANAGER after it reassembles the latter part of old alumini have to have something h . ,
_PAWL W. ARNOLD this week, the Washington govern- to point to as their gift to the Uni-icc1A ST
Contracts .............William C. Pasch ment has expressed an unwillingness versity. "F ST
Copywriting .........homias 1.. Sunderland to submit to League control. It has ' . . It is an awful year in the theater
Local Advertising .Ge.Corge 11. Annable, Jr. htbig eiso oisa h
Foreign Advertising.:.....Laurence Van Tuy been suggested, however, that the A kuggestion came in already. "Wet thtbigI eiso oisa h
Circulation................P. Kenneth lwavnbigsbo-fce ucsesfth
uliain........onIIobikUnited States might join in an agree- Hay" says they ought to "lut the lPbicbigg........oh [ obi est box-ofiePsuccesesof"e
Accounts............... Francis A. Norquist ment under which the other signa-. bench es at the end of th football sao-Te BgPrd" Ba
Assitans trieswoud b uner cntrl dforGeste" and the others. However, c-
Asitnstre ol eudrLeague oto.hlfrstudents."csoal:teei'natitcahee
Beatrice Greenberg George Alin, Jr. This would seem to be quite satisfac- «* *asoal teeisa*risi chee
Selena Jensen . Florence Cooper ment-even in the movies. Faust,"
llarion L. Reeding A. Al. Hinkley tory for this country, but there is There might not be room in the which will be given in Hill auditor-
Marinerolmon. a.lieyer some doubt whether the other powers new stadium for them, but they could
Ralph L, Millr Harvey Talcot involved would view it as a satisfac- be placed at the ends, behind theuronWdeayndT rsynih
John Russwip}kle Harold Utley has proved to be something of this
tiolus Fller stay' Wacter 'tory working agreement. stands.
Virle C. Witham Esther Booze _______________* « order. The others may have been in
TH NVRIYCLEESPRING BRINGS POETRY teresting,. and more or less touched
THE_____UNIVERSITY______VaatonCOomLadLonGaEi the high spots in the art of the cinema
Teetbihetof a University Vcto' oeadgn gi -a few, "Variety" and some others
TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1927 _Teesntiglf od
_____college, as recommended by the Sen- But settle down to study now have been exceptional, but the ma-
Night Editor-CIIAS. E. BEHYMER ate Committee on Udrgraduate Stu- And try to push me thru jority have proved to be more or less
dies, to meet present reorganization tne ihte tukig t h
YO~~~iiI ~needs, should receive the sipport of It's gonna to take a lotta pull uadsetmnthtasm ete
Yoauth is an enviable period in life. Adaltosipr i movies what they are. With a classic!
the University- body. As mentioned' n ot lpe~ i setting, and Emil Jannings in the
Theoretically, we experience it but But after all this soft-soap gag
in te rpor, te mehod an oran-cast-he will be remembered for "The
once. Tro some, hq«wever, its termi-ithreotemtodnogn- Is beter 'n a term of toil.atLuhoeo h is mly
nation is not marked by years; the izatlon of smaller collegiate commun- Nely. Latauhoeftefis mly
fervor of youth is ever present. Ma- ities of a decade or two ago have be- ***ingte eratchiu ofpt-
turity does not reiegate youth to the come inadequate with the enlarge- ROLLS OPEN FINAL MONTH graphy-there is something worthy
wastebasket- like a worn out object- ment of enrollment and changes in OF J-HIOP FAVORS CAIIIGI of recommendation.
in that type of individual. The ad- the social order. And apparedty the Optimistic, that's us. We still think «* «
vancedl minde simply pigeon-holes the problems of the University today are the customers ought to get their J- THlE STUDENTS' RECITAL
yougerspritfo us i laeryeas.chiefly those of getting the freshmen Hop favors, and so, although it is rath- A reital by. the pupils of E. Nor-
Whnvrteocso rss rcosadjusted during the first year, estab- erailsoeeesgi s:"hn atnBliasitdb ooh Van
youtheisrat the fion ger ?tips readyoto lishing at least one faculty contact is Papl Burton going to dstribute the Zwaluwenburg, harpist, will be given
riige ihdgnfe atrt.for him, eliminating the mediocre stu- rest of the favors?" Thursday evening, April 21, at 8
migewt dgiidmauiytents unfitted to go on to advanced *« "4O'clock in the Masonic .auditorium.
The other ind of mortal not only work, and to aid the superior student.QDLCK lOIll h>rormwl icueaeiso
ptyotfoeeawyuorec- To meet these problems, the ci- piano and violin numbers.
ing the age Of maturity but, worse mittee decided that the best method w R A * O «+
than that, forgets that there ever has was to be found in the establishment * "TlE P OR u'r
beena mre crefee dy. L isun-of a University college, with the same
fortunate that 'others have to bear tesalit.o te algso the A review, by N elsont J. Sit, 4lr.k
brunt of the unpleasantness which re-Thrsoetighamybeal
campus, of which students wil be Toa. n hnta a esi
stilts from such a narrow outlook, members for their firt two years of in favor of a man acting the, eading
0n of the University advisors to eirc.ThfautwolbeomM part in a play of which he Is the eu-
women exempllifies the latter tp all 1 roedence.the facultysoucldebe con-_ tor _and that is that he can't very

to dfiitly Se ad tisevdet IAdolph, veteran detective who is well step out of the part. But if all
too ef icel. Se mae tis eidet 4school faculties in the University, withI
not long ag;o by insisting that ribbons th raernme famous, for his discovery of some edu- the actors on the, stage today c xttld
caio coheScooposedato, ef ptofascovthoga efosec
--which formed the backs of c;ostutmes3 with interests in_ the first three y'ears cto nteSho fEuain etpto scnicn efrac
wogr nmeinbers of the specialty of studies. The problem. of determnin- Yost relay. for parts unknown to dis- as Elliot Nugentpresgnted, .were they
,hru :n.te Jun~~uior i'splay- be~lgtecpct n ~i~t fsu cover' why the J-Hop favors haven't to write their own plays, -then we
onC itlch 8nd I ne-hlf w.idle instead of dents would be determined .ysutbeen dejlivered yet. THis report will would be among the first to pray that
bye suit-s hdbenaperonyi Pls all of the actors be born men of many
one inch, afe h dessha enable examinations. Differentiation ofaperolinRls
completed. A half inch difference be'- tespro ndiaDor tuet arts so that they could spend the
twr'en decency and indecency! would take place at the end of the ROQUEy RT PLAYRS I)EN first six months in each year fashlori-
P'residecnt Ltl is an ootnigfs year.Inbif a KJNorQlgIIP TO FAMUS C4EES ing a play for themselves and the last
examnple' of' the other type. He fully would be treated ,within the Univer- Ofca ldna a eevdyse-sxmnh cigi t
appreciates the valtue of recalling sity. dlay fromr Rockford, Illinois, lair of the Of course there is always the dlan-
youth uponpcas<:ion. The Gridiron The establishment ;of the University a Roquefort Players, that there is any gem that one may pay toio little atten-
Kni~its ~uuu~e p'OVd hispoiit colee i inlie wththepolcis o Irelationship between the actors and tion, to the characterization and too
TheP si-Ttwith ofth e brs Preiet lrneasleLite the cheese of the sgame name. little attention to the plot. And this
ofTh fc~i ha xl Preid't, emers esidn Claren uCook'little Robedrt enderson, big cheese of t1e was the case here. But with the ma-
orewihta yaragRoquefort organization, gaI a the fol- terial that was used and the light;
otr<;wila lIir, blc abanldon tattwo yasag,-whereby a.,more Oli-
evenin, 1much to thec sat israction of cin"rg i(io xd rvm ig~ lo w1tt stateme~nt -to the Press: "The comedy to which the play made pro-
, et~ fa!t nnoradohr tecriua ol alcreo.Loe~ere fact that we are connected :with tense it was an excellent attempt. No
presnt. tudets nt lited ol-the Women's sLeague sloes uiot miean one left the play with the flee and the
prset sudns otfttd fr adanced - thiat we° are, cheesy, In any sense. We flame of inspiration and went home-
,, ~~~~legae work and at the same time .aid ,isseacalnet u rtc osewr eovdt edabge n
''31t'l C%,IEGIh ATE IN4 J1 ,1 '+.~' the superior tuden~t in finding t I!saneofaochalleneouritices ftoeeaordresled Bt aleasbigeryane
field cf study best suited to his ability %iy9 u ite efrine rm lae ie u tlateeyn
Co>llege y outh is~ not rea<lly egotis- ' May 3 to 18 for the benefit of thle went hone with a .happy feeling. and
tica:l; it just has proper self respect. and qualification. Preliminary workI
Itdilie ayti trtsvos fof ex einsive and detailed nature will 'eau if they don't beliCee141,. that was worth while, especially since
It dishavestonbehdoneabutathesproject' Tickets will be p~riced at pit or 7 5 it was the night after vacation and the
pater nalismn and d irEctio, pi'otosting eits." poor struggling faculty were well rep.
thazt it (mu( take c< .e of its own pr'ob-- I eventtlially become ,a reality, the 'Qooii- The statement has been taken inl resented in the audience.
emo this taking place the better. I
lel s. m~el.-gn conll -eo youth is given I official circles as of comparable sig- Norma Lee and Betty Garde, in the
mrinocspo:Ixnslb hit, and fails, andj nificance to the recent declaration of parts of the heroine and the villainess
pater>>ilism retturns and youth ,protest:: JUDGE LYN1CHI Al Smith on the Catholic issue. Mt7. respectively, took the honors when
agi.During 1926, according to a report Henderson maintained steadfastly it came to rivaling the hero, Mr.
Thlis is, not typical of mzos t college o f the Federal Council of Churches, throughout that his company was one Nugent. Of the hero's performance
studclenrts, fortu nately, nor any la rgeo there were 30 lynchings in the United of the six bcst in the United States, there is little to say, excepting that
pe-crctage of them. Tree pitiable hart States, distributed among ten states, even when confronted with persons ' he closely rivals-the performance of
is dithat there are still among us soni, all in the South. A number of states1 who had seen them perform. I Glenn Hunter in "Merton of the
f ,,vwhn 1- srmit in tldin,,4their best to !have never had 1vnohings. some have 1I%,- :,e erne~l. Movries":and "Youing Wood~lev" But


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