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April 19, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-19

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World-Famed Thinker Thinks Genius
Who 1arrie, Becomes Serf To
Thoughts Of Wife
Count Hermann Keyserling, world-
famous 'philosopher, and hailed by
many critics as the leading thinker,
in the world today, will deliver a lec-
ture at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium on the subject '"The World In
The Making."
Count Keyserling, probably the lead-
ing light in international philosophy
today, is here under -the auspices of
a faculty-student committee, on which
ther are 26 men from several de-
partments in the University and many'
students assisting in the work. The
members of this committee are under-
writing the fund which it requires to
'bring the Count here, since he is the
highest priced speaker who has ever
appeared in Ann Arbor. There will
be a charge of one dollar and fifty
cents for the main floor and the bal-
cony respectively and seats may be
purchased today at the State street
bookstores and at the box office in
Hill auditorium. According to the
members of the committee, in the
event that any ptnfits accrue, they
will be donated to a worthy venture1
,in the city.
Prominent in World Thought
As the founder of the "Darnstadt
School of Wisdom" in Germany, Count
Keyserling has taken his place as
one of the practical dictators and di-;
rectors of world thought. In addition
to these activities he is the author of
many books which have enjoyed a
phenomenal sale and have had a tre-
mendous'influence on the trend 'of
thought in the world and in the nit-
ed States particularly, where hie hasi
found manny followers. His books are,


The retiring senior members of
The Daily staff, in an effort to
foster goodwill among all classes
on our publication, have edited,
proof-rp'ad, and completely made
up this edition of our usually
serious paper, without the help
usually given by freshmen, sopho-
mores, and juniors.
The front page and much of the
paper remains as usual, but the
staff has, with alopogies to read-
ers, made over much of the inside
editorial matter in contrast to its
usual appearance. The inside
pages are a mixture of serious
stories, serious stories written
satirically, and plain space-filler.
The editorial page was edited and
written by the sports staff, the
women's page by the sports edi-
tor, the sports pages by the wo-
men's editor, and Toasted Rolls
and Theater, Books, and Music
were written by the editors of
oppcsite columns. All the inside
pages of this issue contain legiti-
mate news mixed with the oppo-
In this spirit, therefore, the re-
tiring seniors have changed the
inside pages of The Daily, trust-
ing that having a little well earn-
ed fun will not be taken too seri-
ously but accepted by the campus
in the spirit in which it was done.
-Senior Editors of The Raily

Lo 11-m &.11 [ V VV18 I Ei -

Plans Announced By Fitzmiaurice
Clear Up Future
_ te
(By Associated Press)
The Irish member of the crew of.
th.e transatlantic monoplane Bremen
was back to civilization today await-
ing repair parts with which to re-
turn to the crippled ship and his ice-
locked companions on Greenly island.
When the repairs are completed,
the reconditioned 'ship with its three-
man crew reunited, will resume its
flight from the tiny Quebec island to
Mitchel field, New York.
Uncertainty ClearedI
The developments, announced yes-
terday by Major James Fitzmaurice,
cleared up the uncertainty and con-
jecture which have attended the com-j
pletion of the hop ever since the Bre-
men made its forced landing at Green-
ly island last Friday.
C. M. Smiddy, minister of the Irish
Free State, received a telephone call
in New York from Fitzmaurice stat-!
ing the major would wait at Murray
bay, Quebec, for repair parts for the
Brenen, take them back to Greenly;
and fly out with Barcn von Huene-
feld and Captain Koehl.





Yost Henderson, Bruton, and White
Will Address Interseholastic
With m-ail registrations continuing
to pour in, indications ard that a rec-
ord number of delegates will be in at-
tendance when the Michigan Inter-
I scholastic Press Association conven-
tion gets underway in Ann Arbor next
Thursday night, according to word
given out from the headquarters in
afternoon. The convention will be in
session in the Union Thursday Fri-
(lay and Saturday, April 26, 27 and
The sixth annual convention of the
high school editors is being sponsor-
ed by the journalism department, Sig-
ma Delta Chi, professional journalis-
tic fraternity, and Theta Sigma Phi,
women's journalistic society. Between
300 and 400 delegates are expected to
attend the annual convention.
Neet Thursday ' Night
The first general assembly will be
held Thursday night in the Union,
following registration at the side desk'
in the lobby from 1:30 o'clock to 5:30
o clock. Registration will be in
c'harge of George E. Simons, '30,


Candidates Are Needed: For All Types
Of Positions; Many Vacancies
Made By Graduationt
As the initial move toward the or-

Grover Whalen, chairman of chairman of the rooming committee.
Major James J. Walker's committee Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the
for the reception of distinguished journalism department, will welcome
visitors to New York, also received a the delegates at the opening assemb-
telegram sent from Clark City, Que- ly, while Shirley W. Smith, secretary
bec, by Fitzmaurice in which the Irish and business manager of the Univers-
flier asked that the statement that he ity, will deliver the other address at
was en route to New York alone be this time.
corrected. He said he was on his This will be followed by the show-
way to Murray bay, Quebec, to ar- ing of the New York Times film for
range for parts to repair the Bremen the delegates at 8:30 o'clock, after!
and other bu'siness on behalf of vone which they will be conducted on a


Following the institution of a
comprehensive examination at the end
of the course in medicine and as a
prerequisite for the granting of the
doctor's degree, the faculty of the
Medical school has voted to inaug-
urate the so-called "tutorial system."
It is thought that these two new
policies are importantly dependent
upon each other, according to Dean
Hugh Cabot of the Medical school.
"The purpose of the comprehensive
examination is to determine whether
the student has grasped the subjects
covered in the curriculum so that he
can successfully apply their princip-
als to his patients. Since this re-
quires an understanding of the rela-
tion of courses a's well as a know-
ledge of the subjects themselves, it is
obvious that there is no instructioi
at the present time tending to enable
the student to meet this end. The ap-
pointment of tutors for students in
Gift Tokens Will Be Distributed Next
Week According to Announcement
Of Military Ball Chairman
Silver compacts are to be the ha-
vors for the eighth annual Military
Ball to be given by the local chapter
of the R. 0. T. C. on the night of
Friday, April 27, in the ballroom of
the Union, it was announced by Wayne
Brownell, '27, general chairman for
the event. The dispensation of the
gift tokens will take place some time
during next week.
- A host of -military and civil nota-
bles will attend the dance as honor-
ary guests. Included in the list are
Maj. Thomas M. Lanphier, command-
er at Selfridge Field, Mount Clemens,
and his staff; and Governor Fred
jGreen, his staff, and Mrs. Green.
President to Attenl
Patrons and patronesses for the oc-
casion will be President Clarence
Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Dean Jo-
seph A. Bursley of the Literary Col-
lege and Mrs. Bursley, Prof. A. E. R.
Boak and Mrs. Boak, Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden and Mrs. Hayden, Prof. Field-
ing H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, and Prof.
Henry W. Miller and Mrs. Miller.
Brownell Leads March
Leading the grand march as the
guestof Brownell will be Miss Helen
Wescott, of Ypsilanti. The dancing
will commence at 9 o'clock and will
continue until 2.
Tickets for the form'al ca-n be pro-
cured through the office of the R. 0.
T. C. building. The price is $4.50.
The sale is now open and will con-
tinue throughout next week.
Due to an error it was announced
in yesterday morning's Daily that
Gardner Williams, instructor in the
philosophy department, had been a-
warded a -Riggs Scholarship. The
real holder of the scholarship is Ro-
bert D. Williams of the Department
of English, and an instructor in the
University high school.
Willams graduated from Kenyon
college in 1922 with an A. B. degree.
He took his masters degree at the
University of Michigan in 1927 and
since that time he has been employed
in the Department of English and at

the junior and senior classes is, there-
fore, intended to assist the student in
keeping the material of the various
courses in proper relation to each
other and to the whole," Dean Cabot
As projected, these tutors will have
no power and no authority other than
the assistance of the students. A
small group will be assigned to each
tutor. Members of the group will
meet their tutor at intervals arranged
among themselves and at hours en-
tirely outside of the curriculum. Such
meetings are whollIy voluntary and
their utilization is entirely dependent
upon the desire of the student.
"Students whose capacity is such
that they do not feel the need of such
assistance will be quite at liberty to
do without it, but they will have to
face a comprehensive examination
which will test the 'success of their1
venture," Dean Cabot said.;
Probably it will not be possible to
make this system applicable to the1
whole of. the junior anud senior class-
es during the first year since the
development of tutors will take time.
A beginning will be made, however,
at the opening of the next school
year and tutors will be assigned to
certain groups of the junior and senior
The faculty' passed a resolution
which requires that at the end of the
first year reports should be made to
the faculty by the tutors and also by
the student in order that a definite
opinion may be 'formed as to the suc-
cess of the system.
Initial Perforiflaie Of Comedy Club
Play At MiNe'heater Post-.
poned To Tuesday -
Despite a slight change in the date
of opening, the concluding rehearsals
are being held the last of this week
for Comedy Club's poduction of "Meet
The Wife," the rollicking comedy in
three acts by Lynn Starling. The
play with a selected cast including
Thomas J. Dougall, '28, and Phyllis
Loughton; '28, will open next Tues-
day night in the Mimes theater in-
stead of on Monday night as wast
previously announced,. Itwill con-
tinue throughout the week.
Regular ticket sale for the Comedy
club presentation will begin at the
box office in Mimes theater Satur-
day morning, although mail orders
are being received now. All seats
are reserved and ats priced at 75
Mniss. onghton Directs
Included in the cast of "Meet the
Wife" are Lorinda McAndrew, '30,
LilliandSetchell. 30, Harlan Cristy,
'29, and Richard Kurvink, '29. Miss
Loughton is acting as director.
"Meet the Wife" was originally
written by Lynn Starling for Mary
Boland, and was described early by
)New York critics as hilarious in char-
acter and situation. It was first pro-
duced in 1923 by Stewart and French1
at the Klaw theater in New York with
Miss Boland in the leading role of
Gertrude Lennox supported by Clifton
Webb and Ernest Lawford. The plot
deals with the curious situation aris-'
ing when a husband who disappeared
in the famous San Francisco earth-
quake turns up later with a changed
name to find his wife married again.
Productions Cancelled
Because two comedies-"Dulcy" and
Philip Barry's "You and I"-had been
given by it earlier in the year, it
was planned by Comedy club to pre-
sent something of a different nature,
but a change in date for the theater
was necessary because of the pro-
tracted absence of E. Mortimer Shuter,
director of Mimes, who has been con-

fined to St. Joseph's hospital for sev-
eral weeks.

Preliminary Cheering Section Pla
Provide For Registration Of
Students This Spring
Judge William M. Heston, '04L,
Detrpoit, will represent the alumni
speaker at the Cap Night ceremoni
to be held Friday, May 11, it w
announced at the weekly meeting
the Student council held last night
the Union. Judge Heston, who phi
ed as halfback on the point-a-minu
football teams of a quarter centu
ago, was chosen by Walter Camp
a member of his all-time all-Ame:
can team. Since his graduation
has been prominent in Detroit le
circles and has several times be
elected to public office.
The Cap Night ceremonies'this ye
is was also announced, will be h
in their traditional location of Slee
Holow rather than at Ferry field,
was the case last spring. Authoriti
of the University hospital, who fear
that the noise would disturb th
patients, have withdrawn their0
jections, and final preparations for t
event are now under way by the Si
dent council committee. It is expel
ed that faculty and student speake
will be announced in the nearI
Cheering Section Discussed -
Further, business of the council 14
night included the announcement
preliminary plans for the cheer
section next fall by the committee
charge. It is expeted, according
the report, that an opportunity
be afforded to students now in
tendance at the University to signI
places in the section yet this spri
thus forming a nucleus for the gro
Ibefore school starts next fall.
It was also decided at the meet!
last night to draw up a resolutione
do ,sing the Fresh Air camp of: t
Student Christian association. '
camp annually affords a vacation
several hundred under-privileged bc
from Detroit and vicinity, find inr
a drive for funds is being planned
the near future the council felt t
an endorsement might aid the can
Plan for Elections
Plans for the all-campus electic
which will be held May 9, are got
forward under the direction of a S
dent council committee, it was
ported. Definite arrangements
both this event and the springgan
are nearing completion, it was st
Chase Questioned I
Senate Invest atic'

"The Book of Marriage " "The Travel ganization of material for the 23rd
Diary of a Philosopher," and "The annual Union Opera, a period of
World in the Making." In his famous special registration for tryouts will be
dia y, there occurs his opinion of the held all next week in tffe Mim'es thea-
United States as it was at the time,
of his previous visit in 1911, and it tr. Information will be given out.
is interesting to note that from thel later in the weel regardr.ig the com-
present trip, which is his first since petition for the writing of book anl
the publication'of the book, he has music, it was announced yesterday
changed many of his ideas about the by James H. Yant '31M, president of
United States, its ideals and its peo- Mimes.
ple. Members of Mimes will be at thel
In his present tour across the coun- Min-.as theater between the hours of
try his statements in various lec- 4 and 5:30 o'clock every afternoon
tures which he has been delivering next week for the purpose of regis-
in the large cities and the educational tering likely aspirants. These include
centers of the country, he has aroused tryouts for any sort of job connected
a vast wave of agreement and pro- with the next Opera, technical and
test which has filled the public press, committee positions as well as chor-
and has invoked thought wherever- us and cast.
groups gathered for discussion. The! s Itinerary Not Completed
greatest indignation has been aroused A great number of those connected
by his statements regarding the place with Operas of the past two or three
of women and the part that they play years will be lost this June by grad-
in tlie life of the man who would be nation, and considerable new mater-
great. ial is needed. It was dieclared de-
No Cenius Should Marry finitely yesterday by E. Mortimer
It is Count Keyserling's idea that Shuter, director of Mimes activities,
no man who intends to be a genius thatcandidates were needed for every
should ever marry, because immedi- type of position-that no committee
ately upon his entering that state or cast job was already closed, and
his thoughts become serf to those of that it would be possible for any try-
his wife and he loses all of his in- outs having ability and talent to make
dividuality. Count Keyserling does not a place for themselves in the next
deprecate woman and her place in -Opera.-
the world. Rather he praises her; Roy Hoyer, leading man with Fred
but he at the same time analyzes the Stone, and who for several years has'
effect that she has upon man. assisted in drilling the Opera chorus- i
"At the beginning of the process of es, will be in Ann Arbor or two or
transformation, Americans were the three weeks beginning May 14. He
most uncultured of Occidentals," says will take charge of all the candidates
Count Keyserling, "that is the reason who are then registered-regardless
that they have become technically of their previous experience-and will,
transformed so rapidly." Along the ! direct them in chorus routines.
same line Count Keyserling says that Itinery Not Completed
the democratic era, considered as a The itinerary for the 1928 Opera, al-
whole, lies behind us. "As soon as a though not as yet completed, prom'ises
movement reaches its goal," he says, Ito be one of the most pretentious ever
"it comes to an end. Thus, it is ex- planned. The company will close in{
actly because the democratic idea tri- Chicago instead of open there as inI
umphed in the war that a new aris- the past, and its Eastern trip will in-
tocratic order is everywhere emerg- elude New York, Philadelphia, Cleve-
ing. This fact illustrates the histor- land, Washington, and other cities.
ically logical consequence of the ex-
haustion of the democratic movement." CASE CLUB FINALS1
By an announcement from the corn- 1Ar7V ""rAVr'.D V

Huenefeld and Koehl. He added that visit to the Daily office by members of
he would return to Greenly island to- Sigma Delta Chi.
day. With four addresses, the annual
Fitzmaurice Lands ilbanquet, and morning and afternoon
Fitzmaurice landed on Lake St. i discussion groups, Friday will go
Agnes, Quebec, yesterday afterda two- down as one of the banner days for
day flight -from Greenly island. The the delegates. Prof. Wilbur R. Humi-
lake is 12 miles from Murray bay, a s
popular watering place on the Gulf Iphreys, assistant Dean of the Liter-
of St. Lawrence, only 19 miles fromr ess d atthe firstll dsession at 9main cocd-
Meanwhile, the Junker plane F-13, iFriday morning. This will be followed
sister ship of the Bremen, returned to by round table discussions between
Curtis field, New York, last night and j9:45 and 12 o'clock.
orders immediately were given for the Lee 1"hite to Speak
removal of its propellor, which Pilot Lee A. White, of the Detroit News,i
Fred Melchior said would be 'shipped 1s expected to address the general as- {
by train to Murray bay. He said a I sembly meeting at 1:30 o'clock Friday
new propellor, now being made, would I afternoon. This will be followed by.
be fitted to the F-13 and the ship flown romnd table discussions between 3 and
back to Montreal. 5 o'clock, conducted by members of
the journalism department, The Daily
SENIORS MA Y BUY staf and Sigma Delta Chi.
The sixth annual banquet will1 be
CANES, PROGRAMS held at 6 o'clock Friday night in the
i Union, with Professor Brunmi acting
In answer to requests by those sen- as toastmaster. The two speakers for
iors who failed to procure them be- the banquet will be Coach Fielding H.
fore vacation it was announced yes- Yost, director of Intercollegiate Ath-
terday that canes, invitations, and letics, and William D. Heuderson, Di-
programs would be on sale and dues rector of the University Extension di-
collected at a-table in University halt vision.
today. The general business session will
Orders for canes will be taken by be held Saturday morning and the an- I
William Brumbaugh from 1 to 3 nual luncheol will be held at 12 o'-
o'clock, orders for programs and in- clock in the Union at which time the
vitations will be taken from 9 to 4 awarding of cups to the prize-winning
o'clock, and dues for the senior lit- newspapers wil be made. Delegates
erary class will be also collected from' will be the guests of the Athletic As-
9 to 4 o'cock by Dales A. Knapp, f sociation at the Syracuse-Michigan
treasu er.sb baseball game at Ferry Field Satur-
It- was stated that the canes, invita- day afternoon.
tions, and programs could not be-
purchased without the payment of NOMINA TING ROD Y
the class dues of $5 .I PICKED FOR UNION
ORAnnouncement of the personnel of
Through an error, it was stated intAnoumint comte fr on f
Tuesday's of The Daily that arrange-;the nominating committee for Union
ments had been completed by Dr. offices was made yesterday, by Wil-
Bradley by which senior internes at nnia Jffiea d., president.aTe
' the University H-ospital were to re- men who have been cho.;en to act on
t Uthe committee are: Thomas C. Win-
ceive emergency experience, at the ter, '3L, James Hughey, '28,Clarence
Detroit Receiving Hospital. The ar- Itr 3L ae uhy 2,Caec
I rangements were made by Dr. Preston . ierbertE . leert28Roesh, ,dy
M. Hickey, professor of roentgenolo- was chosen by the appointment com-
gy iittee ct the Union board of di-
i rectors,
ENDORSED AS Theduties of this nominating cor-
FACULtY MEMBER,! mittee are to nominate members of
the studlent body to offices of the
war. The heirs refuse to recognize Union for the ensuing year. The
the oral agreement and there the nominations will be announced by
argument occurs. The roan is suing; April 28. Those seeking nomination
sfor the return of hsissproperty. i shall prosent to the recording secre-
"The technical question involved is tary not later tha.n that date, a suit-
called 'constructive trust', but the able application outlining his qualifi-
entire case is exceedingly interesting," cations for the office.
Professor Stason added. "Further Tmhe offices for which men are to
more the unusual bench consisting of be nominated are: president, record-
Silas Strawn, the president of the ing secretary, and vice-presidents
American bar association, Chief Jus- I from the literary, engineering, medi-
tice Lewis H. Fead of the Supreme cal, law, and dental colleges and a
court of this state, and Judge Arthur vice-president to be elected by the
- Tuttle of the Federal court at Detroit, I students of the School of Business Ad-


the University High S'chool.
plans for the year in the British
are as yet indefinite.
The Weather


(By Associated Press)
Rain today probably mixed 'with
snow flurries; much: colder and cloudy
tomorrow; strong shifting winds.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 18.- Aft
taking a fire of questioning from foi
members of the Senate Teapot Dor
committee for nearly three hour
Clarence E. Chase, of El Paso, son-i
law of Albert B. Fall, was bluntly to
by Chairman Nye today that the con
mittee did not believe he was tellin
the whole story of his knowledge
Fall's financial transactions with E
ward L. Doheney and Harry F. Si
The North Dakota senator referr
especially to Chase's failure :to gi
details of the conversation he h
with his father-in-law late in 19
when Chase was sent to Washingt
to appear before the comnittee in t
oil inquiry in place of the former i
terior secretary who then was ill
his home at Three Rivers, New Me
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, April 18.-Chaunc
M. Depew, railroad executive, oral
'and humorist, who died April 5, le
- $1,000,000-the largest single beu
of a total exceeding $2,200,000-
Yale University, his alma mater. TI
besuest carries no restrictions.
Filing of the will today of the fo
mer United S'tates senator and cha
man of the board of the New Ye
Central railroad, directed distril
Etion of an estate the value of whi
is not yet known between schoc
relatives, servants and the village
Peekskill where he was born niear
94 years ago.

mittee last night it is evident that a I LI T1 L1.&3 L1R S G L
vast enthusiasm is being evinced in "The case which is to be discussed
the apeonly locall but in nearby s nthe case club court finals Friday
Sya.pgt a ts afternoon is full of interest in the
of the state. According to advices pitsivle o nyfrtelw
from them more than 50 students are poi ts involved oton lafy the law -
to attend the lectu''e tonight _from joys legal points not too involved and

CountCarlo Sforza, late Minister of well-known American and foreign pa-
Foreign Affairs, Ambassador toi pers, expressing his views on various
! aspects of the present political situ
France, and 'member of the Italian
Ration in Europe.
Senate prior to the Fascist regime, atAt the Institute of Politics at Wil-
will deliver a public lecture at 4:15 liamstown, Mass., last summer, his
this afternoon in Natural Science aud-I lecture created a sensation. His fear-
itorium. The subject of his lecture less, impartial and original sum-
will be, "Whither Goes Europe? Tow- ,mary of current affairs provided one
ard Union or War?" of the outstanding features of the
Count Sforza's knowfedge of Eur-' meeting. Count Sforza's excellent
j opean affairs makes him one of the command of the English language,
i most outstanding diplomats of the 'coupled with his personal reminis-
1 present generation. As a member of cences and anecdotes gained through
one of the noblest families of Italy, he 'his experience as a statesman and
has already added many new honors, diplomat at a most critical time, give
Ito its respected name. I zest to his lectures.

Hillsdale, and many others have char-
tered busses to come from Michigan
State coliege, and the Ypsilanti Nor-
mal college.
During his stay in Ann Arbor, Count
Keyserling will be a guest at the
home of George W. Patterson, as-
sistant dean of the College of en-

who -enjoys a good argument," de-
Glared Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the I
Law school, commenting on the con-'
ing event.
"The case itself centers about a
girl whose fiance leaves for war,"
Professor Stason continued. "Before
Iaving for war. the man deeds .his


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