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April 19, 1927 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-19

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Fornwer Uniersity lecturer
cusses American Skycraper
Treatise on Architecture


Eliel Saarinen, one of the noted
architects of the world and recently
a lecturer in the architectural college,'
has written an article for the May
number of the Forum, on th~e archi-
tecture of America. The article is the
last of a series of communicationsI
that started as a result of remarks on }
the architecture of this country made
by a noted American architect.
In the article Mr. Saarinen says
that the skyscraper of America came,
not as the result of necessity, but as
a result of the spirit of the times.
Its style, he says, enable the city-
builder to give diversity and a bold
pattern to the city's structurial out-
line, creating by this means im-
pressive complexes of buildings at
important points in the town either
by planning skyscrapers to stand
alone or in groups with good
rhythmic inter-relations.
To be "Scientific City"
Mr. Saarinen finds the only hope
for the success of skyscrapes as al
contributing and a practical aspect of I
our civilization in the decentraliza-
tion of city units and the planning of1
of the metropoli of the future so that
they will be a conglomeration of city
units, having convenient and rapid
connections with each other. "The
city so planned," says Mr. Saarinen
in the article, "not only develops into
a 'scientific city' but it also has possi-1
bilities of becoming a 'beautiful city',
offering good living conditions and
having a power to heighten culture."
Among the evils that Mr. Saarinen
finds as a result of the skyscraper
civilization is the fact that the gigant-
ic cities of the future, "where every
second is coerced into denoting ma-
terial gain or loss" will dwarf all oth-
er faculties of the people, besides
their hearing, which he finds now in
peril from the din and the racket of
modern transportation requirements.
Expresses Modern Progress
On the whole Mr. Saarinen finds in

M t
"The questions
for pledging and
can do for the
closely related,"
dean of students,
terday on fratern
fraternities say t
lowed to pledge t
they enter college
sistance to themi
in their college li
to get acquainted,
make good in thei
ing them with a
and in setting the
"While I amr
this," continued i)
are some of the pi
ternities make.
they will help the
proper value or r
various activities
ing in these ac
athletics, dramatic
lege publications,
"Now these poi
may be that the
these things for 0
a matter of fact
ities do them? I
consideabrle doul
bearing out these
that it would bei
the freshmen, the
the college as av
form of delayed p
layed pledging I d
for only two or ti
mind that would
continue as we ar
"One great adv
pledging is the
more normal selec
As it is now, it
that a boy is me
taken to the frater
there until the ple
on him. H'e has
by some alumnus
or he has on a g
After he is in tl
it may be absolu
any other groupt

[,( VrES IDhi~A LI)particularly like him, as they thinak I a 1e all on frcshmea, who, having'
FRESII31EN AT there must be something in him they, been pledged as soon as they came to'
HIfAN haven't seen, and they feel they must college, have an exaggerated idea of
pledge him before someone else does, their own importance. This creates
as to the best time IMay Pedging ' a natural feeling of resentiment on
what the fraternity "I shouid like to see pledging de- the part of a number of freshmen,I
freshman are very laved until about the first of May, with which 1 believe could be done away
said J. A. Bursley,Int.st with by delayed pledging.
in an interview yes.-requirement that a boy could not be Sees Second Object ion
ity pledging. "The, pledged unless he had made a satis- "Another objection to first semester
hat if they are al-factory scholastic record the first ! ledging is one that you are all un-t
heir men as soon as semester, and that he could not be' doubtedly familiar with. It is the
they can be of as- f initiated unless he had continued this practice which nearly all fraternities
n finding themselves record for the second semester. This have of literally forcing their fresh- I
ife in helping them would undoubtedly relieve the fratern- men into some form of college acti-
in helping them to ities of many members who develop i vity. These pledges are told that they
r studies, in supply- into liabilities rather than assets. must do this or that for the fratern-
college background Now a boy manages to get by in this ity. Unfortunately, in many instances,
im examples of right' work the first semest er and is in- these men try out unofficially, often
iated. He sees. no necessity for fur- i with sad results to their scholastic
not agreeing to all ther effort and lets go and falls down. work.
en srshethese' He is dropped from college, many "I have recently made a study of}
oints which the fra- times never to return, and has no par- the grades received by fraternity
They also say that ticular interest in the group nor the freshmen. In about two thirds of the
freshman place the college. If he completes a year with instances the marks received by
elative value on the successful grades, before initiation, pledges living outside the fraternity
of college, includ- the chances of future failure are much houses were higher than those ob-
tivities scholarship, reduced. tained by freshmen living in the
cs, work on the col- "Another point which I believe house.
and i student or- should be mentioned is that delayed "The biggest disadvantage to delay-
pledging such as I have described ed pledging, as I see it, is the possible
es Change would tend to lessen to a certain ex- development of a spirit of dishonesty
its may be true. It tent as least a form of snobbishness due to sub rosa pledging. There is,
fraternity can do which exists in some instances. We no question but what that is the real
he freshman, but as
how many fratern-
think that there is
bt about the facts
claims. I believe A PIrtsLtfHN OE
to the advantage of IAPL SHWR
fraternities, and to B R ING OUT

danger. Each fraternity blieve that of the fraternities. If these charges
so far as its members are conc:rned:,are true, I can rnly I>ay ' od protect
every one is perfectly honest. u us from cur aluuni.'
every other group must be looked at First Year I'[edgi'rj
askance-that they are not going to "I am not in fav or of second ear
play the game. Therefore, in o r to ple ig at :Michiga at at, he ue
be on equal footing, this particular under such arrangemient th ui er-
fraternity must play according to the ity houses would be only partay till-
same rules and pledge before the as- ed during the first semester. ,ft the
signed time. The alumni are charged sophmores were to come back to col-'
with being responsible for this condi- lege with no fraternity affiliations,
tion in certain places where delayed they would be obliged to go into room-,
pledging has been adopted. That is, ing houses and our rile, of course,
it is said that the alumni talk to the requires that after a man has taken
freshmen and get them 'sewed up'' a room, he must keep it for at leas
when invited. The alumni have been one semester, so that if the meon were
charged with a great many sins of not Pledged until after the beginning
omission and commission and here of the second year, it would mean that;
again they are charged with possible they could not go into the fraternity'
unfairness in the selection of members house to lire until the second semester
are ment
you will usua
E M''C~
STCA is the college way-the only third cabin service to
tained entirely for college people and those with whom t

of that year. On the other hand, if
they are pledged toward the end of
the first year, their fraternity affilia-
tions will have been established prior
Ito their return to college in the opho-
more year and they could go right
into the fraternity house in the fall
and be initiated at the convenience of
their fraternities. Such an arrange-
men," concluded Dean Bursley,
"\would give all the advantages of de-
layed pledging and at the same time
would pe(rmit the fraternities tq fill
their houses for the full college year."
CHICAGO-The press stand in
Bartlett gymnasium has been enlarg-
ed, due to the demand for space at the
National Interscholastic basketball
- - -

rnd Europe
ily-hear of
and from Europe main-
hey naturally associate.

whole to have some
ledging, and by de-
[o not mean delayed!
hree weeks. To my
be worse than to!
vantage of delayed
possibility of a
tion of membership.
frequently happens
t at the train and
'nity house and kept
dge button is placed
been recommended
or group of alumni,
ood suit of clothes.
he fraternity house
tely impossible for
to get hold of him.


Application blanks are required in all cases.
More than 400 people from
alone have already
signed to
Cross STCA to Europe this SCm11
There are such college orchestras as THE BARBARY COAST at DARTMOUTH,


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the skyscraper the future of American If a fraternity happens to be rushing
architecture of a distinctive quality a boy who is being sought after by
and expressive of the advance of a number of other groups, they will
American civilization. And it is in not drop him, whether or not they,

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Weekly sailings on the ships of the Holland-America
Line to and from England and the Continent.
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the direction of decentralization and
a fine taste for the advantages that
the skyscraper will offer that he finds
the remedy.
In commenting on the reputation of
Mr. Saarinen in architecture the ed-'
Itor of the Forum says, "It has been
said that what Sibelius is to Finnish
music, or Nurmi to Finnish athletics,
Saarinen is to architecture."

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