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April 19, 1932 - Image 1

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VOL. XLII. No. 140



WEATHER: Fair today.


ding Chest Surgeons of Nation


To Dismiss Classes in Medical
School for Nu Sigma
Nu Convention.
Ruthven to Welcome Delegates
at Opening Session Thursday
in Mendelssohn Theatre.
Classes for juniors and seniors
in the medical school will be dis-
missed Thursday and Friday morn-
ing to permit attendance at the
clinics and papers to be presented
in connection with the fiftieth an-
niversary celebration of the Nu Sig-
ma Nu medical fraternity which
opens here Thursday. Classes of
the entire medic'al school will be
let out Friday afternoon to permit
attendance at the talks by Dr. D. C.
Balfour, of the Mayo clinic, and Dr.
W. D. Park of the New York Board
of Health to be given at the Men-
delssohn theatre.
Physicians to Meet.
In addition to the impressive ar-
ray. of doctors and surgeons from
all over the country] who have al-
ready expressed their intention of
taking part in the celebration with
the presentation of talks and clin-
ics, Dr. William B. Mayo, one of
the founders of the well known
Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minn.,
will be present.
Among those who have only re-
cently promised to be present are
Dr. Joseph L. Miller, professor of
clinical medicine at the Chicago
Medical school, who will give a clin-
ic in co-operation with Dr. Paul.
Barker, of the medical school here.
Dr. M. A. Blarnkenhohn, professor
of clinical medicine at Western Re-
serve will give a clinic with Dr. Bal-
four. Dr. D. Clayton Smith and Dr.
J. Playfair McMurrick of Toronto
will also be present.
Ruthzven Will Speak.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will welcome delegates at the prin-
cipal session of the convention to
be held at 8 o'clock Thursday eve-
ning in the Mendelssohn theatre.
He will be introduced by Dr. Fred-
rick G. Novy, member of the exe-
cutive committee of the medical
school and present president of the
national Nu Sigma Nu. Dr. L. F.
Barker, professor emeritus of inter-,
nal medicine at Johns Hopkins will!
give the main address, "Fifty Years'j
Progress in Internal Medicine."
One-Act Productions, Written,
Directed, and Acted by
Negroes, to Appear.

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Discuss Cases in Opening Session
ial and significant opera- the removal of the sternum, leaving
lustrating the advance of the heart with only a layer of skin,
surgery were discussed in separating it from the outside.
aer of papers and clinical Other speakers at the morning
trations yesterday before a session included Dr. Carleton Peirce
more than a hundred chest and Dr. F. J. Hodges. In the after-
s from all parts of the coun- noon there was a business meeting
gathered here yesterday for of the association followed by pa-|
ning session of their meet- pers by Dr. Edward D. Churchill of
Boston, Dr. Harold Neuhof, of New)
ght of yesterday's sessions York City, Dr. Conrad Georg, Jr..
lemonstration clinic by Dr. of Ann Arbor, Dr. David H. Ballon,
exander, of the department of Montreal.-0
ry, who showed a half dozen Besides these Dr. William A. Hud-
ost interesting patients and son of Detroit, Dr. Peter Heinbecker,
out his approach to the of St. Louis, Dr. Stuart W. Harring-
of their respective ail- ton of Rochester, Minn., and Dr.
Dr. Alexander was assisted Pol N. Coryllos, of New York City,
by other members of his presented papers.
ent. Last night the entire group were
t unique in the science of the guests of Dr. Alexander and Dr.
urgery was the case of a Georg at the home of Dr. Alexan-
presented by Dr. Alexander der. The convention will continueG
icated how he was building today and tomorrow morning with
sophogus outside her chest further talks and clinics at the Uni-)
A constriction within her versity hospital.
esophogus a number of-
;o had rendered that organ.
useless, and the completion
w pathway from her mouth
tomach, being constructedI
ving tissue, would conclude
eriod of nourishment takenj
a tube inserted directly WISM SCg g o
stomach, it was brought)i
Dalies Frantz, School of Music,
er particularly interesting Gets Naumberg Prize; Will
esented was that of a pa-g
)m whose chest ad been re- Play Here Tonight. I
a large element of foreign
This operation, the demon- One of the highest honors a young
indicated, had necessitated musician can win in the United
States was awarded last week to I
's Don Boots, Dalies Frantz, Spec. SM., pianist,j
Lni who won first place in the Naurp-
ign Landscapng berg Foundation competition inj
or Press Building New York over 171 students from
all over the country. As a reward1
for his successful effort, Frantz will
on the landscaping of the be presented in his debut next fall
blications building, carried .
r the supervision of Alice I. in New York as the Naumberg
se I. Bourquin, Spec., was Award winner.
ad last week. The winning of the award fol-
ourquin twins, who are at lows the recent triumph of the
ent time working for mas- young artist in the Detroit Sym-
rees in landscaping, design- phony orchestra auditions cpntest,
unteered. their services to with which organization he pre-
versity and drew up plans sented one of the most brilliant
job in such an efficient concerts of the season, according to.
that the total cost was less critics.
0. Frantz, who will present a recital
identically in knee boots j at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Lydia,
coon coats, the two girls f Mendelssohn theatre, has had as
the job throughout the his teachers during his career as
f vacation directing the a pianist, Vladimir Horowitz, famed
in the grading and place- Russian condert artist; Arthur
the trees and shrubery. Schnabel, Berlin instructor; and
ple design was chosen for Guy Maier, late of the School of
in front of the building. A Music.
pine of picturesque shape The Naumberg awards, which are.
ed in the left corner of the presented annually to the most
a hedge of the hardy Ibo- representative of America's youngerT
vet species planted on the musicians, are given to those two
next to the sidewalks. who win first places in the fields of
rear of the building Aus.- piano, violin and voiqe. The winners
ies have been placed. These are rewarded with appearances in)
w to a height of about 40 New York either as soloists with the
will provide a screen which New York Symphony orchestra or
ery difficult to see through. in individual recitals.

Four Hurt When Auto Plunges
Into Ditch on U. S.
Route 20.
,Jane Moore, Mable Claire, Helen
Belcher, and John W.
Beuret Figure.
{ al h hto The Dail)
SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 18.-
Four University of Michigan stu-
dents, returning to Ann Arbor af-
ter the Spring vacation, were in-
jured late Sunday when the car in,
which they were riding was crowd-
ed off U. S. Highway No. 20 about
four miles west of the city and
plunged into a ditch at the side of
the road. The car turned over
Those injured are Jane Moore,
'32, of Fayetteville, Ark., who suf-
fered lacerations about the head
and a leg injury; Mabel Claire Gold,
Spec., also of Fayetteville, broken
arm and lacerations about t h e
head; Helen Belcher, '32, of Manis-
tee, concussion of the brain and in-
jury to the back; and John W.
Beuret, Grad., of Detroit, driver of
the car, concussion of the brain and
bruises. All are expected to recover.
A fifth student, whose identity
is unknown, who was riding, in the
rumble seat with Miss Moore, was
uninjured. He told police officers
he was.asleepewhen the car crash-
ed. The car, a cabriolet model, was
completely wrecked.
Three of those injured were
thrown from the car when it rolled
over and luggage from the car was
scattered. Two boys driving past
the scene shortly after the accident
raced into town and reported it to
police. The city ambulance was
sent and Miss Belcher, Miss Gold.
and Beuret were taken to Epworth
hospital. Miss Moore, although in-
Jured, refused to be taken with the
others but was later brought by a
motorist to the police station and
asked to be taken to the hospital.
Beuret told police that a car com-
ing from the opposite direction
forced him to turn off the road in
order to avoid a head-on crash.

Kidnappers Menace
Ann Arbor Denizens
Ann Arbor has been having
its own kidnap mystery, it was
'revealed last night.
Bennie, great dane mascot of
one of the local fraternities/was
kidnapped from a private house
in Detroit where he was spend-
ing his Spring vacation and
held for ransom.
The fraternity managed to
get in touch with the kidnapper
through advertisements in the
classified columns of a Detroit
newspaper and was informed
that for $25 they would be told
the name of the party that had
spirited the animal away.
The call was traced through
the telephone exchange in De-
troit and one of the members of
the fraternity called on the'
kidnapper, with two policemen
to lend moral support. Bennie
was discovered hidden in -a
shack within the city limits,
i hungry but happy to see his
First Philosophy
Parley, to Start
Sunday at Union
Twelve faculty members will beI
nup-tioned nceninp their idleas i


Loud Speaker System to Provide
Dancing Throughout Whole
Second Floor.

Billed as "Detroit's favorite so-
of achieving success and their phil- ciety orchestra," Ray Gorrell's band
osophies on life and its varied will come to the Gridiron dance
problems Saturday and Sunday here Friday night from a series of
when a group of interested students engagements at the DetroitdAthletic
meet at the Union for the first tclub, the Book-Cadillac and Statlei
"hotels, the Graystone, ballroom, and
spring - parley on personal philos- three years at the Detroit Country
ophies. club.
To the list of prominent profes- I With a special arrangement o
sors already scheduled to take part loud-speaking apparatus arrange6
have been added the names of to furnish music in all party of the
Prof. F. N. Menefee, of the En- building, officers of Sigma Delta
gineering school, and Prof. I R Chi, professional journalistic fra-
Sharfman, head of the economics ternity, sponsors -of the dance
department. which is to be formal, plan to have:
dpatme. h pry dancing throughout the entire sec-
Toastmnaster Of the pariey will ond floor of the new Publication.
be Prof. John L. Brumm, head of building, where the affair is to take
the journalism department. Pro- place.
fessor Brumm has undertaken the Decorations, according to Ken-
difficult task of guiding the dis- neth Yourd, '33, chairman of the
cussion in order to insure a con- decorations c o m in i t t e e, will be
tinued and constructive discussion. worked out as a background for the
To open the first meeting on Sat- nine caricatures of past and pres-
urday there will be three five-min- ent holders of .the Oil Can, badg(
ute talks by Prof. Preston W. Slos- of the "Loquacious Lubricators".se-.,
son, of the history department, lected annually by the society fron
Prof. John F. Shepard, of the psy- members of the faculty.
chology department, and Prof. According to Beach Conger, jr.
Louis A. Straus, of the English de- '32, chairman of the arrangement
partment. committee, only aivroximately 2

G r o s s Inconsistenci
in Charges Possible,
McCain Says.
Buick Firm's Preside
Seeks Slash in Cost
of Cab License.
Taxicab rate difficulties, wh
have been dormant for the p
few months, came to the i
again last night when Harry
McCain, proprietor of the Bu
Taxi service, presented to the
Common council a request for
immediate, satisfactory and l
ing solution to the problem.
Pointing out that gross inc
sistencies in .charges are possi
l under the existing ordinance a
that in spite of alleged high ra
many operators have been una
to purchase new licenses, Mr. I
Cain urged that the council est
lish at once a fair and unift
rate, make the installation Of to
lower the license rate of $15, w
meters in all cabs compulsory,
he claimed is the highest char
by any city in Michigan.
The text of the communicatio
as follows:
"To the Honorable Members
the City of Ann Arbor:
"As the older members of.
council already know, and as
newly elected members will s
learn, the city of Ann Arbor is sa
in need of a taxicab ordinance
do away with the one now in fo
which has been obsolete for si
Points 'to Difficulties.
"There have been several cab
wars during the present year,
while as yet there has been no
lence endangering the welfare
>assengers as was the case in
-roit and other cities, still the :
ic has iever been sure from
.o day just what it would cos
ide. An ordinance allowing a :
>f $2.80 for a ride of two or t
clocks, which is quite often chai
Lrom the Union to the Hut resi
:ant for a load of eight people,
which at the same time compe
lab company to carry a passer
nore than three miles-say f
the Hoover house to the lrti
Stables at the fairground-is
"With all the complaints wl
have been heard of the exces
charges, the fact still remains I
quite a percentage of the opera
were not able to get enough mc
together to buy their state comn
cial licenses which amouxLt to f
W40 to $45 for seven-passenger c
and several cars have not oper
since March 1.
Licenses Due May 1.
"The new licenses are due on
1, and I respectfully request
Gray that the council take inmm
ate action and establish a fair
uniform rate, that the installa
if taximeters in all the taxicah
:ompulsory, and that the lief
rate of $15 per car be some'
reduced, this being a higher
than any other city in Michi
charges. It was agreed, I think
most of themembers of the for

council, that this rate was too b
Respectfully submitted,
Harry A. McCai
Proprietor, Buick Taxi Serv
Prisoners Favor 18th
.Amendment .defend

The Arthur Bishops, '34, Seek
New Apartment Lodgings.
Michigan's latest newlyweds, af-
ter their brief honeymoon, are back
in the classroom again!
Marvy Lurv. '34 and Arthurl

- I- - - - - - - - - - - - --,- - 1
The nature of the parley will con- tickets to the dance remain fo
sist in general of the students quiz- sale; all tickets have been handle(
zing the facultyleaders of the dis- exclusively through an invitation
cussion about their views on life list. No general sale was held unti
according to William Kearns, '32, nearly all those on the list respond
one of the vice chairmen of the ed, Conger said.
parley. Special permission to continu
the dance until 2:00 o'clock. ha.'
been obtained from the Senat'
Committee on Student Affairs, of.
ficers of the organization have an-
CLUB DINNER HEEElect New Secretary
of Fraternity Council
Many Local Alumni Expected to Charles W. Jewett, '34, was electe(
Meet in Ann Arbor for secretary-treasurer of the Interfra-

Three one-act plays dealing with
Negro life, acted and directed by
Negroes and written by a member
of the Negro race, a student in the
University at the present, will be
presented at 8:30 o'clc-k Iriday
night at the Laboratory theatre.
Under the auspices of the depart-
ment of language and literature,
the Detroit chapter of Delta Sigma
Theta, Negro Greek-letter organi-
zation, will bring the production to
Ann Arbor. A nominal charge of
twenty-five cents will be made' for
admission, which will go towards
defraying the cost of production.
The plays to be given have been
written by Miss Doris D. Price, her-
self a member of the Negro race,
in a course in play writing taught
by Prof. Kenneth Rowe of the Eng-
lish department. Miss Price's plays
were among those selected as most
worthy of production, but offered
the difficulty of convincing inter-
pretation by members of another
race than that which the charac-
ters represented, it was suggested.
The difficulty has been surmount-
ed through the interest of the Delta
Sigma Theta organization of De-
troit and especially that of Eliza-
beth Morton, director of the show.
'Rostand and Drama'
Is Hamilton's Topic
Clayton Hamilton, who is reputed
to be one of the leading authors
and lecturers on drama of the pres-
ent day, will speak on "Edmond
Rostand and the Modern French!
Drama," at 4:15 o'clock this after-

Pines of this variety are the most
suitable for cities, the twins ex-
Both the Scotch and the Aus-
trian pines should grow about six
or eight inches a year, under nor-
mal conditions. As they mature,
each will take on a distinctive'
shape, the Misses Bourquin said.
The shrubs that have been plant-
ed are of the variety that will
either blossom or have fruit in the
spring of the year and will be par-
ticularly attractive at this time.

Senior Activities


Invitations to Go on
Sale Soon.
With the traditional Swngout
ceremonies tentatively set fo'r May
4, preparation for the annual sen-
ior activities began yesterday with
renewed vigor.
Senior invitations in all t h e
schools and colleges of the Univer-
sity will be placed on sale during
the week. Literary students may
order them today and during the
rest of the week in Angell hall, ac-
cording to Howard Gould, chairman
of the literary committee and gen-
eral chairman of invitations. No
invitations may be purchased with-
out a receipt for ,senior dues, which
amount to two dollars.
Announcements stating the spots
at which the invitations will be sold
will be posted on the bulletin boards
of each school.
Dues will be collected, however,
at the tables where the orders for

In 1,y A_1J L It C~ , J , "IL11 lu
---,W. Bishop, '34, who took advantage
of the Spring -vacation let-up in
1studies to elope to Buffalo, where
they became Mr. and Mrs. Bishop,
are now back on the campus carry-
ing the same textbooks and attend-
OF DESIGNCONTES ing the same classes as formerly.
Vacationing friends and class-
mates throughout the country were
'Spring' to Be Theme of Arch- surprised last week to hear of the
itects' Ball May 13 in New York journey of the two
sophomores, so were the Bishop and
Union Ballroom. Gray parents. According to reports,
--- however, the bridegroom's parents
Alexis V. Lapteff, Grad., is the smiled upon the match and all went
winner of the competition to se- well with the honeymooners.
lect this year's design motiff for I Strangely enough, Bishop's land-
,lady said that he had moved his be-
the twenty-first annual Architects longings yesterday and Mrs. Bishop
ball, which will be held in the Union was not to be found at her sorority.'
ballroom May 13, it has been an- Friends stated last night that they
nounced by Floyd R. Johnson, '32A, were searching for an apartment.
general chairman of the ball. Lap-' Mrs. Bishop, a member of Kappa
teff's design was adjudged best Kappa Gamma sorority, is from
Erie, Pa.; Bishop, a pledge at the
among over a hundred designs sub- Delta Kappa Epsilon house, is from
mitted by some of the best design- Flint.
ers of the College of Architecture,
Johnson says.M ine*
"Spring" will be the theme of A rea P
the decorations, with special light- But G U
ing effects consisting of colored B u G i e L
disks arranged horizontally in a 1
progressive pattern of graduated By Karl Seiffert
hues to accent each pier of the Two or three little thin
ballroom, the committee announces. all that stood between normane
Other details of the dance, such Kraft, '34, and William Aupperl, '34,
a s construction, entertainment and a solution of the labor diflicul-'
during intermissions, and favors, ties of Bell and Harlan counties in1
are being worked out by a large Kentucky.
corps ofstudents from the college.' In the first place both admit free-
The orchestra has not yet been an-!ly that when they left Ann Arbor
nounced, though several are under April 8 for the coal fields they really,
consideration. weren't nearly as enthusiastic about,
"Tickets 'for the ball will be on visiting with the distressed miners
sale to everyone as soon as the pre- as they were at the prospect of
ferential sale to architectural stu- travelling far and cheaply. They
dents has closed, which will be did that-eight days and 1,600 miles'
within the next few days," John- of it.7
son announced. A meeting of all, The second difficulty arose when,

Annual Banquet.

ternity council at the last meeting
of the judiciary committee, it was
announced last night by Howarc

More than 150 local alumni are Gould, '32, retiring secretary-treas-
expected to attend the annual ban- urer.
quet of the University of Michigan Jewett will officially go into office
club of Ann Arbor to be held to-on May 11, Gould said, but will b4
night in the Union, according to present at the meetings of the judi-
John L. Brumm, president of the ciary committee in the future.
club and chairman of the commit- I It was decided at the meetinE
tee for the banquet. 'that in the future the secretary-
The three holders of the Michi- treasurer and the president of th(
gan alumni undergraduate scholar- council would be chosen from the
ships which have been awarded by junior class. This year the formes
the local club will be the guests of officer was chosen from the sopho-
honor at the banquet. more class and the latter from the
The entertainment at the dinner junior class.
will consist of a "eulogistic razz- A call for freshmen and sopho-
berry" where all of the, members more tryouts for these positions will
of the club will be "panned," ac- be issued in the near future, Goult
cording to the committee. said.
grits Take a Hearse Ride,
p After 1,600 Mile Journey

- *

* # #

versity of Arkansas in the Kentucky Crossing the Mason-Dixon line
fields. into Maryland at State Line, the
Kraft had $10; Aupperl had $11. two p r o c e e d e d to Hagerstown.
Hotel rooms were out of the ques- Clearspring, Hancock, Cumberland
tion, so Aupperl convinced Kraft and each paid 50 cents for a bed in
that, although it was not directly Keyser, W. V., where they spent
on their route, they could get a the night. A heavy snowfall halted
good night's rest at the former's' t h e pilgrimage at Keyser until
home in Leechburg, Pa., and con- nearly noon April 13, Kraft said.
tinue south from there. It was not until they had jour-
They reached Leechburg Satur- neyed through West Virginia and
day night, April 10, stayed there Ohio to the Kentucky border, had
until Monday morning, and then struck a six-inch snowfall, had
thumbed their way through New travelled 300 miles in the rear of
Kensington, Greensburg, Ligonier, a hearse in the company of an un-
Jenners, and Chambersburg. where known corpse throughout the night'

JACKSON, Mich., April 18.-(I
'1 trio of debaters from the sl
ri fon here will defend the El
veenth amendment against a t
A ifembers of the Detroit Busii
%en's public speaking classes
;he prison Sunday evening, Ma
The debate will be under the
rection' of Prof, G. E. 'Densm
>f the speech department of
University of Michigan. The
ject will be, "Resolved, that
Eighteenth Amendment Shoulk
T ree Professors Go
to G.O.P. Conventi
Three Michigan faculty men h
been named members of the Mi
igan state and district Renuih

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