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January 24, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… be- ore the year is out. The two Wolverine senior linemen will play side-by-side this time in the annual College All-Star-Professional game at Chicago Aug. 30. The contest, which is sponsored by the…

… last inkling of a doubt that the Wolverines are clear- ly superior to whatever the East has to offer. Started Last Year Last year, Coach Cliff Keen's pun- ishing crew amassed no less than 85 points to…

… eastern sports last weekend by whipping Penn State, 16 to 12, and New York A.C., 20 to 8, to make it five in a row since the middle of last season. - More weight can oe lent to the ability of the Wolverine

… going easy in his two victories at Penn State and N.Y.A.C Cagers Lose To Ohio State Quintet_45-31 Pink Injured As Buckeyes Stage Last Half Rally To Rout Wolverines (Continued from Page 1) was a blow to…

January 13, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

…'s basketball team today. Officials: Emmet Garrett and Tom, (1) Did the Wolverines play over Cunningham. their heads against Illinois? First Period (2) If not, what caused their Scoring: None. Penaltis: Kroll…

…, slump against Ohio State two nights Bredeson. later?S (3) What will the week-end Second Periodn) bring?r8:47 ig 1)all lenue)s0s00sen- In a nutshell that summarizes theI Wolverines' position in the hectic…

January 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, MN. 12, 8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T Hockey Team1 Starts Drive For - _ Rough Tussle Is Anticipated ASE By-Wolverines By IRVIN Weight Advantage Gives EDITOR'S NOTE: That mad mis- creant…

… Michigan's hockey when it plays the second game. club to report the two-game series Making the trip are Captain Bob the Wolverines will play with Minne- Simpson and Bucko Smith, defense- sota on Wednesday…

… tonight. ters of hockey. Mariucci has a phil- The Wolverine's chances in to- osophy that's simple, and free of eth- night's encounter are hard to fore- ical distinctions-he has a job to do, cast. Michigan…

Wolverines have yet to place anyone up near the top. Jake Town-FR IE N I send is the only one within striking distance, with a total of 24 points for the two contests the Varsity has played. Badgers Surprise…

January 09, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 76) • Page Image 6

…NEBRASKA ... 38 34 CHICAGO......34 CALIFORNIA .. 32 STATE Indians_45-37; T'ide Sextet Defeats Fast Michigan Tech Buc Puckmen Swamp Miners 7-1 Movini- Wolverines Meetj keyes Here Monday Night' I GE…

… the elusive Conference cage the game with his hard body checks {Harold Olsen's squad have one edge crown, the Wolverines dare not un- which kept the visitors from getting over the Wolverines-that being…

… five feet, eleven doubtedly still fresh in the cagers The northerners' defense proved I inches and Boughner at six feet. mind, and there will be no let-down ineffective against the Wolverine's The…

January 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 88) • Page Image 7

… down the floor for points unmolestet. In the last minute and a half of play the Buckeyes were almost un- beatable. With the Wolverines gambling on an offensive tip Jim Mc- Donald stole the ball twice as…

… times in 40 attempts, and 33 of these were shorts. Michigan In Fifth Place In the second period the Wolverines took only 19 shots and made good on six while Ohio State tried for the basket 34 times and…

January 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

… Michigan' steam, champions of the Big Ten and holders of the fastest time ever run east of the Rockies. The Wolverine team bested the Pitts- burgh team in one of the most thrill- ing races of the year in…

… Tuesday, to avoid conflict with oth- er events, will give the Wolverines two meets in their first week of com- petition as a dual meet with Michi- gan State has already been scheduled for Feb. 21. The…

…- ing the Wolverine natators in dual meets. They are seriously considering placing a boycott on the present Na- tional Collegiate and Big Ten cham- pions. These dissenting Conference men- tors offer as…

…- igan of two of the Big Ten's biggest stars last year, Baker Bryant of Ohio State and Ed Kirar of Wisconsin, both of whom are members of the present Wolverine first-year squad. But those saime coaches…

January 22, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… heavy, fast forward line composed' of Tom Prudence, center, Ben Garvie and Len Rutter, wings, is expected to; start against the Wolverines tonight. These three Have carried the brunt of the Point Edward…

… Clute, Charles Levanoyitch, and Frank Manning has rounded out an effective passing attack, with Levanoyitch and Clute doing most of the shooting. Wolverines Get Rest Michigan, after a hectic series at…

January 10, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

… the lights were going out in the Varsity Arena and the Wolverine mentor together with the tired stragglers from both hockey teams were pulling the Eliza stuff and crossing the ice. The Maize and Blue…

… Tessmer At Guard Wolverines Prepare For Game With Badger Five At Madison Saturday After two months of juggling his players around, Coach Franklin Cap- pon has finally struck upon what he considers a winning…

…. Cappon featured his Monday night starting lineup in last night's drill. He plans practices today and to- morrow in further preparation for the Wisconsin game S a t u r d a y night. The Wolverines will…

… safe to make predictions about the outcome of any game. Wolverine court fans have become so accustomed to the ups and downs of the squad that an upset is no longer a thing to wonder at. The ma- terial…

January 09, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 75) • Page Image 1


… toughest foes that the Wolverines will be called upon to meet throughout the entire sea- son. Already the Badgers have given a scare. to the champion Northiestern, aggregation, drop- ping a 31-30 decision to…

… necessary later if the lanky Badger tip-off man, Roy Oakes, succeeds in gain- ing the tip from the Michlgan lead- er. In that even~t it is likely that OGrner, giant Wolverine substitute, will try his luck at…

… teams, Michi- gan holding the advantage with nine victories as against Wiscon- sin's seven. The Wolverines also lead in total points scored, 362 to 343, but a margin of only 19 points is not any great…

January 28, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… SEPARATES SIAT SK Schlanderer and Co-rtis Trai! Wolverine Pace-Setters; First Half Enis. VON ELM EARNS $8,000 IN SIX WEEKS AS PRO I VON EL CAPTURE[S LAFICE PMJ PUlE !Business Nan Golfer', Recently…

… the Wolverines for the scasen to date, with Reid showing th( way by the small mar- gin of tvo points. One point is awar a to each player for each goa or each assist which he makes. Reid has bulged the…

… goals as against the three assists of Crossman. Between the two of them they have been responshile for 26 of the 36 points that the Wolverine team has ac- cumulated all season. Schlanderer Third. Captain…

… recording of a single marker, but with such a strong forward line to handle that department of play the Wolverines have not been hard hit by the scoring deficiencies of1 the defense men, Williams andl Prouse…

January 25, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…, worked the ball in for- enough setups under the bas- k et so that every member of the Wolverine quintet broke into the scoring. Norm Daniels, the leader in conference scoring to date, step- ped out from…

…-0 Coutnt as Reid Scor-es Goal. lii spite (i} a valiant last minute di' ie by the despera te Gophers in, t o Clesing minutes of the third ,acricd, the Wolverine hio7 ey team t alum phed. 1-0 to piaco < seives…

… as a championship conten',r. Lead -, P'eic, oizrtis, and Crossman, the ~peedy outskated the Ccahrsthrough out the contest. 2.wlle Tclrpins sterling work in the cact keint the Gophers from…

… the entries and the three best scores will decide the whinners. Emmy Reid, Michigan wing, whlo scored the Wolverines' lone goal that won last night's hockey tilt from the M',inne- sota sextet, 1-0. ill…

January 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

…E;..........Paraonr wifl probably not receive the offi- Williamson......g.........A1'sh1ley ial record as this was only a Altenhof ..... , .. )~hensonl trial run. Seg'ave's mark of A fighting Wolverine: quintet, 98.76 miles…

… last few another sophomore, go a chance to weekly time trials, although they l show his wares in the Wolverine- wr osalsces h e Badgr enountr. thave shown a constant improve- Coach Norgren of the Windy…

… has failed to take part the Maroons are bent upon taking in the other meets. Iic will run the the Wolverines into camp to dis- 60-yard sprint in the second heat prove the more or less common with Hitt…

… Crossinan and (Rei;;Score (Goals For Invaders As Defense Withstands Att-ack By Fred ade io~Editor kinnesota Daily. The Michiganie sextet dcfeatAd MVinnesota in the firstLgame ofth Wolverine-Gopher series here…

January 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

…'s Placej aggressive attack and. fast tossing. their opponents' 53. in15Pound Class; Auer Benz will meet Strom in the 145 The Wolverine qluintet has the in 155 dvantage of having five ga-tmes bc- Is Still…

…. Last year Br:nz was e; erience. In addition, the wear-f Spartans, the Wolverine wrestlers able to js nose out the acetr'tanors of the Maize and Blue have on-' tonight will battle eight fast bouts ~ ,i…

Wolverines open up a- ISI lineup . he w ill probably be a big I gain -st the C onference com petition .Isr is& t th fg t fa s w h so e;S d a d at H vy e h . of the fastest grappling that has' Stoddard will…

January 20, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

… if they turn out to be a harder bunch to beat than the last three have been, as it is hardly beneficial to stack up the Wolverine Cubs against one long string of teams one rarely hears of and who…

… could not quite catch up with the 13 point first half which Rieff rolled up. j This loss virtually knocks the Wolverines out of the Conference race, since with three losses and two wins out of five games…

… of each period at. Madison and he will be ready for a full assignment by the end of the week, when he will fill in the gap in the Wolverine offense. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of machines. Our…

… night. The announcement was made by au- thorities of the Midway club, who deemed it inadvisable to incur the expense of a trip to Ann Arbor. Last year the Wolverines met the Chicago team in the Windy City…

January 11, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 76) • Page Image 7


… the Buck- eyes 29-19, and the team which loses tomorrow night will find itself in a tight spot indeed. Wolves Won Before. The Badgers and the Wolverines have not tangled for two years, when Michigan…

January 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 73) • Page Image 7

… is going to be his ticket' for a ringside seat instead of a matchthisweek end. The loss of these two men will be felt by the Wolverines. The grapplers are not at top form yet, several of them…

… exact- ing in the daily practice sessions. Looking back at the defeat that the visiting grapplers handed the Wolverines in 1929, the men are1 anxious to take all possible revenge on the West Virginia…

…; ,Signa A .is ,ilaa ing: campaign the Wolverine mentor , Theta CY 14; Zeta L Tu 1. 7s faced with a serious problem if Theta Kapxpa Nu 18; and T eia Xi Michigan is to have a winning ball 12, Phi Lambda Kappa…

…; and Dobbs, Tillotson, handicap the Wolverines severely Fishman, Fish, and Boder who are in the Conference race this spring, aspiring to the guard positions. -----__ -- --- INTRAMURAL NOTICE. IOCKEY…

January 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

… a fast breaking combina- tion that will be able to score against the powerful Wildcat team when the Wolverines invade Evan- ston Saturday. The Northwestern method of defense and offense var- ies…

…'s men bids fair to again give the Wolverines a real battle when the two clubs clash. Three new sophomores, all stars in Canadian amateur hockey cir- cles, will be with the team that will face the Maize…

January 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

… against Illi- nois and look like real champions. The Wolverines, on the other hand, beat the Gophers rather handily one night and slumped against Wisconsin. The Badgers have a scrappy five. They out- played…

… ner his mar Yo wng hngr- mark a change in procedure. Last year However he has played in one less the Wolverines confined their inter- entheni erles sectional tilts to matches at Lehigh regame…

January 14, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

… ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Purdue Topples Michigan, 41-32, With Fast Offense John Townsend Stars In Quintet's Second Loss On Big Ten Schedule Wolverines

… excellent shooting, knocked off Mich- igan's rangy Wolverine team and in so doing handed them their second defeat in three Conference starts. Continually working the ball through a supposedly strong Michi…

… the Boilermakers to outplay them for the rest of the period and at the half they were be-' hind 24-18.I John-Townsend, Wolverine sopho- more center, was the Michigan scor- ing star as he dropped in five…

… field goals. Captain Chelso Tomagno, Michigan sparkplug, was ejected from" the game on personals late in the1 second half as Purdue put on a stall- ing act and refused to allow the Wolverines to get…

…-8, then 16-1 10, and 24 to 18 at the half, a briefi Michigan rally pulling the Wolverines up from 24-14 just before half time. The Old Stalling Stuff The second half started slowly, Pur- due taking time out…

January 07, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS i Wolverine Rallies Fail As Hoosiers Win Opener, 33-27I i AAA Death Supreme Court Blasts New Deal Complicates 1937 Budget With Decision Invalidating…

… Offense; Wolverines Falter Near Finish By RAYMOND A. GOODMAN With memories of a fumbled foot- ball lingering in his mind's eye Ver- non Huffman, Indiana quarterback and guard, turned in a sterling defen…

… 7,500 per- sons, the largest since the title win- ning days of '29, last night at Yost Field House. It was the Wolverines' first loss in eight starts this season. After staging two thrilling rallies…

… in the second half to overtake the Indiana five and coming to within two points of the Dean-coached team, the Wolverines l6st the serv- ices of John Townsend, whose pass- ing and defense work had kept…

… from Coach Tony Hinkle and his Butler quintet, checked Michigan in the back court and kept the Wolverines from coming down the floor and working any set plays around John Town- send. Follpwing out this…

…. Not only did they play an untiring defensive game but they counted for half of Indiana's points and were always on the backboards. Chelso Tamagno, the Wolverine captain who suffered an injured leg…

January 08, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… Murphy, Duke's star southpaw last year, and he made good at once. Navy, Maryland, and Virginia also rate prominently in college base- ball circles. Aside from the high grade competi- tion. the Wolverines

…. Last year, after a curtail- ment of athletic expenditures had forced a four-year lapse of spring training trips, the Wolverines again resumed their habitual spring trin * STA R DUST By ART CARS'TE NS…

…, '33, and '34. Of nine recognized Big Ten records Michigan holds six. Wolverine relay teams hold the 300-yard medley and 200 free-style records. J o h n n y Schmieler, 1933 captain, set the exist- ing…

Wolverine sextet. The game against the Wayne outfit was a Roman carnival for the Mich- igan players. With Captain Johnny Sheri, Vic Heyliger and Dick Berry- man in the forward line most of the time, and…

… 17. Ann Arbor, Michigan The Wolverine failed to show the, Dear Matt: same form which was displayed in: No can do, sorry. A winning coach winning six of seven pre-Conference always eats, season games…

January 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 81) • Page Image 7

….irY'I URX~DIIY lt. d UllL; :±t 1 1'..L H t I A,!r -.AIN - -A'- .« . ? ..,.w.......... L !. A. Ln A V .F :A 9 A 41& j' 4 0.^Z Y l:%ir ":['Yl r L \Y . j Wolverines to Partiipa te Zn' /1A. UI…

… ___~ -(Continued Frm Pa ge,6) ENIEED W MI ving tmbledc the Wolverines sature of all the players eept I nr at center, and ovell and Rick- ou fal u h rmtsCpsi aptaingvet e tts at the guards." Loveli,.ccount- Vaity…

… preliminaries are taken as na swimmig meet, the Wolverine Indian quintet must emerge tri- II ll its pre-conference, contests will guard poan ,xWeiss movihgtuwito happenals. nasI ass;Wis oi t p…

… the players who F u t expected to turn in some good dives,. to Northwestern, camne back and areclunable to bring girls. F.our Wolverines are entered in overcame~ Ohio State, one of the' the junior 150…

… the sophomores in the y ~ear man while ,Sloan is reputed to 'and the 100 yard free style -for ;jun- Buckeye .lineup, and against the be a wrestler of the. first order. The J I Wolverine should…

January 22, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… unusual amount of class. However when the gun sounded the end of sixty minutes of play, Minnesota had completed-its second, straight shutout over the Wolverines with a 4 to 0 score. Before a capacity crowd…

… of Wolver- ine fans John Mariucci, star defense man of the Gophers, took the cheery and booes that were aimed at him and retaliated by bouncing the Wolverine players off the boards and making one of…

…. Starting things offhMari- ucci received a cut across the eye which resulted in more tape being added to his already bandage-hidden face.d Staving off a Wolverine drive in the second period, Goalie Falk of…

… the Wolverines. The first score of the gene came after 18 minutes of play in the first period. Capt. Ken Anderson took a pass from Rheinberger in front of the Wolverine net and the flipped the puck past…

January 25, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… attacked Blalock. After Powell was taken to the hospital here, the eight other Negro defendants were taken to the Jefferson County jail. Varsity Wins Tank Match From State" Wolverines Swamp Foes, 58…

… Bonus Bill Veto Chinese Sef uses 11oughton Wiins Hockey Tilt, 3-2 Opponents Score 2 Goals In Last Period To Win First Of 2-Game Series A last-period rally by Michigan Tech defeated the Wolverine puck…

… its first win in a dual meet with the Wolverines in ten years. Bell, a sophomore from Lansing swimming his first race of varsity competition, beat Mark McCarty, lone Michigan entry and also a soph…

…- omore, by two feet in the 100-yard free-style event. His time of 46.4 was good considering the odd length of the 30-yard local pool. Coach Matt Mann's Wolverines won every other race of the meet with the…

…. McCarthy of Tech took Stack's pass to score the first goal with less than two minutes left in the opener. Berryman and Heyliger tallied in the second period to give the Wolverines a two to one lead…

January 04, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

Wolverine cagers annexed their second victory of the season last night at Yost Field House by defeating Michigan S t a t e Normal College in a weird contest, 29 to 11. Both teams displayed ragged bas- ketball…

… the game, sinking three field goals for a six point total. George Rud- ness, substitute forward, and Charles Hanneman, Norman center, followed the Wolverine guard in the scoring column with five points…

… each. The Wolverines opened the scor- ing when Tessmer counted from be- yond the foul line after 40 seconds of play. Allen and Plummer scored from the floor in rapid succession to give Michigan a six…

… Michigan leading 15-6. Hanneman opened the second half scoring, making good on one of two free throws. Rudness, who had taken Ford's place in the Wolverine line- up at the start of the period, dribbled…

… through twice in rapid succession to score two field goals. Tomagno then broke into the scoring column by sinking a long shot from the side- lines. With 10 minutes left to play, the Wolverines starting…

January 19, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… started thef ball into action, only to have Wis-t consin score three more points. 1 MICHIGN MATME1Nr -;f Kelly and Hewitt Capture Their, Matches With Falls to c Lead Wolverines.I 3,000 FANS WVA TCH TILT…

… before a crowd of 3,000 fans here tonight.l Each team won four bouts but the two falls gained by Kelley and Hewitt of the Wolverines as" against only one fall registered by1 Fairall of the Buckeyes gave…

… , Supper group at 6:30 spent a year and a half at the x o'clock this evening at Harris hall. University obesrvatory in Green- tooks race. team TLndcl first in the 300 yard medley The second Wolverine

January 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…MSDAY,JANUAY25, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Levamped Wolverine Basketball Five May Cappon Places Recaptures National Skiing Championship Capacity Crowd P LA Y . 1k .L- .. Hopes On New fViews Golden BY…

…, with : ewwth th ball into scoring zone has cost the In recent years interest among be used by the lighter boxers while two round lead piled up, was the n still locked and they swun. Wolverines many…

… mixup. ing up to the hopes of the Wolverine enough to insure a successful two-day that these boys need have no ex- peI patofse tak or * * * mentor the Michigan five has a good - t ing his man for the…

January 10, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 75) • Page Image 7

… Yost Field house. Yesterday's win over the Tigers gives the Jayvees w string of three victories and no setbacks. Petrie Opens Scoring. The Wolverines played a waiting game with the forwards holding 1…

… scoring hn- ors with four field goals and one foud shot apiece. Both of these men showed up well being vital cogs in the Wolverine machine. Garner and Manuel were not far behind the. leaders each having six…

…, g.............. Bratton, g, ............. Totals ..... ..........F Score by Halves. g 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 5 IViIl H VIL 1 I U ICIIL L.I VTEAM- Wolverine Squad in Good Shape for Invasion of Southern…

January 23, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

…1L1U.S Lt~1; rJ G IJ~li a . _L i VARSiuFI T .- a a a . Rici i . 4 A i .: t." . PUG S TERS CLI t. N D PLACE GLASSIFIE'1 v ADERTSINUDT .A WISCONSIN HODSW OVER WOLVERINES Defeat, Second…

… Gophers came ISiharpshiootiii forv"a "d, lead> iisth back to defeat the Wolverines by at ;Big Green court warriors this year, 1-Q count in a game that was fea-i Cherney is considered one of th, tured by…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 7

… Lettermen Will Wrestle Competiti on s Keen ,TODAY S GAMES for Wolverine Outfit i for Sima Delta GAMES Opening Clash. BASKETBALL. ELEVEN TO MAKE TRIP Qualication peiod forf.aternity 4:15-Psi Upsilon "A" vs…

….-Jean Borotra and SToIMP RA chief obstacle in the Wolverines' the team, and holder of the Big Andrew Glasler of France won the Dial21SON RAD march to another championship. Ten and National Intercollegiate men…

… are 93 fraternity men and 45# independent men out for SigmaI Delta Ps&, making a total of 138I men, a decided increase over last year. rn the Wolverine schedule. Hewett' Sharkey-Scott Plans hvas a…

January 10, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…- cial to The Daily)-Speed was too much for Michigan's height advan- tage once again as the Purdue fire- horses broke past the Wolverines time and time again to defeat the Michigan basketball team in its…

… Michigan defense but rather popped away at the basket from the floor in an attempt to pull the Wolverine offense in and then fake around them. But these tactics proved use- less and in the second half they…

…. After about three minutes of play Gee fooled Seward and got away under the basket to put the Wolverines ahead, 4 to 1. Pattanelli fouled Down- ey who made good and then Ander- son held Townsend shooting…

… glee, banged home the goal that marked a 2-1 tri- umph over Pt. Edward of Sarnia, and gave the Wolverines their third win in a row. The Wolverines treated the crowd that jammed the old Coliseum last…

… play with a crashing body check, but Referee Farrell ruled that he used his knee on the play' and Bob rested out for two minutes while the- Wolverines played defensive hockey. Heyliger was chased for…

January 19, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

…. Bill Orwig, whose play has fea"tred the pl'ay of Wolverine cage tcaaisj for two years at a forward post, will take over the all-important run-', ning guard duties. The defensivet powers have shown…

… against the "mall by two defeats at the hands of Ilinois ad Purdue in less than 'a eek, the 29, Wolverines have shown a determin- ,he II tation in their practice for the Hoo- is' sier game which brings to…

January 14, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… been found that instead of breaking the 200- mark by 1.2 seconds and the 250- by 2.4, the Wolverines had I failed by .1 and .2 respectively to smash the records. All three of these relay marks are held…

… powerful In- diana team and an enthusiastic crowd of Wolverine fans that they still reign supreme in Big Ten circles at the Field House by pulling away to a convincing 17 to 11 triumph over the Hoosiers…

… years of competition and definitely stamps the Wolverines as favored to take their second Big Ten championship in a row. Michigan's Jim Mericka, veteran 136-pounder, turned the tide for the Wolverines in…

January 07, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… however. Other weaknesses in the Wolverine lineup are injury hangovers. Capt. Beebe's taped ankle has slowed him up slightly and Danny Smick's ban- daged forehead is still in evidence Mike Sofiak, who took…

… (C) Nisbet Thomas G Wardley Referee: N. E. Kearns (DePaul); Tmpire: John Schommer (Chicago). Lead Wolverines Into Action Tonight Third Straight Win Is Sougjt Danner Is Il; Newsoni Demands Returns E…

… Samuelson and Chuck the end of November. hopes to get in condition to try out Ross will be on hand to replace any Danner, who speaks several lan- for the Olympic squad, of these Wolverine players. Ivan Reid…

… the holidays. There is little doubt as to who will start in the heavyweight class for the Wolverines, for Forrest "Butch" Jor- dan continued the pace which he has set all year by easily pinning Joe…

January 09, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… 13 Jammed Coliseum Views Fastest, Roughest Fight Of Current Hockey Race Wolverines Take Second 'Title' Game By BEN MOORSTEIN Thursday's slam-bang hockey me- lee with Michigan Tech was only a prelude…

… by a jammed Coliseum, which not one per- son left before the final gun. The victory gave Michigan a de- cided edge on the mythical state title. The Wolverines need win only one more of the two…

January 04, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…'s modernistic pivot man again, Butler's bulldogs stole the show as they poured in 12 long shots to down the Varsity 38 to 35 tonight. It was the Wolverines first defeat in seven starts. With Michigan's defense…

… heard on camupus as the Wolverines downed Illinois for second win of season. And so came November.y Nov. 2 found Ted Shawn and his dancers opening the Oratorical Asso- ciation program. President Roosevelt…

January 16, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… appears, "Why Wom- en smoke is an intriguing question, Saves To Blank Fast Professor Beane said and some rea- Skating Wolverines sons for indulgence are found in a book by 'The Woman Smoker'." The Local…

… beat Michigan last night. The Professor Beane was justifiably Wolverines' first string trio of Hey- piqued by these calls, because he did liger, James, and Fabello outclassed not make any statement…

… was equal National Guard; Expect to the task. He dove, he waited or Cold Snap To End Rains .he outfaked the Wolverine sharp- -__dpT E shooters whenever they came close, and every time he guessed the…

…. Bill Wood was turning in a good Sme left threatened homes on job for the Wolverines, but he didn't, footOthb like Wilkinson, have eyes in his feet. ers were rought out in Bill knocked 21 shots during the…

January 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… Townsend Is High Scorer With 11 Points In Fast Contest Wolverines Ahead At HalfBy 16-12 Third Conference Loss Handed Cappon's Team By Norsemen MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 25. - (') - Minnesota's vastly-improved bas…

…- ketball team won its second consec- utive victory in six starts by defeat- ing Michigan, 31 to 26, with a last period rally tonight. The Wolverines led at the half by a 16 to 12 score. John Townsend…

Wolverine's wins to date. His first two pins of the sea- son defeated New York Athletic Club, 18-13, and Franklin and Marshall, 18-16 to make the Eastern inva- sion a success. By virtue of their victory, the…

January 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… In Overtime Wolverines Miss Numerous Chances To Tally During Game InSet-Up Shots By RAYMOND A. GOODMAN Staging an extra-period drive that overpowered a fighting Iowa quintet, Michigan's basketball team…

… won an overtime victory, 31 to 27 last night at Yost Field House for its third Con- ference victory to remain a dangerous threat in the race for the Big Ten title. The victory put the Wolverines in…

Wolverine team con- trol the ball almost completely dur- ing the five minute overtime period and allow George Rudness to hit a long shot to break the tie and Chelso Tamagno to put the game on "ice" with a…

… the second half with Walsh hitting regularly, in the overtime it gave the Wolverines the edge that meant the game for Mich- igan and defeat for Iowa. Following Rudness' long shot the Varsity kept…

January 19, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… following pro- gram: Quartet in D Major, Op. 18, No. 3 .~Beethoven Allegro Andante con moto Bombardment By Wolverine Cagers Brings 51-33 Win Rifle-Carrying Teacher Defies School Officials GLASGOW, Mont…

… heavyweight giants. in which Tiny Wright, 250-pound Wolverine, threw Joe O'Dowd Lion 235-pounder. Capt. Jack Light, Penn State East- ern Intercollegiate champion, got a four minute time advantage over Earl…

…. GOODMAN Led by Jake Townsend, whose bril- liant passing and aggressive floor play allowed the Wolverines to score almost at will, Michigan's rangy bas- ketball team drubbed Capt. Bill Haar- low and the…

…'s sparkling passes. Michigan Superior In Height Although Gee played only a short time, the Wolverines dominated the tip-off. Michigan's superior height was also a factor in the play off the backboards, despite…

January 22, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fight Mars Minnesota Ice Contest Hockey Game Turns Into Fistfight As Gophers De- feat Wolverines, 1-3, In Exciting Ice Battle Woive Cage Team Beats Chicago, 36-18 Dr. Margaret…

… Minnesota-Michigan tempest variety was taken by the Gophers over the Wolverines here tonight, 3 to 1, as the defending Big Ten champions swept the series. Fighting blood which boiled be- yond control climaxed…

January 14, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

… Independent students on the These two matcnes will conclude campus who would be willing to the pre-conference .schedule with compete in the Intramural meets if the Wolverines swinging into ac- they could get on…

January 18, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…UNDA, JANUARY 18, 1931t THlE MICIGAN TALY TAGE SEVEN U. - *r 5 ', S II >>.' .. , ' iILDGCATS AY Wolverines Still Have Chace co Gain Big Ten Honors After Ohio Defeat. By Joe Rusell. PLt…

… shared high scor- ing honors with eight points each. A win tomorrow night will give the invaders a real flying start toward the crown which the Boiler- makers seem sure to lose, whil should the Wolverines

… rnilo run over a Ir~tr ~ur1 ew KJ' ^LLS1u4.J /' lt ey to the lead ih thle last lap to 1'RATITINV1Y BOWLINtG &- 2 iJos~ un eftatedLcederle 6-3, Rol Otto, Wolverine 12e, pound wrestling trwhno has…

… the Wolverine territory in the last meet before the examinations they will bring what is considered only a fair team of wrestlers, and the Michi- gan maulers should be able to take them into camp…

January 14, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 78) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1931 T1HE MIChI-TGA N D A T L Y PAGE R "W", ..................Y Varsity CARDINAL CONTES OPENS CDNFERENC Wolverines Hold Last Practi Before Going to Madison for Two Games…

… displace them, heaon Friyand Saturdy. h Chicago, New York Rangers, Tor- The Wolverine's record in the 1onto, Montreal Maroons. and Les first seven games of the year, while not overly impressive as far as…

… a first string lineup of veterans, all of them members of the sextet that gave the Wolverines such a fight last year. Frisch, the team's regular goalie for the past two years, will be back in the nets…

… defending its Conference champion- ship that was won last year for the first time. Although the Wolverines were hard pressed to take the title,1 coming through to victory only af-i ter .a brilliant four…

January 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

… Union es- a e eai eer Board I Control of Athletics, Pro- emetistakenntal li t psenreeon nrava ptyn t ecording-s eretary by wolverine emblematic of the University.t A men addoutntf with Franc. The French…

…. of the single instance of Benne for the Wolverines with three field sono ta etngaro its own membership, which makes may be bought from 2 until 5 "City Haul," by William Thurnau, Friedman, Dr. Savage…

… fraternities them- Total..........9 4 8 22 four Wolverines were in action at' t His discussion of the subject was Fletcher Hall to be Difficulties and Some Devices." selves. the time the counter was made…

… adsofteftuyr. ds, ;slted in naught. The Gopher de- opera nthe busness of oad ulding in Fletcher hall, dormitory for men WORLD NAVAL AANT fense tightened.- The Wolverines Roun France dates back to the conquest…

January 16, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

…I an individual can enter only three intram urai. events one of which must be a re- j lay. Bleacher seats wil be open atI the pool during the meet.Ne s Wolverine Pucksters Basketball. I Will Leave for…

… to any one of the vs. Hermitage "A". Wolverine regulars. 8:20-Sigma Alpha Mu "A" vs. Phi Michigan's record now stands at Epsilon Kappa "A". five victories and three defeats, butj 2-Soph Dents (Engemar…

… contenders where collegiate 4 - Soph Engrs. (brown) vs. hockey ranks almost next to foot- Soph Plhys Eds (Macksimo-' ball as the season's most important! wiez).- drawing card. The Wolverines 9:00---Frosh Laws…

…)~ finally begun to draw the attention.' vs. Suckers (A. Redniss). of the student body here, after sev- 3-Wolverines (McCarrol ) vs. eras years of comparative obscur- Gophers (Stander). ity. Last Saturday…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…. averted a landslide 19.45 percent came from state ap-ii favor of the Wolverines. The ;ropriations, 31.91 percent from theE Canadian offense. built around the University hospital, and only 15.42I clever…

… Walker, proved unable t >ercent from student fees. The bal- pierce Michigan's inner defense ance of the dollar is derived from andthe close up attempts at the federal land grant, sales and ser-y Wolverine

… general administra- will be produced January 24 and defenses. After five minutes of pion. The balance of the expendi-; 25, and the winners of the one-act: play the Wolverine offense, with tures went to…

… a ,showing at the Bon- Wolverines continued to storm the profit, but is due to collections be- stelle Playhouse. Ontario goal but inaccurate shoot- ing more nearly up to date June 30, Recast by…

January 12, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… tonight, 6 to 0, in the first of a two-game series. The same teams will meet at the Coliseum again tonight, Before the first period was 10 min- utes old the Wolverines had demon- strated an easy superiority…

… minutes. Crimson Offense Stopped Wisconsin's offensive was stopped completely by the effective poke- checking of the Wolverine forward line and when a Crimson skater got past the Michigan red line he was…

… promptly checked by defenseman MacCollum or David. Early in the game a personal feud between Ed Mercer and the Wolverine defense- men developed and resulted in double penalties for the aggressive Badger and…

… each of the Wolverines in the second and third stanzas. Sherf again showed the offensive ability that made him All-American left wing last year but Coach Eddie Lowrey was particularly pleased by the…

…-teegu'Axjowar~s,-. Goalie Chuck Heyer kept the Wolv- erines from running the score into two figures by some fine saves while the Wolverines were passing the puck around inside Wisconsin's red line. In the third period…

January 31, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

… men of the Golden Tor-j the Detroit City colege ager on After1 the Maroon floor. Chicag, without Cale Cnce n av aoadU az ~ leo Wednesday night, the Wolverine! Michigan a win to its credit in Big Nine…

…, s iruggingtohet'a, In W thedflfirsth lgame ju-thistw year anbe-inlas nihtan+ an he is ssrgln ogtKireawhile Bud Jarvis of Pitts- i cdelw h ~ h n- r. ~ na g. . tween the Wolverin B" team and jorrella…

… recent conglest1Detroiter ri1?. YisNwledr ttelol have little difficulty in puttinzg the acquirring the services of Conachr N ationai league golies just as ( the Wolverines have buit strong Nwlaeotheoly…

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