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January 08, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-08

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1XMNT6 IS ,jBy R. L. S.
React an open letter to your fav-
orite celebrity of professor in Gar-
goyle's big "Open Letter" number
ANNOUNE0 BYRICHwhich will be on sale tomorrow.A

First Finals Scheduled t
on Saturday Afterno
February 1.

zations are included: President
o Begin Hoover, Clara Bow (you know, the
"It" Bow), Toasted Rolls, and your
)on favorites at home and abroad,
Of course, all of the letters are
written in a gently razzing vein.
FEB. I and everyone is gently razzed. All
rn.77inl ic mnratpa thoRr i

az_ gA a ruaira eeduLU Ut eaone in
an absolutely new and thorough
Printed Copies of Schedule to manner, and if you find your name
Be Distributed Within among the recipients of open let-
Next Few Days. tersit will not be difficult to un-
derstand what is meant by "newl
Examination schedules for the li- L and th ough.'31 has designed an
terary college, for the schools of unusual cover to depict the open
business administration, education, letter, while a cartoon by El Je-
pharmacy, forestry, and for the rome Ellison, '30, managing editor,
graduate school, were announced presents an unique slant on thel
Iowa-Big Nine athletic situation.
yesterday by Prof. Daniel L. Rich,' A full page photo of Irene King,
of the department of physics and a beautiful (by any standard) act-
Classroom sectionson r ress opposite the theatre page pro-
esteroorsecion for first sem- vides an objet d'art for the boys to
ester courses will continue through frame. Paul Showers, '31, has writ-
Saturday morning, February 1, and ten a feature article on the athlete's
examinations are scheduled to be- fo usnexhc ilba ae
gin on the afternoon of that day. foot nuisance which will bear care-
Hours for morning examinations ful persual by any who have been
will be from 9 until 12 o'clock; for hi dee.
afternoon examinations, from 2 un- this disease.
til 5 o'clock. The Gargoyle will be on sale on
Printed copies of the examina- the campus and at the booth in
tion schedule are being made, Pro- University hall for 15 cents.. Cou-
fessor Rich announces, and will be pons will be accepted by any of the
ready for distribution from the Re- salesmen.
corder's office in University halla
within a few days.
Th a e Scehedule. N .D C O ,
Following is the complete sched
ule of examination as announced
by Professor Rich:
Saturday, Feb. 1, afternoon; [
Monday at 1. o'clock classes.
Monday, Feb. 3, morning; Mon-1 Dr. Adler, Child Psychologist,
day at 11 o'clock classes.
Monday, Feb. 3, afternoon; Tues- Will Follow Lecture
day at 1 o'clock. With Clinic.
Monday, Feb. 3, afternoon; Tues-
day at 1 o'clock classes. Geography FORMER PUPIL OF FREUD
1, and political science 31. __
Tuesday, Feb. 4, morning; Monr Doctor A. Adler of Vienna will
day at 9 o'clock classes. appear in the Natural Science Au-
Tuesday, gFeb. 4, afternoon; ditorium January 10 from 2 to 4
mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,7;. educa- o'clock to lecture on child psychol-
tion B 20, and business adminis-
tratIon 121 Doctor Adler is an outstanding
Wednesday, a Feb. 5, morning; figure in the field of psychology, a
Monday at 8 o'clock classes . former pupil of Freud, and the
Wednesday, Feb. 5, afternoon; founder- of the famous child char-
economic 51, 52, 101; zoology 1, ed- acter clinics in Vienna. His lecture
ucation Cl, and business adminis- here is to be followed by a free
tration 111. demonstration clinic to supplement I
Thursday, Feb. 8, morning; Tues- and demonstrate the talk. These!
day at 9 o'clock classes, clinics have achieveved remarkable
Thursday, Feb. 6, afternoon; rhe- results in Vienna where they are
torie 1, psychology 31 education Al, connected with the school system.
and business administration 161. Similar clinics have been install-
Friday, Feb. 7, morning; Tuesday ed by Doctor Adler in Berlin re-
at 10 o'clock classes. cently, and for the last .few months
Friday, Feb. 7, afternoon; Tues- he has been in New York organizing
day at 11 o'clock classes. the Foundation of Individual Psy-
Saturday, Feb. 8, morning; Tues- chology and teaching in Columbia
day at 8 o'clock classes. University. He has been deeply in-!
Saturday, Feb. 8, afternoon; terested in Individual Psychology
French 1, 2, 31, 32; Spanish 1, 2, 31,1 and has written several books upon
32; and business administration the subject.
101. Ann Arbor is one of the five
Monday, Feb. 10, morning; Tues- American cities to be visited by!
day at 2 o'clock classes. Doctor Adler on his tour of the
Monday, Feb. 10, afternoon; socio- country before he goes to Detroit

Concluding the series of weekly
R E INCREAll Campus Forum meetings, Prof. E M SCORES
:DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy
deartment will lead in the discus-
UNI [RSITY 9SSIT~s Iion of the question "The Crisis in ,W N C 1 N 9 I
morrow afternoon in Room D, Al-
Annual Financial Survey Shows umni Memorial Hall. Play Shows Big Improvement
Assets to be Forty-Two Professor Parker, who since the Over Any Games Played
Million Dollars. death of the late Professor Weley To Date.
has served as head of the depart- T ae
Iment of philosophy, is recognized
SMITH ISSUES REPORT by leading philosopheis as one of DEFENSIVE WORK GOOD
I the most brilliant professors of this
Net Cash General Fund Receipts subject in the country. It is thought Clever Goal Guarding by Hamill
that Professor Parker~ will discuss
for Year 1928-1929 Total ;the many dfferen phases of undes Robs Wolves of Many
Over Eight Million. 1graduate life approaching each Counters.
- phase from various viewpoints.____
Figures contained in the annual Following a short introductory Flashing effective defensive pow-
financial report issued by Shirley presentation of his subject, Profes- ers and an offense which showed
W.Sih eceayad uiessor Parker will call for response inerananofsewihhwd
W. Smith, secretary and bus the form of questions from the au- marked improvement 'n combina-
manager, and Robert A. Campbell, dience. He will incorporate the, tion play, Michigan's Varsity hock--
treasurer, disclose that the Univer- question "Is educational emphasis ey team turned back ahard skat-
sity's assets have increased during misplaced?" in his discussion. ing Ontario A a
the past year to $42,533,559.98. This Through out the series of Forumsmggie sextette by a 3-
increase, which is due principally to the attempt was made to raise for 0 score last night on the Coliseum
enlargement of the educational ! discussion a few of the basic prob- ice before a crowd of 250 specta-
plant, amounts to $3,296,323.56. The lems that confront the average un- tors.
net cash general fund receipts for dergraduate today. The subjects Coach Lowrey's men stormed the
the fiscal year 1928-1929 total were the ones that a representative Canadian defense posts throughout
$8,418,824.60. I group of students felt to be impor- the course of the game and only
The analysis of the source of each( tant. the spectacular work of the Aggi'e
dollar of this income shows that goalie, Hamill. averted a landslide
19.45 percent came from state ap-ii favor of the Wolverines. The
;ropriations, 31.91 percent from theE Canadian offense. built around the
University hospital, and only 15.42I clever Walker, proved unable t
>ercent from student fees. The bal- pierce Michigan's inner defense
ance of the dollar is derived from andthe close up attempts at the
federal land grant, sales and ser-y Wolverine mashes were few.
vices, and miscellaneous. yrant and Hart Star.
Disbursements The veteran Maize and Blue de-
Disbursements made during the ( Play Production to Broadcast fense duo of Bryant and Hart prov-
scal year, from July 1, 1928 to ded too rugged for the Ontario for-'
June 30, 1 fmuly 1, 1928o,- Student'Written Play wards who managed to evade the
383.16. The distribution of each Over WJR. first line Michigan stjckhandlers.
collar of the University's general Joseph at the right wing position
fund disbursements was shown to WON PRIZE LAST YEAR turned i an excellent brand of
3e a folows:51.4 pecentwaspoke checking which turned aside
I e as follows: 51.84 per'cent was, ol
many of the Canadian's golwr
vpent in instruction and research, Play Production is confining its tihrusts.
27.94 percent went to the University activities for the month of January Play proved listless over the first
riospital, 9.88 percent to operation to student written plays. A radio few moments of skating with the
and maintenance of physical plant, revival of "The Joiners" will be flashy Aggie pucksters failing tc
2.70 percent for general expenses, ; presented Saturday night, "Lelia" find an opening in the Michigan
L18 percent to general administra- will be produced January 24 and defenses. After five minutes of
pion. The balance of the expendi-; 25, and the winners of the one-act: play the Wolverine offense, with
tures went to physicaltplant addi- play contest will be presented Janu; LangenhNygord and Joseph bear
tions, service departments, and ex- ary 28 ing the brunt of the burden, began
tension work. "The Joiners," by Arthur Hink-! to show ability to pierce the Can a-I
The University hospital showed ley, was judged the best of the one- dian front line posts. After miss-
an income for the fiscal year of act student-written plays in the ing several close in ties Langen
$2,686,319.33 and expenditures of competition held last year. It was made a difficult angle shot for the
$2,410,052.01. This excess of hos- presented with six other plays in first score of the game. Over the
pital receipts over disbursements is the competition and later taken to remainder of the first period the
explained by the report as not being ;Detroit for a ,showing at the Bon- Wolverines continued to storm the
profit, but is due to collections be- stelle Playhouse. Ontario goal but inaccurate shoot-
ing more nearly up to date June 30, Recast by Valentine B. Windt, di- ing coupled with Hamill's excellent
1929 than the year previously. rector of Play Production activities, goal defending frustrated furtherf
Three Major Investments it will constitute part of the pro- scoring attempts.3
In the schedule of investments gram on the Michigan Night radio Strong in Second Period
and earnings (schedule D of the re- ( program Saturday over WJR. Michigan's attacking powers
port), it is shown that bonds, mort- "Leila" by Dorothy Ackerman, '29, reached their -greatest height in
gages and real estate are the three which will be given in the Lydia i the second stanza with the Blue
chief classes of investment. The Mendelssohn theatre January 24 skaters holding the puck almost
highest percent of income, 9.71 per- and 25 was the winer with "City continually in the Canadian scor-
cent, is earned by stocks, which, 11Haul," by William Thurnau, '29, in ing zone. Shortly after the period-
Secretary Smith explained, wer; be- last year's student-written contest.' opened Joseph took a pass to center I
quests to the University. They con- The cast for the production of ice and evaded a white-shirted de-
3titute 3.2 percent of the total in, this second play has been picked fense man to score the second goal
vestments. The lowest rate of in= and it is going into rehearsal some- of the evening. Langen added
terest comes from student loans, time this week, according to Mr. another goal before the period was
which earn 2.02 percent. The aver- Windt. There is a possibility that half over to close the scoring on
age percent of4 income which all Miss Ackerman will attend a few of corner shot after taking a pass from1
University investments earn is 5.41 the rehearsals in order to reshape Courtis. During the remainder of
percent. the play and make any changes the game the Canadians staged a
Salaries for teaching and re- that are necessary. determined fight to break into the
search during the past year total- Winners in the group of plays scoring. The speedy Walker on
'.ed $2,906,556.42, of which $1,051,- which were submitted to the judges several occasions reached the sec-
6 6.37 went to those of professional Monday afternoon in the student- ond line Michigan defenses only
rank. The summary of the educa- written one-act play contest will to be checked by two or three
tional plant assets discloses that be produced by the students in the Michigan men.
a balance of $35,221,708.25 ex'sted Play Production course as one of The summary follows:
June 30, 1929, which is an increase the free private laboratory presen- { Michigan Position Ontario
3f $2,918,931.49 over the figures of tations. Jan. 28. The number of Thompkins ......... .....Hamill
July 1, 1928. Trust funds for en.- plays to be presented will depend Bryant (c) .....ld......Henry (c)
dowments and other special pur- on the calibre of the work submit- Hart . r .........rd ........ Barrick
poses total $2,994,582.52 in princi- ted to the judges. Langen .. .............Stoneman,
pal for June 30, 1929, which is an -- -Nygord.......1w ......... Scollie
I increase over last year's figure of BASKETBALL SCORES. Joseph ....... ..rw........ Walker
$2,857,008.17. St. Lo uis 33, Drake 19. Schlanderer . .sub....... Mitchell
Gross receipts of the department Chicago 36, Ohio Wesleyan 24. Courton. .sub.......R. Henry

of engineering research, the largest Notre Dame 30, Indiana 29. F Psub...... Robison
i'n the history of that department, Detroit Tech 18, Albion 12. First Period, Langen, 11:43;-
show the increase of interest which Montana State 51, Penn State en 8:4.Period, Joseph, 1:04; Lan-
state manufacturers have in the! 42.gn8:0
facilities of the department. They 'Baldwin Wallace 19. Operlin Third Period, no score.
totalled $172,484.59 for the past 17. Stops.
year. ( Tompkins, 13; Hamill, 28.
Returning from the annual. tour Everything ahead was sidetrack- 'departed for Lansing and they had
of the Union Opera, the 100 boys ed and trainmen were kept busy to take a later train in order to ar-
who were members of the "Merrie- keeping the switches open. In rive in time for the performance
Go-Round" company drooped to spite of the effort, however, the The
classes Monday morning after two company reached Chicago a half valiant attempt torliven made a
"aatatep olven up the
weeks of strenuous activities on the an hour after the curtain was sup- State capitol by playing Christmas#
road. posed to have been raised. and the carols in Lansing after the perfor-
The company left Ann Arbor at show started at 10 instead of 8:30 mance. The steps of the Capitol
2 o'clock Friday afternoon, Decem- o'clock. jbuilding were commandered as the
The audience that filled the Civic amphitheatre.
ber 20. The original plans were to Onera hoA wa sindinlent. thnno-h The nmnnnv nntinewr t h fet.-

Proposed Plan Provides For Selection of Two
Highest Officers on Caliber of Work
Done by Election Board.
Petiti on, for the sebtini ioi 0ofthe Umo1I me itte proposition
at a special meeting of the 1. i wi niminhers wilI e circulated for four~
lays starting today by a committee of 50 represenmatve students who last
.tight. discussed the plan and voted tirtatumously in i s favor. The com-
mittee organized by the student concil, which is pritoting th plan,
will also serve to interpret the details of the system to the student body.
The merit system provides for the selection of the two highest sti-
lent officers in the (tnion h an electoral board composed of seven mem-
hers picked 1y the (. nion board of directors from its own membership.
Phe electoral board. to colnsist of three studens and four faculty and
alumni members would chose each spring the president anl recording-
secretary from the students holding- subordinate positions. The selection
w'ill be made on basis of the calibre of work done b1 the candidates.
Need 200 Names.
CLASS OFFICERS -ISignatures of at least 200 nmem-
A few class officers and Seior bers of the Union must be obtained
Committee chairmen have not in order to place the proposition,
had their pictures taken for the which in the form .of an amend-
Michiganensian. If these pic- Iment to the constittution, before the
tures are not in by the end of Union directors. If the directors ap-
the week, they will not go into prove the plan it will be submitted
the yearbook. Attend to this at to a special meeting of the Union
an official photographer at once. membership, at lest 10 days follow-
ing the board's approval. Two-
thirds affirmative vote with a quo-
rum of at least 600 present is need-
SSIONed to arnend the constitution.
Although but 200 signatures are
Ineededto have the directors con-
T Sider the proposal it is expected
that a much larger number of sti-
idents will sign the petitions. Exten-
sive support by the undergraduate
Hoover Appeals for Patience of body will serve to convince the
People in Farewell to board of the a real desire of the
D Union members to have the system
Delegation. installed, it was pointed out at the
"If, and only if, the student body
Bly C. P. Willamson, A. P. -Staff a s a whole takes the iitative in*
Writer 1promulgating the merit system
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 7 --said Dean Carl G. Huber, of the
With an appeal to the American graduate school, who is a member
neople for patience, encourage- of the Union board of directors,
ment, and to withhold criticism last night at the meeting," . the
board will be willing to approve
during the work of the American the plan.
telegation at the Naval conference, "With the Student council and
President Hoover today bade fare- other representative organizatios
well to the commission. fully supporting the proposition, I
Headed by Secretary Stimson, feel sure that the board will sub-
thief American delegate, the mem- I mit the question and that it will be
bers of the commission and a num- ,approved at the election with due
credit to the student body."
ber of their advisors gathered at The plan as drafted has many
the White House for a breakfast! especially meritorious features,
.with the Chief Executive. members of the special student
The President discussed with the committee stated after hearing the
delegates the work ahead of them amendment explained in detail by
an hiKenneth M. Lloyd, '32L, chairman
and his hopes that their labors of the Student council committee
would be met with success. which has supervised the framing
In a farewell message to ' the of the amendmient.
American people after the break-' Although the plan replaces the
fast, the Secretary briefly outlined present system of electing the
the purposes of the Conference, Union officers, the proposed plan
particularly stressing the oppor- etains an element of popular re--
tunty of the parley to limit still of the proposed electoral board
further capital ship construction, I will be picked from the six vice-
already limited under the Wash- presidents elected by the various
ington Arms treaty ot 1922. schools and colleges at the annual
The President in a statement all-campus elections in the spring.
after the breakfast emphasized the
necessity of cooperation of the I Dancers to Offer Two
American people with the delega- Programs at Theatre
tion, declaring "The progress of the
world rests in a large measure on Two different performances of
the shoulders of the five delega-the celebrated dancing pair, Yvonne
tions to the parley.,te rad dncing parr, Y ill
Informally discussing his meet- Georgi and Harald Kreutzberg, will
ing with the delegates who will sail be given Thursday and Friday night
Monday for London on the S. S. in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
George Washington, the President According to reports received
expressed his full confidence in the from Chicago last night the danc-
ramp which the commission has of s
I he American naval desires and ers are playing to packed houses

needs. in that city, and the presentation
He said he had given the dele- of two different performances here
gates no final instructions believ- -'is a distinct departure from their
ing that the months of study they; usual policy. Orchesis, women's
had devoted to the entire - naval ;dancing society, is sponsoring the
problem had made each an expert appearance of the pair here.
on the questions involved. Tickets for both Thursday and
- - -Friday nights are on sale at the
Comedy Club to Plan box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre, although better seats are
Next Play at Dinner available for the Thursday night
Comedy Club, honorary campus, Seats are priced at $2.50, $2.00,
dramatic organization, will hold a '$1.50, and $1.00.
dinner meeting at 6 o'clock Thurs-
day night in the Women's League Renovators at Work in
At that time the next production iAdministration Offices
of the organization, scheduled for
S11u _ - - a - .-- - -A




logy 51, business


Tuesday, Feb. 11, morni
day at 10 o'clock classes.
Tuesday, Feb. 11, a
Monday at 3 o'clock clas
ness administration 151.
Wednesday, Feb. 12,1
German 1, 2, 31; 32.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, a
Monday at 2 o'clock class
Thursday, Feb. 13,
Speech 31, 32.
Examination schedules
leges of Engineering and,
ture will be announced
few days, Professor Rich;
Honor Conferred
Professor Sund
Prof. Edson R. Sunderla
Law School was elected
of the Association of Ame
Schools at a meeting oft
elation held in New Orlea
the holidays.
Professor Sunderland is
member of the Law Scho
to hold this position s
founding of the associatio
Dean Henry M. Bates h
during 1912-1913, and Pro
ler served during 1926-1927
I ur r"atherR

nistration to commence an extended series of
lectures and clinics on Jan. 13.
ng; Mon-- The lecture here is sponsored by
the Children's Fund of Michigan,
fternoon; while that to he given i'n Detroit
ses, busi- is under the joint auspices of that
society and the Society for the
morning; Scientific Study of Character.
The lecture'in Ann Arbor is to be
fternoon; open to parents, teachers, students,
es. and all those interested in the sub
morning; ject to be discussed. In the open
{ clinic afterwards Doctor Adler will
for Col- 'demonstrate the working of his
Architec- propounded theories and show them
within a in actual use.
said yes-

End of the'
rican Law
the asso-
ns during
the third
ol faculty
ince the
n in 1900.
eld office
f. W. Aig-

well Known Historian
Succumbs in Baltimore
Prof. Edward R. Turner, one of
the country's foremost historians,
and for 14 years a member of the
University faculty died New Years
Day at his home in Baltimore. His
death, coming at the age of 48, was
from pneumonia.
Prof. Turner, since leaving thel
University in 1924 has been asso-
ciated with John Hopkins univer-
sity. He was widely known as a
distinguished scholar and teacher
in his field. He was the author of
several outstanding books on Euro-
pean and English history, and a
few on special topics in American
{ . r . . .

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