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January 09, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-09

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VOL. XLII. No. 75'



Wolv'erines to Meet Cardinals
at Madison; Opponents'
a Rangy Team.
Daniels to Start at Center Post
Change in Line-up Possible,
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Renewing a rivalry that was
closed in the 1928-29 season when
the two teams tied for the Con-
ference title, Michigan and Wiscon-
sin tonight will face each other on
the basketball court of the Wiscon-
sin Field louse at Madison, in the
game that 'will open the Big Ten
cage season for the Maize and Blue.
Wisconsin's mighty Cardinal cag-
ers, bigger than they have been in
recent seasons and a typical Mean-
well-coached quintet, should prove
to be one of the toughest foes that
the Wolverines will be called upon
to meet throughout the entire sea-
son. Already the Badgers have
given a scare. to the champion
Northiestern, aggregation, drop-
ping a 31-30 decision to the Wild-
cats only after an extra period 'of

Dr. Einstein Returns for Further 4tudy

Former Democratic Leaders Call
Campaign to Gain the Presidency

WASHINGTON, J a n. 8.-(P)-
The cohorts of democracy 'heard
from their last three standard-
bearers tonight the call for a mili-
tant campaign to capture the presi-
dency next ,fall.
One after another A 1 fr e d E.
Smith, John W. Davis, and' James
M. Cox- presidential candidates in
192$, 1924, and 1920_-depicted con-
ditions under the Hoover adminis-
trations as appallin;.
Their forum was u dinner in
which party leaders and enthus-
iasts from every quarter of the
country honored .the miemory of
one they revere, Andrew Jackson-
president from 1929 tQ 1837. ,
Quote Republican Predictions.
Quoting Republican predictions
of prosperity in the campaign in'
which Herbert Hoover defeated him
and drawing a contrast with pres-
ent conditions, Mr. Smith said the
leadership needed in this time of
trial "can come only with Demo-
cratic victory."
Mr. Davis and Mr. Cox joined the
former New York governor in con-
demning administration policies.
All called for repudiation of spe-.
cial privileges.
Attacking- President Hoover's ob-
jection to federal relief of suffer-
ing, .mith called it "indefensible
inasmuch as it already has been
proven that the states, localities
and private charities cannot cope
with it."
The three advocated prohibition
change, with! Smith declaring the
Wilersham commission r e p o r t
"not enforceable because it lacked
public approval and public sup-
Cox urged; the party to meet the
issue "candidly and courageously,"
while Davis advocated return of
state power whether it be on prohi-
bition, education or anything else.
Warning that private relief funds
can last but a short time and lo-

HarSt y lists laim
This Is Titian Year
CHICAGO, Jan. 8.-(P-)--This
is the redheads' year, say hair
stylists, thinking of the Calendar
and famous women in history,
literature and art.
Songs witl be sung this year,
poems written and orchids sent
to the Titian blonde, for that
color will be fashion's favorite
crowning glory of the hours,
predicted the hairdressers, stir-
ring their henna pots.
This new Titian shade as worn
by Mary Garden after a summer
under Corsica's sun is a blending
of gold and auburn.
calities can carry the burden but
a little longer, Smith said with re-
spect to unemployment "We inust
absolutely forget politics and we
must regard the United States to
be in a state of war."
Proposes Bond Issue.
le proposed a federal bond issue
for necessary public improvements.
He likewise called for quick reor-
ganization of the government to
cut expenses as a means of cutting
the deficit now piling up.
Over 2,000 reservations were mpade
for tonight's dinner., Tables were
extended through doors into the
corridors of the Mayflower Hotel
and loud speakers were installed
for the benefit of those assigned
to seats -where the orators could
neither be seen nor heard.
The toastmaster was Claude G.
Bowers, writer, who gave the key-
note speech at the 1928 Houston
convention. Seats of honor were
held by members of the party's na-
tional committee, which meets to-
morrow to select a city for the June



A - ea I


Dr. Alberal Einstein (right), returned to California to resume his
studies of the universe started on his previous visit about a year ago. He
was accompanied by Frau Einstein (left). Picture shows the couple j
during their first interview with newspapermen. Dr. It. C. TolnanE
(center) of the California Institute of Technology put the newspaper-
amen's questions to the noted scientist.
_ _ r_

,mson Guards.
10 has served in a
forward capacity
for the past two
seasons on Wol-
verine teams, will
start at guard to-
night, with the
hopes that t he
shift will do the
team as much
good as it seemed
to do in the Syr-
acuse game. Ivan.
Williamson w i ll
S at, the other.

Captain Norm Daniels, one of the
high point scorers of the Western
Conference last season, will start
the game at the center position, a-
though a shift may be necessary
later if the lanky Badger tip-off
man, Roy Oakes, succeeds in gain-
ing the tip from the Michlgan lead-
er. In that even~t it is likely that
OGrner, giant Wolverine substitute,
will try his luck at outjumping the,
Cardinal center.
Deforest, F$eland and Bob Petrie,
both veterans from last year's sec-
ond place team, will see service at
the forward position, with Roy
Hudson going along as s e c o n d
stringer. Tessmer and Shaw are
being taken on the trip as protec-
tion at the guard positions.
Wisconsin Team Rangy.
'Wisconsin will probably line up
with Captain
Marvin Steen and
Stanley Rewey at
the forwards, Roy
Oakes at center,
and Bobby Poser
and Doug Nelson % . -
at the guards. - w-.b.n
Thi~ will be one -gg
of the tallest Wis-
consin teams
that has repre-
sented that school ;
in several sea-
sonssOakes scal- WILLAMSON
ing 6.3, Rewey 6.2, and the two
guards at practically six feet apiece.
In addition, Swan, first substitute
forward, stands at a mere 6.2.
Tonight's game will be the 17th
between these two teams, Michi-
gan holding the advantage with
nine victories as against Wiscon-
sin's seven. The Wolverines also
lead in total points scored, 362 to
343, but a margin of only 19 points
is not any great measure of super-
iority over a schedule of 16 games.
StateBul le ins
(By Associated Press)
Friday, January 8, 1932

Plans to Send Reconstuction
Corporation, Bill tot
House Today.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.--(/P)-The
Senate.today loosened'a tuck in the
reconstruction corporation measure
preparatory to passage and House
Democrats steered their tariff bill
through Republican verbal brick-
Plainly confident they had votes
to spare, suporters of the recon-,
struction measure let the opposi-
tion, headed by Senator Blaine,
Republican, Wisconsin, do most of
the talking.
Plans were to send the measure,
to the House tomorrow.
An amendment permitting the
bell-wether of Mr.. Hoover's busi-
ness revival program to lend some
of its $2,000,000,000 to federal or
joint stock land banks and the
states was approved.
Despite Republican jibes, the
Democrats showed their strength
in a vote to take up their tariff bill.
It probably will be passed by the
House before tomorrow ends. It goes
jhen to the Senate.
Drafted originally by the Senate-
House Democratic Policy Commit-
tee, the bill' would provide for an
international economic conference
looking to the ending of tariff wars
among the nations. Two other
principle phases provide for the re-
moval from the President of the
power to control the flexible pro-
vision of the present law, and the
establishment of a c o n s u m e r s'
counsel with the Tariff Commission.
The 15 Democrats on the Ways
and Means Committee that ap-
proved the bill held in their report
that existing economic conditions
were due to the Republican tariff
and that their measure would rec-
tify the situation. .
The 10 Republicans on the com-
mittee in their minority , report
"In our opinion the legislation is
not necessary, nor required by busi-
ness or other interests of the coun-
try, but is a political activity."

Jobless Think So as Treasury
Secretary Pays Fares.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.--()P)-At
the expense of Secretary Mellon,
276 stranded jobless marchers left'
Washington today by train for their
homes in Western Pennsylvania.
The men left on two trains. Ar-
rangements were made to have the
Salvation Army feed them en route.
They traveled in special day coach-
es attached to regular trains.
A reduction of fares to $4.50 per
person was granted. Mellon agreed
to pay the bill at the request of
|eps, Erk,,of Pittsburgh, and .Kel-
ley, of Edgewood. -
At Hagerstown, Md., six 'nen
were injured, three of them seri-
ously, when a truck containing 16
of the homeward bound jobless,
marchers overturned.
The main body of Cox's army
rolled home to Pittsburgh today,
noisy and jubilant despite the cold.
Unpublished Wickersham Report
Goes to Upper House.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - (P) -
"Flagrant violations" of California
law by police and prosecution in
the famous Mooney-Billings case
are charged in a litherto unpub-
lished report submitted to the'
Wickersham Commission.
The document, sent to the Senate
by the Justice Department in re-
sponse to a resolution requesting
it, was never accepted by the Wick-
ersham Commission, which con-
tended it had no right to review
state cases.
The resolution by which the Sen-
ate called upon the Administration
to produce the document was spon-
sored by Senators Cutting, Repub-
lican, New Mexico; Walsh, Demo-
crat, Montana, and Costigan, Dem-
ocrat, Colorado.
The report was made by Zach-
ariah Chafee, Jr., Walter H. Pollak
and Carl S. Stern, research and in-
vestigation experts of the Commis-



of Intervention by U.S.
Manchuria Fails to
H ItTokyo.

Ambassador Says He Intends to
Resign After Geneva Arms
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - (P)-
America's picturesque statesman,
Charles Gates Dawes, of the under-
slung pipe and vibrant language, is
to retire as ambassador to Great

By Associatted Press

The United States intervention
in the Manchurian conflict failed
to alter Japan's stand yesterday as
she re-affirmed her position toward
An official spokesmnan in Tokyo
promised that the American trade
rights' in Manchuria would not be
infringed, but reiterated that Japan
could not deviate from her military
An attempt by a Korean to assas-
i sinate Emperor Hirohito led to the
resignation of Premier Inukai's
government as a formal gesture. A
bomb was thrown at the Emperor's
carriage, but no one was injured.
The governmental situation again
was placed in the hands of Prince
Sainoji, the last elder statesman.
Official Washington marked time
while waiting for Japan's reply to
Secretary of State Stimson's note
invoking the peace treaties, and ex-
pressed the hope no further steps
would be n cessgry. It vas expected
other nations signatory to the nine-
power treaty would follow the
United States action.
The vice-minister of the foreign
affairs in Nanking said in an ad-
dress that China would invoke Art.
16 of the .League covenant at the
next meeting of the council on
Jan. 25. This article provides for
sanctions of a military and eco-
nomic nature against an offending
International quarters in Europe
were gratified at the American in-
tervention in the Manchurian con-
flict. The Governments of Great
Britain, France and Italy were con-
sidering their future course. League
circles in Geneva saw new hope on
the horizon for an end to the con-

His resignation will take effect
after completion of "general work"
as chairman of
the American
delegatiop. to the
arms conference
in Geneva. As he
puts it, he does
"not expect to re-
>:::: m a i n for the
technical work,"
The conference
s not expected
to take very long
n disposing of
:eneral discussion
°?nd getting into'
CHAR :Sy 3i; sits technical
problems after it
opens Feb. 2.
Just before leaving tonight for
Chicago, his home, he announced
his plans to return to private life
after years of almost constant serv-
ice in the government.
Ann Arbor 24, Wayne 14.
St. Thomas 42, St. Mary's of Chel-
sea 6.
Gould Resigns From Ge
Position as Head of

Mott, Famous British Actor, Finds Reception
of 'Beggar's Opera' in America Enthusiastic'

41, died this morning of injuries
which John Vilcbosky, 40, has ad-
mitted inflicting at the same tine
he shot his wife, Vera, 23, Wednes-
day morning. Mrs. Vilchosky's con-
dition is serious.
ST. JOSEPH'S-County Prosecu-
tor Wilbur M. Cunningham confer-
red today with officials of a grad
imr investigatin the ' er r ie

By Frances J. Manchester,
John Mott, famous British actor
and male lead in Sir Nigel Play-
fair's production of John Gay's
satirical musical play, "The Beg-
gar's Opera," is finding his tour of
the Tnited States interesting and
The reception of the play in this
country has been very enthusiastic.
Mr. Mott says of it: "Although the
business is purely 18th century,,
there are many features of the play
which might have been the product
of a modern dramatist. Some of]
the lines, especially those aboUtj
liquor, could easily have been writ-
ten today.
"One might say that this was the
first gangster play, for what is
Captain Macheath but a gentleman
oanmster?" h e antinnurd

ly the same size, however, and that
is what is most important in mak-
ing the performance successful."
In telling something of the busi-
ness of the play's revival, Mr. Mott
said. "The business is necessarily
artificial because in order to give
the play its full significance it is
necessary to reproduce it with as,
much of the atmosphere as possible
of the day in which it was written.
We have tried to give it all the
stylized action of its time."
The company has enjoyed its
visit to America. It arrived here in
October in time to witness our au-
"In England we do not have the
loyely colored leaves that you have
here in the fall because of the rain,
and in all three months of summer
we do not have as much sunshine as


Kennedy to Lecture
Here on January 27
Changes in dates of the lecture
series of the Oratorical Association
were announced yesterday by Henry
Moser, of the department' of speech,
faculty manager.
Winston Churchill, scheduled to
appear here Jan. 27, will come here
Mar. 1, Mr. Moser announced. This
postponement was made necessary

Dr. Laurence M. Gould, member
of the geology faculty since 1921,
tendered his resignation to that
department yesterday. He has ac-
cepted a position as head of the
department of geology at Carleton
college, Minnesota. Appointed as-
sistant professor iii 1925, Dr. Gould
has won wide fame through his
explotations, his best known work
being performed while he was sec'-
ond-in-command of Admiral Byrd's
Antarctic expedition.
Under the guidance of Prof. Wil-
liam H. Hobbs, Dr. Gould has made
remarkable progress in his field
since he entered Michigan as a
freshman in 1916. He has received

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