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January 04, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-04

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The Weather
Noudy today and possibly
n or snow; tomorrow rain or
w and slightly warmer.

Yl r e

ri It


Promoters Who Call
Themselves Bankers

0 .


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Kern Gets
Post From
La Guardia
Former Student Is Sworn
In As Legal Secretary To
New York Mayor
Will Be Active In
Drafting New Laws
Prominent Fusion Leader
Suspended For Violation
Of Auto Ban In 1929
Paul J. Kern, former editorial di-
rettor of The Daily and president of
the old Student Council was sworn in
on New Years day as legal secretary
to Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia and
assistant corporation council of the
city of New York.
The offices of executive secretary
and assistant mayor have been abol-
ished and some of the duties of each
office will be exercised by the newly
appointed law secretary, a position
created especially for Kern by Mayor
La Guardia.
La Guardia met Kern while the
latter was working with the Legis-
lative Drafting Bureau in Washing-
ton on a fellowship from Columbia.
When Kern returned to Columbia two
years ago to take an instructorship,
the two remained close friends. Kern
will be granted a leave of absence to
take over his position in the city ad-
Itnis expected that he will assist
the mayor in the early months of his
administration in the preparation of
legislation to be presented to the
State Legislaturepermitting the re-
organization of the New York City
government in accordance with the
proposals made by Samuel Seabury,
who conducted the investigation of
graft which forced former Mayor
James Walker into exile.
Kern, who was suspended in his
fourth year here in 1929 for a viola-
tion of the auto ban, went to Co-
lumbia. and received a law degree
there. Chief legal advisor to La-
Guardia in the recent campaign, he
was termed the closest to the new
mayor of all Fusion followers.
As a student here, Kern was prom-
inent in campus activities. At the
time he was suspended he was not
only on The Daily and the Student
Coucil, but was also a member of
Sphinx and Michigamua, secretary-
t r e a s u r e r of the Interfraternity
Council, a member of the Varsity
debating squad, the winner of a
scholarship in his senior year, chair-
man of the Union Opera publicity
committee, had won the extempor-
aneous speaking contest in his sec-
ond year, had been a track man and
a member of the Freshman Glee club
in his first year, and had acted as
Ann Arbor correspondent for the De-
troit Saturday Night.
7 Faculty Men
Attend Meeting
In Philadelphia

Some Think She's A Hireling Of Louisiana's Dictator

-Associated Press Photos
Mrs. Bolivar E. Kemp, auburn-haired storm-center of the fight for a seat in the House of Representa-
tives from Louisiana's sixth district, is shown in Washington as she denied she was a Huey Long candidate.
Yesterday she appeared in the House along with J. Y. Sanders, Jr., who was "elected" from the same dis-
trict in a citizens' rump election. Both claimed the seat. They were asked to stand aside temporarily. Huey
is on the right.
-- - - --c -

Michigan Five
Defeats State
Normal, 29-1 1
Ragged Play Mars Game
As Cagers Win Second
Contest Of Season
The Wolverine cagers annexed
their second victory of the season
last night at Yost Field House by
defeating Michigan S t a t e Normal
College in a weird contest, 29 to 11.
Both teams displayed ragged bas-
ketball during most of the game,
poor shooting and ball-handlin;
characterizing the play. The Normal
cagers seemer unable to adapt them-
selves to the Michigan floor, their
passing being inaccurate and their
shots at the net being wild or too
hard to drop through the loop.
Zit Tessmer, starting at a guard
post as a result of the shakeup made
by Coach Cappon after the Eastern
invasion, was the leading scorer of
the game, sinking three field goals
for a six point total. George Rud-
ness, substitute forward, and Charles
Hanneman, Norman center, followed
the Wolverine guard in the scoring
column with five points each.
The Wolverines opened the scor-
ing when Tessmer counted from be-
yond the foul line after 40 seconds of
play. Allen and Plummer scored
from the floor in rapid succession to
give Michigan a six point lead before
Goode sank a free throw after being
fouled by Allen.
Hanneman and Goode scored on
free throws to make the count 6-3,
before Allen took a short pass from
Petoskey and sank a one-handed
"dog" under the basket. The attack
shifted back and forth until Petos-
key followed in on a shot by Ford,
who had replaced Fishman, batting
the bal through the net with both
Shortly afterwards, Haidt drop-
ped in Normal's first field goal, drib-
bling past Allen to score. Petoskey
matched this a moment later on an-
other follow-up, shop under the
With three minutes left to play in
the first half, Coach Cappon sent
Tomagno, Jablonski, Oliver and Re-
gezci into the Michigan lineup. Jab-'
lonski dropping a field goal and Ford
and Hanneman scored free throws
before the half ended with Michigan
leading 15-6.
Hanneman opened the second half
scoring, making good on one of two
free throws. Rudness, who had taken
Ford's place in the Wolverine line-
up at the start of the period, dribbled
through twice in rapid succession to
score two field goals. Tomagno then
broke into the scoring column by
sinking a long shot from the side-
With 10 minutes left to play, the
Wolverines starting lineup again re-
turned to the game and on the first
(Continued on Page 3)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 - () -
The Federal Government set aside
$25,000,000 today to start its pro-
gram of takin gunprofitable farm
lands out of commercial crop pro?
duction na irnin themba ckir n

Two Women Hurt
As Car Hits Train
Two women received minor cuts
and bruises last night when the auto-
mobile in which they were riding
struck a Wabash Railroad freight
train. The accident occurred shortly
after 10 p. m.
The two are Mrs. Thomas Gallant,
of Platt, and Miss Emma Graf, of
321 Eighth Street. They were driv-
ing west on Liberty Street and col-
lided with the front truck of the en-
gine. Mrs. Gallant was thrown from
the car.
The crossing signals were in work-
ing order, police reported.
Be Discussed
In House r( aj
New Legislation Expected
To Raise 470 Million In
Federal Revenue
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(VP)-The
new liquor tax bill designed to bring
in $470,000,000 in revenues at rates
low enough to discourage bootlegging
in wet states will be brought up to-
morrow in the House for speedy at-
Completing the measure today, the
Ways and Means committee formally
reported it to the House with the
statement that it believed the rates
"will return the maximum amount
of revenue without incurring the
danger of perpetuating illegal liquor
traffic by excessive rates."
The bill was made the first order of
legislative business by Rep. Joseph H.
Byrns of Tennessee, Democratic lead-
er, who told the House :
"We are losing hundreds of thous-
ands of dollars every day the liquor
tax action is delayed. Let's act on
what's before us. Let's expedite the
liquor measure."
The $470,000,000,000 estimate does
not include $75,0000,000 to $100,000,-
000 experts of the Ways and Means
Committee believe will becollected
in import duties at present tariff
The estimate includes $300,000,-
000 expected from the $2 a gallon
levy on an estimated consumption of
150,000,000 gallons of distilled spirits
in the first post-repeal year, $10,-
000,000 from wine levies, and $160,-
000,000 from the $5 a barrel placed
on all types of beer.

Kahn Awarded
Science Prize
For Discovery
Wins $1,000 For Research
On Immunizing Of Body
Against Disease
Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, professor of
bacteriology in the Medical School,
was awarded the $1,000 prize of the
American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science by a unani-
mous vote of the prize committee
last Sunday. The prize was given for
a discovery which promises to ex-
tend the possibilities of immunizing
human beings against disease.
Dr. Kahn, already world famous
in science for his test for syphilis,
won the prize for his paper pre-
sented in competition with 1,407
other papers.
After five years of work on his
problem, Dr. Kahn has discovered
that the blood is not, as it was for-
merly universally believed, the body's
principal means of developing im-
munity from disease. He has found
that the whole body has the same
power, and that several parts of it,
notably the skin, far exceed the im-
munizing powers of the blood.
This means that doctors will be
able to attack infectious diseases
caused by germs and bacteria in a
new way. Dr. Kahn has found that
the lining of the abdominal cavity,
the skin, the muscles and the brain
produce exactly the same kinds of
immunizing substances as the blood.
Since these substances are much
more sensitive than the blood, it is
hoped that some of them may be
used to indicate to a physician how
much of a dangerous immunizing
substance his patient may stand.
Dr. Kahn has traveled to Europe
and South America to demonstrate
his syphilis test at the request of
the League of Nations. He also lec-
tured at Moscow and Leningrad in
1928 at the invitation of the Rus-
sian government. He recently re-
turned from Rome where the Royal
Academy of Italy invited him to read
two papers.
TUCSON, Ariz., Jan. 3 - (R) - The
condition of William H. Woodin, suf-
fering from a throat ailment in a
hospital here, was reported as being
unchanged today. The former Sec-
retary of the Treasury was reported
yesterday to have suffered a slight
relapse, but his condition was not
considered serious.

Kennedy Dies
f Pneumonia
Graduate Of Last June
Was Outstanding Here
As Varsity Swimmer
Indianapolis Star
Was Active Student
Many Swimming Records
Held By Michigan Man
During College Career
Last rites for Frank Kennedy, '33,
who died at his home in Indianapo-
lis, Ind., Tuesday morning, will be
held at 11 a. m. Friday. Kennedy,
who was enrolled as a freshman in
the Indiana Medical School after
graduating from the University last
spring, was taken ill with tonsilitis
when he went home for the Christ-
mas holidays and failed to rally when
the illness developed into pneumonia.
While on campus, Kennedy was a
popular and active student, having
been elected to Sphinx, Druids, and
Michigamua, and having been a
member of the swimming team for
three years. During his sophomore
year he established a Big Ten quarter
mile swim record of 5.6, and in his
senior year he established the Big
Ten 220-yard record of 2.18.
During his three years on the team,
Kennedy swam in every event but
the breast stroke at one time or an-
other, and was chosen All Ameri-
can for each of his three years of
competition. Kennedy was a mem-
ber of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Matt Mann, Varsity swimming
coach, with whom Kennedy worked
during the three yars he was on the
team, said yesterday "Frank was one
of the best and finest boys ever on
the swimming team. He was adept
at swimming any distance and was
always willing to compete in any
event the coach asked him to, even
though it meant loss of personal3
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. - (f) -
Here, in brief paraphrase, is the way
President Roosevelt viewed the state
of the Union in his address to Con-1
At Home
We are definitely in the process of1
Government credit has been for-
tified, the overwhelming majority of
banks are sound, gold and silver buy-
ing is proceeding with the purpose of
strengthening the financial structure.
"Great strides" have been made by
NRA, millions re-employed, child la-
bor abolished, uniform standards of
labor and pay established, business
brought together "around a common
The farm relief experiment "is suc-
ceeding," the refinancing of farm
and home loans proceeding "with
good success."
Many forms of public works are
relieving unemployment and tending
toward a rounded program of Na-
tional rehabilitation.
Evasion of the spirit of tax and
bank laws, and outright lawlessness
in the underworld call for stringent

Repeal should help stamp out
The Montevideo Pan-American
Conference has been "an outstand-
ing success."
In other parts of the world, no
great progress toward peace and
trade agreements is visible.
The United States is eliminated
from political arrangements in Eu-
rope, but ready to co-operate for dis-
armament and lowering trade bar-
World War Captain Put
At Head Of German Army
BERLIN, Jan. 3.- (P) - Baron
von Fritsch was named chief of the
German Army today, succeeding
Baron Kurt von Hammerstein-Equ-
ord, who resigned last week.
The new Army head was a captain
on the General Staff when the World
War broke out and rose to the rank

'M' Athlete Dies

RooseVelt Makes Personal
Appeal For Continuance
Of Co-Operation

Garri ganBand
Will Play For
Annual Dance
Soph Prom Is To Feature
Music Of Popular NBC
Radio Orchestra
Jimmy Garrigan's popular band
has been chosen to furnish the music
for the Soph Prom to be held Jan.
19, ithwas announced today by Wen-
cel Neuman, '36, chairman.
Garrigan, who began his career as
a trombone player in a school band
at the Gulfport, Miss., Military Acad-
emy, now has become one of the
most popular radio, recording, and
dance bands in the country. He has
played over the NBC network as well
as in. large hotels in Pittsburgh,
Omaha, Milwaukee, and Chicago. In
Chicago he was featured at the Up-
town Village, one of the more exclu-
sive night clubs, and recently fol-
lowed Vincent Lopez at the Congress
The Prom, which is the last large
formal dance of the semester, will be
held in the Union Ballroom. Tickets
go on sale Friday and will be limited
to sophomores for the first seven
days after which members of other
classes may obtain them, although
the number of tickets is limited. The
price is $2 and tickets may be ob-
tained at desks in Angell Hall, in
the West Engineering Building, and
from members of the committee,
which includes Robert Merrill, Ed-
ward Begle, Florence Harper, Sue
Thomas, William Milne, Russell Run-
quist, Bernice Reed, Robert Atkins,
Rupert Bell, Jean Grosberg, Russell
Walker, and Joel Newman.
Senate Tables
Housing Bill
For Amending
LANSING, Dec. 3. - (P) - The
Senate tonight recalled and tabled
the so-called Detroit housing bill at
the request of Sen. Leo G. Karwick
(Dem. Detroit) after having passed it
earlier in the evening with two
amendments to the House bill. Sen-
ator Karwick said he wished to offer
only technical amendments, and in-
dications were that the bill would be
returned to the House tomorrow for
The measure was designed as a
$4,000,000 slum clearance program
under the Public Works Administra-
tion in the metropolitan area. It was
passed by a unanimous vote before
being recalled for further considera-
The Senate offered two amend-
ments to the bill. One would limit
the bill to cities in Wayne County,
and the other would provide for the
appointment of a housing commis-
sion by the Governor. As the Senate
received the bill it applied to all
cities, and the housing commission
was to have been appointed by the
mayor or local governing body.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. - (') -
Th onPuilie Wors Adminitration an..

Democratic Bloc



To Back President

Budget Message To
Be Delivered Today '
Says Nation Is Definitely
In Process Of Recovery;
Asks Anti-Crime War
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. - ()-
Congress reconvened today, heard
President Roosevelt personally deliver
an appeal for continued co-operation
and then, to all appearances, set
about to give him what he wanted.
In both houses Democratic leaders
marshalled their overwhelming ma-
jorities to strike swiftly for ratifica-
tion of the administration's program
and final adjournment by May.
Just what that program may be,
few in Congress actually knew to-
night. Mr. Roosevelt spoke in gen-
eralities today, concealing his hand
from supporters and opponents alike.
He will play his cards one at a time,
as he did in the special session.
The first will be laid on the table
tomorrow when the annual budget
message, reckoning up a deficit
counted'in billions, is sent to the cap-
itol. Its provisions, and the Presi-
dent's proposals for tax revision, were
closely guarded tonight. But what-
ever he asks for, in that or later es-
sages, is assured now of powerful or-
ganization backing,
Seemingly, too, Republicans will go
along part of the way, at least. Some
of them mildly protested today the
.President's plea for non-partisan
support of his recovery program; but
organized opposition was still almost
The minority, due to Mr. Roose-
velt's strategy, must watch the cards
as they fall, and decide on its own
program play by play.
The Chief Executive, however,
showed plainly today that he in-
tended to carry forward the program
unfolded last session, whatever doubt
remains as to specific or new pro-
In his message he told the joint
session of Congress that the nation
is "definitely in the process of re-
covery," and proposed a permanency
of the principles of his monetary,
agriculture and industrial programs.
For new fields of immediate ef-
fort, he asked "stringent preventa-
tive or regulatory measures" in the
nation's business affairs and a
government and public war against
organized crime.
"I am speaking," said the President
in raised voice, "of those individuals
who have evaded the spirit and pur-
pose of our tax laws, of those high
officials of banks or corporations
who have grown rich at the expense
of their stockholders or of the public,
of those reckless speculators with
their own or other people's money
whose operations have injured the
values of the farmer's crops and the
savings of the poor.
"In the other category, crimes of
organized banditry, cold - blooded
shooting, lynching and kidnaping
have threatened our security.
"These violations of ethics and
these violations of law call on the
strong arm of government for their
immediate suppression; they call also
on the country for- an aroused pub.
lic opinion."
The message delivered amid fre-
quent applause and received with
cheers, was general in scope and bore
no specific legislative recommenda-
The President left no doubt that
he wanted the emergency recovery
program continued with necessary
modifications and announced that he
would renew direct Federal relief
pending the restoration of private

"We have plowed the furrow," he
said, "and planted the good seed; the
hard beginning is over. If we would
reach the full harvest we must culti-
vate the soil where this good seed is
sprouting and the plant is reaching
up to mature growth."
He looked ahead to the day when
the Tennessee Valley development
could be extended to a National plan.

Prof. Reeves Presides
Luncheon Discussion
Senate And Treaties


Seven members of the University
political science department were
present at the convention of the
American Political Science Associa-
tion in Philadelphia from Dec. 27
t 1- gh 29. They were Prof. Jesse
S. sleeves, chairman of the depart-
ment, Prof. Arthur W. Bromage,
Prof. James K. Pollock, Dr. Howard
Calderwood, Prof. Thomas H. Reed,
Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon, and Har-
low J. Heneman.
Professor Reeves presided Dec. 27
at a luncheon meeting which con-
sidered the role of the United States
Senate in the making of treaties.
Professor Pollock was chairman of
the round table discussion of politi-
cal parties and electoral problems,
and Professor Reed, who is chairman
of the Association's committee on
policy, presided at a luncheon at
which the report of that committee
was heard.
Professor Bromage reported to the
National Municipal League's com-
mittee on county government, listing
recommendations on township gov-
ernment which were unanimously

Tryouts For Big Ten Debating
Tourney Will Be Held Feb. 13

The Michigan Varsity debating
team finished its fall schedule of
eight debates, five of which were
decision contests, undefeated. James
H. McBurney, coach, announced yes-
terday that tryouts for the Western
Conference debating tournament to
be held in Evanston March 16, 17,
and 18, will take place Tuesday, Feb.
13. All undergraduate students are
nlirih n f, f:, ,~

yesterday by Prof. Franklin H.
Knower, director of debating at Min-
nesota and Secretary of the Western
Conference debating league, will be
"Resolved That Japan Should Ac-
cept the Recommendation of the Lyt-
ton Commission as a Basis for Future
Policy in the Far East."
The affirmative team that finished
the fall schedule was made up of
Jack Weissman, '35, Edward Litch-
4;AA 1, Vrxro-rr3T -- ~ " ,' +Q-a

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