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I-N 0 I I IMidway Quintet Plays
IRS, ; !11 9NTIN E . i pHost to Michigan Pi ve]I
III U i~ I~I~Ithe deciion by a lone point. out-
0mIVH fI 1JVII dHW rinncth Gophers, 3-31. giving{
them -a total of 60 points against
Wilson to Take Parker's Placej aggressive attack and. fast tossing. their opponents' 53.
in15Pound Class; Auer Benz will meet Strom in the 145 The Wolverine qluintet has the
in 155 dvantage of having five ga-tmes bc-
Is Still Ofut. pound. classic where hie will run i hin them, two wins and three ioss-
- -- ~to some of the1- stiffest co ni4)et' xon is, whichi gives them the edge in
Renewing the old war with the of the season. Last year Br:nz was e; erience. In addition, the wear-f
Spartans, the Wolverine wrestlers able to js nose out the acetr'tanors of the Maize and Blue have on-'
tonight will battle eight fast bouts ~ ,i.It y been outscored. by three points!
with the team from Michigan Staterprettieilii5(Vs!; thus far in their schedule which ln-{
in the Field House in the last meet bot;h boys will be cit.= c>to t"r_ in a eludes a trio of defeats. The Wo'.
before the Conference season opens. victory by a fall. verines have accounted. for 11l
The first match is .scheduled to go markers while their opponents have
to the mat at seven-thirty and. to' Wi- nmthr ,h<hc chalked. up 114.
take care of the large crowd that teWleiecmiainy Yates, versatile forward. and lead-
is expected the doors will open totemaih, ~'~in g Chicago scorer, will team..ulp
shortly after six,.ihgnStt h with Fish at the forward. pests with
Leading the card Sigwart at 118; highly touted. man on tht i squad.. Williamson and. Altenhof g ar ding),
pounds will have the big test of his lWilson howevri xete.t aethVL'i. Daniels, Wolverine center
car eer when he meets Rendell who a ow , a ig andpesat leadigp screr intheBg ,,en
is reputed. one of the greatest point a bly fill Orv' Psrker s 's on i will again take the pivot po itioni
gainers that the Spartans boast. irneup \Vttli ca-se ar d from tia against Parsons. TChe lkyM-
Sigwart broke into the Varsity' rwiig adi pacic b soud oon isonno7Cmore is a danlgerou's
wrestling lime light when lhe won be, reiled Ocap tomake som-e Ipolts . a rer forwil e Wolave toencouterd
his bout with the easterner with asRhifwilllliklly have-aizeh'ht ad-
a fall, in about half the time limit. co.-rs i°. ohveriDaniils.
His~~clo shwngad.te useuntCr eventin thou11U-
th hoan adt ha:ubeuet1> 1ag vet ainst Marshall! I PITTSBURGH -Twelve Pitts--
improvement t heha put on ;wnieie he is expected to acid five burp i Pirtecs have had th1eir t ) sil;s
his form indicate that hie will be' oin ts to the score:. Heil i. "2i' ' rCf'i1ved sinceo the bas&L els _'ol'i
one of the most consistarit five t .,,.. >. , of-
point men on Keen's club. o?: t _, regala<r 'tHat can. bsri-u nc The bad to s vhar ii:Cfl4
en to live the cutomers , 1'el' h I fr the PiratesL.a t a "' a +;~w
Otto, the all-campus star of two tle for th2eir money. Tic vio, Ntio'.ial. League race last year.
seasons and regular at the 120 vetes rnunde e ts .oieae :
pound mark, will go in the second n" al)-le with Lepcar d i,_1_ . "Don>:;
bout with Roberts. Otto ha s been ,h ) ;dr awn the assn trimei tjo1" thi Fo:w
out for some time with a bad arm heavier weights this year and (~in EN AVANT ee owr
but he will o ready to display his" made a showing triat will a5scare '
wares against the Green and as this; him a place ona the regu flar lineup aj
is his introduction to -the Varsity when the Wolverines open up a- ISI
lineup . he w ill probably be a big I gain -st the C onference com petition .Isr is& t th fg t fa s w h so e;S d a d at H vy e h .
of the fastest grappling that has' Stoddard will again tax eAnrer'si M anuurc trn terson o.~~
been seen in his division for some place in the heavyweight bout a- Dtot ihgn&W!evhe nai
time. L. Tompkins. So far thisl
Joe Woodard is slated for the season Stoddard has been the main Iryu ovnec
third bout at' 135 with Byam an un- factor in relieving the loss t at n o Y oneIec
known addition this year to the Auer 's absence from the squad. and.!k Ann Arbor Store I
Lansing crew. Joe is one of the he may have to take care of all of 41 603 Church St.
veterans on the Maize and Blue the heavy bouts this seasoni but l 'A A SM
lineup where he usually suppliesI there is no doubt in Keen's mind FA KOAK
the thrills of the evening with his of his ability.
- -- - - -- ---- - - - - - -
-~ ~ [
Thincdads to Compete
in Time Trials Today
A picklup group of squash players
of ( department will
turinev to, the Detroit !athletic club,s
entering the class "B" state tourna-
ment. The team will start their
first match against Bay City Squash
club at 12:00 noon today. The
squad is composed of mainly stu-
(Continued From Page'c6)A M
Rfete, Kronfeldt., and Jackson : will
run the lowc«'hurdles wi'h him,. _____
INDOOR TENNIS. i'ieExetdto aw'.(CniudFo Pae)
Starting at 9:00 this morning the The mile ru'n which h,,s f .atuzv-d ri'_. smesr. Tt> will net be his
Indoor Tennis Matches will get un-;
der way again, the trials thus far will be uney :gm"naMihanufo.
9 :0O -Sclhnapp-McF a~lrieI7DAn- iWolfe, Au Tin oel ~aLn s i\e.ea ieWlene
n -Dlugolenski, Nisen-Hershma n, ii i.~ndcr, il 'utaIl gbbn5 niC ae op y Mcioi t
taihll- F5iserman1. and Darrow . 'Wolfe ,on this event a Eat LanIs~cing on T sday1 , 1nd.
lei3 a r .ark-Kusin, Brown- h etls ekwt rdnMrque. tte at the Col!Iseum i e x
eats including Reindel in number Mu tzzy.; takinseodhor.Tu'c an Fiay1x, . l
position, Angell, 0o the Athot 'ie j11:00---Pendell-Voegele. ng s tswllb 11 nteod oor. %husday:",and Frliday. As<liof.
Ssciationl, in lhe next rank. Wiil- p ! -ri A SELECTIONS. AO event ith Ruafsel',Allen, Lamb, end of the er'mcitcrCon 'tis wil'.l;be
)n in nu mber 3 position anld John- r -Itrmra.eprtet san eiak er woiking :in thefrs iibeotaeptinilfthm
ma and linchnian followinip in the ! int~aui. ting a new step in Inter- h'reat. CKlaling?, ,oy >, Kaminski, The loss of the ae oven
t]r nmed. fraternity basketball competition and Mvueller make up ~he secod wingoman wh ihovgansro: ad
_3 when it selects ane :All-*Star team. ihie t whui~teRicad._~lcl'A-la oteMcia em or
1 f}X w,,' : Ah:.. tOhio Stte tmiverity has done this, len, a.nd C olby ar e ~i for tim tis, while not one of thehihser
,ea ,ht t eeae hetao irseveral seasons in n-early all third h eatr . Allen is favord to CO, ers on t.1e club, h~assarrd onl
FiadIhi Si gmra Delta beat- Tau pr. Other schools have adopted. I thi . inn again. many oc casions for his ecel::i lt-
15 Epsilon hin the volley bail! thc same idea. ~. Potle will attemtpt to bet- Iback-checking a id ge i'ai kaingis
~a~~ fteuppe=:r bracket of l order to select. the possible tc it .is rK ci 12l< and 1- feet a;iy ~ grsoe~~ ismr
1' quqe-ias hs heItomrldprmn w'hicth he Y:made LitG eek in [he tniie "tidedth~ ie and SLlii1111 ,
't , -i al. T e acvl son . a Iza.1, L uvor ism e allwed n l ,,u. Doia, i~ c ry
in heJowe ' brackets Phi Kappa cho osing this grou p. PA system hsi Setrwl asleipogfnbi'hi b~t~ad flobting spirit is
dva need to the e penlse oz Pil been devised by whicha the referees for the rather 1 aa h 3 cr( .' to be missed.
lgln' a fIc- n iilmettewi-tl aeattl edoytesasn raeia. Cx.Godit ' f7riY'1 1Dai iuthe first pert of Mie'hi-
Ler of the Alpha Kappa Lambdla- thi selections and a Daily spot ;linger are also on the prog ram nto' .hdl, h ovrie 'v
'hi Beta Delta games in 'he .s mli- writer will 'comipile the results and demonst.<4te their ability iituiseedwolsgasthn thei
fnals. inublish them. shot put. opponents.
No longer expensive is this healthful
i I
i Ii
I :I
. .
I ,'ij(.
What Is
Yoar Attitude
T'oWard Business
Are you one of the great
army that is throughly con-
vinced that business is so
bad that you can do nothing
to improve it? Or are you
oe eok the few who by their
continued effort are slowly
but surely g e tt ing the
way aga
of industry under
-In? It is the last
"Ad IFchant
group, who by keeping
their stocks up and fobllow-
ing a consistant advertising
policy, are enjoying the
best business. Why not join
G rcaham,
P.resident Graham-Pai~e
on only 10 or 12 per cent
more business in 1931 and
regulate your business to
show a profit, on that basis
you will come out at the
end of the year in a posi-
tion to reap the full benefits
of the continued improve-
ment in conditions.
"Good times will come
back as they always have
before, though they will
come back gradually. The
man who does no th in g
while waiting focr the easy
conditions -we had in 1929
will not participate in the
heydey. But if you take
1930 as a basis and figure
I I'
WANTED-Roommate who wants
to study. Have study room, living
room, and bedroom with separate
beds. $3.75. information dial.
2-1214. 456
.:0 c.;rys1k.=i' +lly donec by those of
204 North Main Phone 3916
"'PING --Neatly done, quick serv-
ice. Will call for and deliver. 20c
per page. Phone 21693. 56
'rYPING--These,,(-s a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. llartsuff. Dial 9087.
ed ground floor;, one single room;
two double rooms; very reason-
able. Phone 7415. 520 East Wil-
liams. 5
FOR RENT-Completely f urnished
apartment with private bath and
shower for three or four adults.
Furnished apartment for two.
Also double and single room.
Dial 8544. 561
FOR RENT=-Single room; Univer-
sity approved; very reasonable.
Call 8752. 725 South Division. 5
NICE cheerful room on sceond
floor with double bed. Also sin-
gle room and suite.} 509 South
Division. 56
W A N T E D--Dental student for
roommate. Preferably a fresh-
man. Phone 7365 in evening.
It costs ittle ore than the metbod
you are nowuing
N OW you can enjoy modern electric cooking at a
IN cost differing little from that of your present
cooking. Electric cooking has been brought well
within reach of the average family income. There is
no longer any rea.soin why you cannot enjoy the super-
iority of modern electric co;Eg n your kitchen.
Electric cooking is healthful. Very little water
is needed to cook me v~s anid vegetab e:; they cook in
their own ,juices. All ten m ~ishing elements, lost in
the form of stem in ane ordinary stove, are sealed in
with an electric ranges Even the cheaper cuts of
roasts cook to melting tenderness.
Baking is simplified by means of automatic oven
heat control. Pastry is flaky, and cakes are light and
fine-grained. You will he delighted with the conven-
Get In
The Last
Minute Rush
Fca ms
FOR RENT-For second semester
nice double room with fireplace.
Also single room. Pleasant. loca-
tion. Phone 3666.. 1513 South
University Ave. 561
FOR RENT-Two room suite, near
campus, $25 monthly for one
student, $32 for two. Phone 7881.
or 4744. Mrs. G. Thompson. 561
F OR R E NT-Second semester;
pleasant suite; lavatory; senior
graduating; also well. furnished
double room; opposite the Law
Library. Dial 4053. 45
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment
for two people; available Feb.
1st; 2 blocks east of campus. 621
Forest Ave. Phone 5607. 456
P L E A S A N T-Single room, small
quiet home; reasonable rent.
Phone. 7019. 923 Greenwood Ave.
RENT-One suite and one double
or single room. Clean and warm.
There'll be lots of oppor-
tunity to get in on the big
business that comes the last
week before exams-sell
your share of J-Hop Togs
-don't forget that people
are becoming interested in
Spring clothes. Use Daily
advertising to reach the
richest field at fair rates.'
215 South Thayer.
FOR RENT-One single, clean,
warm, pleasant room for second
semester. Phone 8410. 608 Mary
Court. 345
SUITE for 2 men and f double
room, light, clean, warm. One
minute from campus. Call after
5. 707 Tappan. 12345
PLEASANT, single or double rooms,
near campus for students or
faculty. Reasonable. Garage.
541 Elni St. Phone 7561. 123456
'ii 4t ° a t i
LOST-Pen part of a Rider foun-
tain pen, name engraved. Corliss
Armstrong. Reward. Phone 4918.