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January 25, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-25

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Levamped Wolverine Basketball Five May
Cappon Places Recaptures National Skiing Championship Capacity Crowd
P LA Y . 1k .L- ..
Hopes On New fViews Golden
BY-MPLAYCageLine-Up Gloves Fin a ls
rockey . . . Expects Defense To Be Verberg, University Man
Stronger; Thnks New Wins Title By Virtue Of
LT WAS QUITE A HOCKEY Team Will Work Win Over Mack
ame with Sarnia here Tuesday
arnewithSarna hee Tusday In an effort to find a winning cor-
Sarnia won 2-1 when Goalie With 1,400 fight fans and "fan-
binaton from the Varsity basketball Wih140fgt asad" n
, like Roy Riegels of California, esses" cramming every vantage point
he wrong way. The shot started squad, Coach Franklin Cappon ex- in the National Guard Armory, the
he left side of the net and it pects to start a revamped lineup to- final regional Golden Gloves bouts
I a stick. It wound up in the morrow nght against the Ohio State in the novice and open divisions were
side with Jewell on the left cagers i the final contest of the first fought last night.
AcrntadnepdcosContinuous action with but few
According to advance predictions, lethargic moments kept the specta-
ood bit of poke-checking went the Wolveries will lineup against itors in a continual uproar, filling the
y during the game and many the Buckeyes with Jablonski at cen- air with a din broken only by the
people succumbed to the force "er, Rudness and Tomagno at guards, spasmodic thuds of gloves against
vity. and Plummer and Joslin at the for- flesh.
* wards. There is a possibility that
there was a good deal of John Regeczi may be in the starting Charles Verberg, the only Univer-
ing. But it was by no means a lineup in place of Joslin, lanky soph- sity of Michigan student to reac
of checkers. omore. the finals won his bout decisively
of checkerNwomore. from Eddie Mack of Detroit. Ver-
** * Depends On New Lineup
nmy Stewart wound up with a With nothing to lose and every- berg possesses a good left jab, and
cut on his forehead, while Ted thing to gain, as the basketball men- .hit in Mack's face throughout the bat-
nan was laid out cold for about for expressed it, Cappon hopes that te. Mack, off balance because of the
r ten seconds when he hit the the new combination will prove more Associated Press Photo bobbing left, missed continually with
s going about thirty miles per effective than the Varsity lineups in Casper Oimen of Minot, North Dakota, recaptured the National his right.
she previous games this season. The ski-jumping championship with a jump of 175 feet at Gary, Ill. He George Burnett, a colored f.. nr
* Maize and Blue are now resting com- had held the same title in 1929, 193) and 1931. from Detroit won the title in the
the time Steve got out there fortably in the cellar of the Confer- open welterweight division, although
began to investigate, Ted was mee cage race. A victory over Ohio le had to come through two fights.
on his feet again. Ie certainly 'omorrow night would elevate them 'n s tsn
ake it. ~o seveth xphace over Chicago, is- .If m . DotXuL" IiflI rI'IU1 e fl, In his first battle, he easily gained
a decision over Earl McCleery, a local
* fn ,an. nroawh ae e-t + boy. Using a rapier-like left, Burnett
.en Chapman hits the boards ;rds of one victory and three defeats. irh proved himself superior to his second
his head, they ought to send two Cappon hopes that the revamped I.l Lalisrcopponent, Paul Elias of Detroit. Al-
out on the ice . . . a doctor lineup will prove more effective both - -- - though Elias was hit with everyhAint
a carpenter. on offense and defense. Plummer is By ART CARSTENS the Field House last year pronounced save the referee, he proved con-
one of the best shots on the squad, The annual All-Campus boxing the building an ideal setting for the cusively that he could "take it" wher
e of the most peculiar incidents and with more accurate feeding of tournament which was not held last tourney. he survived the colored boy's in-
in a hockey game here occurea the ball, should be able to break year, being replaced by the Good Larson emphasized the fact that punching and lefts to the jaw, to
lay night. Sherf had the puck, through for a considerable number of Will Fund Show, will be revived this the meet will be held under official finish the encounter in an upright
vas skating up the ice with one tallies. Joslin's great height will year, and held during the latter part A.A.U. rules with every precaution -osition.
.e Sarnians behind him. ThA make him a valuable addition in fol- of March, according to an announce- taken to keep boxers from injury. In the novice featherweight class.
ian pargt of hih right sa iowing-in and also in recovering the ment made yesterday by Vernon All bouts will be three rounds long, Mel Coon came from behind to knock
how in Sherf's left skte. eball from the Buckeye's basket. Larson and John Johnstone, Campus with two minute rounds and one out Ray Mason, Ann Arbor fightr,
Inaccurate passing in working the boxing coaches. minute rest Eight ounce gloves will in the third round. Mason, with :
ewwth th ball into scoring zone has cost the In recent years interest among be used by the lighter boxers while two round lead piled up, was the
n still locked and they swun. Wolverines many posible points this campus boxers in a tourney for stu- he heavies will use the ten ounce victim of several low punces., and
L sevl ties ind e year and Cappon hopes that the dents only has been slight, since the pads. he was floored for the count when
d several times in mid ice . cagers will be more effective in feed- Golden Glove tournaments have oc- The freshman coach's call for can- Coon connected with a hard right to
prone. ing the ball into the forwards in to- cupied the state and national spot- didates was aimed particularly at the the abdomen.
* * lihs*h tdnspeerdt it_1e; ag n eysalby
-h about four minutes to no and morrow night's contest. lights. The students preferred to pit very large and very small boys Another 1 o c a 1* boy who came
abtu ntws to ana Expects Stronger Defense themselves against outside opposi- among the yearlings. He has plenty through was Walter Butler. Fight-
.gan trailing 2-1, two ari a tion in these state-wide shows rather of welterweights and middleweights, ing George D'Hean in the novice
vere penalized at the same time. Cappon also expects the defense to than be restricted to local opponents. but needs some light-heavies and middleweight division, he came out
penalties were for tripping, and be stronger than in previous games. This year both of the boxing heavies as well as feathers and fly- fin gh son s he ang and
uls weren't even committed in With the defense and offense work- Iftiyg as soon as the bell rang and
~memixp. ng p t th hoes f te Wlveinecoaches feel that interest is great weights. He emphasized the fact opened up a two-fisted attack, flor-
ame mixup. ing up to the hopes of the Wolverine enough to insure a successful two-day that these boys need have no ex- peI patofse tak or
* * * mentor the Michigan five has a good - t ing his man for the eight-count twice
tournament, entrants being restricted , ferience, since he is willing to start in the initial round. D'Hean, haviirg
as tooad that the boys didn't chance to account for their Second to those student boxers who have not their training from the very rudi- ie ruen ai
Anyway, it was very sports- Big Ten victory tomorrow night. "I nwon bouts in outside competition iients, and promises to have them n orodo t crry onmandgBtler
ke of them not to take ad- think we'll win" was the way Cappon such as the Golden Gloves. This rul- ready for the March tournament o ondition tocarry onand ut i
ge of the opposition. summed up his expectations. ing will eliminate s u c h popular won on a technical knockout.
* * * The new lineup was worked hard campus fighters as Chuck Verbr In the open flyweight class S:aney
At finishes hockey until after last night in an effort to perfect the Carl Burgtorf, Jack Oakley, Geore FOriner Miehigan Star Cieslik, a clever, hard right-hand
, Chances are that a new team combination. P 1 a y i n g against a Kohler, and Tony Dauksza but will o puncher, triumphed over Mike Co-
ake the ice after finals. "R'd" team composed of Fishmann herh and To nauran bth wlo Bring Cagers Here loni, when by virtue of his punishing
* * * and have the effect of encouraging the rights he had Mike in such a groggy
aan Evans at forwards Oliver at younger boxers to come ont since DeHart Hubbard, former Univer- status that Mike's handlers threw
, and there will probably be a center, and Petoskey and Tessmer at they will be fighting men of equal tity of Michigan and Olympic track the towel in near the close of the
sports columnist, too, if any. the guards, the "Blues" were effec-
ght, I hear you cheering. tive, especially on defense, showing xr'and field star, will bring his Cincin- second round. However, Mike v.*as a
considerable improvement over the One of the greatest rivalries in the nati Cardinal basketball team to Ann game lad, for he was always in there
RICANS TO GET PARDONS play that has characterized the proposed show will not be between Arbor Fiday night for a game with trying.
eDRID, Jan. 23.-()-The Asso- Varsity during the past few days. individuals but between the boys the Whitman A. C. to be played at The victorious boxers will receive a
I Press was informed by a high coached by Johnstone and those who the Amoy trip, with all expenses paid, to Grand
al authority today that Attor- The diction of President Roosevelt have trained under Larson. Larson, Ls by Hubbard, former holder of Rapids, where they will compete in
rxenrau Antonio Mersa had de- is an example of what our speech freshman coach has set up his head- the world's record in sprinting and the state finals.
to recommend a pardo for caian and should be - the speech of an quarters at Waterman Gym while broad jumping, the Cardinals have Following is a list of the other
toecomen d nja pardonfor ca and ould mthe.spee of. Johnstone is tutoring upperclassmen one of the best basketball teams m bouts: Novice flyweight; Blake, De-
rca E. Bassett at the Intramural building. . the country. The team has been or- troit, won on decision from Weber,
*__Larson already has 35 freshmen ganized for eight years and during Detroit; Novice bantamweight; Scott,
working out daily and feels that the that time has registered 354 victories Ann Arbor, won on decision from
men he selects from this group to and met but 52 defeats. Bradbury, Dexter; Novice lightweight
represent the class of '37 will be able semifinal; Miller, Detroit, won on de-
to take any group that Johnstone HERMAN WANTS RAISE cision from Ciampa, Detroit; Novice
can glean from among the upper- CHICAGO, Jan. 24.g-(P)--Floyd lightweight final; Zawicki, Detroit,
classmen. (Babe Herman, Chicago Cubs out- knocked out Miller, Detroit, in second

Yesterday's announcement empha- fielder, doesn't mind being shoved round; Novice heavyweight; Dubiel,
sized the fact that suitable awards, out of the spotlight in favor of Chuck Detroit, won on default from Piat-
probably in the form of bronze Klein, Cubs' latest slugging acquisi- owski, Detroit.
plaques, would be made to the win- tion, but he does object to his salary Open bantamweight; Urso, Detroit,
ners and runners-up. There is also check reflecting it. won on decision from Konzal, De.
the remote possibility that freshmen Herman, therefore, became the troit; Couseni, Detroit, won on deci-
who win their weight titles will be Cubs' first official holdout. Her- sion from Morris, Detroit; Open mid-
awarded numerals as was the cus- man's unsigned contract came back dleweight; Rupenski, Detroit, won on
tom in more prosperous years. from Glendale, Calif., today. decision from Jenner, Detroit.
It is planned to hold the show in ____ ___ ______
Lift the Hood of Mystery
the Intramural Building, although
evidence of sufficient advance inter-
est in the tournament might make it
Alleviate the kpossible to secure the use of the Yost
Field House for the two evenings.
State boxing commissioners who at-






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