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January 22, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-22

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The Weather
Rain Sunday; Monday partly
cloudy and colder.

iitrt iat




An Analysis Of The
Debt. Situation.







Fight Mars
Ice Contest
Hockey Game Turns Into
Fistfight As Gophers De-
feat Wolverines, 1-3, In
Exciting Ice Battle
Woive Cage Team
Beats Chicago, 36-18

Dr. Margaret Bell Commends
Two-Year Physical Education

Basketball Victory
Maize And Blue
Third Place Tie


University Of Wisconsin
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 21.-
( P)---Another hockey game of the
best Minnesota-Michigan tempest
variety was taken by the Gophers
over the Wolverines here tonight, 3
to 1, as the defending Big Ten
champions swept the series.
Fighting blood which boiled be-
yond control climaxed a rough en-
counter with a small-sized riot be-
tween team members in the third pe-
riod inspired by a lively fist fight.
The Gophers and the Wolverines
leaped from the benches to join their
mates on the ice in the struggle.
Keith Crossman, of Michigan, and
Phil LaBatte, of Minnesota, who
started a fisticuff after colliding,
were banished to the penalty box
for five minutes each.
Crossman, Michigan center, scored
first on a pass from Reid midway
in the second period. Two minutes
later, Johnson and Wagnild teamed
up to tie the count. Munns and Russ
put Minnesota ahead three minutes
Minnesota put the game in the bag
with its third goal after four and a
half minutes play in the final per-
iod. Russ count on .a pass from
The. Gophers ,wept the seis. .Of.
two games, winning the first, 2 to 1.
However both teams meet again in
Ann Arbor for another two-game
series. The Northern Giants need
only a tie or a victory in either one
of them to clinch the title for the
second year in succession.
Michigan Position Minnesota
Jewell ...... Goal........Clausen
Sherf ......Defense.... Carlsen
Chapman . . . Defense...... Labatte
Crossman . . . Center...... ..Muinns
David ....... Wing..... ...... Gray
Reid .........Wing........... Russ
Spares: Michigan, Gaebler, Artz;
Minnesota, Johnson, Zieske, Wag-
nild, Gould, Holliday.
CHICAGO, Jan. 21.-G'P)-Michi-'
gan moved to a tie with Wisconsin
for third place in the Western Con-
ference basketball championship race
tonight by trouncing Chicago 36-18.
About 5,000 spectators watched the
Wolverines win handily.
After a scoreless first five minutes,
Michigan quickly worked up to a 6-1
lead and from there on never was
headed. The Maroons rallied briefly
in each period, but never were close
enough to worry the ultimate victors.
Plummer and Garner led Michigan's
attack in the first half, which netted
a twelve point lead, while in the sec-
ond period, Petoskey was the spear-
The victory was Michigan's third
in four games, and their defeat was
Chicago's fifth straight.

Although Dr. Margaret Bell, direc-
tor of women's physical education,
does not like to place restrictions on
students, she commanded the com-
pulsory two-year physical education
program in an interview yesterday,
on the grounds that the program
was beneficial and that, unless it was
required, few women would take ad-
vantage of it.
In discussing required physical
education for women, Dr. Bell
brought out the following facts which
she believes may well be emphasized.
Quotes Statistics
"The essential facts," she said,
"on which my premis is based are
these. About 40 to 50 per cent of all
women will eventually be not only
self supporting for life but will have
dependants. Now since this is the
case women will need physical vig-
or a fact unrecognized by most wo-
"They will need to cultivate ner-
vous poise-self control," she con-
tinued. "I believe with the psychia-
trists and doctors in general that sat-
isfactory participation in sport is
probably the best stabilizer known.
In a study by Prof. Margaret Elliott
bf the economics department and Dr.
Grace Manson of Northwestern Uni-
versity, made in 1929 another essen-
tial fact brought out is that women
do not progress or adjust themselves
as satisfactorily as possible to the ex-
igencies of paid work. The sickness
rates for women, which do not in-
clude all the neuroses and poor ad-
justments, may account in part for
their failure in paid work.
"As a physician, having dealt with
women for years, I do not believe
that women will take time for suit-
able physical activity unless it is re-

quired. I will cite only one instance
as evidence in this case.
"The University of Chicago is now
trying voluntary participation and to
date they have discovered, both stu-
dent and faculty that even though
the original enrollment for volun-
tary work was more than satisfac-
tory, that with the stress of examin-
ations and other events even though
the student was interested, when a
choice for the use of her time con-
fronted her, she tended to select the
easier course, which often is not go-
ing to the athletic field and undress-
ing, etc. Then, even though this
trial has lasted only one quarter, I
believe the Freshman Woman's Club
(believing that this physical educa-
tion is desirable and even essential)
have petitioned to have physical edu-
cation requirement reinstated.
Discusses Requirement
"I think it is fair to say too that
one of the deans, in discussing this
problem of the junior college at the
University of Chicago, agrees that
the mere fact that physical educa-
tion is required should not make it
objectionable, since it is such a fun-
damental matter.
"If students are to discuss or be-
come articulate upon this whole sub-
ject," Dr. Bell concluded, "they must
be sufficiently honest intellectually to
weigh all the important factors, to
honestly consider the merits of the
above points. They must consider
their present status fro ma complete
health point of view and must con-
sider their future needs which in-
clude these aspects of mental stabil-
ity. They must see the problem in
its individual and social implications.
They have that power-they have
that ability-they have that wis-


Richards Free;
Students, May
Be Paid Back
Agrees To Returu Borne;
Will Enter Institution
To 'Rest And Recover'
William K. Richards, 24-year-old
Mankato, Minn., resident, who was
held for investigation of his sanity
after a number of Michigan students
were defrauded of rides home with
an airplane company which he
formed, is free today and on his
way home.
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp yester-
day declined to keep the case in
court any longer, after it had pro-
gressed five weeks. Richards made
nearly complete payment to Ann Ar-
bor merchants of bills due them and
receipts in full have been obtained.
Dean Joseph A. Bursley said yes-
terday that he is pending every ef-
fort to obtain restitution for students
who made deposits with Richards
and hopes to be able to make an an-
nouncement soon covering the results
of his efforts.
The prosecution was withdrawn
and Richards agreed to go home, dis-
cuss the matter with his father, and
voluntarily enter a Minnesota insti-
tution "to rest and recover." He
boarded a Chicago-bound bus at 7:13
p. m. yesterday.
In celebration of the Washington
Bicentennial, a huge rock is being
placed in the small triangle at the
intersection of Washtenaw Avenuej
and Hill Street as a memorial to
George Washington. This stone was
unearthed in glacial drift at the
county gravel pit and transported to
its present site by truck.

Scott Nearing
Sees Necessity
Of Socialism
Noted Sociologist Predicts
Feudal Civilization Un.
less Steps Are Taken
:The return of our western civiliza-
tion during our life time to condi-
tions comparable to the dark ages
unless we adopt a form of socialism
or communism was predicted by Dr.
Scott Nearing, well known sociologist
and liberal, last night in an address
sponsored by the National Student's
League on "Culture and the Crisis."
The present depression is different
from previous ones, Dr. Nearing said,
because it occurs in a period when
our national economy is shrinking.
He quoted statistics on various as-
pects of productivity such as pig iron,
coal, and number of employed in in-
dustry that indicated that the United
States had reached its peak of in-
dustrialization in 1920. Since then
our ecohomy steadily lowered until
1929, he said.
Dr. Nearing cited the case of Cen-
tral Europe in predicting the future.
Central Europe, he said, was return-
ing to a feudal existance. Hand labor
is cheaper than machinery and so
the factories have been forced to stop
their manufactures. The peasant vil-
lages are about 90per cent self sup-
porting, he estimated.
"Fascists are digging the grave of
western culture," Dr. Nearing said
in stating his belief that that move-
ment was hastening the "back to the
soil" movement.
A great soviet union of all the
Eastern world-China, Japan, India,
and Russia-is seen by Dr. Nearing.
Such a union will dominate the
world if we do not take similar steps,
he said.

Rev. Holsaple
hallenge y
Rumors That Schools Will
Be Used For Prohibition
Propaganda Are Denied
School Board Will
Oppose Measure
Prohibitionists Do Not In-
tend To Be Educational,
Says Charles Henderson
Announcement yesterday by the
Rev. R. N. Holsaple, president of the
state Anti-Saloon league that the
public schools would be utilized by
the dry forces to teach the "spirit of
prohibition" to Michigan youth, was
met with sharp denial and criticism
here yesterday by local school offi-
cials. Members of the school board
said that the issue had never been
broached to them by anyone.
Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of
schools and president of the Mich-
igan Education association, said that
he had never heard of the matter. He
said, however, that the public schools
would never be "given over to propa-
ganda. They are not," he said, "es-
tablished for propagandizing. Prohi-I
bition is a controversial issue and s
must be settled out of the schools.
We will continue to teach temper-
ance on a scientific basis and will
try to avoid political issues."
He admitted, however, that the
individual teacher could make his
(or her) own interpretations of tem-
School Board Opposed
Charles Henderson, president of
the Ann Arbor school board said that
the board would oppose any .such
measure as that proposed by the
Rev. Holsaple, because "it has no
place in the school system." ie hint-
ed that any teacher who opposed the
will of the board would be summar-
ily dismissed. "The prohibitionits,"
he said, "do not intend to he educa-
tional but are tentripon concert-
ing people to their own viewpoint.
The schools are not given over to
propaganda but to the learning of
facts. Prohibition is a political issue
and, as such, has no place in the
school system."'
Dr. L. P. Fisher, newly-elected
Taxpayers' league representative on
the school board, said that although
he was personally a dry, there could
be no politics in the schools, upon
any issue whatsoever.
Will Not Take Action
Ezra Shoecraft, recently elected to
the board, with the backing of the
Parents and Teachers' association,
said that no action would be taken
unless "a pretty fair program is pre-
sented to us."
"I have always believed," Shoe-
craft said, "that the school system is
a proper instrument for the teaching
of temperance. But the schools must
not be used for any political purpose.
I do not know if prohibition should
be placed in that class. If the drys
offer us something of educational
value, it should and will be given fair
consideration but I am definitely op-
posed to any political propaganda."
Beach Conger, jr., local represen-
tative of the Crusaders, national
anti-prohibition organization, said
that the drys should devote them-
selves to teaching true temperance
as the Crusaders are doing. "They
should have done that long ago," he
said, "instead of trying to uphold a
worthless law."
Classes Will Debate
Capital Punishment

Capital punishment in Michigan
will be debated by the extension class
in practical public speaking of Prof.
G. E. Densmore, of the speech de-
partment, when the class meets his
University class in the teaching and
coaching debate, 7:30 p. m. tomor-
row in the Adelphi room in Angell
The team from Detroit is com-
posed of E. Norman Pearson, grad-
uate of the University of Vermont,
official of the Grand Trunk Western
Railway, and president of the Mich-
igan Theosophy Society; O. Warren
Harvey, graduate of the Detroit Col--
lege of Law, practicing attorney of
Detroit; and Earl R. Church.
-y- ,,.: ,

Union support for the Mimes and
Glee Club opera was denied at a
meeting of the financial committee
of the Union board of directors im-
mediately following the regular
meeting of the board yesterday noon.
Last year "Robin Hood" was pro-
duced by Mimes with the aid of the
men's and women's Glee Clubs, the
University Symphony Orchestra and
with the financial backing of the
Opera Will Be Abandoned
According to *a statement made
yesterday by Harry Arnold, '34M,
president of the Mimes, this action
means that the production of the
opera will have to be definitely aban-
doned for this year.
Financial stringency was given by
the officers of the Union as the rea-
son for their decision. They stated,
however, that they considered the
opera a worthy project and hoped
that their aid would again be asked
in more prosperous times.
"We were pleased to have been
able to help out last year," Paul
Leidy, chairman of the finance com-
mittee said last night, "and we would
like to be asked to sponsor a sim-
ilar production in the future, but
with conditions as they are now we
can't see our way clear to under-
writing the production."
Risk Unadvisable
"We believe," Mr. Leidy continued,
"that this is the sort of thing that
should be encouraged on the campus
and we sincerely regret our inability
to sponsor the play this year. While
only a small amount of money was
lost by the production last year, we
do not feel it advisable to undertake
the necessary risk this season."
John W. Lederle, '33, Union presi-
dent, who is also a member of the
finance committee, said, "While
members{ of the finance committee
of the Union expressed themselves
as entirely in. favor of the light
opera as it was 'produced last year,
they feel that the greatly reduced
revenues of the Union and the ex-
treme uncertainty of the times
would not warrant undertaking the
financial backing of an opera this
Water Department
Has Its Troubles
The Ann Arbor water department,
which is having enough trouble these
days what with all the discussion
over hard and soft water, confronted
another embarrassing. situation yes-
terday morning: there was no water
coming out of the taps in the de-
partment's office.
Clifford Shetterly, staff accoun-
tant, wanted to wash the desks.
When he turned on the water taps,
nothing happened. He reported the
matter to Harrison Caswell, manager
of the department. "Sometimes it
does that," said Caswell,

Economic Stringency
Cause For Decision
Finance Committee

-Associated:Press Photo
President Manuel Quezon of the
Philippine senate, an opponent of the
Philippine independence bill, ex-
pressed the opinion the bill would be
overwhelmingly defeated if present-
ed to the insular legislature at this=
Dean Edmonson Is Silent
On Proposed Normal Cut
Prof. J. B. Edmonson, dean of the
School of Education and president
of the North Central Association of
Schools and Colleges, declined last
night to comment upon the proposed
action of the legislature to eliminate
two of Michigan's state normal col-
Alfred H. White
Will Speak On'
Ann Arbor Churches Will
Present Talks, Sermons
On Current Topics
"Our Vanishing Insulls" is the sub-
ject of the sermon to be preached
at 10:45 a. m. today by the Rev. H.
P. Marley at the Unitarian Church.
At the student discussion in the
evening, Prof. A. H. White of the
College of Engineering will speak on
."Technocracy." In a recent inter-
view Professor White made the state-
ment that unless industry adjusts
itself to a 30-hour week there is
grave danger of our having perma-
nent unemployment.
Instead of the regular morning
sermon by the Rev. R. Edward
Sayles, E. H. Clayton, foreign ad-
viser for students in Wayland Acad-
emy, Hangchow, East China, will
speak on some current problems in
China at 10:45 a. m. today at the
First Baptist Church.
"What it Means to be a Christian"
will be the subject of a sermon to be
viven by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher
this morning at the First Methodist
The Rev. Ray Allison Heaps will
begin a new series of sermons to-
day at the Congregational Church on
"The Messages of the Prophets for
Today," the first of which deals with
"Jeremiah, the Prophet of Personal
Piety." At the Student Fellowship
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, formerly
director of the Wesley Foundation at
the University of California and
present director of the Wesley Foun-
dation here, will talk on "Personality
Plus:" The University Salon Orches-
tra will give a short program of oper-
atic selections following the talk.


Financial Aid
Is Withdrawn
From Opera
Mimes, Glee Club Annual
Production Is Refused
Supported By Union
Necessary Risk Is
Called Inadvisable

Opposes Island Bill

Good Will
Fund Ends
Money Collected Through
Campus Organizations
For Distribution By Of.
fices Of Deans
$2,009 Collected In
Donations, Pledges
Total Amount Is Still In-
c o mp1e t e University
Faculty, Staff Members
Are Being Solicited
Through the generosity of Mich-
igan students, fellow undergraduates
in need of financial assistance can
now be aided.
As the first stage of the Good Will
drive ended last night more than
$2,000 had been collected or pledged
to the fund, and this amount will be
turned over to the offices of the
dean of men and dean of women
immediately to be used in student
relief work.
Reiterating their confidence that
the final goal of $10,000 wgill ;be ul-,
timately reached, fund directors ex-
pressed their appreciation to all who
have contributed to the drive's suc-
cess and expressly thanked the sev-
eral honor societies and organiza-
tions which made individual solicita-
tion possible.
Final Reports Not Complete
Final reports of team captains and
of contributions from fraternities
had not been drawn up last night. A
few solicitors have still been unable
to reach the persons assigned to
them in their districts and checks
pledged for late this month will have
to be received before final results of
the drive may be computed.
The Central committee bases its
waith that the-$10;000 -goai will even-
tually be reached upon pledges of
various organizations of profits from
future social functions.
In addition to this Chairman John
H. Huss, '33, am ouncd last night
that 2000 lett cis are being mailed to
faculty and staff members of the
University and local merchants ask-
ing for contributions. The letters
were prepared after many persons
outside the student body, as yet not
reached by solicitors, expressed their
willingness to contribute to the fund.
Future work connected with the
Good Will Fund is to be done by
Union committeemen.
Fund committeemen pointed out
last night that the real work of the
Good Will Fund has just begun.
With the money collected and the
great assortment of used clothes
now ready to be dispensed immediate
aid is offered through the dean's
offices to students in need.
Battle Creek
Editor To Talk
On Newspaper
A. L. Miller Will Discuss
The Newspaper's Place
In The Community
The newspaper as a public service
will be discussed by A. L. Miller, edi-
tor and publisher of The Batle

Creek Enquirer-News, at 3 p. m.
Monday in the Editorial Room on the
third floor of the West Medical
Building, it was announced last
night by the journalism department.
Although the lecture is arranged for
students in "The American News-
paper," it will be open to the stu-
dent body and to the public as long
as there are chairs available in the
small auditorium.
Mr. Miller's reflections on the
newspaper's place in the community
should be of especial interest to jour-
nalism students and to the public
generally in view of the fact that
he is president of Federated Publica-
tions, Inc., which controls the Grand
Rapids Herald, The Lansing State
Journal, and the Battle Creek En-
quirer-News, said Professor Brumm,
head of the department of journal-
ism, in announcing the lecture.
Mr. Miller's talk is the third and
final lecture of a series given this
semester to students in Journalism

Eveland, rf........
Plummer, if.......
Garner, c ............
Altenhof, rg . ....... .
Petoskey, if ..........

Allen .......
Petrie .....
Oliver... ..
Evans, rf .
Flinn, f ...
Parsons, c .
Wegner, rg
Porter, lg
Langford, c.

. . . . . . . . . .

Fg Ft Tp
.., 1 2 4
..:.3 0 6
.. 4 3 11
....1 0 2
.... 3 0 6
... . 1 0 2
....1 1 3
... . 02
15 6 36
.0 0 0
....2 1 5
.... 2 2 6
. ...2 1 5
0 0 0
....1 0 2

'We Are Not Ready For The
Honor System' - Dean Lloyd

Pof.Margaret Elliott Favors
Unemployment Insurance Plan

Totals .............

7 4 18

Score at half: Michigan 18, Chi-
cago 6.
Personal fouls: Eveland 2, Plum-
mer 3, Garner 2, Petoskey, Petrie,
Oliver; Evans 2 Parsons 4, Wegner 3,
Porter 4.
Referee: N. E. Kearns (Umpire:
Jack Travnicek).

"I do not think we are ready for
it," said Dean of Women Alice C.
Lloyd in a statement yesterday on
the possible introduction of the
honor system into the literary col-
Although she believes that such
a sustem is "something to strive for,"
and that "in an ideal situation, no
system of any kind to prevent or
discourage cheating is necessary."
Dean Lloyd was insistent that the
success of an honor system "depends
on its strong support by student

here that the student body wants
this responsibility, and if frequent
reports are true, there seems also no
general active student attitude
against cheating."
Advantages of a more uniform
proctoring system were pointed out
by Dean Lloyd, who declared that
she herself was in favor of such a
method until an honor system of
some type becomes feasible at the
"The teachers in any institution,"
she said, "can discourage cheating by

Compulsory unemployment insur-
ance was termed "a desirable feature'
of a program for dealing with busi-
ness depressions," by Prof. Margaret
Elliott of the economics department,
in an interview yesterday.
That public opinion, changing in
the light of the depression, is now
somewhat more favorable to the
compulsory unemployment insur-
ance, is shown by the fact that in
1931, 33 bills proposing some form
of insurance were presented in 17
state legislatures, Professor Elliott
pointed out. "However," she said, "we
must admit that our present tools
and data are inadequate, but they
can best be improved by actual ex-
Our exoerience hitherto, it was

workers are least in need. Thus we
have a positive ground for argu-
ment for compulsory insurance.
"Instead of an academic question,
unemployment insurance has thus
become a practical issue. A number
of government commissions, includ-
ing that appointed by the United
States Senate, have reported favor-
ably on compulsory state unemploy-
ment insurance. The most significant
development has been that in Wis-
consin, where a plan has already
been passed by the legislature and
will become effective July 1 of this
year. I don't think such a bill could
have been passed in 1930, or even in
"Because of constitutional ob-
stacles to federal unemployment leg-
islation in this country, the insur-
ance idea seems to be developing


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