August 07, 1987
(vol. 96, iss. 12)
• Page Image 4
… orders received after the deadline.The computers will be dis tributed from October 9-11. The University will offer Apple IBM, and Zenith data systems. Las February, only Macintosh Plus sys tems were sold…
…Computer kick-off to provide By CATHERINE KIM Organizers are anxiously awaiting the return of the computer truck this fall that will provide University students, faculty, and staff with dis counts…
… of 42 percent or more or several different types of systems. Order forms for The Compute Kick-off 1987 Sale will be accepter starting next week and unti September 25, with an extra $5( charge for…
…. Dealers participating in the sale include ComputerLand o Ann Arbor, Inacomp Compute ~,'.Center-Ann Arbor, Today's Coin puter Business Center and th Learning Center, LTD. Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY…
… According to Gregory Marks LSA Senior Wayne Stapleton works on a Macintosh Plus deputy vice-provost for informatio computer in the Microcomputer Education Center. It is one and technology, "The computer sal…
… of the models that will be sold at Computer Kickoff this held in February was very success fall. ful. The large-scale distributio fall discounts worked out well, as did the delivery." But Cynthia…
… Every, General g Close to 1,700 computers were sold, Manager of Rent-A-Byte, said, "Of s well beyond the goal of 1,500 ter- course the dealers will be undercut, y minals. since (students, staff and…
… faculty) can - He does not know how many buy computers cheaper than we can." n computers will be sold in the fall. According to Tom Diroff, owner "February's computer sale was of Technology Partners, "Sure…
… makes participation very at- i 0 (students, faculty, and staff) can buy tractive. They take a certain dollar e the computers cheaper than the deal- amount off of every computer, and - ers can," said Nancy…
… Reding, put it into a pot. Then we divide the . manager at Learning Center, LTD. Pot. Reding added, "For this sale, we Technology Partners will be par- t won't have to lug the computers up ticpating in the…