Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
The University's "Computer
Weekend" already appears to be a
success despite short notice of the
sale and recent publicity about a
new line of Apple computers, ac -
cording to a University official.
As of Friday, 1,170 computers
had already been ordered through the
University sale, said Gregory
Marks, University deputy vice pro -
vost for information technology.
"We had to exceed (1,000
computers) to say that the sale was
a success. It is very conservative to
say that we will sell 1,500 com -
puters by. this coming Friday,"
Marks said. Friday is the deadline
for orders without a late fee and
guaranteed delivery of a computer.
developing a new computer line,
code-named "Paris," that promises
to be more powerful than the
Macintosh Plus.
Carnegie-Mellon University has
a pre-release version of the Paris,
and The Daily has obtained detailed
information on the computer's fea -
tures from an editor of the
Carnegie-Mellon student newspa -
per, The Tartan. The newspaper re -
ceived the information from a pre-
release specifications sheet that
Apple sends to its dealers; an
informed source, who spoke on the
condition of anonymity, has con -
firmed this information.
According to The Tartan and the
source, the Paris will have:
- Open architecture with 12 slots
that will allow users to open up the
computer to insert items necessary
for adding accessories;
- A 68020 motorola processer.
This processer is "the top of the
line," said Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science Prof. Larry
Flanigan. It is faster than current
processers and can have more
hooked up to it, he said.
University of Chicago Computer
Science Lecturer David Sherman
agreed, saying, "It is faster and is
ready to do more difficult tasks. It
is accepted as one of the three
available processers in terms of
power. The other two processers
that rank in the top three don't get
much credence from me;"
- A frequency of 16 megahertz.
"The 16 megahertz is a measure of
how many instructions the machine
can carry out in a given amount of
time," Sherman said. The frequency
of most machines is about eight
megahertz, said Nancy Mahoney, a
computer sales representative for
See NEW, Page 3
Darrell Thompson, left, and an unidentified University student raise their marked the second year that King's birthday has been a national holiday.
arms at a rally honoring the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Yesterday For a related story, see page 2. A special photo story is on page 8.
King sou
Second in a two-part series.
By the time Martin Luther King Jr., gave
his immortal "I Have A Dream" speech in
August 1963, he was already recognized as the
embodiment of the civil rights struggle.
But the subsequent years proved even more
difficult for King, stretching his leadership
abilities to the limit.
The assassination of President Kennedy, the
continued rise of militant black movements,
and difficulty in fighting racism in Northern
cities tested King's faith and intelligence. Yet
in these later struggles King truly became the
leader for not only black rights, but for the
rights of all people.
KING LOST a valuable political ally
when Kennedy was assassinated in November
1963. King said that before the President was
ght broad
shot, the President was "undergoing a
transformation from a hesitant leader with
unsure goals to a strong figure with deeply
appealing objectives."
It was up to Lyndon Johnson, who had an
erratic civil rights record, to lead the Civil'
Rights Act of 1964 through Congress, which
he did. The bill, declaring racial segregation and
discrimination illegal in public facilities, was
signed into law in early July with King present.
But 1964 was both a good and a bad year for
King and the rest of black America. Although
King was named Time magazine's Man of the
Year, race riots began to spread throughout
Northern cities, a trend which would continue
until the end of the decade.
The year ended on an upbeat note when King
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which civil
rights writer David Lewis called an "outward
emblem of a larger sense of mission that had
already begun to tug at (King's) thinking."
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Southern Afro-
Americans' right to vote was still severely
hindered. So King began a Southern voter
registration drive, targetting Selma, Ala. as his
starting point.
Using a clever balance of business boycotts
and non-violent demonstrations;King was able
to decrease Selma business by 50 percent, and
increase the frustration of local white officials.
King was absent from the first march from
Selma to Montgomery, which resulted in brutal
beatings of marchers by the Alabama police.
But he scheduled another march three days later,
despite a federal judge's injunction against the
See KING, Page 2
Athletic Director
urges U' toward
risky recruiting
University Athletics Director
Don Canham yesterday said the
University should take a chance and
recruit athletes with poor academic
Computer science
appeal declines
BOSTON (AP) - Enrollment
in computer science programs is
dropping as students become disil-
lusioned by the computer industry
slump and discover the field is more
demanding than they thought, uni-
versity officials say.
"Five years ago, computers
looked like they were the land of
good money and easy opportunity,"
Paul Kalaghan, dean of the College
'It's not a video games
-John Rice
Chairman, Purdue Univ.
Dep't. of Computer
wards of 300 freshmen come in," he
Annapia Niedzielski, a 22-year-
old Northeastern University student,
said she transferred from the com-
puter science program to the busi-
ness college after two years because
computer science was not what she
expected, not because she couldn't
do well.
"I had taken a BASIC (computer
language) course in high school,
and I liked that," said Niedzielski.
But once in the Northeastern pro-
gram, "I didn't like the fact that it
seemed very narrow-minded. It's
very technical, and that's all that
you did."
A survey of 552 colleges by the
University of California at Los
Angeles found that about 1.6 per-
cent of students who started college
last fall wanted to major in com-
puter science. That compares with
2.1 percent in 1985 and 4 percent in
Jay Nievergelt, chairman of the
Department of Computer Science at
the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, said computer science
for a long time was a "fairly
specialized, technical field. Then
five years ago, personal computers
hit the home and everybody thought
you had to be a student in computer
science. It was a fad."
Fnrnlmpt i , TC -crmmn.
"You have to give these kids a
chance," Canham said in his annual
speech to the University faculty's
Senate Assembly. Canham said the
University should have compassion
when recruiting athletes and take
their environment into consid-
Canham mentioned a potential
recruit from a poor economic area
in Detroit and asked, "How's that
guy going to compete on college
The National College Athletic
Association's Proposition 48,
effective since last August, requires
a 2.0 grade point average from high
school students in 11 specified
courses and a score of 700 on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test or a 15 on
the American College Test.
Canham said freshmen Terry
Mills and Rumeal Robinson, two
students who were recruited for the
Michigan basketball team but are
ineligible to play because both
scored under 700 on the SAT, were
acceptable choices by the Uni-
"It looked to them and us like it
would work out," he said. Both
Mills and Robinson had at least a
See CANHAM, Page 3
President Reagan's proposed
budget cuts could exacerbate the
drug problem.
How do real veterans feel about
the new trend of Vietnam films?
Warren Sharples has emerged as
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
LSA Prof. John Hatch, right, and his spouse, Beth, walk down South University during yesterday's snow
storm. The Hatches moved to Ann Arbor in September from Southern California and Hatch said he prefers the
variety of Michigan weather to the "drab sameness" of sunny California.
of Computer Science at North-
eastern University, said in a tele-
phone interview yesterday.
"I think today people understand
it's a scientific discipline," he said.
"Students found it was more diffi-
cult, that the mathematical rigor
was large. It's not an easy busi-
ness, really, when you couple that
to the negative press the computer
Snow brings fu
with the Associated Press
Yesterday's snow, the second significant fall of the
season, brought out snow removers to brush the four
to six-inch accumulation from sidewalks, while a
parade of sand trucks roared down State Street.
Cross-country ski fans were making plans in the
Union and Ulrich's, saying it was the best snow of
the year and hoping it would last until the weekend.
Good news for skiers: The National Weather Service
renorts low temneratures for the rest of the week, but
Nearby, Beth Darling, an LSA senior, was also
ankle-deep in the fresh powder as she excavated her
car. "I never use this car... It has to snow on the day I
really need it," she said.
Travelling on foot was best for most of the day,
yet area roads were in fair shape. Busses were running
late, but Sgt. Allen Hartwig of the Ann Arbor Police
Department reported few accidents.
Traffic lights in town were literally on the blink.
"Most of the traffic lights that are on intersections
with hills have been turned on flash," Hartwig said,