See Page 5
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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 7, 1987
41. XCVII - No. 69
Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily
~ . . . .
Fourteen Pages
Greeks may face
The Ann Arbor Planning Commission appears
Deady to approve a rezoning proposal for the North
hurns Park area that would prevent fraternities and
sororities from building new houses or expanding
zxisting ones.
"It seems pretty clear we'll support it," said
,ommission vice-chairman Allan Feldt. "The
-ezoning makes sense, and I don't think it's imposing
big strain on the fraternities and sororities." The
zoning was proposed by a neighborhood association
at has accused the Greeks of causing noise, litter,
Ad parking problems.
Proposal would limit new houses, additions
THE PROPOSAL, which will be debated at a
public hearing next Tuesday, would change city
zoning laws to prohibit "group housing" on 45 of 66
lots in the area south of Hill Street and west of
Washtenaw Avenue. If approved by the commission
and then by the Ann Arbor City Council, the
rezoning would allow only single- and double-family
City zoning laws regulate development and land
use in specific geographic areas. Currently, of the 66
lots in the North Burns Park area, 21 house
fraternities, sororities, co-operatives, or other non-
residential groups, according to Jerry Clarke, a staff
planner for the City Planning Department. The
proposal would allow groups already living in the
area to remain.
Clarke said the department, which advises the
planning commission, will endorse on Friday a
"scaled-back version" of the proposal submitted by
the North Burns Park Association. Association
members collected 42 signatures from neighborhood
families requesting the rezoning.
See CITY, Page 5
Special Rose Bowl Section: Pages 11-13
U-Cellar closes.
after years of
student service
The University Cellar has closed
its doors for good, but at least one
official has predicted that the
Cellar's departure will not
necessarily lead to higher book
The Cellar closed its Central and
North Campus locations Dec. 24
after Citizens Trust refused to renew
the store's $700,000 line of credit
and called in a $102,000 balance of
a loan the Cellar used for its North
Campus branch, said Cellar
manager Jane Self.
"We were more in default, we
lost money this year, and we
changed loan officers in the middle
of the summer. They were
generally uneasy about our
organization," said Self. The Cellar
defaulted on a clause in its contract
with Citizens Trust requiring them
to keep $200,000 in working
capital. The bookstore lost
$140,000 this year.
THE CELLAR made money
only once - in 1985 - since its
move five years ago out of the
Michigan Union.
Self said there was no single
reason the Cellar went out of
A passerby notices a sign in the win-
dow of the University Cellar an-
nouncing the bookstore's demise.
business. Reasons included a
payroll supporting about 50 full-
time permanent workers, an
increase in rent at the North
Campus location this year,
computerization of the textbook
system,, and a change in the
management structure which created
new middle management positions.
Don Perigo, University
Ombudsman and an officer on the
See U-Cellar, Page 2
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Arizona State's Onasai Tu'ua, Jeff Gallimore, Robert Lewis, and Lawrence Moore celebrate the Sun Devils' 22-15 victory in their first-
ever Rose Bowl appearance.
Roses bloom
for Devils,
wilt for ''
Special to the Daily
PASADENA, Calif. - Blame the turf. Blame the
fans. Blame Disneyland. Even blame the weather.
Yes, "blame" was the functional word for Michigan
in the 1987 Rose Bowl. But for whatever reason one
cites for this year's Big Ten collapse, the final result of
this year's Rose Bowl was all too predictable.
Michigan took a 12-point lead before 103,168 fans
before falling to Arizona State last Thursday in
Pasadena 22-15.
Excuses were made, but the reasons for the loss
were simple. Football games are usually won on the
line of scrimmage, and that's where Michigan lost this
one. Arizona State dominated both sides of the line,
whether giving Sun Devil running back Darryl Harris
(23 carries, 112 yards) gaping holes or constantly
harassing Michigan quarterback Jim Harbaugh, who
tossed three interceptions.
MICHIGAN finished at 11-2, and ranked eighth
by both wire service polls, while Schembechler is now
1-7 in the Rose Bowl.
See THE, Page 13.
Duderstadt assumes
interim presidency
Acting University President
James Duderstadt hopes the usually
routine months of January and
February will not hold any "earth-
shattering issues" while President
Harold Shapiro is on sabbatical.
"Hopefully with great delight I
will be saved from dealing with
such controversial areas of concern
as honorary degrees, research, or the
proposed code of student conduct,"
University Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Duderstadt said in
Pat Ducharme,
secretary, agrees.
challenge of the
and Provost
an interview
"The real
coming two
months will be handling the
impromptu matters that Shapiro
usually handles." Much of
Computers go on sale
The University and Apple
Computers will hold a "Computer
Weekend" next month, selling
Apple Macintosh personal
computers at 52 percent off the
retail price.
In the meantime, Apple will
unveil a new computer line later
this month, according to an Apple
employee, but the company will
not reveal the type of computer
Students, faculty, and staff must
place their orders by Jan. 16. The
University is offering four
computer packages that range from
$1,420 to $2,550.
DESPITE THE low prices
See APPLE, Page 2
Daily photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Michigan runningbacks David Key (26) and Thomas Wilcher watch dejectedly as the
Wolverines slip to their seventh loss in their last eight tries in the Rose Bowl.
Deductible sneakers
After the Internal Revenue Service faulted that
argument, Cecil appealed to the U.S. Tax Court,
which now has given him the back of its hand.A
key factor in determining whether work uniforms
are deductible is that they may not be suitable for
general off-the-job wear, the court noted. And in
this case, the court added, "It is relatively
have held as far back as 1948 that even though a
business wardrobe is essential to holding a job, the
cost is generally a non-deductible personnel
expense. The chance of a deduction drops
considerably if the clothes are suitable for general
wear - even if it can be proven that they would
have never been bought except for purposes of
NEW YEAR: Opinion reflects on highlights
from 1986, looking toward 1987. See
Page 4.