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January 15, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-15

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Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom

Panel backs

The Ann Arbor Planning
Commission early yesterday
morning approved a proposal to ban
group housing on 40 lots in the
North Burns Park area, increasing
the housing crunch for the
University's Greek system.
The plan, if approved by the
Ann Arbor City Council next
month, would change city zoning
laws to prohibit group housing on
40 of the originally proposed 45
lots. It would not affect 21 existing
fraternities, sororities, co-
operatives, and non-residential
groups in the area. North Burns
Park is located south of Hill Street
and west of Washtenaw Avenue.
City Council will consider the
rezoning on Feb. 2, followed by a
public hearing on Feb. 23.
No further attempt will be made
to fight the rezoning plans, said
InterFraternity Council President
Dennis Kavanagh. "It's a zoning
law change," said Kavanaugh. "We
obviously have to live with the
Panhellenic officials refused to
comment on whether they will
continue to fight the proposed
ordinance before the city council.
Sororities have more actively

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Education Prof. Charles Moody (right) congratulates sociology Prof. Aldon Morris yesterday on a speech given at the symposium,
"Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Unfinished Agenda."
University scholars honor King

The University commemorated the
birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
yesterday with separate workshops
and speeches focusing on different
areas of King's work.
University Sociology Prof. Aldon
Morris stressed the importance of

understanding King's basic approach
to furthering human rights.
"Our job is to make sure we
honor the real Dr. King," Morris said
before an audience of more than 60 in
the Union ballroom. Morris' speech
was one of six workshops held for
the symposium, "Martin Luther
King, Jr.: The Unfinished Agenda".

Morris said the ability to critically
analyze large institutions such as
government, Church, and uni-
versities, was an essential part of
King's approach towards crusading
for the poor, Christianity, and civil
Morris said King - a Baptist
minister - spoke out against the

Church whenever it became "long on
ceremony and ritual.. .but short on
solving the problems of society.
The Church must be concerned with
social conditions as well."
Morris said King had respect for
institutions of higher education, as
long as they upheld values of
See . SPEECHES, Page 3

opposing the ordinance than
fraternities and it is expected they
will continue that opposition.
The new plan would mainly
affect sororities that are planning on
moving into the North Burns Park
area, said Kristi Benson, president
of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority
which is located on the edge of the
Benson said the sorority has
never had problems with its
neighbors. Members of the North
Burns Park Association have
accused the Greeks of causing
noise, litter, and parking problems.
It is now time to look forward to
better relations between student
groups and local families in the
area, said University Vice Provost
for Information Technology
Douglas Van Houweling, who
spoke for the neighbors at Tuesday
night's public hearing.
"I think that if the proposal is
ultimately accepted by the city
council, one of the most important
results will be that it takes a lot of
tension out from between the
fraternities and sororities, and
residents in the North Burns Park
neighborhood," he said.
Van Houweling said all parties
See PANEL, Page 3
App le
The deadline for ordering a
Macintosh Plus computer in the
University's special compute sale
has been extended one week due to
several unforeseen problems.
The postponing of the deadline
from tomorrow to Jan. 23 was
announced last night at an
informational seminar.
The sale is a pilot for future
sales aimed at providing consumers
with equipment at lower prices. The
current sale offers computers and a
variety of options at 52 percent off
their normal cost. Computers will
be available in packages ranging in
cost from $1,420 to $2,550.
Greg Marks, deputy vice provost
of information technology at the
University, gave two reasons for
the deadline extension. He said the
distribution of information pack-
ages about the sale has been slowed
significantly in the mail, both
federal and University.
Marks also said speculation that
Apple was releasing a new line of
more powerful computers following
the sale has caused many people to
rethink their decision. The deadline
was extended to allow people more
time to reconsider buying a
'U' proposes a stronger language
requirement; Opinion proposes
abolishing it.

Arts predicts a lot of clapping
for tonight's performance of
'People Dancing.'

Duderstadt's plan underway

A select group of students has
formed a caucus to discuss long-
range goals and initiatives for the
University as part of interim
President James Duderstadt's plan
to improve undergraduate life
The Student Caucus on Strategic
Planning will involve students in
the Undergraduate Initiative Fund.
The fund, approved by the
University's executive officers
Tuesday, will allocate up to $1
million a year to sponsor creative
ideas toward upgrading
undergraduate life.
According to James Brinkerhoff,
vice president and chief financial

officer, this plan is intended to
work in tandem with a $5 million
presidential initiative fund approved
in December to develop innovative
research projects. "Both of the plans
work the same way," said
Brinkerhoff. "Because of the good
response for the research fund, we
see a lot of potential for this
undergraduate plan."
Since Duderstadt became vice
president and provost last May, he
has searched for a way to involve
the entire University community in
this endeavor. His office is
soliciting proposals from faculty,
students, and staff, with an April 1
deadline. Awards for the ideas, to
be implemented next fall, will be

announced May 1.
"This is a great step forward,"
said Paul Josephson, former
Michigan Student Assembly
president and chairman of the
newly-formed caucus. "This is a
strong signal that Duderstadt is
really encouraging some strong
student input," he said.
Duderstadt began such planning
initiatives with the executive
officers and students in order to set
long term goals and priorities for
the University. His office, working
with Josephson and current MSA
president Kurt Muenchow, has
solicited representatives from more
than 10 student groups to serve on
the caucus.

... initiates-new plan

Computer age enters U'

social scene

Darlys Topp takes over as the new
new director of the Disabled
Student Services Program. See
Page 3.
wants to
The basketball has been
bouncingpeculiarly for Michigan
State this season. Which way it
will bounce tonight at Crisler
Arena (7:30 p.m.-PASS-TV) is
anyone's guess.
The Spartans (1-3 Big Ten, 6-8
overall) are a Jeckyl and Hyde type
team. On some nights, everything
goes wrong - like when they lost
to Illinois two weeks ago.,
An MSU player threw an
inadvertent pass that Spartan head
coach Jud Heathcote caught by the
team's bench. Heathcote spiked the
ball in disgust and it bounced
hitting him in the face, bloodying
his nose. Heathcote's display made
CNN Sports Tonight's Play of the
ON OTHER nights, the
Spartans resemble the team that
went 23-8 last season and lost in
the NCAA Midwest Regional to
Kansas. That sauad defeated

Students who want to discuss
topics ranging from music or health
issues to soft drink preference no
longer have to search kiosks and
bulletin boards to find their interest
group. Now they can use
Computer conferencing is be-
coming a popular method for
students to send and receive
messages or lodge complaints,
according to LSA sophomore Todd
Bakal, an organizer for one of the
several conferences available
through the UB-Michigan Terminal
"It's a way for students to reach
out just like in any other
forganization." Bakal said. "You can

Meet: Planners. Students can enter
the conferencing networks by
presenting their student ID's at all
computing centers on campus.
Bakal said the SCP program is

Not all issues, however, are the
topic of light discussion. Bakal said
students often argue over pro-

'It's almost like a cocktail party. You just throw
something in the air and you've got a hundred people
commentmng on what you've just said.'
-Todd Bakal, organizer of computer conferencing

occasionally the communication
can be immediate: "If you get on a
computer line at the same time as
someone else, you can send
messages back and forth to each
other. You can talk. That has
happened to me a couple times. It's
a lot of fun."
Haran Rashes, an LSA junior
and one of the organizers of Meet:
Students, said the conference project
gives people who are timid a social
outlet. "Unless you want to," he
said, "you don't have to meet
people face to face. It gives you a
hint of anonymity."
Students are invited to respond
to items put in the conference.
Rashes said there were more than
200 itemsn or tonics of discussinn-

growing "exponentially," and he
estimated its membership at about
1000 students. "If we were
recognized as an official student
nrgani7tinn n mnewuld nrnhahly he

positions discussed in the Meet:
UM conference, which presents
campus information. "MSA
(Michigan Student Assembly)
resolutionns are hotly debated." he

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