Ninety-eight years of editorial/freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 30, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily
Like most engineering students,
Jeff (not his real name) needs the
computers in the CAEN labratories
to do his homework. The computer
programs enable him to draw graphs,
paint pictures, solve complex
problems, and even play games.
Because he liked tfiese programs,
Jeff wanted to have them for
himself, so he copied them onto his
disk - more than $1,000 of
merchandise. Unwittingly, he had
committed a felony called 'software
"I have a virtual cornucopia of
software," he said. "But, I didn't
know that it was illegal. Everybody
does it."
album onto a blank cassette or
recording a movie onto a VCR,
copying software onto a personal
Cub an
OAKDALE, La. (AP) - Cuban
prisoners yesterday threw down their
weapons and released the 26 hostages
they had held for eight days at a fed-
eral detention center in protest of
plans to return some detainees to
At the riot-torn Atlanta federal
penitentiary, Cubans inmates releas-
ed another four hostages early yes-
terday, leaving 90 people still
The former hostages, dressed in
fresh clothes, grinned broadly as they
walked from the Federal Detention
Center near Oakdale at 2:24 p.m.
They were greeted by applause and
whistles from authorities and rela-
tives. The men were put aboard pri-
sons buses.
Cuban inmates seized control of
the facility on Nov. 21 and the fed-
eral penitentiary in Atlanta two days
later in riots sparked by a govern-
ment announcement that many in-
mates would be returned to Cuba.
The inmates demanded that they
be allowed to remain in the United
States. Federal officials have said
they would delay deportations until
the Cubans' cases could be reviewed
The rioting left one person dead,
53 people injured and the prisons
badly damaged by fired and looting.
Television cameras broadcasting
into a news media center two miles
away from the Oakdale center show-
ed some of the 950 inmates throw-
ing their homemade weapons into a
pile after the hostages were released.
ing sol
disk is a violation of copyright laws.
And the penalties for getting caught
are steep - up to $50,000 in fines
and a possible prison sentence.
But no student has ever been
convicted. Even if the University
policed its computing centers with
staff walking up and down the aisles,
it is doubtful that anyone will ever
get caught. Software piracy is one of
the easiest and quickest crimes to
On a Macintosh, pirating is as
simple as turning on the machine,
inserting the program disk and a
personal disk, and - when the
image of both appear on the screen
- dragging the image of the
program onto the image of the
personal disk. In a matter of seconds,
the program will be copied, n o
questions asked.
been one of the plagues of the
industry since day one," said Randy
Komisar, an attorney for Claris, an
Apple Computers subsidiary which
produces software. "It's so easy that
you just don't think about it."
work, but can
because the Uni
encourages pir
lot of computer
- - --w- 'Aw- ,
'Software piracy is institutionalized in n
- Anonymous Unive
easy, ram
't get the programs beliefs. On a conference on the
versity won't pay for Michigan Terminal System, an
anonymous professor said, "Software
said the University piracy is institutionalized in my
acy because it sells a department, with one of the staff
rs but does not make maintaining a 'library.' Graduate
students are encouraged to make
copies for their own use of
commercial software... There is a
ny department perception that the department is too
poor to afford to buy packages, and
rsity professor our students need the assistance... At
one time, I wanted the department to
buy me a copy of one of the
software packages on sale at the
Campus and Photo Services, but
are available to use was told to just copy the
omplaint with the departmental disks and manual."
that they bend over Carolyn Autrey-Hundley, director
-ll hardware," he said, of the University's Computing
n't budget enough Center, said the University cannot
vare." afford to provide faculty with all the
ACULTY share his software they need. "It's extremely
expensive," she said. Because of the
breadth of faculty software needs, the
University cannot get a volume
discount as it does with hardware,
she said.
Faculty piracy is not a problem
for the engineering school, said
Engineering Prof. Don Geister, who
is also the head of the schools
Computer Aided Engineering
Network (CAEN) computer labs. He
said many professors use CAEN, so
the engineering school budgets for
their needs. "I have not heard of one
demand that was denied for anyone in
(my department)," he said.
inconspicuousness of piracy make it
difficult to estimate how prevalent it
is, software manufacturers believe
the problem is rampant.
Some fear there is one pirated
See 'U', Page 2
Students are not the only ones
who pirate software, said Victor
Rosenberg, an assistant professor in
the School of Information and
Library Study. "Faculty piracy is
rampant," he said, because many
faculty need programs to do their
enough softwa
them. "My c
University is t
backwards to se
"but they do
money for softw
Voters shot and
hacked to death
- The military-dominated junta
dissolved the Independent Electoral"
Council after the council canceled
yesterday's elections because of
widespread violence that left more
than two dozen people dead.
At least 15 voters were shot and
hacked to death at one polling sta-
tion in the capital. Twelve other
deaths were reported in scattered lo-
In a decree read over national te-
levision at 3:30 p.m., the three-
member National Governing Coun-
cil accused the electoral council of
taking an action that "endangers the
unity of the nation and invited the
intervention of foreign powers in the
country's internal affairs."
French Ambassador Michel de
LaFourniere protested the junta's
measure in this former French co-
lony. Asked if the junta's decree
amounted to a coup, he responded,
"The coup was this morning," refer-
ring to the violence at the polling
In Washington, the State De-
partment said America was immedi-
ately cutting off all non-humanitar-
ian aid to Haiti.
Department spokesperson Ben-
jamin Justesen read a statement that
"In addition, all non-humanitarian
economic aid programs to Haiti are
being suspended and only human-
itarian assistance will continue."
The electoral council canceled the
elections less than'three hours after
the polls opened at-6 a.m.
The free elections would have
been the first in Haiti, which shares
Hispaniola Island with the Domini-
can Republic, in more than 30 years.
From Saturday night until yes-
terday, Port-au-Prince, the capital
city of one million, resembled a war
zone. Bodies lay scattered about the
downtown area. Explosions rocked
neighborhoods. Gunmen sprayed
slums and shantytowns with bullets:
But the gunmen began disappearing
after the election was canceled, and
by midmorning the streets were de-
"The election is canceled
throughout the country," a spokes-
person for electoral council pres-
ident, .Ernst Mirville, said at 8:50
A man lies dead on the street as wounded are loaded into an ambulance at a voting station early yesterday
morning in Port Au Prince, Haiti. At least twenty people were killed and many more wounded in the attack by
a gang of men. The elections were cancelled due to the widespread violence.
Sanctuary movement
gives aid to refugees
On Feb. 17, 1980, three men
came to Aurelio and Pilar Celaya's
house in San Salvador asking for a
glass of water and didn't leave until
they had sprayed the house with
machine gun fire. They stopped
shooting when the room filled with
smoke and they could no longer see.
The Celayas believe they were
targeted because of their participation
in a labor union, which they joined
to help get a better life for their
"We really understood that we
weren't wanted by the El Salvadoran
Government," said Pilar. '
The Celaya family now resides
with the Ann Arbor Friends
to the underground railroad.
There are between 500,000 and
800,000 El Salvadorans and about
150,000 Guatemalans in the U.S.,
many of them illegally.
David Basset, co-clerk of the Ann
Arbor Friends Meeting, said the
movement uses a very selective
process in picking refugees. It
involves a lot of informal talk
between network members. "There is
really no national infrastructure," he
James Montgomery, the
Immigration and Naturalization
Service's (INS) District Director,
said the U.S. government regards the
sanctuary movements as groups of
people smuggling illegal aliens into
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Student gets kicked at
CIA recruiting rtes
By STEVE KNOPPER Marcuse did not know he was a police officer. Marcuse
About 30 students forced their way past University did not deny the charge.
security officers last Wednesday at the Student Activi- The two incidents involving Marcuse were unre-
University public safety pro
unworthy for deputiza-on aga
The University has created a1
Jazz Studies program and a
ensemble will be performing
free at Rackham Thursday nig
ties Building and delayed recruiting interviews for the
Central Intelligence Agency.
One of the students told Ann Arbor police that he
was kicked in the groin, allegedly by a University
oyes public safety officer, during the struggle.
In, Ann Arbor Police Captain Robert Conn said Rack-
ge 4 ham graduate student Harold Marcuse can decide
whether or not to press charges after a police inves-
new tigation.
jazz Marcuse said he did not see who kicked him, and
for that he plans to press assault charges against
ht- "unknown." About eight protestors, three of whom
made statements later to the police, said they saw a
man kick Marcuse, who fell to the ground.
Career Planning and Placement Director Deborah
May said the protest delayed the 16 scheduled inter-
views, but none were cancelled.
"If the CIA decides not to come back, then it's a
success," said history graduate student Michael
Schroeder, one of the protestors. "I feel good about
what we've done, and I'd do it again."
At about 8:50 a.m., an hour after the protest began
at the Career Planning and Placement Center, demon-
strators marched into the office, demanding to know
where the interviews were being held. Public Safety
Director Leo Heatley, saying, "You're going to have to
assault me to get in," attempted to physically restrain