Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Volume XCVIII, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 14, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily
Irish make stew of Blue, 26-7
Turnovers lead to
Michigan's demise
By DARREN JASEY "We didn't play very well at all. I
Notre Dame vs. Michigan. can't recall a Michigan team since
Tradition vs. tradition. No. 9 vs. I've been here that turned over the
No. 16. ABC television. The Blimp ball that frequently"
and 106,098 screaming fans. Notre Dame, in the meantime,
All that and it even stopped scored 23 of its 26 points after
raining an hour before kickoff. Michigan miscues. Its three
Well.., it may as well have touchdowns came on drives of 34,
continued raining. because the 55, and 38 yards.
Wolverines played like they were in "We did an awful lot of things
the midst of a monsoon. that worked," said Notre Dame coach
Fumbles, errant passes, and Lou Holtz. "We played a great
dropped passes highlighted game. Michigan made some
Michigan's effort in Saturday's 26-7 mistakes - that's not like
loss to Notre Dame. Michigan. I like to think we created
In all seven turnovers cost some of those problems."
Michigan any chance it had of The Irish scoring drive that did
preventing coach Bo Schembechler's not occur after a Michigan turnover
first loss in a home opener. His secured their first opening game
record now stands 17-1-1 in such victory since-1983 and first win over
openers. Michigan since 1982.
The Wolverines have not been so The drive was mounted just after
generous to an opposing team since Michigan had.marched 76 yards on
1960 when they fumbled five times six plays, the sixth being a 12-yard
and were intercepted twice against touchdown pass from Demetrius
Minnesota. Brown to Greg McMurtry to cut the
The loss also marks the first time Notre Dame lead to 17-7.
since 1968 that Michigan has "When they scored to make it 17-
dropped two home games in a row. 7, I thought that was critical," Holtz
In last season's home finale the said. "Then we called the offense
Wolverines lost to Minnesota 20-17. together and said we got to answer
"The story of the game is eight the challenge."
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY' turnovers," said Schembechler. "The Ten runs, one pass, and six
Outta my way! one they (Notre Dame) had just minutes later, Notre Dame
Notre Dame running back Anthony Johnson piles up some of the Irish's 214 rushing yards in their 26.7 thrashing of the Wolverines on Saturday. before the half was meaningless. See 'M', Page 16
may name
interim president
Even if the University's Board of Regents find a
successor to President Harold Shapiro by the time he
leaves on Jan. 1, it might be months before the new
president takes office, University officials said.
The regents are expected to appoint an interim
president at either this week's board meeting or in
October, according to Marjorie Levy, dean of the
School of Art.
The regents had hoped that one candidate would
emerge early in the search fora replacement, Levy said.
"Since the time has passed when the lightning bolt
would have struck, they are now looking at naming an
interim president."
Levy expects the regents to appoint former
University President Robben Fleming, who currently
teaches in the Law School.
"You pick someone who can walk in, who knows
and understands the University, and can mind the
store," she said. "There has been speculation that the
person will be a former president, such as Fleming."
Harris McClamroch, an aerospace engineering
professor and chair of the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs, said the interim president will be
selected to keep administrative programs moving, but
the job will be primarily a "ceremonial position."
"It will not be anyone who would create their own
agenda," McClamroch said. "Fleming is certainly a
name I've heard on a number of lips, but I suspect
there are others. I don't know if he would be willing to
do this."
Fleming is out of the country and was not available
for comment.
Education Prof. Charles Lehmann, a former
SACUA member, said the slow progress of the search
has driven the need for an interim appointment.,
"They've really barely gotten started," he said.
The student, faculty, and alumni advisory
committees have developed a list of needs at the
University in the coming decade, and the regents are
expected to draw up a formal list of criteria at their
meeting this week.
The search has stayed on schedule to this point, but
most University officials say the January deadline was
never a practical expectation.
"I think everybody recognized that it was unlikely
the search would move quickly enough for so.meone to
be selected and ready to assume office Jan. 1," said
Robin Jacoby, an aide to Shapiro.
See FLEMING, Page 7
'U' expands
computer sale
this 'year
In an effort to increase computer
use, the University has contracted
with three major computer
manufacturers to provide products to
students and staff for about 50
percent of the retail prices.
Representatives from Apple
Computers, IBM, and Zenith Data
Systems were at the Michigan
Union Ballroom yesterday for the
"Computer Kickoff '87 Hands-On
Day" to display their models and to
answer any questions.
Last year, only Apple participated
in the program.
Bart Patterson, field engineer for
Zenith, said the large number of
sales prompted his company to
participate. "The volume of sales is
unbelievable," he said.
furthers its goal of working
computers into campus life. "To
have a complete education is to
understand information technology,"
said Gregg Weiss, microcomputer
sales manager for the University and
coordinator of the sale. "If the
University could afford it, they
would give everyone a computer.
That's how important they think it
is. They do the next best thing - to
See IBM, Page 8
Koch to head
dlelegation to
New York Mayor Edward Koch revealed last night
that he would head a delegation of New York civic
leaders to Nicaragaua to work on achieving peace in
Central America. Koch pledged his full support for the
Costa Rican peace plan.
The plan, proposed by Costa Rican President Arias
and supported by five Central American nations, calls
for an end to hostilities in Nicaragua by Nov. 7.
Koch described the peace plan as "one of the critical
initiatives of our time," and criticized both President
Ronald Reagan's solution to the conflict - increased
military aid to the Contras - and those who say the
United States should simply stay out of the region.
"In my opinion, not only does the Arias peace plan
make sense, it may be the only hope of breaking the
stalemate between the left and the right," Koch said.
K OC H was asked to participate in this effort by
former Virginia Governor Chuck Robb. Robb, who is
Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER spearheading the "Central America Peace and
New York Mayor Edward Koch and eight others will go to Nicaragua in November to Democracy Watch," has, according to Koch, "studied
oversee a regional peace plan. Koch made the announcement last night at the Power the Central American question very closely."
Center. See KOCH, Page 7
Student plagiarists have an ally in
Presidential candidate Joseph
Safewalk, the nighttime safety walking
service for University students, faculty, and
staff, will add weekend service this fall.
The program received $6,580 from the
University's Undergraduate Initiative funding
home," Steiner said.
"It's pretty exciting," she said. After last
year's success, Steiner said she hopes the
program continues to expand. She said about
100 volunteers, who worked at least two
hours per week, walked over 1500 people last
O TT A T ) ..« ... .. C A. .- -.1
the Campus Information Center in the
Michigan Union Friday and Saturday
evenings when service begins because of the
library's shorter weekend hours.
"We never send two men because it's
threatening for some people," Bernstein said.
STEINER said all walking teams carry
on new volunteers to insure a trustworthy
group. Though the University has never had
any. problems, Steiner said some campuses
have been forced to terminate similar.
programs because male volunteers harassed
female walkees.
Bernstein said training is important because
Pop legend,
to the Blind
Alex Chilton returns
Pig tonight.
ARTS, Page 10