The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 4, 1987- Page5
Rep. Pursell accepts
Baker's lawsuit notice
U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (R-
Plymouth) may once again spar with
his political opponent, Democrat Dean
Baker. But this time, the match will
take place in the courtroom.
Last Monday, Pursell accepted ser-
vice papers, formally notifying him of
a lawsuit Baker filed against him in
July. Baker alleges that the legislator
defamed his character during their 1986
contest for the 2nd District Con-
gressional Seat.
He said that during the closing
'We asked Pursell to
apologize several times
and he refused to re-
spond... The only thing
left to do is sue.'
- Dean Baker
University graduate
Baker said.
That Pursell accepted the papers
was a sort of victory for Baker. Pursell
had refused previous attempts the past
two months. In October, the papers
were mailed to Hemming, but they
were not passed on to the
Although Pursell has the right 'to
ignore the papers until receiving them
in hand, it is common for defendants'
lawyers to accept them and hand them
to their clients, Baker said.
minutes of a televised debate last fall, Baker speculated that Pursell decided
Pursell accused him of "decimating" represenative's counsel, J u d d to the acknowledge the suit because he
the congress member's office in March Hemming, did not return numerous feared that Baker's supporters would
1986. Baker and 250 protesters had phone calls to his office yesterday. serve the papers at a fund-raiser he.
held sit-ins at Pursell's local office in If the case goes to trial, Baker will organized two weeks ago for Repub-
Pittsfield Township, forcing its ask for $10,000, the maximum sum of lican Presidential candidate George
closing for four days. money the plaintiff can ask for in a Bush.
"We committed acts of civil diso- district court, said Baker's attorney Pursell has until December 14 tc
bedience. At no time did we damage Jonathon Rose. file a response with the Ann Arbor
his office...The most we did was track "We asked Pursell to apologize District Court. If a judge believes there
mud in from the ground," he said. several times and he refused to respond is sufficient evidence, the hearing is
Pursell's press secretary Gary Cates in any way. We gave him his chance. expected take place in five or six
refused to comment. T h e The only thing left to do is sue," months, Baker said.
John Corser, a telecommunications graduate student, will spend the holidays in Juigalpa, Ann Arbor's
sister city in Nicaragua, with four other students. The group will spend two weeks there, making a video of I
the daily life of a family.
Students to film Juigalpan life
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Four Ann Arbor residents will
have a different kind of holiday
season this year - they will make a
video documentary in Juigalpa, Ann
Arbor's sister city in Nicaragua.
Telecommunications graduate
students John Corser and Ronald
Senkowski, communications
graduate student Marc Russell, and
fomer University student and Lila
Orbach, will spend about two weeks
filming the daily life of a family
"It's a documentary about people
helping people," said Corser, the
film's director and producer.
The group will monitor the
families' improvement in living
conditons resulting from the
donations of a garbage truck and a
new sewage system from A n n
Arbor's Sister City Task Force.
"This project is to bring awareness
to the Michigan Community, not to
make political commentary," Corser
Corser was inspired to begin this
project last summer, after James
Eckroad, a member of the Sister
City Task Force, drove the garbage
truck to -Nicaragua. The truck was
bought with money raised by the
task force.
"This could be quite a n
interesting documentary. The value
of the Sister City Program is to gain
a better understanding about the way
people live in Nicaragua. This is a
tool to learn about their lives," said
Corser said the group also wants
to interview Nicaraguan President
Daniel Ortega, to get his reaction to
American civilian assistance efforts
in the country.
Ann Arbor City Councilmember
Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward) supports
the project. "I'm absolutely in favor
of it. It's a good idea - one reason
is there isn't enough media treatment
for Nicaragua. We create a sister city
program to seek understanding.
See GROUP, Page 7
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