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March 20, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-20

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 20, 1987- Page 3

New Romance language
head faces challenges

Thomas Kavanagh, who will become the Romance
Languages Department Chairperson July 1, plans to
hire younger faculty members at the associate
professor level and decrease graduate student's
teaching load when he inherits his role.
Kavanagh currently heads the French department at
the University of Colorado at Boulder and will replace
current head Jean Carduner, a French professor.
The major problem facing the department is that
more than 90 percent of the students studying
Romance Languages are taught by teaching
assistants, Carduner said.
"We must be able to offer graduates support to
keep them here without having to delay their degree
studies or else they'll just go somewhere else,"
Carduner said.
K A VAN A G H wants to increase support for
graduates through fellowships and other scholarships
so they can afford not to teach.
Over the last four years several senior professors
have retired and Carduner said, "We have been slow in
replacing them." Consequently TAs have had to pick
up the slack.
There are still some other senior members who
will retire in the next few years and Kavanagh will
have to replace these members.
In the past year, the department has made some
"key appointments" in Spanish, French and Italian.
"Rebuilding has begun and it looks like we have a
rosy future," said Carduner.
CARDUNER said the budget cutbacks from the
recession in the early 1980s hindered the department

from adequately replacing retiring professors.
Therefore, the professor's average age is higher than
"I would like to bring in some well prepared _.
younger faculty to continue the fine tradition set up
by the older faculty," said Kavanagh.
English Professor John Knott headed the search
committee that appointed Kavanagh. The committee
consisted of members of the Department of Romance
Languages and History Prof. David Bien, who is on -
LSA's Executive Committee.
LSA Dean Peter Steiner suggested that the
committee hire somepne from outside the University.
"We saw it as an opportunity for someone from
outside to come in and implement some fresh ideas,"
said Knott.
THE COMMITTEE'S top priority was to
recruit a relatively young faculty member with full r
professor status and administrative experience.
Carduner pointed out that since the department
ranks in the top ten nationally, someone with
"administrative savvy" would help the department deal
with the losses of senior faculty members and
improve the department.
Kavanagh fits both descriptions. He is known for
specializing in 18th Century French Literature and a
book he wrote on Denis Diderot several years ago. He
is writing a book on Jacques Rousseau.
On the administrative level he also served as an
associate dean at the State University of New York at
Buffalo before accepting the position at the
University of Colorado two years ago.

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
Members of the United Coalition Against Racism circle the Fleming Administration Building at a rally
yesterday. UCAR was protesting the Regents' inaction on the 12 demands to improve minority life at the
UCAR holds 24-hour protest

(Continued from Page 1)
Keith Molin, the University's
communications director said, "We
(University Administration) expect
that staff will have normal access to
the building and be able to come
University officials said last
night that protesters would be
allowed to remain in the building
all night. The floors above the first
level have been locked off and
students are free to come and go on
the first level. The regents will not
resume their monthly meeting at
today in the building.
Preceeding the sit-in, UCAR
rallied in front of the building
where many thought the
University's Board of Regents
would hold their monthly meeting.
However, the meeting was moved
to the Michigan League Ballroom
to provide for expected crowds due
to the sensitive issues students were
planned to address at the public
comments session, according to the

regents' secretary. Some students at
the sit-in, however, thought the
regents moved to avoid
confrontation with protesters.
"WE decided that we weren't
going to chase them around Ann
Arbor. We are just going to stay

here at the Fleming building, this
is the place where business is
supposed to take place. We are
going to stay heresand make sure
that nothing gets done," said
Aubrey Scott, a LSA senior.

Students host computer fair

Andrew Young to visit 'U'

Renowned politician and Atlanta
Mayor Andrew Young will speak
on "Global Ethics: Our res -
ponsibility," today at 1 p.m. in
Hale Auditorium. Young may also
address the racial tensions on cam -
The speech is part of the 20th
annual William McInally Memorial
Lecture. A brief question and
answer period will follow.
Young was invited because, "We
(the BBSA) wanted to make sure we
had a major Black speaker come to
the University," according to Stacey
Davis, president of the Black Bus -

iness Students Association, who
organized Young's visit.
Young, a former ambassador to
the United Nations, was also the
first black elected to the U.S.
House of Representatives from
Georgia in 101 years. He was also
an active participant in the Civil
Rights Movement as well as an
associate of Dr. Martin Luther King
Before the lecture Young will
meet in a closed luncheon with
University President Harold Sha -
piro, the University Board of Re -
gents, and black student leaders.

A "bigger and better" Compufair
began yesterday at the Michigan
Union, featuring vendors such as
Apple, IBM, Lotus, Unisys, and
Banners, colorful balloons, vid-
eos, prizes, and preparation for
today's raffle of a $3,800 IBM
computer and a Tandy PC marked
the first day of the two-day
University-endorsed trade fair.
"We see it as an effort to let the
University community know what
type of systems are out there," said
Joel Hollander, Compufair co-
Compufair is the largest student-
run computer trade fair in the
nation, according to Rich Frie-
burger, Compufair co-chairperson.
Half the profits generated from
booth space sales at the fair will go
to the Leukemia Society of

Compufair organizers expect to
attract about 7,000 people before it
closes its doors today at 5 p.m.
"It's bigger and better than ever
before," Hollander said.
The trade show attracted
students, faculty, and local
businesspeople. However, organi-
zers say the fair is not a retail
event. "We don't encourage selling
- it's more of an informative
event," said Hollander.
One of the most popular
exhibits in the Apple section of the
show was a program for composing
and editing music scores. Steve
Risenhoover, a computer and key-
board specialist, used the new
Macintosh SE hooked up to a
synthesizer to play Bach Fugues.
Apple also exhibited pictures
School of Art students created using
Macintosh drawing programs. The
school may make computer use a
part of its core classes, according to

Regents divided over Mandela degree

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(Continued from Page 1)
"Such a recommendation should
never have come to this table," said
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor), who voted against the hon-
orary degree. "For the University,
and the people of Michigan to give
this degree is not only choosing
sides of a political struggle, but is
endorsing the killing and violence
of Nelson's African National-
Conference," he added.
Mandela, a member of the ANC,
has been imprisoned for more than
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20 years and has become a global
symbol of condemnation of apar-
ROACH agreed that over the
years the University has usually
avoided taking stands on such
political matters, but he endorsed
the degree with uncertainty, only
after receiving the recommendation
from the degree committee.
Roach said his approval was
'anything but a response to student
demands. "If anything, in the past
month I have almost changed my
mind to oppose the degree because

of all the non-negotiable demands
that have been made," he said.
But Barbara Ransby, a United
Coalition Against Racism leader,
disagreed. "This can not be divorced
from the recent outrage about
racism on campus," she said.
Student groups have been
pressuring the regents and admin-
istrators for over a year and a half to
use the degree as a condemnation of
aparthied and racism. "At this point
this is the minimum that can be
done," she said.


David Weisman, student repre-
sentative for Apple from the School
of Architecture.
The fair will run from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. today in the Pendleton
Room and Ballroom of the Mich-
igan Union.
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