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July 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

… .................2 c ...............2 map- game. R E 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 Tigers Remain Undefeated As Po ppik Hurls Wolverines, Tappan Reds, Eskimos, Physical Eds, Browns Also Take Wins By ED FR…

May 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… without in-g volving Britain too far in eastern Europe. -" Golfers Upset 1 Hoosier Foure Wolverines Take Morningl And Afternoon Matchesa By WOODY BLOCKt Michigan's golfers, building up ac strong lead in the…

… round, the Wolverine duo of Pal- mer and Tom Tussing took three points away from Jack Mueller and Frank Penning who had scores of 79 and 80. Tussing turned in the sec- ond best Michigan card with a 73…

…. Jack Emery's 74 and Fred Dannen- felser's 79 were good enough to add two points to the Wolverine total in the morning foursomes. Indianla captain Walt Cisco shot a 78 and his partner Pete Grant a 77 to…

… symphony of its four motors, were 17 men, the first to cross the Advances To Conference Title With 643/4 Points - " 1 i 1 Wolverines Score In 14 Events And Set New MichiganHigh Score Watson Wins…

… presenting Charley Hoyt with an "M" blanket on his last appearance as Michigan track coach. Outside of this fitting tribute, the Wolverines showed no mercy as they won 7 events in rolling up 641/4 points. It…

April 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… the mound chores in the Conference inaugural for both teams. For the Wolverines it wiil be slender Jack Barry, the soft-spok- en junior who has advanced from the relief role he held last season t the…

… Michigan Lineup The Wolverine lineup will be the same as the one which played through most of the spring trip. Leo Beebe will do the catching, hard-hitting Elmer Gedeon will be on first and Pete Lisagor…

…- h n aI g al At Champaign Squad Of 25 Is Chosen For Meet Tomorrow; Gedeon Misses Journey By DICK SIEBK The Wolverine track. team leaves late today for Champaign, Ill., where they will open the outdoor…

… campaign against Illinois tomorrow. Coach Charley Hoyt has named 25 men to make the trip. While the Wolverines are expected ,to polish off the Illini without too much trouble, just how well they will do…

January 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… Tearn Tonight Cellar Awaits Wolverines If They Lose; Stephens Paces Hawkeye's Attack "Blazing Ben" Stephens, the Big Ten's number one scoring threat, leads his resurgent Iowa teammates against a down…

… optimism is not as high as thestalks however. That's because they know what has happened to the Wolverines -and' that they are liable to bounce back with a vengeance one of these nights. And as they put it…

… broke. The injury jinx hit the team, at the same time, the Wolverine sharpshoot- ers lost their touch and as a result the squad has lost four out of the last five cotnests. So tonight it's either win or…

… Hillberg At Defense Post. In Contest At Coliseum By NEWELL McCABE Once again the Wolverine hockey sextet will have a chance to show the, local fans, on home ice, that they can match the Golden Gophers of…

… Defense Powerful Although this year's Minnesota's hockey team is not as powerful as the previous squads they have sent to the Coliseum, it is the Gopher defensive play which kept the Wolverines score- less…

October 21, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

… drive up to New p Haven, Conn., where the Michigans and Yales meet after 55 years ofE peace. In 1883 the warriors of Old b Eli swamped the Wolverines, and ita must have been a decisive victory, fort an…

… 118 Ha- , ven. Candidates are asked to make s appointments in the History De-a partment Office, 119 Haven Hall. R n Michigan Wolverine: There is an d opening in the personnel competition or a student…

May 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… less than two innings un- der the Wolverine onslaught. Danny Smick and Leo Beebe led Michigan's attack with two bingles apiece. The Wolverines' defensive play was by far their best of season. For the…

… plate. Four Wolverine base-hits coupled with a pair of Mandjiak's own .bon- ers led to the hurler's downfall in the second frame. Leo Beebe, first man up, slapped a Texas leaguer, and counted Michigan…

… his Conference titles in these events. The Wolverines lived up to expecta- tions in all events and added a few surprises along the line to strength- en their title bid. Coach Charlie Hoyt's crew…

…. On the track, the Wolverines quali- (Continued on Page 3) Starr Tag Sale Begins Today, Proceeds TQ Help Educate Under-Privileged Boys The Starr Comonwealth opens its fund drive for under…

May 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

… with a college education- and a fast ball and curve. ,The elongated one who had hurled a no-hitter for the Wolverines against Hillsdale last year and who had been captain and center for the cage team…

Wolverines Qualify (Continued from Page 1) fied seven men in six events, the mile, two mile, and relay events had no preliminary round. Elmer aGedeon and Stan Kelley both came through in the 120 yard high…

… QUALIFIES Wolverine chances in this event, how- 120-yard high hurdie.: Elmer Ged ever, are virtually nil with such en- tariley Keilcy. tries as Ohio State's Harley Howells Shot put -Bill Watson, .Jake Town…

… roster is, to say the least, Last week in an interview over sta- tion WOSU in Columbus Snyder re- vealed just how he regards the high- powered Wolverine trio. "Those three boys would make Ohio State Big…

April 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

… pitches with the bases filled to force Tony Rensa across with the Sox' fourth and ty- ing run. IL KO's On Thrill P 4 ek-e d Card Virgil Young, Wolverine Lightweight, Wins By Knockout In Second (Continued…

…'s first two Conferenc matches of the season this weekend The Wolverines meet Indiana tomor row afternoon and take on the Illi ni Saturday, both at Champaign. Coach Leroy Weir named the seven men who made…

… Ed Morris. Pointing Fr These The Wolverines, who won three o their five eastern matches, are fas rounding into shape for the 1 matches they must play in the nex 23 days and have been pointing to ward…

… the two contests this weekend Last year the Illini offered practi cally no resistence to the Wolverine netters and fell before a 6-0 on slaught. Their material this seaso does not appear to have improve…

… dumped the Wolverines 4 to 2, continues this week--end in a two game series at Illinois. Fifteen Varsity men leave at 1 p.m. today bound for Champaign and the Friday and Saturday tussles. The following…

… Fishman, Burt Smith, Russ Dobson, and Ed Andronik. Badger Loss Hurt A determined spirit motivates the Wolverines this week-end. The Bad- ger defeat was not a pleasant dose. It hurt to drop a game which…

November 21, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

… Fast One... VOL. XLVIII. No. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1937 , PRICE FIVE CENTS Nanking Evacuated Fisher Strike Heads To Talk; Alumni Push $50,000Fund 'Wolverines Never Have A - 0…

… those few were ppointed. The Scarlet and Grey Pt through Wolverine barriers ce for a 21-0 victory, which end- the Varsity season dismally and a conjectural pallor about the 3 coaching situation. s the…

Wolverines almost en- y on the defensive, with the brief ption of an aerial flurry in the d quarter when Fred Trosko hed them to the Ohio 13-yard Purucker Matches Wedebrook orman Purucker, again Michi- 's…

Wolverines took the over, and Purucker edged into end zone for another punt, as the od ended. ut on the first play of the second rter evidently Norm thought that Ohioans charged too aggressively, he attempted…

September 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

Wolverine, formerly-ests this year. Six apartments on the Mr. will be on duty at the located in the basement of Lane Hall top floor of the building have been Union from 5 p.m. on, and will work grew out…

… week- new Wolverine will have a seating end. " LAUNDRY Dial 6282 LANR and Cleaners oStudent special service including mending, DINNERS, 5:30 TO 7:30 darning and reversing collars, free of charge…

May 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…. Northwestern also seemed headed for their usual second place when they won all but one of the singles and one of the two scheduled doubles. While the Wolverines' number one and two men, Miller Sherwood and Bill…

… to fall. Big Bill Watson will lead the Wolverine rec- ord shattering efforts with his as- saults on the shot mark of 49 feet 11 inches owned since 1934 by Chin Kamm of Illinois. Saturday marks the…

May 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Smith Hurls Varsity Nine To 6-3 Triumph Over 41- Pitcher Holds Gopher Squad To Four Hits Two Wolverine Uprisings Net Six Runs To Annex Final Big Ten…

… Game By BUD BENJAMIN Michigan's baseball team snapped back into winning ways yesterday as Burt Smith, chunky Wolverine right- hander, hurled the Varsity to a bril- liantly pitched four hit 6 to 3 victory…

… 2 1 10 1 3 1 2 0 1 0 A' 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 0, 31 10 A 0 0 1 01 0 0 0 0 41 4 2 4 1 0 Sherwood Defeatled (Continu ed from Page 1) put the Wolverines into a three-way tie with Ohio and Wisconsin by com- ing…

April 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

… her effulgent-eyed splendor. Dixie is God's country in the Spring- time-and for the past ten days Michigan's Wolverines have been its ^ustodians. It requires pedantic re- straint to refrain from a…

… being able to do more! David Still Fit Larry, David, looking fit and af-s fluent, was encountered in Charles- ston. The former Wolverine hockey! captain is serving the DuPont Chem- ical Co. Rolled into a…

… the sea- son at 4 p.m. today on Ferry Field} against a hard-hitting Wisconsin nine. The "Gas House Gang" just com- pleted the most successful southern trip in Wolverine history, winning five out of…

… on the mound for Michigan and will be opposed by Walter Zuehls, best of the Badger pitchers, who Coach Douglas has been saving ,for the Wolverine game. Brings Large Squad Douglas is bringing a 19-man…

February 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

…/2 inches to set a new all-time Michigan record. This heave bettered by 18 inches the old record which was set by Capt. Joe Horner of the 1911 Wolverine thinclads. Birleson Tops Beetham's Mark The two other…

… and led until the last 65 yards. Brels- ford lagged behind during the first two laps but from then on ran stead- ily a pace behind the Spartan. At the last turn the Wolverine forged ahead and won by a…

… when Yovonovich won the high jump by clearing the bar at five feet eight inches. This is the only event where Michigan lacks strength, but against State Friedenberg and Hunn of the Wolverines were second…

… and third. In the mile relay State never had a chance. Waldo Abbott, r-unning first for the Wolverines, ended his quarter with a 16-yard lead. Bill Aigler extended it another five yards and Howard…

… State today in a dual meet which saw three Western Conference records broken. The Wolverine sprint relay team hung up a record of 3:33.4, bettering the old Big Ten mark of 3:38.3. Bill Neungry, Ohio State…

May 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

… Coach Ray Fisher and a 14-man squad will leave at 3 p.m. today for Evanston to play the Wildcats Fri- day in the first of two games which will take the Wolverine team to Wis- consin on Saturday. Seeking…

…, Grossman, Gopher pitching ace, hurled his third shutout of the year, beating the Wildcats 6 to 0. Northwestern has lost all nine of her Conference starts and should be an easy win for the Wolverines. Floyd…

…, third baseman; Merle Kremer, left field; George Rudness, center field, and Vic Heyliger, right field. Moving on to Madison on Saturday, the Wolverines will play their last Conference game until they meet…

…-Michigan tilts will decide the Big Ten championship. Larson will be on the mound for the Wolverines Saturday and will be seek- ing his fifth win. Bill O'Brien, Wis- consin righthander will oppose him. Although…

… undefeated column for the first time.. Next week's schedule for the ball club will give the team plenty of prac- tice for the Iowa series. On the twenty-sixth Western State will play the Wolverines at Ferry…

… track championship. The Wolverines are rated the underdogs in most mid- western circles despite the fact that they are defending champions and won the indoor title last winter - but we are echoing the cry…

… prospects of winning than Michigan, yet both failed just where their greatest strength seemed to lie, while once more the Wolverines fought through. And the interesting thing about it was that it was the…

… Chicago. Kocsis' Advantage Offset Thompson, who stole the show from Dutra last year, will offset any ad- vantage the Wolverine leader may have in knowing the course, assur- ing the gallery of a good match…

May 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

… greater security than exists now. The Wolverine golf team defeated the Northwestern team by a score of 151: to 8" in matches played yester- day at. the Evanston golf course. With the new proposed stadium in…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

… schedule this afternoon with a loose- ly played victory over Ohio State. The final score was 12-9, the Wolverines being forced to put down a belated Buckeye rally to win. Captain Berger Larson went the route…

… greatly. In the eighth Ohio loaded the bases but scored only one man and could tally but once in the last session despite a pair of hits. George Rudness, fleet Wolverine center fielder and regular lead…

February 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… be called upon for every ounce of their fighting courage. Sixty-min- ute-men is what all of the Wolverines must be tonight, and each man must be able to maintain the pace and the stamina of two…

… as the starting one. Michigan's two defensemen, Cap- tain Larry David and Bob Simpson, will be called upon to play the en- tire game for the Wolverines, and nothing would please the pair better than to…

February 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

… Meet igib ility g Bt tit ': Injury And Ineligibility Crack Team; Wolverines Should Take 4 Firsts A badly crippled Michigan track team, rated as the best in the Mid- West until hit by eligibility…

… rulings, will be host to Michigan State at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the first dual meet of the 1936 season. The Wolverines have not only suf- fered through scholastic rulings dur- ing the past week but…

…-man squad to invade Iowa Medley Record Is Athletics officially declared five mem- Beaten By Manitoba ity for the Wolverine basketball bers of the former and two of the Baaten BylManitoba am's ninth Big Ten…

Wolverines, thus the arsiys, h e aed Jt Cagai ready to go places in the bac- s y ugh for the season while the showing Michigan to be a better of- y the Varsity in the first game Jan- stroke events this season…

… dropped to Sherf, Jewell, Inc., last season. Eddie Low- rey says differently however, and pro- phesies a win for the Wolverines to- night. Only the final score can tell the story. ..... :... ... STROH…

January 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… In Overtime Wolverines Miss Numerous Chances To Tally During Game InSet-Up Shots By RAYMOND A. GOODMAN Staging an extra-period drive that overpowered a fighting Iowa quintet, Michigan's basketball team…

… won an overtime victory, 31 to 27 last night at Yost Field House for its third Con- ference victory to remain a dangerous threat in the race for the Big Ten title. The victory put the Wolverines in…

Wolverine team con- trol the ball almost completely dur- ing the five minute overtime period and allow George Rudness to hit a long shot to break the tie and Chelso Tamagno to put the game on "ice" with a…

… the second half with Walsh hitting regularly, in the overtime it gave the Wolverines the edge that meant the game for Mich- igan and defeat for Iowa. Following Rudness' long shot the Varsity kept…

May 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

… ns idn. of te Golfers Pil11e Up 27 Stroke Big Ten Lead Fischer, Koesis Shatter Par With 139 Totals In First Day'sPlay Wolverines Are 15 Up On Second Team All Four Michigan Men Included Among First…

… in its campaign to retain the team title, landing all four men in the first five leaders. Northwestern Is Second The Wolverines posted a total of1 575 or 15 over par for 144 holes1 shot by the team as…

…, Chicago 655, and Pur- due 662.t Nine shots behind Kocsis and Fischer in the individual champion- ship fight were Allen Saunders, an-1 other Wolverine and Bob Brown,f Northwestern, who had 148. Wood-t row…

… Malloy, the fourth member of the Wolverine quartette, ranked next with 149. The rest of the scores rangedE from 150 by Tom Saielli, Northwest- ern to 174 by Richard Ely of Chi- cago. Kocsis Stars Kocsis…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… here today to even the two-game series at one decision apiece. Coach Ray Fisher altered his bat- ting order for today's game and the change had its effect in the fifth in- ning when the Wolverines

… had the edge in extra bases, getting a triple and single to Regeczi's double and single. c Williams' triple came in the third inning and paved the way for the first Wolverine run of the afternoon…

March 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

… got in a six-inning game between the Regulars and Yannigans before rain forced a halt. It was the second time in 13 years that the Wolverines made so early an advent into the open air. The regulars…

… smashed out singles, and Ford tripled down the right field foul line to ac- count for the Varsity hitting. The Wolverine sluggers had the an- nual alibi to offer for their failure to pulverize the ball -"It…

February 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… Shore A. C. Finished Second In 1934 Outdoor A.A.U. Championships Face Iowa Saturday Wolverines Will Present Exhibition At Indiana This Evening Coach Matt Mann and thirteen members of the Varsity swimming…

… squad will leave at noon today for a three-day auto trip that will include performances at South Bend, Chicago and Iowa City. Tonight the Wolverine swimmers will take part in an exhibition meet in the…

… 4 p.m. Saturday in the Field House. The Hoosiers, who have won 19 con- secutive duel meets, will clash. with a Wolverine team which exhibited surprising strength on its Eastern tour. The smashing…

… Thom's Indiana outfit defeated Iowa State last Friday, 21I to 1%. The lineup which started that maeet and which will probably meet the Wolverines follows: 118- pounds -Willard Duffy, 126-pound - Thomas…

… For Wisconsin Game opening contest of the two-game ser- ies with the erstwhile favorites fromi Coach Charlie Hoyt has named 28 Minnesota. men to compete for the Wolverines Michigan's chances of nishing…

… cut to the mini- hard brand of hockey they displayed tween Michigan, Michigan State and mum when the Wolverines lost to at Minnesota earlier in the season. Michigan State Normal College. Northwestern…

… most successful in history. Ohio State are yet to be played. possible that the Wolverines will salv- Ward Handicapped By Injury Displaying an improved floor game age at least one victory or a tie game…

… Willis Ward, Michigan's versatile and offense, Michigan scored a 29-27 out of the week-end's conflict. star, will again lead the Wolverines upset ove Iowa last Saturday, but Goalie Shows Improvement…

… despite a heel injury which may keep played a ragged game against North- This is plausible when the improve- western. Failure of the Wolverins ment of Bill Chase, substitute goalie, himotoftheiwthrough…

… Then there is the thrill, not unal- Wolverine senior turned in a time of wards, Evans and Patanelli, guards,9 encountered in his first matches with loyed, of your first by-line. Fresh- under 4:20, and…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

… Masters 'Whitey' Wistert In Mound Battle Wolverines Allowed Only Four Hits As Wildcats Garner Eight Play Again Today Tillotson Slated To Hurl As Wolverines Hope To Deadlock Series EVANSTON, Ill., April 20…

… going to Ladder, who went the full nine inn- ings for the Wildcats and allowed but four hits to the, up until now, slugging Wolverines. "Whitey" Wis- tert was nicked for eight binges through the nine…

… run that Michigan has been able to score thus far on the Western invasion, and likewise it was the fourth run for Wistert, who seems intent on monopolizing the Wolverine scoring column. Two In Eighth In…

… coming up off Lake Michigan seemed not to seriously congeal the soup bones of Wistert and Ladder. If anything it was a favorable temperature for Ladder, al- though the Wolverine batters hit him hard, if…

… mound duty for the Wolverines. Summary Michigan. .......000 100 000-1 4 1 Northwestern . . .100 000 020--3 8 0 Wistert and Chapman; Ladder and Clayborn. cam Wins Hockey rfie But He Quits CHICAGO, April 20…

…, wears a size 3 1-2 shoe. Carnera wears 14 3-4. Their Home Run Race Has Begun Michigan State Squad Is Not Expected To Press Wolverines Ann Arbor golf fans will congre- gate at the University course this…

… honors. The Wolverines are expected to have an easy time against the Spar- tan golfers although little is known of the strength of the East Lansing outfit. Michigan won an overwhelm- ing victory last year…

January 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… Victory, 35-24 Of Big Haarlow Stars By Making 7 Baskets Wolverines Take An Early Lead, Are Held To 3 Goals In Second Half CHICAGO, Jan. 20. -(P) -Chi- cago's all-sophomore basketball com- bination won its…

… first victory of the Big Ten season tonight, defeating' Michigan, 35 to 24, after a slow start. The Wolverines quickly took a six to nothing lead, but the Maroons led by Bill Haarlow, came back with a…

May 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… points; and the rest of the Wolverine teani rounded up enough points to win tAe thirty-third W e s t e r n Conference track and field championships today at Dyche Stadium, Michigan scored 60%/2 points in…

February 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… Five Maroons Hold Michigan In First 12 Minutes Before Wolverines Open Up Small Crowd Sees 8th Big Ten Game House Resolution (;ivIe" Legislature Act Powcer (irver Banks To Comstock So Garner With…

… establish in fact whether this loan can be had." It did By JOHN THOMAS Chicago held Michigan for twelve minutes of the first half but from then on the Wolverines had things their own way and won easily, as…

May 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…. Michigan and Minnesota kept well ahead in team totals with respective scores of 624 and 625. James Reston, of Ilinois, followed Fischer with 155. Behind him came Ed Dayton, a Wolverine, who coin- piled a…

…, president of the Music school, Prof. Earl V. Moore, Prof. Albert Lockwood, Prof. A. H. White, Vice-t President Shirley Smith, Prof. Clar-. ence Johnston. PURDUE DEFEA TS WOLVERINES, 97e Mkcigan Pounds Out F…

Wolverine hurlers and finally pulled out a 9 to 7 victory The winning: FIFTEEN MICHICAN TRACKMEN QUALIFY, AT BIC TEN MEET Brooks Leads Discus Throw With Toss of 148 Feet; Also Gets Place in Shot. IRENWICK…

… stepped out in front of the field here today to qualify 16 men in the finals of the Conference track and field meet tomorrow. Michigan was second among the qualifiers with 15 men. Trailing the Wolverines in…

… Russell, Ben Glading, Harold Ellerby and Charles. DeBaker all came through to win their heats. The Wolverines placed at least one man in every event but the javelin throw. Don Renwick captured his heat in…

May 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

… 393 Pc t. ,714 .677 .576 .572 .517 .455 .310 .172 Pct. .688 .607 .528 .469 .440 .410 .400 .393 ;1 I by John Thomas George Mills will probably face the Wolverines today at Champaign as Coach Fisher…

February 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… possession of the Clements library, WRESTLERS DEFEAT WESTIRGINIA,22B Wolverines Win Eastern Match in Two Falls and Four Time Advantages. (Special ta The Daily) MORGANTOWN, W.Va., Feb. 20.- Michigan's varsity…

… wrestling team administered a decisive deat to West Virginia's grapplers here to- night by a score of 22 to 6. Two falls and four time advantage bouts gave the Wolverines their safe margin of victory over the…

… and fifty-threee ec- onds. Thomas of the Wolverine team wrestling in the 135-pound class, scored the other fall over O'Farrell at the end of six minutes and nine seconds. Summary: 118 - Pound Class…

… improved. Cardinal team took the ice last nigh the Wolverines at bay most of the game. Goalie Silvia aside 29 shots while Captain Tompkins, in addition to ke net clear of all shots, kept his team -at top…

…, speaking for herself and her friend, Hanako Hoshino, '32, also of Tokio. I -.-.....a Chicago . 0 Ing was largely instrunm spoiling the Wolverine dr the floor. Norm Daniels and forward on the Micig was the…

… Gives Wolverines Conference SI of 500; Cardinals Show Improvem Over Previous Contest. III By John William Thomas By shutting-out the Badgers last night,' the Wisconsin hockey series and brought up…

October 21, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 21) • Page Image 7

… as a result, the aerial attack may be used con- sioerably against the Wolverines. In Good Shape. Barring injuries, Illinois should Abe in good physical condition when they face Michigan. Dave Cook…

… netted against Ohio State. The Wolverines will also have to face a smooth working aerial at- tack in the game against the Zup- pkemen. Both Walser and Beynon have been taking turns at heaving passes for…

May 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

… layout, however, there 5 to 4. Earlier in the season the is a bare possibility that Captain Wolverines lost to the Buckeyes by Royston and company might find the same score after leading, 3-1, in the going…

… Captain the Wolverines will be slight fav- Royston and Jolly, who will take orites over the Illini next Satur- on Bohmen and Little. day at Champaign. Coach John- The probable singles pairings are stone…

… James of Illinols and Cap- at Indianapolis. (Continued on Page 7) NET TEHL ad Matches of Men ile, the Wolverine field- actually backing up the hurling of Kiegler and n a manner that looked nt from the…

… Braendle again and went to third when imbled Hudson's ground- Wolverines then tried a al, Braendle crossing the h a run before Hudson nrtinued on Page 7) AND ICE Greatly Reduced! Sae No On Suits & Topcoats…

April 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

… Ferry Field' when tackles the nine from Michigan tate Normal College in the first ntest to be played since the Wol- eriries returned from their South- rn trip last week. Wolverines Win Three. With a…

… in the 480 yard shuttle event. Haefele took the timbers in an improved style yesterday and looks like a comer. Jackson and De-. Baker will probably complete the hurdle team. This year the Wolverine

… expected to re- port for practice either today or to-: morrow. The young Wolverine mentor in- tends to hold the first scrimmage session next Monday or Tuesday. The squad will be divided up into four smaller…

January 21, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

… seventh consecutive victory of the current cage season last night with a deci- sive 18-8 win over the strong Con- sumers' Power quintet of Jackson. The Wolverine 'B' team took the lead from the opening tip…

… lineup of matches that were hinted at yesterday will not be necessary and the Wolverines will continue with the same card as heretofore. Otto who has also been out with an injury, has not had a relapse but…

… the conference level; and in face of such opposi- tion the Wolverines will be called j upon to show all onlookers what they have in them. This is the last meet before the regular conference schedule…

… the Wolverine Varsity ca- gers a day of rest following the dis- astrous encounter with the Wild- cat quintet Monday night. Since the Conference season opened over several weeks ago the Michigan…

… basketeers have been sent through strenuous drills daily and with the next Conference game against Chi- cago not scheduled until Saturday, xtheWolverine five should have 5 plenty of time to get bacek into form…

…. SThe remainder of the week willI ~be d3evoted to dr'illing on the de- fects uncovered in ihe Wolverine Art Schlanderer, attack and defense against North- Captain of the 1931 hockey team,|western with the…

…- ter forged far ii the lead for a total of 36 points addeCd to the wolverine score in five games, a little more than seven points per game. Johnny Wooden, who was Dai ic's chief riv al dur:n, .the early…

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