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May 21, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-21

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The Weather

Cloudy and warmer today;
possibly showers tomorrow.


Ak lgau



.. {

Democracy's Safety Valve .. .
Mirth Control . .



Bernstein Is
Found Guilty
Of Misconduct
Statements Of Witnesses
Are Contradictory To
Those Of Patrolmen
Given $26.50 Fine
Or Ten Days In Jail
Joseph Bernstein, '39, was found
guilty by a jury in Justice Jay H.
Payne's court yesterday and sentenced
to pay $26.50 -in fine and costs or
spend 10 days in jail for disorderly
conduct in aiding an "improper di-
version" on April 8 in front of the
City Hall.
Released 'on his previous bond,
Bernstein will appear in court at 10
a.m. today either to fulfill the sen-
tence or to furnish $200 bond pend-
ing an appeal in Circuit Court.
Contradict Statements
Witnesses for the defense flatly
contradicted statements by two pa-
trolmen who testified that Bernstein
spoke in a loud voice for two or three
minutes, that Raphael Haskell, '38E,
was arrested before Bernstein and
that the "noisy" picket line consisted
of 35-40 persons.
Patrolman Roland J. Gainsley tes-
tified that Bernstein, whom he could
hear through the City Hall doors,
was telling the crowd about the wages
of the pin boys at the Ann Arbor
Recreation. "I did not see him raise
his hands to ask for silence," Gains-
ley said.
Asked whether singing on the
streets of Ann Arbor is disorderly
conduct, Patrolman Harold King,
complaining witness, who was inside
the City Hall and heard Bernstein
speak, replied, "in that case, singing
was disorderly, conduct."
Nelson Testifies
Prof. Norman E. Nelson of the Eng-
lish department testified that Haskell
was arrested after another man,
whom he was unable to identify and
the picket line, when he saw it at1
the City Hal, consisted of 12-14
people. The noise could not have
been heard more than a block away'
that night, Professor Nelson said.
Bernstein held out his hands and
asked for. "quiet and silence," Ber-
nard A. Uhlendorf, University librar-
(Continued on Page 2)
Dr. Davis Says
Novelists Must
Remove Detail
Progressive Club -Is Told
Villification Should Stop
In liddle Class Types
American writers of proletarian
novels must eliminate their emphasis
on detail and sex and their relent-
less villification of middle class types,
if they are to improve the esthetic
quality of their work and record
reality, Dr. Joe Lee Davis of the Eng-
lish department told 200 persons at
the meeting of the Progressive Club
last night in the Union.
Robert C. B. Campbell, Grad., was
elected president of the Club for next
year at the last meeting for the se-
mester. Joseph Bernstein, '39, was
chosen vice-president; Helen A.
Breed, '40, secretary, and Florence
Johnston, Grad., treasurer.

Defining the proletarian novel as a
work that shows the influence of
Marxist social philosophy. Dr. Davis
discussed novels propounding the
philosophy of Southern agrarianism,
liberalism and Marxianism. He dis-
tinguished between Marxist novels
dealing with evolution of social pro-
cesses, primarily the decay of capi-
talism, and the propaganda type that
presents a program of revolutionary
action for the proletariat.j
The group accepted University rec-
(Continued on Page 2)
investigate Report
Of Detroit Fraud
DETROIT, May 20.-(P)-The De-
troit Free Press says that Federal
agents are investigating reports that
Detroit contractors conspired to de-
fraud the government of several hun-
dred thousand dollars in connection
with two housing projects here.
The paper says that "charges have
been made that several Detroit elec-
trical, plumbing, heating and plaster-

LibrarySteps Will Be The


Of Start Of Swingout Sunday

Band, Glee Club Wil Take1
Part; March Will Begin
At 4:30 P.M. ,
The time for the beginning of the
march of the traditional Senior
Swingout has been definitely set for
4:30 p m., Sunday in front of the
Library steps, according to Franklin
Dannemiller, '37, chairman of the
general committee.
This custom by which the seniors
signify their exit from college life
was begun originally about the year
Hill Auditorium was built. The parade
through the campus in cap and gown
was introduced after much opposition
from faculty members. At first,
according to Professor-Emeritus Ed-
win C. Goddard of the Law School
who recalled the atmosphere of pro-
cessions, the event had to share at-
tention with a feud between engineers
and law students.
A certain stigma arose. Some of
the outgoing seniors felt duty-bound
to imbibe beer and they became too
rowdy. For a time the ceremony was
discontinued. Then, last year, the
custom was revived to a certain ex-
This year, the Swingout committee
To Aid Appeal
For Bernstein
SWF, County Conference
For Protection Of Civil
Rights To Solicit Funds
Two local organizations last night
declared their determination to sup-
port the appeal of Joseph Bernstein,
'39, to the Circuit Court of his con-
viction of disorderly conducthyester-
day in Justice Jay H. Payne's court.
The executive committee of the
Student Workers Federation decided
to condii ct a campaign to solicit funds
to aid their case.
In a separate meeting the Wash-'
tenaw County Conference for the
Protection of Civil Rights decided to
issue an appeal for funds to continue
Bernstein's court proceedings. A com-
mittee of University faculty members
appointed to supervise collections
consists of Prof. Shirley Allen of
the forestry school, Prof. John. F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment and Prof. Norman E. Nelson of
the English department.
A press release by the executive
committee of the SWF stated, "If
necessary we will carry Bernstein's.
case to the Supreme Court of the
The last general membership meet-
ing of the student labor union was1
scheduled for 8 p.m. May 26 in the
Union where a review of this year's
work will be made in an attempt to
project a program for next year, it
was announced.
Nelson, Lebeis Are4
Elected By Council
Carlton L. Nelson, '37E, was elect-
ed president of the Engineering Coun-
cil at its final meeting of the year
last night in the West Engineering
Other officers chosen were Edward
Lebeis, '39E, vice-president; Jack H.
Kasley, '37E, secretary and Richard
S. Wangelin, '38E, treasurer.
Prof. Henry C. Anderson will act
as faculty advisor for his third

affirms, there will be no rowdyism.
The event is being staged on a Sun-
day to add solemnity to the occasion.1
Several of the campus honor societies
are participating to insure decorum.I
Members of Sphinx, junior men's hon-
orary group, will police the line of
march. The Vulcans, senior engin-
eers' society, will act as ushers at the
ceremony which will be held at Hill
Thercommittee recently stated that
it is trying to make Swingout more
than a walk around the campus in a~
(Continued on Page 3)
Land Utilization
Group To Open
Discussion Will Be Broad'
Rather Thah Techncal,;
Prof. Ramsdell Says t
How the economist, sociologist, po-
litical scientist and forester can co-
ordinate their work on land utiliza-'
tion will be discussed here today and1
tomorrow at a round table conference
of 17 experts from various sections
of the country and 16 faculty men.'
According to Prof. Willett F. Rams-
dell of the forestry school, the con-
ference will not be a technical dis"-
cussion of conservation or forestry,
but rather a broad consideration of i

the problems

of land utilization,

which necessitates men from various
fields. These fields, he explained, in-
clude political science economics,
agriculture. sociology, forestry, con-
servation, zoology, geography and
landscape design.
Among the noted men who will at-
tend the conference are P. J. Hoff-
master, director of the State con-
servation department; R .E. Marsh,
chief of the research division of the'
U. S. Forest Service; E. H. Wieking,
chief of the land use planning sec-
tion of the Resettlement Administra-
tion; and Prof. Ernest M. Fisher of
the business administration school.
Professor Fisher has been on"leave
from the University for the last two
(Continued on Page 2)
Vote In Senate
Favors Making
C C Lasting
WASHINGTON, May 20.-(,T)-
Economy advocates failed to kill a
Presidential proposal for a permanent
CCC today and swung their attack to
his $1,500,000,000 relief request.
Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.), a lead-
ing proponent of curtailed Federal
spending, tried vainly to convince the
1'enate that the Civilian Conserva-
tion Corps should be extended only
two years at this time.
The House previously had revolted
against the President's wishes and
voted for a two-year extension, but
the Senate voted overwhelmingly to
make the agency permanent.
Whil the CCC issue headed toward
a conferenc aof House and Senate
members for settlement, the question
of funds for relief in the fiscal year
beginning July 1 came up on the
House floor.
One bloc urged that $1,000,000,000
be appropriated instead of the $,500,-
000,000 recommended by the Presi-
dent; a "liberal" group worked for a
sum much larger than the President
proposed; and Administration sup-
porters generally rallied behind the
Roosevelt request. A vote will come
later this week.

W orkers Will
Resume Wage
Murphy Says State 'Will
Not And Cannot'Tolerate
Power Strikes'
Conferences To Be
Shifted To Saginaw
LANSING, May 20.- (P) -Con-
fronted with the warning of Gov.
Frank Murphy that the state "cannot
and will not tolerate" power strikes,
representatives of the Consumers
Power Co. and the United Automobile
Workers of America agreed late to-
day to resume wage negotiations to-
The conferences will shift back to
Saginaw. Negotiations which had
been in progress there for two weeks
were interrupted yesterday by a strike
which left thousands of persons in
the Saginaw Valley without electric
service for nine hours.
Governor Murphy said he was "pos-
itive" there would be no recurrence
of the strike. The conferees, he said,
had agreed to notify him if they en-
countered difficulties they could not
resolve themselves,
Mutual concessions apparently re-
moved the most serious points of dif-
ference in today's conference with the
The company agreed to withdraw
its proposal of an election to deter-
mine whether the UAWA is the choice
of its employes as a collective bar-
gaining agent. In return, it was
understood, the union waived its de-
mand for a closed shop and for a
check-off of union dies in the event
the union were victorious in the elec-
DETROIT, May 20.-(P)-A six-
hour strike of Plymouth employes, the
first in a Chrysler Corp. plant since
an agreement was signed with the
United Automobile Workers of Amer-.
ica six weeks ago, brought a charge
of contract violation from the com-
pany today.-
Four thousand of the 10,200 hourly
rate employes were idle from 9 a.m.
(EST) until 3 p.m. The strike ended
in time for the night shift to go to
Richard Frankensteen, organiza-
tional director for the UAWA, said
the strike was unauthorized and spon-
taneous. He attributed it to resent-
ment of union employes over the
return to work of six men who had
been laid off for soliciting member-
ships in a rival union, the "inde-
pendent association of Chrysler em-
- -*I
Fair Trade Bill
Passes Senate;
Aids Merchants
Measure To Prohibit Sale
Of Commodities Below
Cost; Bans Premiums
LANSING, May 20.-()-The Sen-
ate approved in committee of the
whole today a fair trade bill de-
scribed by its sponsors as a measure
to save independent merchants from
business destruction.
The meaure would prohibit sell-
ing commodities below cost, paying

exorbitant prices in favored sections
for produce or giving permiums with
the intent of injuring or destroying
competition. Stiff penalties were
proposed for violation. First or sec-
ond offenses would be punishable by
a year's imprisonment or a maximum
fine of $5,000. A third offense could
cause cancellation of the right of the
offender to do business in Michigan.
The name of Dr. William Haber,
state emergency welfare administra-
tion, entered the argument , again
when Sen.dHarry F. Shea, Democrat,
Laurium, declared:
"By attempting to reduce the ap-
propriation you are knocking at Ha-
ber. I knowhis name is like a red
flag to a bull to some of you but it is
not right to turn down what the
people need on this account."
LANSING, May 20.-()-A bill
which would compel prospective
brides and grooms to submit to
physical examinations ;before ap-
plying for marriage licenses received
informal approval of the House of




Maroon Players Win All
Matches ; Northwestern
Heads For 2nd Place
Michigan Is Among
Third Place Rivals
Sherwood Loses To Bickel
6-3, 6-4; Dean,. Woolsey
Are Victors In Singles
Chicago's high riding tennis team
lived up to pre-tournament expecta-
tions in the first round of the Con-
ference meet yesterday when alb of
its players in both singles and doubles
camethrough their matches un-
Northwestern also seemed headed
for their usual second place when
they won all but one of the singles
and one of the two scheduled doubles.
While the Wolverines' number one
and two men, Miller Sherwood and
Bill Mills, failed to qualify in either
singles or doubles, the Varsity kept
its place among the contenders for
third place by virtue of wins in the
third and sixth flight singles, a bye
in the fifth, and victories in the
second and third flights of the dou-
bles tourney.
Captain Miller Sherwood, paired
with one of the Conference aces, Chi-
cago's Norm Bickel, fought a fine
match but lost 6-3, 6-4. Bill Mills
dropped his match to Bill McCoy
of Illinois, 6-4, 6-1. Jesse Flick was
the other Varsity man to find the
going too tough, losing to Northwest-
ern's Dick Rugg, 6-2, 7-5.
.arvis Dean fought a 9-7 first set
with James of Ohio State and then
went on to win easily in the second,
6-1. Bill Woolsey, the only other
Michigan singles victor, went three
sets to defeat Confer of Illinois 6-3,
4-6, 6-2.
In the doubles Miller Sherwood and
Bill Mills lost two hard sets 7-5, 8-6.
However, the other two doubles teams
(Continued on Page 7)

Ohio State Half Miler

World Watches

Held By Chicago;

Tennis Tournament Lead



SPittsb Pa.
(By Associated Press)
The manufacturing world watched
Pittsburgh last night for indications
of possible turns in the drive to un-
ionize the giant steel industry.
An election, largest industrial bal-
lot in the Nation's history, deter-
mined whether the steel workers or-
ganizing committee would be the col-
lective bargaining agency for all of
the Jones and Laughlin steel corpora-
tion's employes.

Charles Beetham of Ohio State
outstanding half miler of the
country who will defend his Big
Ten title in the conference meet
today and tomorrow.
Adult Education
Institute H e a r s
Many Lectures
Conferences Will Close
Today In League; Has
Been Going Four Days
Lectures on the tax problem, health,
the Spanish situation,current plays
and newspaper practices were fea-
tured at the fourth day's meeting of
the Adult Education Institute yester-
day in the League.
Today, the Institute will end its
meeting in the League with confer-
ences and lectures on strikes, goiter,
the freedom of the press, modern
American paintings and the Pan-
American peace policy.
Italy and Germany are supporting.
the Spanish Rebels not because of
Fascism, but because they seek in-
fluence and control of Spain's stra-
tegic geographical position and min-
eral wealth, Prof. Julia del Toro of
the romance language department
declared in the morning's discussion
of the "Spanish Situation."
The revolution, Professor del Toro
stated, is the result of special elec-
tion circumstances in Spain. "Two
years ago an election in Spain gave
victory to the conservative groups.
When the government offered the
ministry to a middle-ground party
instead of the Right, a crisis fol-
The Spanish Republic, Professo
del Toro said, results from experiences
under the dictatorship of the right-
hand man of King Alfonso. The king
was forced to abdicate, and the new
government set up. Its followers in-
Jlude all groups opposed . to the
strongly centralized authoritative
government, he said.
Prof. Robert S. Ford told members
of the Institute that the major por-
tion of tax revenue is used to support
education, highways, and war.
"If you really want to reduce taxes,"
he said, "look to the costs of war."
Seventy-five cents of every tax dollar
taken in by the federal government
over a number of years has been used
to pay for costs of past wars and to
prepare for future conflicts.
"There has been," Professor Ford
(Continued on Page 2)
Eaton Carries On
Anti-Haber Feud
' LANSING, May 20. - (P) - The
}"anti-Haber" campaign which is be-
ing conducted by Rep. Elton R. Eaton,
Republican, of Plymouth, continued
today as Eaton submitted a bill which
Rl f r il ( f m I T - ^

37th Western Conference
Championship Will Open
At Ferry Field
Indiana Prepares
For Title Defense
Michigan Hopes For 15th
Win; Hoyt Primes Team
For Events Today
The "Who's Who" of Big Ten track-
dom will pour into Ann Arbor today
for the 37th running of the Western
Conference outdoor track and field
championships which opens at 3 p.m.
with the qualifying trials at Ferry
With the Ferry Field track, recog-
nized as one of the fastest in America,
neverA in better condition it appears
that nothing but capricious weather
or unforseen injuries can now weak-
en the assault of some of the world's
outstanding performers on time and
Indiana Grooms Team
Indiana, defending champion, un-
daunted by the forecasts that it is
slated to drop its title in its first
defense, isdgrooming its nonetheless
powerful machine for a last ditch bat-
tle to stave off what looks like the in-
Michigan, gunning for its 15th win
and odds on favorites to clean up the
affair without breaking its stride is
still smarting from its" defeat at the
hands of the last year Hoosiers and
Coach Charlie Hoyt is determined to
pour every ounce of strength at his
command into the fray in order to
leave no doubt in-anyone's mind con-
cerning the championship caliber of
his much publicized "greatest dual
meet team."
Dark horses and underdogs with
not much to offer in the way of team
strength polish up their individual
stars with an eye to snatching val-
uable points from the hands of the
powerhouse outfits of the loop. With
anything liable to happen in the
rough and tumble tactics that char-
acterize Big Ten meets, both indoors
and outdoors, the stinging potshets
which the tailenders can dish out may
yet prove the key to the situation.
Standards In Jeopardy
Conference and world standards
are in jeopardy during the next two
days as such individuals of known,
record fracturing habits as Don Lash,
Sam Stoller, Dave Albritton, Mel
Walker, Bill Watson, Chuck Beetham,
Bob Grieve and an army of others
prepare to equal if not surpass the one
man record cracking show put on by
Jesse Owens only two years ago on
the same cinders.
At least seven conference marks
are in a fair way to fall. Big Bill
Watson will lead the Wolverine rec-
ord shattering efforts with his as-
saults on the shot mark of 49 feet 11
inches owned since 1934 by Chin
Kamm of Illinois.
Saturday marks the renewal of two
(Continued on Page 6)
Banquet Marks
Lindy's Flight

straight year. The council
of representatives of the
classes and organizations. of
gineering college.

the en-

No Royal Road To Job Finding,
But Purdom Says Guidance Aids

Voting began at 6 a.m. and ended
at midnight. The results, to be an-
nounced today, were generally re-
?arded as holding the key to the fu-
ture course of the S.W.O.C., particu-
largly in reference to five other large
independent steelproducers employ-
ing nearly 200,000 persons.
The S.W.O.C., an affiliate of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, already has announced it would
proceed immediately toward recogni-
tion by the other producers.
Prof. Langdon Dies
In Oxford,_England
Prof. Stephen H. Langdon, the
Michigan graduate who in 1915 de-
ciphered a Sumerian clay tablet
which related a story in which the
fall of man follows the deluge in-
stead of coming many generation be-
fore, died Wednesday at Oxford
University, England, where he was
Professor of Assyriology.
His announcement of the deciph-
ering in 1915 caused a sensation in
the scientific world, causing much
criticism by archaeologists. At that
time he was curator in the Univer-
sity Museum, Babylonian Section,
Professor Langdon was 61. He had
taught at Oxford since 1919 after be-
coming a British subject in 1913.
Born near Monroe, he attended the
University here and later took workl

There is no royal road to finding
the job you're fitted for, so cross out
astrology, phrenology, palm reading,
tea leaves, graphology and similar
mumbo-jumbo. This is the advice"of
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the
University Bureau of Appointment
and Occupational Information.
Vocational guidance will not insureI
you the one and only job you're fitted
for, nor does it pretend to be an
exact measurement of your ability,
but it's an advanced step over the hit-
or-miss groping that probably wor-
ried your father when he was look-
S - jf s e -

disadvantages of the work and re-
member, the jovial roundfaced friend
that gives you a sales talk about how
nice his job is, is probably successful,'
which means he has made the ad-
justment, which means the disadvan-
tages to him are minor ones. Andj
these disadvantages may be very, very
important to you. But don't look for
the job without any disadvantages.1
There is none. Find the job whoseI
better aspects outweigh the worse.{
Find out the necessary qualifica-j
tions of the job and then balance
the demands against your skills, apti-
tudes, interests and personality traits
as the third step.

Ten Years Ago
NEW YORK, May 20.-A)-To
hundreds gathered here tonight to
commemorate the most famous flight
in aviation history, the man who
made it sent this characteristicly la-
conic message:
"I have received your invitation to
attend the dinner to be given in New
York on the evening of May 20. I am
extremely sorry to have to reply that
I cannot be present on that day
"I consider thehinvitation an ex-
ceptionally great honor and I deeply
appreciate all that it implies"
The letter, signed "Charles A.Lind-
bergh and addressed to the commit-
tee for the celebration of the 10th
anniversary of the first New York-
Paris flight, was greeted with thun-
derous applause when read by toast-
master Colonel George W. Burleigh.-
LaGuardia Observes
Hotel Picket Unpi

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