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November 21, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-21

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NOV. 21, 1939


Petitioning For

Assembly Come-Across



...of cabbages
We might warble forth in true Garlandish fashion "My weekend has
been such a loooov ly weekend," but instead we'll just get down to business
and report the happenings around old Ann Arbor town.
The weekend started early for the lucky divvils who went to Philly for the
game. Doug Bennett, Tony DePalmeri, Ted King and Tommy Williams
were among those who left on the train Thurs-
day. The trip was fun, 'tis reported.
Back in A2 Friday night; the .engineers threw
away their slide rules, donned top hats and tails
and went to their annual Ball. We saw two
Kappa Sigs there with their women, Jeffries Pace
with Caro'yn Denfield and Andy Ashburn with
Marjorie Stock. Their fraternity brother, Jack
Callouette, was there with Betty Lou Robinson.
Standing around listenin' to the Clyde Lucas
Band were Betty Clark and Bob Read, Carolyn
Denfield and Jeff Pace, Betsy Lightner and
Harold Simley and Marion Price and Frank Peacock.
Dancing at the League Friday were J. T. Lamb and Mary Spaeth, Lois
Basse and Dave Allen, Betty Pusch with Johnny Gillis and Roberta Leete
and Jack Gelder.
Dashing way out Washtenaw-way to the Zeta Beta Tau House Party
we saw Muriel Fishman and Milt Peterman, Betty Hamburger and Jerry
Mecklenburger, Elaine Barth and Doug Rosen and Madeline Kaufman and
Bob Kann admiring the very original decorations. Seems the Zebs wens
artistic and had a bevy of masculine pulchritude adorning their walls. All3
of the fraters were depicted in caricature!3
Back at Philadelphia the next- afternoon, some very happy Michigan;
chums were busy celebrating at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel. Laura Katz-,
enal, Sue Potter, Jean McKay and Mary Ellen Spurgeon were among those
attending the open house after the game. Also at the Bellevue-Stratford,;
Michigan headquarters for the weekend, were Ellen MacDonald, Sylviaa
Pritzker, and Phyllis Eisen. Several of the old (?) alums were there: Saul7
Kleiman taking time off from his Washington
Post job, Fred Warner Neal of the class of '38,
and Baltimore's youngest executive, Gene
Christian, '39.
Saturday morning the JGP girls met for a-
central committee meeting. Presiding over the 1
little group was chief Jane Grove, with her able
assistant Annabel Van- Winkle . . assisting.
Ruth Fitzpatrick, Ginny Osgood and Betty Ann Chaufty joined in the gen-
eral uproar, as once again discussion turned to whether or not men should
be permitted to declaim the sacred lines of JGP.1
That's all for now chilluns; after all some of us DO study at Michigan.
Happy Thanksgiving. to you all, and VATCH THAT DRVMSTICK!1

Second Annual
Dance Will Be

Friday, Jan.


Fitted Waists Popular

Independents May Apply
For Central Committee
Posts Until Next Week
Petitioning for central committee
positions for tfe Christmas Come-
Across will open tomorrow and
continue through Monday, Sally
Manthei, '40, president of the Dormi-
tory Board of Assembly, announced
The Christmas Come-Across, the
second annual dance sponsored by
the Dormitory Board, will be held Fri--
day, Jan. 6. At this dance all inde-
pendent women, especially those liv-
ing in dormitories will have the op-
portunity to invite men.
To Interview Women
Interviewing for the nine positions
will take place from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Monday through Wednesday of next
week in the Undergraduate Office of
the League, Miss Manthei stated.
The positions to be filled are gen-
eral chairman, who has the general
responsibility for the dance, chair-
men for eligibility, patrons, music, fi-
nance, publicity, decorations, tickets,
and merits. The eligibility chairman
will do the work assigned in previous
years to the assistant chairman.
Last year was the first time that
such a dance was sponsored by the
Dormitory Board, but according to
Miss Manthei, this dance is expected
to become an annual affair.
Sawyer Played Last Year
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra
played for a capacity crowd last year.
The decorations were completed in a,
blue and silver color scheme, with
the programs carrying out the motif.
Two -large figures were placed on both
sides -of the ballroom, depicting a Mrs.,
Santa- Claus in a -sleigh being drivenI
by raindeer, each designating one of
the dormitories on campus.
All, independent -women are urged
to hand- in- their petitions as soon as
possible, Miss Manthei said.

Theatre Group
Directs Contest
City's Students Will Enter
Posters For Judgment
By League Committee
Ann Arbor school children from
the age of six to fifteen are now par-
ticipating in a poster contest spon-
sored by the Children's Theatre of
Ann Arbor.
The Children's Theatre, which is
the project of the Theatre Arts Com-
mittee of the League, has presented
one play this season and is scheduled

1 to present three more.
Contest To End Monday
Posters advertising single product
tions and the whole series are being
lum lae Clubentered in the contest which ends
Monday. The contest has been divid-
___T day ed into three divisions so that all en-
I 1o a Y trants will have an equal chance of
winning. The three age groups de-
cided upon are: under nine years,
ss eney To Speak from nine to twelve, and from twelve
On International Peace to fifteen.
All entries will be judged by a com-
"A Pattern For Peace" will be the mittee coposed of Richard McKelvey,
subject of a speech to be given before director of the Children's Theatre;
theMiciga Aumne Cubat :3 1Zelda Davis, '40, chairman of the
the Michigan Alumnae Club at 3:30Theatre Arts Committee, and Mar-
p.m. today in the little amphitheatre garet Whittemore, '41, poster chair-
of the Rackham Building by Miss man of the publicity committee.




Representing Ann Arbor's best bands,
also orchestras and entertainnment.
206 NICKELS ARCADE Dial 3937"




RealBeauty Is
Eas To Attain
WithMa ke-up,
Let's be beautiful, and surprise
the men by showing them that we
can be the sporty, athletic, or glam-
orous type of personality all rolled
into one, depending upon the make-
up we use, the key by which each,
girl can unlock her real beauty for
all the world to see.
New and exciting shades of pow-
der are designed especially to blend
in with the color scheme of your
clothes, as well as for your engage-
ment. A peach undertone in your
powder will go well with your foot-
ball outfit and give you that healthy
outdoor appearance. Bright red lip-
stick, not too dark, will set you off
for an afternoon of fun.
Be glamorous in the evening when
you are setting out for a formal
dance. Make your entrance drama-
tic in a fluffy white tulle dress by
using a rosy shade of powder which
will give your skin a glow and
warmth under artificial lights. Or
don a sophisticated cover-up dress,
and wear a powder with a mauvish
or violet tint in it, which will work
miradcks under tight lights.
Also, for evening, wear a darker
shade of lipstick with a blue or
purple cast to it. Daytime colors
are apt to look dell at night. If you
want to wear eye shadow be sure
you use the same color as your eyes
for that's what sets them off well.
Make-up can make or break your
appearance. Let's be beautiful but
not too startling.

wary E. Sweeney, assistant director
of the Merrell-Palmer School in De-I
troit. -
Miss Sweeney attended the Inter-
national Missionary Conference in
Madras, India, last year, and it is
from her experience as adviser for
the section of the Conference on
home and family life that she draws
her answer to the peace problem.
"I feel that a successful pattern for
true internationalism can be found
in the International Missionary Con-
ference," Msis Sweeney stated, "Their
fprogram is planned to further the,
extension of the highest standards
of home and family life throughout
the world."
Special Groups Invited
To Coffee Hour Today
Special groups have been invited
to the Union Coffee Hour which is
to be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
They include Kappa Kappa Gain
ma, Mosher Hall, Mrs. Austin's
League house, Rumsey Hall, and
Alpha Tau Omega. Dancing will
be accompanied by victrola record-
ings, Charles Heinen, '40, chairman
of publicity, announced.
James Palmer, '41, is directing the
coffee hour, which is one of a series
held regularly at the Union.
Marriage Is Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Daniel Van
Dyke, of Dayton, Ohio, announced
the marriage of their daughter Vir-
ginia Margaret Van Dyke, '38, to Wil-
liam Carl Spaller, Jr., '38, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William C. Spaller of Tren-
ton. Mrs. Spaller is affiliated with
Delta Gamma, and Mr. Spaller with
Alpha Tau Omega.

No Prizes Allowed
No prizes will be awarded to the
winners of the contest, as Ann Arbor !
school authorities have ruled that
school children may only work for
service and not compete for awards.
Winners will be announced from the
stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn The,
atre at all performances.
The first winners will be announced
at performances of the coming Chil-
dren's Theatre production, "Thanks-
giving At Buckrans Corners" which
will be presented Dec. 1 and 2.
Morton's Orchestra
To Play Tomorrow
At Africongo Ball
Henry Morton and his 10 men of
swing will play at the Agricongo
Ball from 9 p.m. to. 1 a.i. tomorrow
at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 S.
State St., Ed Burrows, Grad., chair-
man of the social committee of the
American Student Union, announced
"Limitations on Life," by Lang-
ston Hughes, a satire on the movie,
"Imitation of Life," will portray a
reversal of Negro-white relations,
Burrows said and will highlight a
floor show consisting of monologues,
singing and dancing.
Margaret Matthews, Negro vocal-
ist, will play her own piano accom-
paniments. "Benchley's Africa," a
travelogue in the Benchley style will
be given by Arthur Klein, Grad.,
member of Play Production. An ex-
hibition of jitterbugging will also be
included on the program, Burrows
Tickets are 50 cents each and may
be purchased at the desk in the lobby
of the Union, or at the Book Room.


w ml


,, ....


Mink dyed Muskrat

,ak /

look over the pictures taken
at the dance this week-end.
Keep a photo record of
+vur colleme hurlies.


New! Different! Gay! A knobby-toed
.fleece-lined,... with leather platform,







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