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January 21, 1936 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-21

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Student Diction
Improving Says
Speech Head
Prof. Densmore Believes
adio, Movies Will Raise
Speech Standard
The diction and speech of the col-
lege student of today are far above
average, according to Prof. Gail E.
Densmore, of the speech department.
This fact has been demonstrated by
an 'investigation which he has con-
ducted into the speech of the students
with whom he has worked in class, he
An increase in travel, and in the
popularity of the radio and talking
pictures has, in Professor Densmore's
opinion, accounted for the rapid dis-
appearance of colloquial speech, and
will, within the next 25 years, bring
about a standard of pronunciation
throughout the United States.
Interest Is Awakened
"This tendency towards a stand-
ard pronunciation," he said, "is re-
sponsible for the awakened interest
in correct prounciation. For a time,
there will be a difference of opinion
of whether the correct pronuncia-
tion of some words such as 'quintup-
lets' should place the accent upon the
first or second syllable, whether "ex-
quisite' should be accented upon the
first or second syllable, or whether
'positively' should be accented upon
the first or third syllable."
Among the words habitually used
by college students, he said, there are
twenty five which are most commonly
mispronounced. At the head of the
list "is "again" which, according to
Professor Densmore, is pronounced
by a large number of students so as
to rime with pin, whereas it should
rime with pen or pain. The next
word mistreated is "ard," which
should rime with band and not bend,
and running a close third is "any,"
which should rime with penny, and
not with skinny.
Situation Is Improved
One of the words on Professor
Iensmore's list which is most com-
monly mispronounced by students
from outlying districts is "creek,"
which, he emphatically points out,
should be pronounced so as to rime
with week, and not with wick. An-
other of the same type is "such,"
which should rime with dutch, and
not with ditch.
In former years, said Professor
Densmore, such colloquialisms as.
these could be corrected by only a
very small number of college stu-
dents, itinerant actors of the legit-
imate stage and infrequent travelers.
H~e feels, however that the radio, the
movies, and increased travelling have
served to greatly improve this sit-
Cites Words Mispronounced
Other words which Professor Dens-
more lists as being most often mis-
pronounced by college students are:
"was," which should rime with "rahs"
and not with "buzz," "just," which
shouldi rime with lust and not with
list, and "catch," which should rime
with "patch" and not with "fetch."
Professor Densmore feels that much
encouragement for those who yearn
for better speech may be gained from
the fact that the pronunciation of I
the average college student is vastly
improved over that of his brother of
ten or fifteen years ago, and is con-
tinually advancing towards the Utopia
of standard pronunciation.

Brief Biography Of KingGeorge V

George V ascended the British
throne as "the sailor king"; he left it
as "the democratic king."
Unassuming to the point of shy-
ness, devout and faithful in religion,
hard-working, devoted to his children
and his home life, and with a dig-
nity relieved by the twinkle in his
eyes, he typified the qualities which
his subjects held highest.
He sought a position close to the
hearts of his people in a kindly and
quiet way; unlike most men, he found
proof of his achievement in his own
This came strongest in the deep
sympathy which was world-wide dur-
ing his serious illnesses of 1928 and
1929. Then huge crowds stood night-
ly outside the Buckingham palace
and messages and prayers came from
remote quarters of the globe.
"It was an encouragement beyond
description," he said after his first
illness, "to feel that my constant and
earnest desire has been granted -
the desire to gain the confidence
and affection of my people."
Trained First As Sailor
Unlike many British kings, George
V did not begin training in child-
hood for occupancy of the throne.
He was the second son of Edward VII
and was 26 years old when he be-
came heir to the crown on the death
of his elder brother, Albert Victor,
Duke of Clarence.
Meanwhile, George had embarked
upon a naval career which kept him
almost constantly at sea from the
time he was 12 and which had car-
ried him from cadetship to the rank
of commander by the time of his
brother's death. Thereafter his duties
as heir apparent precluded exclusive
devotion to the navy though, within
two years after his father became
King Edward VIII, successive promo-
tions brought him rank of vice ad-
Soon after his father's accession
on January 22, 1901, Prince George
embarked upon an extensive tour
which took him to Australia, South
Africa and Canada. It was followed
in succeeding years by a number of
trips, including one to India.
When he succeeded to the throne
May 6, 1910, at the age of 44, the
empire had a sovereign unique for his
first-hand acquaintance with the
world and the dominions he was
called to rule.
Stresses Imperial Sovereignty
If England knew less about the
new king than perhaps any before,
and at first drew vivid contrasts be-
tween his general reserve and serious
aspect and his father's winning per-
sonality and gay removal of the iso-
lation of the throne which had grown
up in Queen Victoria's reign. George
V nevertheless was popular and had
stamped himself as capable of inde-
pendent thought.
The nation had had a sharp ex-
ample of that in 1901 when he re-
turned from his dramatic colonial
tour and made a dramatic "Wake up,
England" exhortation at the Guild-
From the beginning, King George
contrived by democratic participa-
tion in many public events and by
Angell Speaks
On Fascism At
Sunday Forum

other means to strengthen the crown
as an unifying influence, divorced
from domestic party strife, in the
country and empire.
His stress on the principle of im-
perial sovereignty came to the fore
in 1911, when, with Queen Mary, he
made a notable visit to India.
Sets Personal Example In War
When the war cast its shadow over
Europe, King George made every ef-
fort to prevent the outbreak, addres-
sing personal appeals to the emperors
of Russia and Ge~many.
When these failed and his own
country was plunged into the con-
flict, he issued a proclamation mo-
bilizing the British army and an-
nounced an unwavering determina-
tion to fight until victorious.
The ruler and his family set them-
selves to lending the royal influence
and encouragement to every form of
national activity in aid of the fight-
ing forces. Strict economy measures
were put in force in the royal house-
The king paid repeated visits to his
troops in Belgium and France; in 1917
he stripped German titles and names
from the royal family and changed
the name of the ruling house from
that of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Wind-
Post-war years brought home rule
to Ireland, a larger share in self-
government to India as well as steps
towards her independence, and the
significant development of the Brit-
ish commonwealth of nations with
King Edward
F irst Bachelor
British Ruler
' I First. Up' arried Ihilei
In Britisli HiStory,Sys
Professor Cross
(Continued from Page 1
as usual, despite the tense European
The newly enthroned Edward VIII
was an intimate friend of a member
of the University history department
- the late Claud~ius H. Van Tyne,
professor of American history. Pro-
fessor Van Tyne interviewed him as
the Prince of Wales on several oc-
casions and the two became very
good friends.
Should King Edward VIII never
marry, the succession, according to
Professor Cross, would be as follows:
the second son of the dead king, Al-
bert, Duke of York his children; the
third son, Henry, Duke of Gloucester,
and his children; the fourth son,
George, Duke of Kent, and his chil-
dren; and King George's daughter,
Princess Mary, and her children.
The male children of the line are
given preference, Professor Cross ex-
plained. Thus the eldest son of the
Duke of York follow him, but even if
the Duke's next child were a girl, a
younger son would acceed to the
throne before her. It is only when
there are no sons, or when all sons
of a family have been "exhausted,"
he said, that a girl comes to reign.
Thus Victoria became queen only be-
cause she had no brothers.
Although Windsor is the family
name of the ruling house of England,
it has been so only since 1917, Pro-
fessor Cross said. From the time of
Victoria the family name had been
Wettin - taken from Albert of Sax-
ony,the Queen's consort - Professor
Cross related, but at the time of the
World War, not wishing to have a
German name, King George had it
changed to Windsor.
Professor Cross paid tribute to the
dead King George as "a very con-

scientious monarch. King George was
extremely well-informed about Brit-
ish affairs," Professor Cross said,
pointing out that the mourned mon-
arch frequently studied industrial
and social conditions in England.
"He was a man of tact and kindness,"
he added.
The chief claim of George V to a
high place among the multitudinous
monarchs of England, in the opinion
of Professor Cross, lies in his success
in having kept together so many far-
flung lands and heterogenous peoples
in the post-war period of social anda
political turmoil.

the crown as the chief link of the
They also brought difficulties in the
ccmestic situation, culminating in
the general strike of 1926 which par-
alyzed industry and even threatened
a social revolution.
Illness Endangers Life
But the country as a whole held
firm to the respect it had awys shown
to the king and the political crisis
p: ssed to be succeeded by a greater
crisis, his serious illness.
This started in November, 1928,
bhen a chill believed to have been
caught on Armistice Sunday, when he
stood bareheaded in the 'rain during
the ceremony at the Cenotaph, de-
I velped into fever and some conges-
.on of one lung. '
In December counsellors of state
were appointed; an operation was
performed to drain the right side of
the king's chest. Back on his feet
again, he suffered two relapses, an
abscess having formed under the
site of the operation scar.
A second operation was subsequent-
;y performed and portions of two ribs
were removed to drain the abscess.
Recovery was rapid but it was not
until January, 1930, that he fulfilled
his first public engagement by open-
ing the London naval conference.
Gradually he extended the range of
his activities and his health remained
satisfactory except for attacks of
rheumatism which kept him from
attending royal courts in 1930 and
Marries Brother's Fiancee
King George, whose full name was
George Frederick Ernest Albert, sec-
ond son of King Edward VII and
Queen Alexandra, then Prince and
Princess of Wales, was born June 3,
1865, in Marlborough House, London.
On July 6, 1893, he married Prin-
cess Victoria Mary, who had been be-
trothed to his elder brother. She was
the daughttr of Frederick, Duke of
Teck, and Princess Mary Adelaide,
Duchess of Teck.
They had six children, the young-
est of whom, Prince John, died at the
age of 14 in 1919. The others are:
The Prince of Wales, born June 23,
1894; the Duke of York, born De-
cember 14, 1895; the Princess Royal,
born. April 25, 1897; the Duke of
Gloucester, born March 31, 1900; and
Prince George, born December 20,
iThe Princess Royal was married
to Viscount Laselles, now Earl of
Harewood, in 1922 and a year later
the Duke of York married Lady Eliza-
beth Bowes-Lyon.
Four grandchildren of King George
were born to these unions. The prin-
cess became the mother of two sons
while theDuke and Duchess of York
were parents of Princess Elizabeth,
born April 21,b1926, and Princess
Margaret Rose, born August 21, 1930.
Regents PNt Off
Usual Meeting
Executive Committee Is
Taking Care Of Matters
Requiring Attention
The postponement of the January
meeting of the Board of Regents on
the request of Regent Richard R.
Smith and because of the inability of
President Alexander G. Ruthven to
attend the meeting was announced
The executive committee of the
Board is handling all matters which
require immediate attention and the
next regular meeting probably will
not be held until the end of Feb-
Several items of business were set-
tied by the Regents' committee. Leave
of absence was granted to Prof. Rus-

sell A. Dodge of the engineering school
who will visit some of the larger
hydraulics laboratories in Europe.
The opening of the Summer Ses-
sion in the Law School was advanced
from the usual Tuesday to the Mon-
day following commencement, which
for the first time will be held on
Saturday. The session will begin
June 22.
Prof. Erich A. Walter of the Eng-
lish department was named to take
the place of Dean Wilbur R. Hum-
phries, assistant dean of the literary
college, while he takes his second
semester sabbatical leave.

German Film
To Show Here
Tomorrow Eveh
Scenes Of Picture Will
Contain English Titles
For Explanation
"Der Hauptmann von Koepnick,"
a German film with English titles will
be shown in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre tomorrow evening, under the
auspices of the Art Cinema League.
It will be shown one night only.
The picture is the only one to be
brought to Ann Arbor a second time,
numerous requests having prompted
the action. It is a satire on German
militarism starring Karl Adalbert.
According to both German and
American critics the plot is a novel
one and although it is satirical, it is
said to hold the same comic aspects
as William Voigt's true-story.
It concerns the exploits of a petty
thief, a cobbler by trade, who has
spent 23 years in prison for minor
offenses. During his confinement he
was drilled and taught the lessons
which the Germany army discipline
can teach. After his release, he trav-
els through Germany from one -small
town to another, but he is unsuccess-
ful in procuring a passport because
of his prison record. It is impossible
for him to get a job without a pass-
From this point, critics hold, the
story is one of very biting satire.
After donning a used captain's uni-
form bought at a pawn shop, the
former convict receives the greatest
respect and obedience from everyone
he meets. By virtue of cloth alone he
can get cigarettes for nothing from
obsequious shopkeepers. Although;
the film is in German, it is said that
it may be readily understood by vir-
ture of expressive action and the
many English subtitles which appear'
on almost every scene.
Lengyel Talks
About Europe
And Dictators
(Continued from Page 1)
incoherent and meaningless state-
mrents. His usefulness lies in his elo-
quence. If he should lose it, and
it seems to me that he is not as ef-
fective as he used to be, his power
will disintegrate.
"At best, Hitler is a myth, a legend.
He has been unable to perform the
miracles he promised, and the crit-
icism against him is becoming more
open every day. He has torn up thel
armament clauses, but there is little1
more he can do. The army backs
him only because he can get money
for them. When that stops, he will
lose control over them.
"Because he is himself incapable,
Hitler has surrounded himself with
petty dictators, and in event of his
death or fall from favor, there will be
strife among them for power. The
most likely man to succeed him seems
to be the minister of finance, Hjalmar
Dr. Lengyel is touring the world
preparing a book to be called, "Mil-
lions of Dictators," which will pre-
sent the picture of what the average
man in each nation thinks of his
present government. It is his opin-
ion that dictators of modern times
differ from the tyrants of times past
in that they require the support of
public opinion, and last only as long
as they can command it.
Born in Budapest 37 years ago, Dr.

Lengyel studied law until the war,
when he joined the army. After his
escape from Russia, he returned to
complete his studies and graduated
as a doctor of law. He has had an
active career as a newspaper man,
author and translator, and has in-
terpreted Europe for American news-
papers and America for European
journals. He has contributed fre-
quently to the columns of th New
York Times, the New York Herald
Tribune, The World, The Nation Cur-
rent History, Annalist and many
- -

Classsified Dirfery

Place advertisements with Classified
kdvertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
)'clock previous to clay of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at on
extra charge.
cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions. 10c
per reading line for three or more
insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in-
relephone rate -15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
0% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line -2 lines daily.
one month .... ..........8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.......8c
2 lines daily, college year ......7c
4 lines E.y.D., 2 months.......8c
100 lines used as desired ...9c
300 lines used as desired .... ...8c
1,000 lines used as desired.........7c
2,000 lines used as desired .......Oc
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
tc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
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The above rates are for 7% point
LAUNDRY, carefully washed in soft
water and hand ironed. Reason-
able. Telephone 7287. 11x
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
TUTOR wanted:ForE. M. 2. Box 108.
WANTED: To rent garage in terri-
tory between campus and East
Kingsley. Call 2-1167 evenings.
I WOULD plan and cook for a fra-
ternity or sorority next semester.
Experienced and references given.
Box 215A, Mich. Daily 212
LOST: A Tau Beta Pi key. Between
Thompson and Division on William.
Kindly call 4929. 218
LOST: Gentleman's black Hudson
seal cap in Majestic Theatre, Sat-
urday at 8:00 p.m. $5 reward. Ge-
ology office. 214

ROOM FOR RENT: Comfortable
room in private.home. Senior or
graduate student preferred. Dial
5089. 215
PLEASANT single and double rooms
Prospect ldoFGetaoinF.GtaoiFnG
for boys. Shower bath. 1102 Pros-
pect St.. at E. University. Phone
6472. 216
FOR RENT: Suite for three boys. Also
board. 514 E. Jefferson Street.
Phone 2-3371.
ROOMS for girls both double and
single. Mrs. Andrus, 909 E. Uni-
versity. Phone 2-1136. 203
LARGE double front room, first floor.
Two single rooms, second floor. 327
S. Division. Phone 3823. 205
DRESSMAKING: J-Hop formals, al-
terations carefully done. 1208 S.
University. Phone 2-2020. 213
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
DRESSMAKING: Formals for J-Hop
time. 1208 S. University. Phone
2-2020. 12x
MAC'S TAXI--4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
STATIONERY: Printed with your
name and address. 100 sheets, 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
FOR SALE: Tuxedo at 507 S. Division
and sheeplined jacket. 209

WEDNESDAYJa . 2,at 8:15
return engagement of
"Der Houptmann
Von Koepenick"
Brilliant military satire
of a man who rose from
cobbler to dictator.
35c - All Seats Reserved

LONDON, Jan. 20.-WP)- London-
ers are drinking less, according to a
report by the London County Coun-
cil, which says 2,124 saloon licenses
have been withdrawn in 30 years. At
present there are 5,373 licenses in
force, of which 4,945 are saloons or
beer-houses and the rest hotels and

.i a.


CoHection Received
By Anthropologist
A collection of more than 200 ar-
ticles found in a cave in Menifee
County, Ky., has been received for
identification by Volney H. Jones,
research assistant in the Museum of
The articles were found by a Ken-
tucky University field party last Au-
gust and constitute the largest col-
lection received by the Museum this
year, Mr. Jones said. The collection
includes samples of cultivated corn,
gourds and tobacco, acorns, chest-
nuts, hickory nuts, sunflower seeds,
and various textiles, cords, and barks.
The items are dried out andwere
found in open rock shelters, ash beds
containing beds, storage bins and
midden heaps. Mr. Jones estimated
that the articles were used by In-
dians at least 500 years ago.
Library Of Ypsilanti
Professor Is For Sale
The complete library of the late
Prof. T. L. Hankinson, professor in
zoology at the Michigan State Normal
College at Yysilanti, is being arranged
for sale by membe, s of the Museum
of Zoology of the University.
The library includes several hun-
dred books and several thousand pam-
phlets on general natural history.
Professor Hankinson was widely
known before his death as one of the
foremost zoologists of the country.
I- ,

Professor Declares
Economic Order
To Be Organized


We'll help you, if you need extra cash.
Any employed man or woman can get
$300, $200, $100 or less from us with-
out delay ... and repay in small monthly
installments. Come in, write, or 'phone us.


Ii ir

r i
r ,

American Fascism as the repercus-
sion of a "pale socialism" set up by
a stronger Leftist movement than the
United States has yet felt, was the
answer of Prof. Robert C. Angell of
the sociology department to the topic
of Sunday's Community Forum:
"Fascism - An Alternative to De-
The first step, according to Pro-
fessor Angell, will be a socialistic re-
organization of the government
through constitutional reform, and
not a communist revolt. This so-
cialism, he maintained, is inevitable
unless the present economic order of
the United States could be reorgan-
ized to eliminate monopolistic con-
trol of the economic system.
The Leftist movement would then
be answered, according to Professor
Angell, by the Fascist revolt and
seizure of government, coming as a
protest against the principles of so-
cialist government and not, as sug-
gested by Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't
Happen Here" from general discon-
tent brought to a head by the ac-
tions and appeal of a single leader.


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Phone 4000 Ann Arbor
4001 (Corner Fourth Avenue)




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.... if iwe can untie these knots, let's
and have a bite to eat. Boy I'm starved!


.... And by gosh, I'm
going to have a HOT
They're good de-
c ithe ir eid











_ ., , .

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