etters Outplayed At Chicago; HoytMen Lead Big
Third Doubles
Team, Is Only
Varsity Winner
Slattery-Woolsey Combine
Reaches Semi-Finals;
Cohen Eliminated
CHICAGO, May 20.-(Special to
the Daily)-Play in the Big Ten Ten-
nis Meet went ahead according to
schedule today with Chicago, defend-
ipg champion, winning in every divi-
sion of the singles and doubles events
to send six men into the finals of the
former and three doubles teams into
the semi-finals of that event.
Although some of the matches were
played in Evanston, as per schedule,
rain fell about noon for a long enough
time to force a transfer of the re-
mainder of the matches to the courts
inside the Field House at the Univer-
sity of Chicago.
Draw Is Unfavorable
Michigan players were again the
victim of the draw as two of the
three doubles combinations fell be-
fore the onslaught of Chicago racquet
men in the initial round of the team
Capt. Neil Levenson and Ed Morris,
playing in the number one spot, fell
6-0, 6-2 before the drives of the
Murphy brothers, Chet and Bill.
The second division doubles tam
of 'John Kidwell and Henry Cohen
likewise could do little against the
Maroons, annexing but one game in
each of their two sets against John
Shostrum and Arthur Jorgensen.
Michigan men took part in two oth-
er affairs. Cohen, only man left in
the singles, was eliminated this morn-
ing in the' semi-finals by Phil Levy
of Minnesota, 6-1, 6-4.
Slattery-Woolsey Win
The third division doubles team of
Slattery and Woolsey was alone vic-
torious; pounding out an extremely
easy 6-1, 6-2 win over Bill Sears and
Dale Hatch of Iowa. They meet
Charles Shostrum and John Krieten-
stein ii the semi-finals tomorrow
At the end of play today team totals
stood as follows: Chicago 15, North-
western 8, Minnesota 5, Illinois and
Iowa 4, Ohio State 3. Michigan and
Wisconsin 2, and Purdue 0.
Levy (Minn.) dfeated Cohen 6-1,
6-4. Doubles, first division, Chester
Murphy and William Murphy (Chi.)
defeatedl Levenson and Morris 6-1,
Second division: John Shostrum
and Krietenstein' (Chicago) defeated
Kidwell and Cohen 6-1, 6-1. Third
division, Woolsey and Slattery de-
feated Hatch and Sears (Iowa) 6-1,
Long John Gee
Trails Vasity
Men "To Mors
Long John Gee is another of a
line of Michigan pitchers who has
learned that one is better able to face
the cold, cold world with a college
education- and a fast ball and curve.
,The elongated one who had hurled
a no-hitter for the Wolverines against
Hillsdale last year and who had been
captain and center for the cage team,
stepped into a semi-pro outfit in
Ohio i'rrmediatey after graduation
last June.
Gee Moves Up
But Gee had toohmuch stuff to tarry
°mlong in the bushes. Early in the
summer of 37, John reported to the
Syracuse Chiefs in the International
League and had enough stuff to win
four games while dropping but three
in his first season in Double A ball.
This year, with his first spring
training trip behind him, Gee, sur-
named Whizz by Syracuse scribes,
got the nod to hurl the opening game.
Johnny nodded right back and pro-
ceeded to set the Montreal Royals
back on their respective heels with a
very fine six hit, one run victory. At
present Gee has lost one more than
he has won, a creditable perform-
ance with the low run-producing
Chiefs as teammates.
Bottomley Compliments Him
Jim Bottomley, manager of the
club, considers that the 22 year old
Michigan graduate is the equal of
any other hurler on the staff and a
compliment of this magnitude from
Sunny Jim is not to be sloughed off.
Gee, a southpaw, is 6 feet nine inches
tall and 212 pounds of muscle. With
his skyscraper height, Gee is one of
the biggest men in baseball and when
the long left arm swoops down and
212 pounds are behind it, opposing
batters take notice-if they can.
Gee is following in the footsteps
of other Michigan ball pitchers,
George Sisler, a hurler when he was
here, Pete Appleton, nee Jablonowski,
Bill McAfee, all found their way to
the big time after a sojourn in the
A Success Saga.
COLUMBUS, 0., - Take it from the Michigan track coaches and squad
members, Horatio Alger's success stories were kid stuff compared to that
inspiring tale, "The Rise to Fame of a Javelin Thrower," or "How Fred
Martin Made Good."
This gripping yarn in two parts has a punch in every line and a
lesson on every page. The opening chapter, entitled "Fred Answers
an Ad," has been told so often that Michigan Daily moguls are playing
with the idea of offering Martin a directorship or some such thing
for services rendered. For without the Daily, Fred would have been
just another Joe Unsung. Today he is a star, and all because the
Daily classifieds do pay (advt.).
But enough of this plug. We've satisfied our superiors, and here's the
Three years ago this month, Track Coach Charlie Hoyt inserted the
following ad in the Daily.
HELP WANTED-Male-Students with good throwing arms to
throw the javelin. Apply to Charles B. Hoyt, track coach, at Ferry
Among the applicants who answered Charlie's ad was a husky kid from
Brooklyn, N.Y., with a yearning to make good in athletics. His name was Fred
Martin, he had been cut from the baseball squad, and he figured that
perhaps here was his chance to make good. So out he came, donned a suit,
and started to work. Thus endeth book one-the well known part of the
story. Now comes the less sensational but more profound part. In it you
can find the true secret of success-athletic or otherwise.
When Martin came out for the javelin he was throwing the spear
about 160 feet, good tossing for a novice in any man's league. Naturally
his form was poor, and the coaches got to work and began remedying
technical defects. Immediately Martin's distance decreased 10 feet, an
expected but disheartening feature of any "form" sport. The athlete
becames so conscious of what he is doing at this stage, that he fails
to get the coordination essential to this particular line of endeavour.
It's usually the turning point in his career.
Now Take The Golfe ...
JUST FOR EXAMPLE'S SAKE, take the golfer. How many duffers have
you seen out on the fairway doing Vractically everything wrong and
yet turning in "satisfying scores (they often play alone). Usually they're
quite satisfied with the status quo, and although they may play 36
holes a day, they rarely get down in pay dirt. Then suddenly they get
an urge to improve and run to their pro for lessons. He'll tell them:
"Elmer, your stance is all wrong. Don't drop that shoulder, don't
bend that arm, don't cock that wrist that way, don't do this and don't
do that. 'Now, here's the way to do it and practice."
Elmer tries it. His score skyrockets, his temper keeps pace with it, ano
he'll shout:
"Hell, this stuff can't work. My game's shot." With that he returns
to the old rut again.
* * * *
NOT SO FRED MARTIN. When his distance dropped off, he realized that
it was the natural outcome of the . innovations that he was being
taught. He kept on working-and that's hardly a. suitable term to describe
his efforts.
In the fall, he'd work outdoors until the local climes became too severe
for comprehensive work in his thin track garb. Then he'd move into the
Field House. When the basketball courts went up, it meant the end of
javelin work indoors, so he'd slave away at shot putting to maintain his
coordination, calisthenics to stay in trim, and running to keep his legs in
shape. He never doubted that he was on the right road to success; he never
let up in his efforts.
Improvement naturally took place-both gradually and in spurts.
He'd incr4ase his distance a few feet, and then hit a plateau. Then
another spurt and another dormant period. In other words, after he'd
jump a notch a period of "smoothing out" would take place. All told,
his net increase was about 15 feet per year.
Last May, Martin placed second in the Conference with a toss of 182
feet 3 inches. Pettigrew of Ohio won the event with a pitch of 185 feet, 8
inches. Then the Michigan team traveled out to the coast for the Pacific
Coast-Big Ten meet, and Fred became a student as well as a participant.
He was in tough competition out there-too stiff for him at his stage of
development-but the trip helped him no end. He'd sit for hours' watching
the stars perform, studying their motions and jotting down little mental
notes. He came back filled with ideas and plans.
Then more work. Conditioning in the summer, outdoors again in the
fall, and inside once more for the winter. Together with the coaches he
applied all the knowledge he had gathered on the coast trip. It paid
dividends. When the outdoor season opened, Fred was tossing about 196
feet and still climbing. Up to 200 he went, then 205, and how far he will
go down here this week-end is anybody's guess. The only ones who have
been surprised are the crowds. They weren't informed on Fred's progress
all by his lonesome, for the husky blond had been progressing outside of
competitive circles. The coaches aren't astounded; neither are the players.
They realize--and quite well too--that you can't beat that kind of work -
that kind.of spirit.
Irish Aren't All Irish
Despite Show Of Green
Notre Dame's diamond crew wasn't
so Irish although it may have ap-
peared to have a slightly greenish
tinge in spots.
With Corcoran, Doyle, Braddock,
and Sullivan comprising the visiting
infield, the flag of Erin may have
been a fitting banner for the team,
but the outfield of Nardone, Borow-
ski, and Arboit, was definitely on the
cosmopolitan side. The balance of'
power was decidedly swung, however,
by the starting battery of Mandjiak3
and Verhoestra.-
What Irish there was, however, was'
fighting Irish with Doyle, Braddock,,
and Sullivan all being namesakes of
famous heavyweight boxers.
Varsity Golfers,
Play Marqu-ette.1'
Match Today Is Warm-up
For Big Ten Tourney
Michigan's golf team, bound -for
the Big Ten championships at Min-
neapolis, meets Marquette Univer-
sity in Milwaukee today.
The match will serve as a warm-up
tilt for the varsity squad vhich .con
sists of Capt. Al Karpinski who is,
scheduled to play number two man
behind the veteran Bill Barclay, and
sophomores Lynn Reiss, Bob Pal-
mer and Tom Tussing.
After today's meet, the squad, which
is accompanied by Coach Ray Court-
right and Manager Charlie Seiden-
stein, will move on to the Minnesota
grain center and will play practice
rounds on Sunday in order to become
acquainted with the course over:
which the all-important champion-
ships will be held.
The first half of the 'tournament,
will be played on Monday with all4
contestants going 36 holes. Bvery.
school in the conference has ente ,ed
and will play five men. teams. ,On
Tuesday, 36 more holes will be played'
and at the conclusion of the {four,
rounds, the four lowest indiVidualf
scores on each team will be counted:.
The team with the low aggregate'-total
will be the 1938 Big Ten champion.
The player with the low score"Will
be individual champion as therer is
no match play connected with' the
Conference tournament. Opportiuity
for individual hole-by-hole compet-
tion will come late in June at the
National Intercollegiate champion-
Watson Paces Gets Two Singles
Cinder Squad
At Ohio State
Husky Track Star Leads
Three Events; Thirteen
Wolverines Qualify
(Continued from Page 1)
fied seven men in six events, the
mile, two mile, and relay events had
no preliminary round.
Elmer aGedeon and Stan Kelley both
came through in the 120 yard high
hurdles. Gedeon breezed home in 1 ?*.
14.8 seconds in his heat to lead Dick "'"
Brun-ton of Illinois by a yard. Kelley
was second to John Collinge of Iowa
in his, the winning time- being 15
seconds flat.
The duo repeated in the 220 yard
lows, each winning their races, Kel-
ley's time was 23.7 seconds, the fast-
.est of the day, while Big Elmer's
clicked off the distance in 23.8.Lb eebe, Vrsi catcher, shared
A surprise qualifier for Michigan in yesterday's victory over Notre
was Carl Culver who finished third Dame. Leo pounded out two hits,
behind Ohio State's Bob Lewis in the both of them singles and scored
'100. He is given little chance of two of Michigan's six runs. He also
tasting gravy tomorrow however, on made several difficult catches of
the basis of the field. today.,'Lewis fout flies.
Snnexed both dash events and is a ________es,
.heavy favorite for two titles tomor- among the 880 men, finishing third
row. He reeled off a 9.6 hundred behind Mel Trutt of Indiana. Here
and matriculated the 220 in 21.7. The behin Merutt of Idaa e :
only opposition he will have is Fled again there is too much power for
Teufel, Iowa's three event man. Michigan. With Trutt, Wisconsin'
incomparable Chuck Fenske,. In-
The,440 yard dash, best race on to- diana's Miller, and Johnny Webstcr
'morrow's program, found another of Chicago in the field; there's little
Michigan man squeezing in as a qual- pomise that Jester will find a place
ifier as Ross Faulkner garnered a And from all indications here today
second behind the defending chain- Michigan won't need the points.
pion. George Halcrow of Chicago. MICHIGAN QUALIFIES
Wolverine chances in this event, how- 120-yard high hurdie.: Elmer Ged
ever, are virtually nil with such en- tariley Keilcy.
tries as Ohio State's Harley Howells Shot put -Bill Watson, .Jake Town
indiana's Malcolm Hicks, Iowa's Carl send.
.Teufel, Sam Miller of Indiana and 440 -yard run: Ross Faulkner.
Halerow 'competing. 100-yard dash:Carl Culver.
Howell's time was the best today 220-yard low hurdles: Kelley, Ged
as the smooth -striding Ohioan turned eon.
in ,a good 47.8 second quarter, almost 880-yard run: Tom Jester.
a full second better than champion Broad jump-Bill Watson.
l Halcrow's 48.7. Javelin-Fred Martin.
Little Tommie Jester slipped in Discus-Watson, Townsend.'
Open S:0- A.M. till 11:00 P.M. ))-TY -
'Escaped' Ohioans
Return To HDaunt
Ohio State Mentor
Three boys ' from his own state,
Ohio, are back to haunt Larry Snyder
Snyder is the coach of the Ohio
State University track team which is
playing host to the Big Ten meet in
Columbus today.
The three Ohio boys who are re-
turning to their native state but
wearing Michigan's colors, are Stan
Kelley, Elmer Gedeon, and Wes Al-
Both Kelley and Gedeon qualified
yesterday f or the finals in the 120
lard high and the 220 yard low
hurdles. Allen will make his bid in
:,he high jump today.
The presence of the three Cleve-
land athletes on the Michigan roster
is, to say the least,
Last week in an interview over sta-
tion WOSU in Columbus Snyder re-
vealed just how he regards the high-
powered Wolverine trio.
"Those three boys would make
Ohio State Big Ten champions this
,,nat' if ,ua had them." lamented'
That's More Like It
Michigan AB
Trosko, of ...........5
Brewer, ss ............4
Peckinpaugh. 3b .....3
Kremer, if..........3
Campbell, if.........2
Smick, rf...........3
Greenberg, blb........1
Lisagor, 2b..........4
Beebe, c............4
Fishman, p..........1
0 0
2 2
1 1
Notre Dame
Nardone, If
Corcoran, 2b
Borowski, cf'
Arboit, rf ...
Doyle, lb ... .
Braddock, ss
Sullivan, 3b
Verhoestra, c.
Mandjiak. p ..
Ellis, p .....,
*Wagner ...
* *Oberbrenne
* **Ka ;zelove
****Crane ..
Totals .. .
Notre Dame .
30 6 9
0 1 10
. A 0 1 7 2
.........4 0 0 3 0
. .... 4 02 3 1
. ..... 4 0 0 a e 3
. ... ..3 0 1 1 2
. .. .. 3 0 1 1 4
3 0 2 3 2
,....... 1 0 0 0 1
... ... ..2 0 0 0 0
. .. .. . :. 1 0 1 0 0
r ....1 0 0 0 0
. 1 0 0 0 0
. .. .. 1 0 0 0 0
........36 0 9 24 15
........000 000 000-01
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