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May 21, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-21

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning rtxcept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise. credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Regrese tative
420 MAvisoN Avg.. EW YORK. N. Y.
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor .
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor.
Sports Editor .

. . . . Robert D. Mitchell
Albert P. Mayio
. . . . Horace W. Gilmore
. . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
. . . . . Saul R. Kleiman
..... ..Robert Perlman
William Elvin
. . . . . Joseph Freedman
. . Earl Gilman
.' .Joseph Gies
.Dorothea Staebler
. . . . . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women,'s Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
Guerilla Warfare
A La Chinese...
CHINESE STUDENTS on campus be-
lieve that their country will beat the
Japanese and drive them out of China-even-
tually, if not now.
Their reason calls to mind one of Robert L.
Ripley's observations: "If all the Chinese in the
world were to march four abreast past a given
point, they would never stop marching, believe
it or not." The idea, of course, is that in such
a vast number of Chinese, enough are being
born all the time to keep the line marching past.
That may be stretching the point a bit, per-
haps, but it serves to illustrate the tremendous.
manpower of China. Even though the Chinese
lose two men to the enemy's one, the advantage
will still be theirs.
And many students of the problems feel that
if the Chinese armies are driven back from the
great central plain of China, back to the beginning
of the gorges, that advantage will be strength-
ened. Modern fighting machines and large
armies are not suited to warfare in the gorges of
China's great rivers. Hand-to-hand fighting will
prevail, and China's numbers will tell on the
weakened Japanese forces.
Harry L. Sonneborn.
Pennsylvania's Primary
And The Labor Split . .
HE RESULTS of the Pennsylvania
Democratic primary have been hailed
by the conservative press as a heavy blow to New
Deal. prestige and the signal for a turn in the
political tide away from the liberal trend of the
past few years. Turner Catledge in the New York
Times subtly editorialized from Washington
Thursday that "the outcome of yesterday's pri-
mary . . . was widely interpreted in Washington
today as the most important political develop-
ment since the beginning of the Democratic
ground swell in 1930."
There are strong reasons for believing that
Mr. Catledge's Capital observers overstated the
case. The issues were not clearly drawn in
Pennsylvania because of the backgrounds of the
various candidates, ,and certainly nothing like
the atmosphere of the Florida primary of two
weeks ago, in which Senator Pepper scored a
decisive victory almost strictly on the issue of
his support of the New Deal, prevailed. Governor
Earle, successful candidate for the senatorial
nomination, has a good record as a liberal gov-
ernor and a large personal following; while his
opponent, Mayor Wilson of Philadelphia, was
only given lukewarm support by labor, in spite
of his endorsement by the United Mine Workers,
because of his negative record in labor disputes.
It is safe to say that few if any of Governor
Earle's constituents voted for him for any rea-
p.,. nr~a a hta 'Vawr 1a

actually more in the nature of votes against
Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Jones' victory, it is worth
noting, was by a much smaller margin than that
of Governor Earle, his running mate, doubtless
because the mine workers backed their union
officer more solidly than Mayor Wilson. The
ballots against Kennedy probably came in varying
numbers for three reasons: first, his U.M.W.
affliliation; second, the usual opposition of the
press to a labor candidate; and third, his Cath-
The A.F.L. opposed Kennedy on the first-.
named grounds, following its regular if incom-
prehensible policy of preferring a conservative
candidate to a progressive with rival affiliation.
The primary furnished new proof that labor can
make no important advances in the political
field until its internal split is healed.
The heavy turnout for the Republican as well
as the Democratic primary indicates a sharply
fought contest in the fall. It remains to be
seen to how great an extent the New Deal will
be made the issue in the election. At least the
religious and labor-faction issues will be definite-
ly sidetracked, which should contribute some-
thing toward a rational basis for the campaign.
Joseph S. Gies.
In South AfriCa ...
(EDITOR'S NOTE: We publish below two docu-
ments, an editorial in the Manchester Guardian
and a letter to the editor of that newspaper con-
cerning the present condition of the native popula-
tion in the Union of South Africa and in the
Protectorate of the British Government in South
Africa over which the Union Government has not
had but now seeks jurisdiction. In the present
Union-composed of the Cape, Natal. Orange Free
State. and Transvaal Provinces-there are 7,500,-
000 natives and 2,00,000 Europeans, and it ha been
claimed that the latter maintain the former in
conditions of peonage and quasi-slavery. In the
British Protectorates, geographically within the
territory of the Union but politically independent
of it and ruled from London, there are nearly one
million natives and less than five thousand Euro-
WITH THE APPROACH of a general election
in the Union of South Africa it is natural
that the Union Government should hope to put
the coping-stone on the native policy that has
been passed in the present Union Parliament
by envisaging clearly the day when the British
native Protectorates within the area of the Union
shall pass under its control. It is natural, but it
is unfortunate, for much remains to be done be-
fore that date can be fixed. For one thing, the
word of Britain has been pledged by successive
governments that there will be no change in the
status of the Protectorates without the consent
of their inhabitants, and of that consent there
is no sign. It is sometimes urged in the Union
that Britain for her part is doing little or nothing
to induce in the Protectorate natives a trustful-
ness in the Union rule. But, as the principal of
the Tiger Kloof Native Institution points out
(ED. Note: In a letter printed below), no persua-
sion by Britain could in the meantime overcome
the prejudice aroused in the native mind by
recent native laws passed in the Union. The
Hertzog Government's policy, viewed as a whole,
aims no doubt at a benevolent plan of segregation
in which the native, except indeed insofar as
his labor is needed, will develop in his own com-
munities with a sufficiency of land to sustain
-him with his own representation on native
councils. Unfortunately, it is not the construc-
tive but the repressive side of that legislation
that is at present most prominent and that has
filled with mistrust the natives outside the
Union which it hoped to bring in.
They have seen their fellows in South Africa
precluded by a Color Bar from taking part in
skilled or semi-skilled labor, prevented by pass
laws from being out after ten p.m. or traveling
without permission, stripped of their vote in the
only Province (the Cape) where they had it, de-
barred by. a Native Land Act from acquiring land
in their own right, and finally by the Native Laws
Amendment Act made liable to be ejected from
the towns if their labors are not required and to
be compelled to go to the reserves or work on
European farms irrespective of their desire or
suitability for such a fate. It is true that on the
constructive side there must be the intention to
acquire fifteen million acres (out of the two
hundred sixty million now in white possession)
for native settlement and also the experiment in

Native Representative Councils whose views are
to be taken into account on native questions that
come before the Union Parliament.
But the first of these measures is gravely in-
adequate if segregation is not to spell hardship,
and the second replaces a direct Parliamentary
vote which was greatly valued with a vote for
a body that will be no more than advisory at its
best. When, if ever, the disabilities of Union
policy begin to be counterbalanced by its benefits
the Protectorate native may look more kindly
on Union overtures. It should then be possible
for the Union to make the Protectorates treaties
ensuring the present liberties of their inhabitants.
But that is not a process that Britain, with the
best will in the World, can do much to hasten.
-The Manchester Guardian.

Iifeemr oMe
IHeywood' Brown
When I read that a group of shovel men from
Yale had unearthed Solomon's old seaport I de-
cided to try to dig up Ezion-gever in my Bible
and also get a passing fill-in on the King himself.
Naturally, I ran across the famous incident
which is largely responsible for Solomon's present
reputation as the wisest of
all monarchs. It seems to
me that it is a secular rather
than a spiritual estimate
which places the ruler so
high in the realm of sagacity.
His contemporaries did not
feel that his taste was in all
things above reproach. In-
deed, the chronicler who set
1down the record in the First
Book of Kings observed somewhat sourly, "But
King Solomon loved many strange women."
However, it often happens that when some
man marries even his closest friends are wont to
say, "I can't for the life of me imagine what
Fred can see in that girl." And Solomon cer-
tainly put his cronies to the test by taking to
himself seven hundred. I refer, of course, to his
wedded wives. There were, also, three hundred

The Editor
Gets Told
Japan And U.S. Steel
To the Editor:
The United States has at its im-
mediate disposal the indirect means
to cripple Japan's war-machine in
China. A precedent has already been
established for the use of such means.
This action would in no way tend to
involve the United States in any
conflict with Japan.
America could do this, because the
continuance of the war Japan is wag-
ing depends upon the use of steel
made, or collected, in this country.
Cutting off these shipments of steel
would be infinitely more humanitar-
ian than any expression of sympathy
of any number of contributions to the
Red Cross in order to provide a few
bandages for a coolie whose chest
been torn open by several pounds of
steel manufactured in Gary, Ind.
Here is an explanation of the facts:
Japan in 1937 produced 5,300,000 tons
of steel. The United States supplied
1,900,000 tons of steel toward the
manufacture of this tonnage, or
roughly, one-third. (These figures
are based upon official export statis-
tics" compiled monthly by U.S. gov-
ernment bodies). In Japan's present
difficult position,cutting her steel
supply by one-third would do much
to destroy her military economy.
But scrap is for the most part low
grade steel, too high in carbon con-
tent to be re-worked into steels for
military use. Last year Japan bought
400,000 tons of high-grade pig iron,
which is necessarily used for making
military weapons. And, in the first
three months of 1938, Japanese im-
ports of American pig iron have in-
creased almost 110 per cent. But even
then, Japan cannot manufacture the
extremely high-grade steels needed
for many armaments; neither the al-
loys nor machinery needed are pres-
ent in Japan.

English 32, Section 6 (Mr.
section): Assignment for
May 24, "Twelfth Night."

(Continued from Page 2)
will be made from the League, Satur-
day, May 21 from 9-12 a~m. and 1-5
p.m. Consult League bulletin board
for room number. A deposit of $4
will be required, $2.50 of which will
be refunded when cap and gown are
returned after graduation. Issuances
cannot be made unless class dues are
fully paid up.
Financial Committee of Frosh Proj-
ect: Please be sure that all coupon
books and lists are turned into Miss
McCormick's office in the League by
Monday morning at the very latest.
Academic Notices
Engish Concentration Examination.
A qualifying examination for students
who plan to elect English as their field
of concentration will be given Tues-
day evening, May 24, in Room 2225
Angell Hall. Foreign language, 7-8;
English 8-10.

* * *



How The Votes Stack Up
And that seems a curious proportion. I don't
know how to account for it. Seven, of course,
was considered a mystical and lucky number in
those days, but I believe that some deeper strategy
motivated the King's arrangement of his house-
hold. You see, if any dispute ever arose at home
between the forces of excess and those pledged
to. prim propriety Solomon was always in a posi-
tion to get something over a two-thirds majority
for respectability.
In this way he put a check upon himself- and
could shift the responsibility whenever the con-
cubines asked for anything more than simple
jewelry. He could always answer, "Gladly would
I shower you with emeralds, my dears, but my
wives won't let me."
* * * *
New York City Sets A Pace
But among other things King Solomon was the
first of the liberals. This he demonstrated when
he was asked to decide the rightful mother of the
disputed baby. "And the King said 'Divide the
living child in two, and give half to the one
and half to the other.'",
And this was spoken after the manner in which
liberals have spoken from that day to this. It is
the very perfect example of the callousness of all
middle-of-the-roaders. "The truth lies some-
where between the two." It marks the distinction
between the radical approach and the liberal ap-
proach. The radical says that in regard to living
vital issues a man must be on one side or an-
other. Half a cause may be worse than none at
all. And it may well be that Solomon was not
wise at all but cagy.

"transfer" of some inanimate object like the
"railways" or "the mines." But it is with people
that we are dealing, and with people who own
land and possess rights. They are not pawns
on a chessboard, but freedom-loving individuals.
2. I have no doubt that when in May and
June last year General Hertzog complained to
Mr. Malcolm MacDonald that the British Gov-
ernment had not been sufficiently active in speed-
ing up the transfer and "persuading" the natives
of the territories that their future lay within the
Union, Mr. MacDonald replied that the only
person who could "persuade" the people was the
Prime Minister of the Union himself. By his
actions they would judge him, and as soon as
the native policy of the Union had proved itself
to be generous and beneficial there would be few
barriers left to transfer.
That is exactly what many of us feel. We are
prepared in season and out of season to press for
better conditions for the Union natives-wages,
pass laws, conditions of contract service, educa-
tion, taxation, health services-and, above all,
for a new spirit of cooperation whereby white
and black shall come to see that South Africa
can only become a great country if there is mu-
tual respect and toleration amongst all sections
of the community. Until there is stronger evi-
dence than at present that there is a genuine im-
provement in our racial attitudes in South Africa
some of us are bound to be lukewarm about in-
corporation. This leads me to my third point:
3. What the protectorate natives fear is that
they will lose all touch with their "protector"
Great Britain, once they have thrown in their
lot with the Union, and t'his is undoubtedly
In 1937 a registered native voter in the Cape
Province, applied to the Cape Supreme Court for
an order restraining the relevant Ministers of
State from removing his name from the ordinary
voter's roll and placing it on a new voter's roll
under the ° presentation of Natives Act of 1936.
The case went to appeal, and the acting Chiefj
Justice decided, inter alia, that the Statute of
Westminster had in effect made the Union Par-
liament supreme, with power to repeal or amend
any British Act, order, or rule in so far as it
affected the law of the Union.
There appears then, to be nothing to prevent
the Union Parliament's repealing the schedule of
the Act of Union which lays down how the High
Commission territories are to be administered
and there would be no appeal to the Privy Coun-
cil. Some means would have to be devised
whereby, by special treaty or otherwise, the rights
of the protectorate natives would be entrenched.
This, of course, is of real concern to the British
Parliament. Negotiations cannot but be long
and difficult and the natives themselves must be
fully advised of the whole position before being
calldunto knnn ad mk nisin


Japan needs finished steels to carry ai
on a war. And America is supplying si
them: we shipped over a million tons T
of finished steel toeJapan in 1937 bE
(this is in addition to the scrap and G
pig iron). All Japanese import fig-
ures on raw materials needed for
armaments have of course increased U
during 1938. These steels were al- r
loyed with such metals as copper, id
aluminum, nickel, and molybdenum. d
Only such steels are adequate for
aircraft and gun-making. Thus the
steels Japan buys here relieve three
of her most desperate needs: they
give her steel, they give her the spe-
cial steel for arms purposes, and ti
they give her steel already processed h
with alloys which she lacks. C
Steel is absolutely necessary to l
carry on a war. It is impossible to A
claim that Japan is using American f
steels for commercial purpses: over 9
four hundred restrictions have beenT
imposed, since the outbreak of the
war, against the commercial use of
steel. A
If this country should cease its e
trafficking in death, could Japan get e
steels elsewhere to carry on a war? s
Fortunately, the answer is no. Japan- v
ese war-lords are tremendously re-
sourceful, but no one can salvage steel s
from high explosive and chemical 9
shell. The Soviet Union discontinued J
shipments to Japan over a year ago. v
Germany cannot; there, even arms
projects must register with the au-
thorities and pass through a long
waiting list before steel can be de-
livered. Great Britain cannot serveo
as a source of steel, for England hasn
been vying with Japan for first placeI
as purchaser of American steel which
she needs for her own arms program.I
Nor can the Philippines supply
enough steel.
Australia has put before America
a precedent for refusing to ship to
Japan any kind of steel for any pur-
pose.oJ pan invested large amounts
of money in the island of Koolan,
from which she eventually expected
to get a million tons of steel per year.
Then Japan's depredations in China
obliged Australia to increase its arms
program. Now the Australian gov-
ernment is forbidding further ship-
ments of ore to Japan "on the ground
that a national issue is involved."I
Japan is thoroughly tied-up in mili-
tary operations in China, where she
is by no means sure of victory, and
the United States could cut off steel
shipments with no danger whatso-
That is how the matter stands. The
people of the United States can stop
the war in China. We can also d-
mand that our government lift the
embargo on Loyalist Spain-our pres-
ent "Neutrality" Act makes it pos-
sible for this country to ship guns
and bombs to the Fascists in Spain
(last week the fourth shipment of
20,000 bombs went there via Ger-
These two actions would be in-
strumental in making America a force
for peace. If we believe it unwise to
assist in the preservation of that de-
mocracy which we so greatly extoll,
then we can at least remain neutral
-at the present time America is ac-
tively assisting the war-makers. And
our actions would give heart to the
peaceful peoples throughout the

English 150 (Playwriting) and Mr. o
,owe's English 298. There will be im- o'
ortant final announcements at the in
ieeting Monday night, May 23. Ken- th
eth Rowe.'
Qualifying Examinations for Direct- ly
d Teaching will be given this after- T
oon, at 1 o'clock, in the auditorium
f the University High School.
Comprehensive Examination in Ed- Li
cation will be given this afternoon, H
t two o'clock, in the auditorium of H
e University High School. W
Graduation Recital: Maurice Gerow,
gnor, will appear in Graduation Re- d
ital, Wednesday evening, May 25, fo
t 8:15 o'clock at the School of Mu- fc
c Auditorium, on Maynard Street.
'he general public is invited. He will to
e. accompanied at the piano by Miss a
race Wilson.
Carillon Recital. Wilmot Pratt,4
niversity Carillonneur, will give a
ecital on the Charles Baird Carillon
the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun-
ay afternoon, May 22, at 4:15 p.m. fn
Exhibition, College of Architecture.
Drawings, photogaphs and maps of F
oviet architecture and city construc-
on, also illustrations showing the (
istorical development of Soviet ar- H
hitecture from 1918 to the present, tc
oaned through the courtesy of the g
mlnerican Russian Institute. Third s
loor exhibition room. Open daily, b
to 5, except Sunday, until May 24. p
'he public is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture: n
n exhibition of articles in silver, gold.
namel and semi-precious stones, forD
cclesiastical and general use, de-
igned and executed by Arthur Ne- m
ill Kirk, is shown in the pier cases g
t either side of the Library entrance, t
econd floor corridor. Open daily, t
':00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until
rune 1. The public is cordially in- L
Events Today p
The Canadian-American Affiliates
f the Foreign Policy Association an-
nual luncheon today at the Michigan
League; 1 p.m. n
The speaker will be Mrs. Louise
Leonard Wright of Chicago, National
Chairman of Governmentand For-a
eing Policy Department of the Na-
tional League of Women Voters, form-
er members of the faculty of the
University of Minnesota. She will
speak on "Legislating for Peace."
Open meeting. Make reservationsc
directly at the Michigan League.-
Baptist Natators: Don't forget ther
Roger Williams Guild splash partyI
at the Intramural Building today. The
group will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the
Coming Events t
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will
be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interested
in speaking German are cordially in-~
vited. There will be an informal 10-
minute talk by Professor Henry W.
Nordmeyer on "Die.Kunst des Uber-
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, May, 23, 3:30 p.m. Room 313
West Medical Building.
"The Chemical Composition of Gly-
cogen and Factors Influencing Its
Deposition in the Liver" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Physics Colloquium: Dr. R. L.
Thornton will speak on "Recent

Changes in the Cyclotron" at the
Physics Colloquium on Monday, May
23 at 4:15 in Room 1041 East Physics

[ay 22, at 6 p.m. at Zion Parish
in friends interested in international
fairs are urged to attend this final
Phi Tau Alpha: Tickets may be ob-
ned from Ruth Morrison and Mar-
a Hawk for the Phi Tau Alpha Ban-
iet to be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednes-
ay, May 25, at the Michigan League.
Phi Eta Sigma: The group will hold
s regular Sunday dinner meeting
t 6:15 In the Union. Professor Thorn-
>n of the Engineering School will
idress the members.
Acolytes: Dr. A. D. Osborn, of the
ibrary Science department, will dis-
ss Husserl's idea of Philosophy as
r Exact Science on Monday evening,
[ay 23, at 7:45 in Room 202, S.W.
hose interested in philosophical dis-
ission are invited to attend.
The Christian Student Prayer Group
ill hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m.,
unday, May 22, in the Michigan
eague. The room will be announced
a the bulletin board.
Suomi Club: There will be a picnic
n Sunday May 22, 1938 at 3:3Q
clock p.m. The members will meet
front of Hill Auditorium and from
ere proceed to the Island. Games
id refreshments are on the program
id all Finnish students are cordial-
invited. Please call Viola Vehko,
el. 8429, if you are going to attend.
Attention Lutheran Students: The
utheran Student Club's Annual
enior banquet will be held Sunday,
all. All members are invited. There
ill be the regular charge.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
old their meeting for worship Sun-
ay at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League,
Illowed by a business meeting at 6
clock, for which members are urged
be present. All who are interested
re welcome.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
9 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul and Body."
Golden Text: Psalms 42:11.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
orning service.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
red Cowin, Minister.
5 p.m. Members of the Guild and
heir friends will meet at the Guild
ouse, 438 Maynard Street, and hike
D the park by the Huron River for
ames, picnic supper and a vesper.
ervice. If it rains the meeting will
e held at the Guild House at 5:30
First Congregational Church, cor-
er of State and William.
10:45 a.m., "The Fascination of the
ommonplace" will be the subject of
r. Leonard A. Parr's sermon at the
norning service of worship. The or-
an prelude will be "Allegro Can-
abile" from Widor's V Symphony;
he choir will sing "O Be Joyful in the
1ord" by Gretchaninoff; and Miss
ois Greig, soprano, will sing, "It Was
or Me" by Blount.
4:30 p.m. The Student Fellowship
will leave Pilgrim Hall at 4:30 for a
icnic at the Island. In case of rain,
he meeting will be held in the church
arlors at 5:30.
F rst Presbyterian Church, Washte-
naw Ave.
"The Certainty of God" will be the
ubject of Dr.W. P. Lemon's sermon
at the Morning Worship Service at
0:45. The student choir directed by
Miss Claire Coci and the children's
-hoir under the leadership of Mrs.
F'red Morns will, take part in the serv-
ice. The musical numbers will in-

elude: Organ Prelude, "Preludio" by
Corelli; Anthem, "Come, Holy Ghost"
by Palestrina; Solo, "Eye Hath Not
Seen" from "The Holy City" by Gaul,
Elizabeth Adams; Organ Postlude,
"Fugue in D. Major" by Bach.
Did you ever start a business? Did
your Christian principles work? Come
to the Westminster Guild meeting
Sunday night at 5:30 and help us
tackle the problem of organizing a
cooperative. The advisors: Mrs. How-
ard Y. McClusky and Dr. A. K. Stev-
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on the theme:
"My Redeemer" at 10:40 o'clock.
Stalker Hall. The Student Class
will not meet again until next fall.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Dr. W. E. Harrison will speak on
"From Oxford and Georgia and Re-
turn." Dr. Harrison is the superin-
tendent of the Ann Arbor District of
the Methodist Church.
Fellowship Hour and supper at 7
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Col.union, 9d30 a.m.
Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.

On my return to South Africa in January after
furlough I was met with the question as to how
long it would be before the protectorates were
"handed over" to the Union. There is no doubt
that in South Africa there is an urgency about
the matter that does not exist in Great Britain.
I have no doubt that General Hertzog is keenly
anxious to bring off the "double" before he re-
linquishes the premiership-namely, the "settle-
ment" of the native problem within the Union
(in the terms of his well-known formula of "seg-
regation") and the incorporation of the Protec-
torates (to satisfy South African national senti-
The question is many-sided, but I should like
at this stage in the proceedings, while the nego-
tiations are still in progress between the Domin-
ions Office and the South African Government,
to mm-hace thra w. "

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