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January 21, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-21

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'The Weather
Increasing cloudiness and
somewhat warmer today; to-
morrow, probable snow flurries.



Criticism. . .


VOL. XLIV No.'86




Team Loses
To Chicago

Note Found After 37 Years
Proves Glacier Is Receding

R.O.T.C. Men
Will Receive

11-Sophomore Team
Maroons Wins First
Ten Victory, 35-24


Haarlow Stars By
Making 7 Baskets
Wolverines Take An Early
Lead, Are Held To 3
Goals In Second Half
CHICAGO, Jan. 20. -(P) -Chi-
cago's all-sophomore basketball com-
bination won its first victory of the
Big Ten season tonight, defeating'
Michigan, 35 to 24, after a slow start.
The Wolverines quickly took a six
to nothing lead, but the Maroons led
by Bill Haarlow, came back with a
burst of 14 points and dominated the
situation from there on.
Haarlow scored seven field goals
for Chicago and was the central
figure in almost every play.
After their first effort, the Wol-
verines appeared demoralized and in
the last half were held to three field
goals. It was Michigan's fourth de-
feat in five games, and Chicago's first

Evidenceethat Greenland's moun-
tains of ice are receding has been
found by University explorers.
Four hundred miles north of the
Arctic circle, in front of the great
Cornell glacier, the Michigan scien-
tists found a note written in 1896 by
the late Prof. R. S. Tarr of Cornell
University, one of the first white men
to see the glacier. Prof. Tarr died
more than 20 years ago.
The Cornell scientist had torn a
sheet from his notebook, written a
few words to indicate he was leaving
it at the edge of the ice and placed
the paper between two flat slabs of
stone over which rocks were piled to
form a monument. When the Mich-
igan men chanced to find it 37 years
later, Prof. Tarr's marker was about
three-fifths of a mile from the front
of the glacier, indicating that the
ice had receded that much.
Members of the expedition who
made the discovery were Prof. Ralph
L. Belknap, director; Evans S.
Schmeling, geologist and aerologist;
Max Demorest, assistant geologist-
aerologist, and Herbert Gardner, bot-
Prof. Tarr's note was brought back
to Ann Arbor, photostated for pur-
poses of record, and the original sent
to Mrs. Tarr whose home is in Ithaca,
N. Y.

While it does not prove conclusively
that recession of the ice has con-
tinued over a long period of time, or
that it will continue, the discovery
does indicate that there has been a
definite retreat in the past 37 years.
Prof. Belknap and his companions
found other supporting evidence.
They found nunataks, or islands of
rock in the ice, which were not pres-
ent when earlier expeditions visited
Northern Greenland. These indicated
tiat the ice cap had receded enough
to expose a few more mountain tops.
Since their return to the United
States six weeks ago after a year and
a half in the north, Belknap and
Schmeling have been studying data
collected by the expedition and put-
ting their results in articles for scien-
tific journals.
Prof. Belknap spent most of the
months of July and August, 1933,
alone on the Greenland ice cap, about
180 miles in, at Camp Watkins, con-
tinuing weather studies which were
begun by Prof. William Herbert
Hobbs of the University of Michigan
in 1926. The expedition also at
tempted to measure the thickness of
the ice cap by the echo sounding
method. The elevation at Camp Wat-
kins was calculated by two methods
with a difference of only three feet,
(Continued on Page 6)

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Sermons By
Stair, Brauer
Will Be Given
Services By Stellhorn And
Lewis Also Scheduled;
Prof. Wahr To Speak
"What Makes Wrong Wrong" will
be the sermon delivered at 10:45 a.m.
today by the Rev. Peter Stair during
the service at the First Methodist
Episcopal Church. The Wesleyan
Guild at 6 p. m. will hear Earnest
Angles of Bolivia speak on "War in
the Chaco."
The Rev. C. A. Brauer will preach
on "The Centurion's Faith" at the
St. Paul's Lutheran Church. At 9:30
a. m. the service is in German,
whereas at 10:45, it is in English. A
social program will take the place of
the usual'discussion at 6:30 p. m.
The Zion Lutheran Church service
will include the sermon of the Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn, who preaches on
"Jesus, Only." Prof. Fred B. Wahr
of the German department will ad-
dress the Student Fellowship on "The
Nazi Movement in Germany."
The morning service at the St. An-
drews Episcopal Church will begin at
11 a. m., led by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
The "Conversatione" at 7 p. m. will
be led by Edwin G. Eklund of New
York City.

core at half - Mich-
go 18. Personal fouls:
ier, Tomagno, Jablon-
4, Petoskey, Haarlow,
on 2, Oppenheim 2,

Free throws missed: Plummer, Jab-
lonski, Tessmer, Rudness, Haarlow 2,
Pyle, Peterson 2, Oppenheim 2, Lang.
Referee: N. E. Kearns (DePaul);
J. J. Maloney (Notre Dame).
Local Minister
To Give Final
Sermon Today

February Gargoyle
Rumors Remain An
Unsolved Mystery
Vague and enigmatic rumors of a
February issue of the Gargoyle, to
appear before examinations, re-
mained rumors at 2 a. m. this mor-
ning. Efforts to find members of
the Gargoyle staff in their offices
were in vain. A hurried trip about
the various stations of refreshment
in downtown Ann Arbor was only
partially successful. A reporter was
able to find out, however, that sev-
eral humor-men had left the various
establishments shortly before his ar-
Peeping through the windows of
the Student Publications Building,
he was° able to discern figures 'dimly
moving about the Gargoyle office
during the smaller hours of the mor-,
ning. Just what could be determined
was problematical.
Heart Ailment
Will Not Stop
Insull Ouster
Believe Greek Government
Will Uphold Residence
Permit Cancellation
ATHENS, Greece, Jan. 20-(P)-
Indications grew in informed circles
today that the Greek government
remains firm in its intention to de-
port Samuel Insull regardless of his
weak heart or a decision of the state
council in the matter.
This belief was buttressed by a
declaration of the interior minister's
secretary who said the administra-
tion was determined to expell the
former Chicago utilities operator de-
spite his appeal to the council from
a government order declining to re-
new his present permit after Jan. 31.
The eight members of the council
debated the pleas of its report and
Insull's attorneys, given at a hearing
yesterday, during a heated two-hour
session today. Its decision was not
expected before Tuesday.
The only reaction at Insull's home
continued to be that he was suffer-
ing from a heart ailment.
It was generally forecast in circles
closely following the case that the
council's verdict will be unfavorable
to Insull because by law the govern-
ment possesses the full right to reg-
ulate the stay of a foreigner.

1934 Awards
Best First-Year Squad And
Company Will Be Hon-
ored Wednesday
Seniors To Receive
Their Commissions
Entire R.O.T.C. To Take
Part In Ceremony; Best
Units To Parade
R.O.T.C. awards to the best drilled
first-year basic squad, and company,
as well as the delivering of commis-
sions to the February graduating
class, will be maie Jan. 24, in the
Waterman Gymnasium, Lieut. Rich-
ard Coursey announced yesterday.
Roll call for the ceremony will be at
7 p. m. and the general public is in-
The entire R.O.T.C. regiment will
participate in the ceremony, with the
winning units giving a short demon-
stration drill prior to the delivery of
the awards. The University Commit-
tee on Military Affairs will be pres-
ent and Prof. William H. Hobbs,
chairman of the committee, will de-
liver a short address to the regiment.
Results of competitive drills in the
regiment for the first semester of
1933-34 were also announced by
Lieut. Coursey. The winning company
was the E Company of the 2nd Bat-
talion, commanded by C. A. Marshall,
The winning squad was the 3rd
Squad, Company A, 1st Battalion.
The corporal of this company is T. C.
Hay, and the members are Charles
N. Haskins, '37E, John B. Heles, '36,
Wayne W. Crosby, '36, Raymond S.
Rivlin, '37, Wilbur A. Chapman, '36,
Charles W. Swartout, '36E, and David
J. Fornetti, '37E.
Best drilled freshmen, announced
at the same time; are J. G. Briner,
Headquarters Company 1st Bat-
talion; C. N. Haskins, Company A;
D. J. Dean, Company B; C. S. Lurie,
Company C; R. S. Scott, Company D;
R. F. Shoppel, Headquarters Com-
pany 2nd Battalion; P. T. Hall, Com-
pany E; J. J. Newman, Company F;
R. E. Longley, Company C; J. H.
Mason, Company H; R. D. Jay,"
Headquarters Company, 3rd Bat-
talion; E. F. Snyder, Company I; C.
H. Young, Company K; R. T. Cous-
ins, Company L; and J. R. Wood, Jr.,
Company M.
Real Estate To
Improve NOw,
Expert Claims,
1933 Marked Low Point
In .Activity; New Cycle
To Begin, Miller Says
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 20- (A') - Real
estate, the National Association of'
Real Estate Boards was told by its
president, W. C. Miller, of Washing-
ton, is swimming back to its place"
in' the sun and the "tide of fore-
closure has almost receded."
In his annual address to the as-
sociation, assembled in mid-winter
convention here, Miller declared 1933
"undoubtedly marked the low point
in real estate activity, and from that
point we most certainly now are in
the ascendent."
Among the factors which combine
for "the beginning of a new real es-

tate cycle," he listed the following:
"The four million families living
in doubled quarters are beginning to
"Those quarters considered unfit
for human habitation and housing
three million people are being torn
down to an appreciable degree;
"The one million new families in
the past three years are looking for
"The $500,000,000 fire loss is tak-
ing its toll of residential property;
"Of the 30,000,000 buildings in the
United States, the average life of
which is 50 years, 600,000 wear out
annually, and for the past four years
they have not been replaced."
Clements Library Has
Exhibit Of Early Maps

To Consider
New Budget
For Fencers
Board In Control To Meet
Jan. 27 To Set Figures
For Full Sports Program
Yost Keeps Silence
On Reinstatement

To Lecture Here

Bill Passe

The Board in Control of Athletics
will consider re-instating fencing as
a Varsity sport at a meeting to be
held Jan. 27, Fielding H. Yost, di-
rector of intercollegiate athletics, an-
nounced yesterday.
The announcement of the special
meeting came after a conference late
yesterday between Mr. Yost and Prof.
Henry C. Anderson, at Mr. Yost's
home, where he has been confined
for several days because of ill health.
Mr. Yost said, "Understand, the
meeting is not primarily to consider
this fencing budget which the boys
have submitted, but to draw up the
athletic budget for the next year.
However, I am to lay the suggested
fencing budget before the Board at
that time, although this whole thing
was threshed out by them last year."
Asked concerning the newly sub-
mitted budget, Mr. Yost character-
ized it as "very much like the first.
one" which the fencers presented last
fall. Mr. Yost at that time said it
would not work. Now he is willing
to place the whole matter before the
Board. He refused to comment on
the possibility of the acceptance of
the new budget and the re-instate-
ment of fencing as a Varsity sport.
Hornbee kIs
Scored For
JapSpe ch
TOKIO, Jan. 20. - (R) -A Foreigrn
Office spokesman said today that the
Japanese government regarded a
"unfortunate and untimely" the
speech delivered at Washington
Thursday night by Stanley K. Horn-
becl, chief of the division of Far
Eastern affairs in the American State
This view was taken, the spokes-
man explained, because of the
speech's bearing on Japanese activ-
ities in Manchukuo and the impend-
ing changes in the status of Henry
Pu-Yi in that Japanese-assisted state.
The Japanese objected particularly
to Hornbeck's reassertion of the
Stimson policy of "non-recognition
of governments made by swords," in-
terpreting this as a renewal of offi-
cial American criticism of Japan's
role in the establishment of Man-
Hornbeck did not mention Man-
chukuo by name, but he indicated;
the Stimson formula of non-recog-
nition of governments made by
swords - addressed to China and
Japan at the time - was still the
policy of the United States.I
Ohio State 28; Minnesota 24.
Northwestern 20; Illinois 34.
Pitt 39; Notre Dame 34.

New Figures 'Very
Old Ones,' Director
Board To Decide


Says ;


Bishop Paul Jones, radical Social-
ist leader of Antioch College, Yellow
Springs, O., will speak on "Your
Money's Worth" at 8 p. m. Monday
in the Natural Science Auditorium,
in the third of the League for Indus-
trial Democracy series of discussion
lectures. Bishop Jones will be intro-
duced by the Rev. Henry Lewis of St.
Andrews Episcopal Church, while
Theodore Grushko, Secretary of the
Vanguard Club, will preside at the
Always a progressive leader, Bish-
op Jones is on the state executive
3ommittee of the Socialist Party of
Ohio, and at one time, was a mem-
)er of the board of directors of the
'eague for Industrial Democracy and
he National Consumers Lague. He
:as formerly secretary of the Fel-
=owship of Reconciliation.
"Your Money's Worth" is an es-
pecially appropriate topic for Bishop
Tones, as his connection with the
Consumers' League has given him
nuch experience with the consum-
3r's part in the economic order. He
'as pointed out that the New Deal
'ias recognized that there is a prob-
lem of consumption and it is ex-
)ected that more is to be heard about
the consumer and the safeguards
owed him by the government.
Bishop Jones has declared that a
lack of standardization has left the
:onsumer unprotected against poor-
ly-made articles and adulterated
oods. He has shown that securing
3ne's money's worth in the actual
purchasing over the counter is but
a small part of this vital question,
and that the interdependence of
consumers and producers must be
made clear to the buying public.
ROME, Jan. 20 -(P) -Fascist
members of Italy's Senate and
Chamber of Deputies (and all ex-
cept a handful of senators carried
over from the old regime belong to
the Party) have been ordered by
the Party secretariat to wear black
shirts at all parliamentary sessions.

Bishop Jones,
Ohio Socialist,
To Speak Here,

'Your Money's Worth'
Be Subject Of Talk
8 P. M. Tomorrow


Devaluation Legislation Is
Pushed Through By Big
Democratic Majority
Senate's Approval
Considered Certain
American Legion Plans To
Advance Program For
Additional Benefits
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20- (P) -
Although it took until after night-
fall to do it, the House Democratic
leadership today whipped through
President Roosevelt's dollar devalu-
ation bill virtually unchanged.
The vote was by the one-sided
margin of 360 to 40 and Senate lead-
ers confidently looked for a prepon-
derant margin there, once the issue
is brought to the test. The majority
party leaders hope to get through
next week, although the Senate is
proverbially slower in legislative mat-
ters than the House.
Most of the day's developments
centered about the monetary issue,
but areverberation of the Senate
committee's air mail inquiry sounded
with words that the Justice Depart-
ment has begun an investigation of
revelations there.
Study Liberalization
Meanwhile, the veteran bloc on
both sides studied the presidential
regulation which liberalized compen-
sation payments by approximately
The American Legion said the
President's order did not go far
enough and that they intended to
push their legislative program, but
Congressional sentiment was that
they might find it hard to get ad-
ditional changes in economy act
regulations this session.
Calls Hearings
Chairman Rankin of the Veter-
an's Committee has called hearings
for next Tuesday on proposals to
give the ex-service men additional
benefits, but he postponed them un-
til Jan. 30 to study the President's
executive order.
Although quite a few Democrats
had joined in the move to liberalize
existing regulations for ex-service
men, it was considered doubtful that
Congress would go beyond the lim-
its Mr. Roosevelt set in changing
the Economy Act.
The Senate was in recess and a
lull had come in two of the issues
which claimed attention during the
past few days -lobbyists and air
Early Release
Of Kdnapped
Banker Seen
Bremer May Be Freed,
Authorities Say; Plan To
Open Negotiations Soon
ST. PAUL. Minn., Jan. 20-() -
Following a secret conference of au-
thorities directing the hunt for kid-
nappers of Edward D. Bremer for
$200,000 ransom, it became known
late today that negotiatidns were
about to be opened with his abduc-
tors for his release, possibly within
24 hours.
City, county, coastal and other
Federal officers participated in the
conference which was preceded by a
statement from Chief of Police
Thomas Bahill that Bremer, whose
death was threatened in the first
note demanding ransom, "is o.k."
and that there was "no need to start
worrying until Sunday or Monday."
Well authenticated sources, who
declined to be quoted, indicated that
actual contact with the young bank-

er's abductors might be made to-
night or Sunday with his release ex-
pected soon after in Minneapolis or
near that city.
Cocktails Are 20 Cents
In Ohio As Lid Is Lifted
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 20. - (') -
The lid has been lifted, and Ohio has
its hard liquors by the drink for the
first time - legally, at least - since
Patrons of hotels, clubs and restau-

Rev. H.

P. Marley Is Given
Of Absence For
In Kentucky

Rev. H. P. Marley will make his
final appearance until next fall this
morning in the pulpit of the Unita-
rian Church with "Loment of the
Hills" as the subject of his sermon.,
The board of trustees of the church1
have granted him a leave of absence
of six months during which time he
will serve in the coal fields of south-
east Kentucky for the Society of
Friends and the Federal Council of
A committee consisting of Prof. Ar-
thur H. Wood, Prof. John F. Shep-
ard, and Mrs. Walter B. Ford will
be placed in charge of services during
his absence.
Plans for services in the future as
announced by the committee include
sermons by Rev. Arthur H. Winn,
minister of the Unitarian Church at
Flint, Jabez T. Sunderland, and Rev.
Theodore Lapp, Kalamazoo.
Eclipse To End On Day
Before It Gets Started
NORTHFIELD, Minn., Jan. 20.-
,P)-An eclipse of the sun "which
ends the day before it begins" will
cross the Pacific next month and
American astronomers officially ap-
peal to steamships to change courses
and head into this temporary night
in the interests of science.
The appeal is issued in Popular
Astronomy, Journal of American As-
tronomy, with headquarters here.
Owing to the depression, it states, no
American expeditions are expected to
observe, and passengers and officers

Defendant Asks
Resumption Of
Wynekoop Trial
CHICAGO, ,Jan. 20. -(P) - Al-
though the threat of an apoplectic
seizure hung over Dr. Alice L. Wyne-
koop tonight, defense counsel an-
nounced that the 62-year-old physi-
cian had insisted her trial on charges
of murdering her daughter-in-law,
Rheta, be resumed Monday.
"I do not think the defense will
ask a postponement," said Frank J.
Tyrrell. "Dr. Wynekoop is feeling bet-
ter at the present time than at any
previous time during the trial. The
rest has done her a world of good.
The doctor was insistent that we de-
fense attorneys do not attempt to
block the trial in any way."
Tyrrell conferred with the defen-
dant for half an hour at the county
"This thing must go on," he quoted
Dr. Wynekoop as telling him.

P. F. M. Fellowe s

Will Relate

Story Of Flight Over Everest

January 'Technic' Goes On Sale
Tuesday; Tells Of 'Profilograpli'

The graphic account of the aerial
conquest of Everest supplemented by
pictorial recordings of the flight will
be presented by Air Commodore P.
F. M. Fellowes, chief executive officer
of the expedition, at 8 p. m. Thurs-
day on the Oratorical Association
Lecture Series at Hill Auditorium.
In an article published after the
venture, Lieut-Col. L. V. S. Blacker,
organizer of the Houston-Everest
Expedition gives much credit to
Commodore Fellowes saying that "his
presence and experience became of
high value to the organization, and
his status in the Royal Air Force
overcame many minor difficulties
during the period when countless ad-
ministrative details and technical

Commodore Fellowes has been ac-
tively connected with the flying ser-
vice ever since and among other hon-
ors was director of Airship Develop-
ment from 1924 until 1929. He is a
direct descendant of King Edward
III of England. His uncle was the
famous Lord Sydenham, Governor
of Bombay.
Many obstacles had to be over-
come before the two huge Westland
planes were able to soar over the
highest peak in the world. Chief
among these was the problem of
combating the intense cold. If the
film became subjected to the air en-
countered at the altitude of 33,030
feet it would immediately become
brittle and break at the slightest

The January issue of the Michigan
Technic, campus publication devoted
to engineering interests, will go on
sale in the Engineering Building
Tuesday morning, according to Stan-
ley Killian, '34E, managing editor.
Described in an article by E. J. Ab-
bott, research physicist of the depart-
ment of engineering research, is the

Dealing with a controversial sub-
ject that often rises between stu-
dents of the Literary and Engineering
Colleges, A. Francis Klute, '35E, dis-
cusses "The Importance of Culture in
Engineering Education."
The Engineering Spotlight this
month is focused on Don W. Lyon,

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