Occasional showers and warmer
today, fair tomorrow.
The 'World
Federal Union's
New Aircraft,
Plane Exhibits
Will Highlight
Air Carn ival4
Aviation Meet To Present
Flights, Demonstrations1
At Ann Arbor Airport
CAA Chief Hinckley
Addresses Banquet
Aircraft exhibits, flight demonstra-
tions and precision maneuvers by
Navy and National Guard squads will
be the feature attractions of the
"Aviation on Parade" air carnival be-
ing held from 2 to 6 p.m. today at
the Ann Arbor Airport.'1
Speaking at the Institute of Aero-
nautical Science banquet held in
conjunction with the air carnival at
the Union last night, Robert W.
Hinckley, head of the Civil Aero-
nautics Authority, emphasized the
stand of American aviation and es-,
pecially of the CAA as one striving
toward the development of privateE
aviation in the direction of peace-
time commerce and culture as con-
trasted to the avowed purposes of,
similar developments in Europe.
Low-cost airplanes and equipment
will be demonstrated by eleven air-1
craft companies at the airport in
keeping with the purpose of the air
meet to present-the position of avia-
tion in relation to the average man.
Among the many models to be
shown will be a private plane equipped
with the new type tri-cycle landing
gear which was recently introduced
on the latest sky liners.
Also shown at the airport will be
a new injector type motor which has
not yet been placed in production
and sportplanes of various styles
and prices. Flight demonstrations of
the various planes will begin at 2
pm. today. At that time acomplete
ground demonstration of the open-
ing and repacking of a parachute will
be given.
A demonstration and explanation
of the new CAA student flight train-
ing program will be offered at 5 p.m.
in keeping with the plan to present
a stuntless air carnival. Exhibition
flights by the University Flying and
Glider Clubs will be given at 5:30 p.m.
The demonstrations at the air-
port will be open to the public, and
bus service to the airport will be'
available from the Union. Campus'
organizations sponsoring the carni-
val include the Institute of Aero-
nautical Sciences, the Flying and
Glider Clubs, and the department of :
aeronautical engineering.
Scroll To Tap
Senior Women
Former League Council
Forms New Society '
Outstanding senior sorority women
will be recognized by Scroll, local
honorary society established this week
by the outgoing Women's League
Twenty sorority women will be
tapped next week by the League
Council charter members, who are
to be the first active members of'
Scroll. Qualifications for member-
ship to be considered are character,
extracurricular activities and schol-1
Jean Holland, '39, has been ap-
pointed acting president and Betty
Spangler, '39, acting secretary. Other
charter members of the Council are
Sybil Swartout, Janet Fullenweider,
Harriet Pomeroy, Barbara Heath,
Madeline Krieghoff, Norma Curtis,
Betty Jane Mansfield, 'Stephanie
Parfet, Helen Jean Dean, Dorothea
Staebler, Barbara Paterson, Roberta
Chissus, Marcia Connell and Grace
Wilson, '39. Election of new officers
will follow the intiation.
Whitney Awarded
Honorary Degree
Cited as outstanding for his influ-
ential position among Michigan
schoolmen, his part in organization
and direction of the School of Edu-
cation and his long and effective la-
bors for improved standards of
Swingout Fetes
Seniors Today
In Procession
Swingout, the joyous climax to Sen-
ior Class activities before Commence-
ment, will assemble on the Library
steps for the traditional march
around campus today at 4:30 p.m.,
Carl A. Viehe, chairman, announced.
Seniors are to assemble, according
to their schools, at the places marked
by standards, "Viehe said, for the
march which will proceed from the
Library, through the Engineering
Arch, down South University Ave.,
past the Union to North University,
and over to Hill Auditorium.
Class presidents and the members
of Swingout committee are to meet
at the top of the Library steps, Viehe
The order of march by schools will
be as follows: Literary, Engineering,
Architecture, Education, Medical,
Nurses, Law, Dentistry, Pharmacy,
Business Administration, Forestry
and Conservation, Music and the
Graduate School.
The Swingout program at Hill Au-
ditorium will include an introductory
talk by Carl Viehe, chairman of
Swingout, an address on behalf of
all the senior presidents by Harold
F. Stewart, '39, president of the Lit-
erary School class. Donn Chown,
Grad., who is business manager of
the Band, will present the Band in
a musical selection.
Prof. Richard C. Fuller, of the So-
ciology department, will address the
Senior Class, after which the entire
assembly will sing "The Yellow and
Blue" as the closing ceremony.
Local Churches ,
Go To Outdoors
For Programs
Picnics And Sermons Held
In Open Air Tomorrow;
Maier's Movies Shown
Picnics, open-air sermons, discus-
sions on youth problems in Ann Ar-
bor and the showing of Prof. Norman
Maier's $1,000 prize winning film on
"Behaviorism of Rats," are featured
by local churches today in addition
to regular morning worship services
and musical programs.
"Youth Problems in Ann Arbor,"
the third in a series of May forums
on problems of Washtenaw County,
will be given at the Unitarian Church
at 11 a.m. In the evening Prof. Nor-
man F. Maier will show pictures of
his experiments in animal frustra-
tion to raise money for the Unitarian
fund for relief in Czechoslovakia.
The Young People's Society of St.
Andrew's Epsicopal Church will hold
a picnic this afternoon at the farm
of Dr. Walter'Koelz in Waterloo. Mr.
Thakur Rupchand, of Tibet, in this
country, will talk on Tibetian cus-
toms and people.
The Westminster Guild of the
Presbyterian Church will meet at the
council circle at 6 p.m. for a picnic
(Continued on Page 2)
Hillel To Present Recital
Of Chanher Music Today
The Hillel Foundation Chamber
Music Group will give a recital at
3:30 p.m. today at the Foundation, it
was announced yesterday by Ronald
Freedman, '39, student activities
chairman. He also stated that all are
welcome free of charge.
The program will consist of the
Handel Sonata No. 3 and the Schu-
mann Quintet in E flat major. Albert
Salkind, '40, and Michael Berman,
'42, will play the violins, Samuel Kur-
lansky, '40, will handle the viola,
William Goltz, '41E, the cello, and
Frieda Halpert, '40SM, is the group
Alumni End
Business Meet
Stevens Of ICC Describes
Anti-Trust Legislation
And New Investigation
Graduates Lead
Discussion Groups
Winding up their 11th annual two-
day conference, alumni of the School
of Business Administration yester-
day heard speeches, and participat-
ed in discussions on the monopoly
problem, the reorganization of busi-
nesses and the responsibility of man-
agement to the stockholder.
At the morning session in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, W. H. S. Stevens,
formerly economist for the Federal
Trade Commission and now connect-
ed with the Interstate Commerce
Commission, traced the history of
the monopoly problem and the
growth of federal anti-trust legisla-
tion. Praising the Temporary Nation-
al Economic Committee, he declared
that it is gathering "a mine of in-
formation" which will aid the govern-
ment in defining public policy to-
wards monopolies.
In his discussion of business re-
organization, Walter Robbins, '96E,
of the Sangamo Electric Co., New
York, indicated that there was vital
need for reorganization in industry,
especially with regard to public re-
lations. Discussion on both Mr. Rob-
bins' and Mr. Stevens' talks was led
by Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco-
nomics department and by Homer
Litel, investigator for the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation.
Concluding the conrerence's activi-
ties was a luncheon in the Union at
which Paul L. Morrison, Professor of
Finance and Investments at North-
western University, condemned the
practice of corporation managements
(Continued on Page 2)
Discover Plot
To Kill Benes
Plan Hatched In Europe
To Weaken Czechs
PARIS, May 20.-(AP)-Diplomatic
sources reported today a plot had
been discovered to send a man from
Europe to the United States to assas-
sinate Dr. Eduard Benes, former
President of now-dissolved Czecho-
These sources said the scheme was
hatched in German-occupied Prague
both to weaken Czech standing in the
United States and to remove an im-
portant opponent of the Nazi regime.
Dr. Benes, who resigned as presi-
dent of the Czecho-Slovak republic
after it was reduced in size by the
Munich settlement of last Sept. 29,
has been in the United States since
Feb. 11.
Those who reported the plot said
that with their information in the
hands of the American police they
believed much danger to the former
president had been averted.
Independents Will Sign
For Senior Ball Booth
Registration of unaffiliated men
for Congress', independent men's or-
ganization, booth at the Senior Ball
will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. tomor-
row through Friday in the Congress
office, Room 306 of the Union.
The registration fee will be 50
cents, according to Winston H. Cox,
'42, social chairman. Assisting Cox
in managing the booth are Sam Bru-
ni, '42; Wallace Latchem, '42E and
Jack Edmonson, '42.
Quintuplets To Present
Dolls To Royal Visitors
CALLANDER, Ont., May 20.-(/P)-
Marie, smallest of the Dionne Quin-
tuplets, decided today that since she
was going to be presented to King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth, her
oldest doll should have the same
Her sisters agreed and insisted they
too should take along their favorite
playthings when they go to Toronto
for the royal presentation Monday.
Yvonne selected a duck, Annette
chose a bear almost as big as her-
self, Emily favored a three-year-old
monkey and Cecile decided upon a
ragged blue dog.
Il Duce Boasts
Axis Alliance
Is Unbeatable
Mussolini Says Bloc Is
Forceful Safeguard For
Lasting European Peace
CUNEO, Italy, May 20.-()-Pre-
mier Mussolini asserted tonight the
Italian-German military alliance to
be signed Monday would create an
unbeatable bloc "of 150,000,000 men."
Speaking in Cuneo's main square
barely 30 miles from the French fron-
tier at the close of his week's tour
of the Piedmont region, 1l Duce said:
"This bloc, formidable in men in
arms, wants peace but is ready to
impose it in case the great conserva-
tive and reactionary democracies_
should try to halt our irresistible_
Mussolini is fond of referring to
the combined populations of the
Italian and German empires as
"160,000,000 men." (The actual total,
including women and children, Ger-
many's new acquisitions and Italy's
overseas possessions, is somewhat
short of that figure.)
Meanwhile Britain and France
agreed on fresh proposals to win
Soviet Russia to their front last
night amid boastings from the rival
Rome-Berlin axis that it already had
forged an "unshakeable bloc" from
the Baltic to the Mediterranean.
The weekend diplomatic moves by 1
London and Paris and the proud
declarations of the German-ItalianV
partners were accompanied by indi-
cations that Europe's recent breath-v
ing spell was over and that the Ger-a
man-Polish dispute soon would comed
to a showdown.
The plan was reported reliably to
provide for a limited mutual assist-
ance pact among the three powers toS
satisfy Russian demands without in-g
volving Britain too far in eastern
Europe. -"
Golfers Upset 1
Hoosier Foure
Wolverines Take Morningl
And Afternoon Matchesa
Michigan's golfers, building up ac
strong lead in the morning best ballt
matches, outstroked Indiana's unde-
feated singles team in the afternoonv
play to whip the Hoosiers yesterday,'
111-6 2.
Paced by Capt. Bob Palmer who
shot a sub-par 70 in the morningf
round, the Wolverine duo of Pal-
mer and Tom Tussing took three
points away from Jack Mueller and
Frank Penning who had scores of 79
and 80. Tussing turned in the sec-
ond best Michigan card with a 73.
Jack Emery's 74 and Fred Dannen-
felser's 79 were good enough to add
two points to the Wolverine total in
the morning foursomes. Indianla
captain Walt Cisco shot a 78 and his
partner Pete Grant a 77 to cop the
lone Hoosier point for the best ballf
Captain Palmer put together rounds
(Continued on Page 7)
Transatlantic Hop ,
Started By Clipper
NEW YORK, May 20.-(')-A metal,
flying boat, the Yankee Clipper, rose,
from Long Island Bay and pointed
its snout eastward today to inaugu-
rate, at last, airliner service between
Europe and America.
Inside its high hull, listening to tht
throaty symphony of its four motors,
were 17 men, the first to cross the
- "
Wolverines Score In 14
Events And Set New
MichiganHigh Score
Watson Wins Three
In Last Appearance
The only sentiment Michigan's in-
exorable track machine showed yes-
terday at the 39th Annual Western
Conference Track and Field Meet
at Ferry Field was in presenting
Charley Hoyt with an "M" blanket
on his last appearance as Michigan
track coach.
Outside of this fitting tribute, the
Wolverines showed no mercy as they
won 7 events in rolling up 641/4 points.
It was a new Michigan scoring record
and the second highest in Conference
history, as Hoytmen placed in every
event except the javelin, something
never before achieved in an outdoor
In spite of the surprisingly strong
showing Wisconsin made, in,spite of
the many upsets, the day was Michi-
gan's. And Michigan had dedicated
this one to Charley Hoyt.
Three Big Ten records were sent
rudely crumbling into oblivion and
a fourth was saved only by an act of
Wisconsin .........45 5/12
Indiana ..........282/3
Ohio State.........28
Purdue . .. .,......13
Illinois ............. 10
Northwestern.......8 1/12
Iowa ..........,...6 1/12
-Daily Photo by Freedman
Warren Breidenbach, star sophomore quarter-miler of the Wolverine
squad, is shown as he crossed the line ahead of Sulzman of Ohio State to
give Michigan a victory in the mile relay. The time was 3:14.7, bettering
the Big Ten record.
House Group
Uncovers Plan
For Revolution
Anti-Semitic Campaign
Would Employ Spanish
Mercenary Revolutionists
WASHINGTON, May 20.--(IP)-
House investigators, delving into a
bizarre story of an anti-semitic,
'counter-revolutionary" campaign in
the United States, said today word
was circulated in the campaign that
a "red army" of 150,000 trained mer-
cenaries was to be used in a modern
day American revolution.
Most of the mercenaries were said
in reports to the investigators to be
Spanish civil war veterans now refu-
gees in France.
The House committee investigating
,nAmerican activities said details of
the purported overthrow of this gov-
ernment were contained in the March
1 report sent out by Dudley Pierpont
Gilbert, socially prominent New York-
er, to a carefully-chosen list.
The report said the "general mili-
tary plan" of the revolutionaries in-
volved seizeure of territory, principal-
ly on the Atlantic seaboard where
eight of the Government's 11 arsen-
als are located. Public utilities were
to be captured by strikers, according
to the report, and a financial panic
created by the "dumping" of securi-
ties held by the revolutionaries.
Investigators said the committee
was told that a substantial number of
soldiers in the "red army" already
are in this country but that the plan'
is to raise funds to bring others
from France to Mexico and thence
across the border into the United
Last Hoyt-Coached Team
Galens To Aid '
In Expanding
Hospital Work
Not content to limit their activities
each year to an annual tag-day for
the benefit ofaneedy children in the
University Hospital, Galens, medical
honor society, recently opened a
candy and newsstand on the main
floor of the hospital.
With 1400 beds, 1800 employees,
and an annual admittance of ap-
proximately 25,000 the hospital is
veritably a city in itself. The money
obtained from the sales will permit
Galens to expand their work in the
hospital to include adults as well as
children. Their work now consists of
providing entertainment for the sick
children and supplying a workshop
in which the youngsters can spend
their time while convalescing.
Each year since 1928 on Dec. 1 and
2 twenty-eight members of Galens
have taken their posts on the campus
and in the down-town district to sell
their tags and have averaged about
$1,600 every year. Part of this fund
is used to hold a huge Christmas
party for allthe kiddies in the hos-
New officers elected for the com-
ing year are: Robert Plumb, presi-
dent, Marshall MacDonald, vice-
president, Loren Wanless, secretary,
Charles Newton, treasurer.
Farley Confident For '40
SAN FRANCISCO, May 20.-('P)--
James A. Farley, Democratic na-
tional chairman, asserted tonight an-
other victory for the party in the 1940
elections is "within our grasp if we
seize the opportunity and march for-
ward, shoulder to shoulder" under the
principles of President Roosevelt.
Cod. Bill Watson's new discus mark
of 160 ft. 10% in., which he made
n the preliminaries Friday in break-
.ng Arlie Mucks' 23-year old record
>f 155 ft. 2 in., went unchallenged
today and the two new marks came
when Michigan's mile relay team of
Jack Leutritz, Doug Hayes, Phil Bal-
reat and Warren Breidenbach, broke
the old mark of 3:15.2 by five-tenths
>f a second and when Chicago's Bob
Cassels soared 14 ft. 2% in. to break
a nine year old mark by four and.
one-quarter inches.
A cloudburst prevented Breiden-
bach from erasing another 23-year-
old mark, Binga Dismond's 47.4 quar-
ter. Immediately after Myron Piker
of Northwestern won the first event
the hundred, in 9.9 with Ohio State's
Bob Lewis second and the favored
Al Smith of Michigan, third, the
overcast clouds let loose a torrent of
rain that drove the quarter-milers
to shelter and 9,300 spectators under
the stands. The downpour continued
for fifteen minutes and left the track
covered with little lakes of water.
But Breidenbach, who had run a
47.2 quarter last week, was off in
front and a yard ahead of Jack Sulz-
man of Ohio at the furlong with
Ross Faulkner a close third. Sulzman
made his bid at the 300-yard mark
but Breidenbach poured it on and
won, like a true champion, going
Balyeat came up fast on the- back
stretch and his drive just failed to
nip the Buckeye. Faulkner, who was
troubled with a leg injury, limped
home in last place while Leutritz beat
off defending champion Harley How-
ells of Ohio for fourth. The time,
which Charley Hoyt called remark-
able considering the wind and the
track, was 47.6.
Bill Watson, in his final appear-
(Continued on Page 6)
Kentucky Miners
Call OffMeeting
HARLAN, Ky., May 20.-('P)-Unit-
ed Mine Workers (CIO) tonight called
off a scheduled Sunday mass meeting
n this troubled soft coal mine area
following issuance of a military order
)f restrictions.
William Turnblazer, president of
the Harlan district UMW, issued a
lengthy statement in which he said:
"in order to prevent wholesale ar-
rests- we shall not attempt to have a
mass meeting in Harlan county on
Hero Of 'American Landscape'
Supports Federal Theatre Plan
Michigan Sailing Club Embarks
On Third Year Of Organization
Running before the wind, the Uni-
versity of Michigan Sailing Club isc
rounding the buoy which marks the
second year of its existence. As the
only sailing club in the Big Ten it
owns four cat-boats and expects with-
in a week to come into possession of
a fifth boat, a sloop.
The 30 members of the club, rang-
ing from law students to engineers,
started from scratch last spring,
snnnnred h yQuarterdeek honorarv
According to Commodore Tony de
Palma, president, there are three
classes of seamen in the club: neophy-
tes; -crewmen, who are a little more
experienced than the neophytes, and
the skippers, who are the highest
ranking members. In order to reach
the rank of skipper the neophytes
and crewmen must be proficient in
the arts of knot-tying, splicing, jib-
ing, tacking and in general, must be
able to maneuver a boat under any
A veteran actor recently requisi-
tioned to play in a Federal Theatre
project, Harry Irvine believes that
"the conception of Federal Arts Pro-
jects is unquestionably a very fine
Mr. Irvine, who will head the cast
of Elmer Rice's "American Land-
scape," to be offered here next week
by the 1939 Dramatic -Season, ob-
serves that there are many people,
out-of-work through no fault of their
own, who want work instead of re-
lief. These include not only factory
workers and mechanics, but thous-
ands of writers, painters and players.
The Federal Arts Projects permit
these artists to do work they are
capable of doing.
EshtabiAs eHurrielv
By a rush program of organiza-
tion; however, Mrs. Hallie Flanagan
built up the project and asked Elmer
Rice, author of next week's play
here, to head it. These two succeed-
ed in meeting the Congressional time
limit and so won the appropriation.
The outstanding contribution of
the Federal Theatre, Mr. Irvine de-+
clared, undoubtedly ihas , been the+
"Living Newspaper," a series of plays
each showing some modern American
problem. An example cited is "One
Third of a Nation," dealing with the
housing problem.
No Text-Book To Private Shows
There is no question of real com-
petition between Federal Theatre
projects and commercial productions,
Mr. Irvine claims, since the Theatre