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May 21, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-21

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SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1939


SUNDAY MAY_21, 1939

Alumni End
Business Meet
Stevens Of ICC Describes
Anti-Trust Legislation
And New Investigation
(Continued from Page 1)
of forgetting that stockholders are
the zeal owners of the business, and
of, keeping adequate, accurate in-
formation from them.
Intelligent stockholders, Mr. Mor-
rison declared, need essential infor-
mation about the corporation, and it
is the duty of management to supply.
it. This information, he explained,
should include past earnings, savings,
the important divisions of cost, the
market outlook and prices. Only then
can the investor have a sound base
"to delve into the future," Mr. Mor-
rison concluded.
Features of this year's conference
were several roundtable discussions
on current business problems. Pro-
minent speakers who took part in-
cluded: Eric L. Kohler, '14, comptrol-
ler of the Tennessee Valley Author-
ity; George D. Bailey, resident part-
ner of Ernst and Ernst, Detroit;
James Pottinger, '20, of Ferry-Morse
Seed Co., Detroit.

Churches To Hold
Outdoor Progras.
(Continued from Page 1)
supper. At the meetig which will fol-
low in the open air theatre, Dr.
William P. Lemon will lead a discus-
sion on the "God of the Open Air"
with brief reference to the recent
campus lectures on the nature and
existence of God.
The Roger Williams Guild cabinet
is holding its annual Spring Retreat
at Camp Birkett on Silver Lake.
Morning services will be held and
plans will be made for the coming
At a meeting of the Wesleyan Guild
at 6 p.m., Mr. Harold Gray, who
has charge of the Saline Valley Co-
operative Farms, will describe some
of his experiences as a conscientious
objector during the last war.
The Rev. Lenord D. Parr of the
First Congregational Church will
speak on "That Eloquent 'But"' at
10:45. at the regular morning serv-
ice. Members of the student fellow-
ship will go to Dexter park at 4:30
for a picnic and outdoor meeting.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Disciples Guild will be held at 6:30
p.m. Four members of the Guild
Council will discuss the evaluation of
the Guild in the past year, and plans
will be made for next year.


Michigan Student Describes

Experiences At Pensacola Air Station

Flying in the United States Navy
is an opportunity to fly in the most
modern and best developed'air force
in the world, (sent Bradford, '37E,
said in an interview yesterday.
Bradford has stopped off here
in Ann Arbor thissweek on his way
home from the United States Naval
Air Station at Pensacola, Fla., where
he was a flying student. Every year
six classes of students from the naval
elimination bases located in various
parts of the country succeed in pass-
ing their solo flight check and are
then in a position to go to Pensacola
to get advanced training for a naval
air career.
Cadets Are From Universities
Pensacola is a big place, Bradford
said, with hundreds of Civil Service
and WPA workers and from 600 to 700
students, including officers, enlisted
men and cadets. All of the cadets
are graduates of some University,
Bradford stated, and are as healthy a
bunch as can be found anywhere.
Strict physical examinations must be
passed in order to qualify for en-
trance. More applicants are dis-
qualified for eye defects than for any
other reason, Bradford said, even
though the applicant believes his eyes
are perfect.
The first two weeks at the station


Hillel Officers
Are Inducted
Banquet Is Held Today;
Awards To Be Made
The annual Hillel Banquet will be
held at 6 p.m. today at the Michigan
Union at which the new officers of
the Hillel Council will be inducted.
These new officers are: Betty Stein-
hart, '40, president; David Friedman,
'40M, vice-president and Zelda Davis,
'40, secretary. Bernard Weissman,
'39L, will serve as toastmaster.
Presentation of a service rup to the
affiliated organization which has
done most for Hillel this year and
two books to the runners-up will be'
made by Prof. Jacob Sacks of the
pharmacology college, Mrs. Isaac Ra-
binowitz and Nathaniel Holtzman, '39,
outgoing Hillel president, all of whom
acted as judges in selecting recipi-
ents of the awards.
Keys will be presented to the grad-
uating seniors who have been active
in Jewish affairs on the campus and
an honor roll will be read containing
the names of those undergraduates
who have done outstanding work for
the Foundation.

Actor Favors
Federal Help
To T he a trae
(Continued from Page 1)
cial shows, Mr. Irvine insists, the
Federal Theatre has helped to train
a very large potential audience never
reached by Broadway's offerings.
There were thousands who never saw
a spoken play until the Federal
Theatre offered productions rithin
the popular price levels.
Mr. Irvine was requisitioned to play
Thomas a Becket in T. S. Eliot's
"Murder in the Cathedral," the Fed-
eral Theatre's first hit. Combining
as it did Eliot's poetic skill, Hal
Welle's production, and capable act-
ing, the play caused the critics to
forget their patronizing attitude to-
ward the Federal Theatre and accept
it as a mature, professional body.
r a wegt pfrig?

Two of the new "PBY's" shown over the Gulf of Mexico off Pensa-
cola, Fla., where the Naval Air Station is located.


1~LV U

,.r.) r ,

there's one more glorious weekend
ahead before that "deep purple"
gloom settles down on light-hearted
coeds. Merrily you may trip
the light fantas-
tic at all the last
gay parties in a
new summer for-
They're beauties
-a crisp maroon
and white pique
with perky bands
of white spot-
lighting your new
"trick" steps. A
fascinating white embroidered or-
gandy sways an ever-so-full skirt
banded with tiniest black velvet
ribbon. Demure as grandmother's
mosegay! Seersucker, organdy,
floating chiffon-they're all lovely
and quite the ticket for a gay
weekend or Senior Ball.
demand and attractiveness at
SOREN'S (little shop around the
corner from William St). There's
a stunning pair of
sailor-tog slacks,
striped trousers -
and trim tailored
shirt that's just,
the n'th degree in i
smartness. Thee
play suits are
mighty clever with
their new design,
one with gay
scenes of alibou
Beach and splash-
ing spray ... $3.95
to $4.95. Some pas-
tel silks and gay
cotton prints all '
with that handy
button - on skirt.
FLASH: special on lisle anklets
. .. perfect summer weight, 3 for
79c and colors are just the new
shades so hard to find. Stop in
* * *
THAT big impression that has to
last over the summer . .. why not
impress him with a new hair-do

SHOP does such grand work;
wonderful shampoos
with lots of brushing
before hand, tricky
curls ... and you leave ,
a walking example of
the old proverb about.
"Women's crowning
glory . . ." The Peggy
Sage manicures are grand too, and
why not a facial before the sum-
mer onslaught of wind and sun?
* * *
THAT gay weekend at lakes and
cottages here's a clever thought
about the tricky zipper bags for
bottles and lotions. You can put
your pet sun tan oil in them and
there's lots of room left for sun-
glasses and cigarettes. The water-
proof lining never cracks and the
outside! . .. that's
best news of all;
they come in gay
striped and solid
colorkmoire, and
look like a perfect-
ly stunning sum-
mer purse. $1 is the nominal fee
ed in gingham too, down by the
old mill stream" (alias Huron
river). For picnics canoeing and
all kinds of fun you'd be a "cam-
pus" queen too in some of the
adorable cotton'
frocks. Brighty
'Mctavish' plaids\
with wee pique
collars. Ever had '
one of those soft
silky cotton sport. '*
dres ses called,
chambray? There
is a beauty in
Baby-blue. The
current "knock- /
out" number is a
chintz print withl
an oh-so-flared skirt in blue, red
or yellow with tiny flower sprigs.
Here are slacks galore of course for
your play days, and skirt and shirt
twosomes in gay pastel "glorified"

are spent learning naval terms, his-
tory and rules. When that term is
completed, the student begins his real
flying training. Students are divid-
ed into two groups or wings, a morn-
ing wing and an afternoon wing.
Students of the morning wing spend
from 6:15 a.m. until 10:30 in the
air taking flying instructions. The
afternoon for them is occupied with
ground school where they learn navi-
gation, gunnery, maintenance and
repair. Both wings are through
classes and flying at 3 p.m. when
they avail themselves of the many
sport facilities to be found there.
Pensacola is located on the shore of
the Gulf of Mexico and big, white,
sandy beaches offer admirable op-
portunities for sunning and the deep
blue waters of the Gulf are unsur-
passed for swimming and sailing. The
Station owns several sail boats and
races are held periodically. The stu-
dents have football ard baseball
teams and frequently make trips in
huge transports to play games at one
of the bases. Inasmuch as Florida
has a year-round outdoor season, the
students spend most of their time
outside. Even in gunnery training
there is a certain amount of sport,
for accuracy and familiarity with
guns is obtained by shooting skeet.
and traps out on range. Golf at one
or two nearby courses and dancing
every Friday night at the Officers'
Club rounds out the social life of the
Course Divided Into 5 Squadrons
The flying course is divided into
five squadrons through which the
cadet must pass before he is given
his wings and is assigned to a post or'
fleet squadron. The first squadron
is mainly preliminary flying with sea-
planes. After a final check, the stu-
dents graduate to the second squad-
ron where they learn precision flying,'
stunting and landing in small fields.'
In precision flying, they get their
first taste of three-plane formation.'
In the third squadron, the students .
fly regular high-horse power navi-
gation planes and learn the nine-1
plane formation. Formation flying is
very important in wartime, when
compact, group-flying gives fighters
a tactical advantage.,
Flying of the big boats, such as the
new PBY's (shown in accompanying
picture) and other large bombing
and scouting planes, comes in the
fourth squadron. Familiarization with1
night-flying is also obtained in thist
group. Pensacola is the only placet
at present in the country wherecata-
pault-shooting is taught. This phaset
of 'sea flying is also taught in the
fourth squadron. Completion of this1
squadron makes the cadet eligible fort
the fifth, the final one before the 1
wings are awarded. Here the cadet3
gets training with fighters, high speedk
torpedo planes and learns more night,
blind and cross-country flying. Thee
day when the student gets a cracke
at the fighters is eagerly awaited, fort
these fighters are high-powered and
capable of flying straight up. When
squadron five is completed, the cadet
gets one of the much-treasured wings
and is then assigned to the fleet for
the remaining two or three years.
Some Amusing Experiences
Many amusing experiences mark
the student's training period. The,
fist man to soloin the first squadron

gets a ducking in the bay and the last
man receives like treatment. Many's
the time that a cadet, accompanied
by an instructor, lands his seaplane
on the bay on a rough day and cuts
the waves at the wrong angle, giving
the instructor a spray bath. Need-
less to say, the neophyte flyer gets a
bawling out. In squadron one, it is
necessary to land a seaplane on the
bay in a so-called buoy shot. The
landing is made from an altitude of
800 feet, and the pilot must sight the
buoy on his wing-tip and circle down-
wind past the buoy and make an "S"
curve in toward the buoy. The idea
is to land as close to the buoy as pos-
sible. Occasionally, some cadet lands
a little too close and carries the wood-
en buoy with him. The result is gen-
erally a bath in the cold salt waters
of the bay.
Some of the gunnery practice also
provides humorous twists. For ex-
ample, a plane is sent up trailing a
large cloth sock some 400 yards be-
hind and then fighters are sent up
to riddle this sock with machine gun
bullets. The planes head for the tar-
get one-by-one and dive down past it
shooting as they go by. Sometimes a
cadet misjudges his distance and dives
right through the sock.
In taking off, some of the students
fail to rise in time to miss fences,
wires, etc., in which event they often
leave their undercarriage perched on
a pole or even a tree. The safest thing
he can do is to attempt a landing in
the bay. Speedy cruisers, or motor
boats are on duty at. all times in the
bay, equipped with radios. In the
event that a pilot must land in the
bay with a landplane, these cruisers
are notified and speed out to await
it. Sometimes the procedure is so
efficient that it is possible to remove
the pilot from his plane so soon after
the landing that he doesn't even get
his feet wet. Planes thus sunk are
recovered by a repair ship and re-
Becomes Full-Fledged Officer
Upon completion of his four-year
course, the cadet is released and be-
comes a full-fledged officer in the
United States Naval Reserve. He
doesn't get his official commission
until a year after his release, however.
He is then eligible to fly government
planes in his spare time and keep
up his training, for which he gets
paid. At the end of three or four
years, he is then eligible for advance-
ment in the air force.
Many pilots get good jobs with
commercial airlines. Representatives
of the big airlines come down every
year to Pensacola and interview pros-
pective applicants, for they realize
there is no better flying education
than at Pensacola.
These cadets have the advantage of
the best equipment money can buy.
And as the productivity of American
labor is so much greater than any
foreign country's, the government can
buy equipment of a better quality and
yet pay much less than is necessary
in other countries. Flight gear is the
best available and every cadet takes
excellent care of all his equipment,
especially his parachute, for he knows
that his life may sometime depend
on his 'chute.
Planes are checked every morning

by a mechanic and the pilot also
checks things over before taking it
up. At any time that a student feels
his plane is not in the best of condi-
tion possible, the plane is wheeled in-
to the repair shops and given a
thorough overhauling. Often planes
come through the shop much better
than when new.
After all the training and instruc-
tion at the Station, the pilot is as-
signed to Pearl Harbor, T.H., or Nor-
folk, Va., Seattle, Wash., Sitka, Alas-
ka, or Coco Solo, C.Z. Life at these
bases can often prove to be a lot of
fun, especially the island bases. Life
in the United States Navy Aair Force
is indeed one of the most adventur-
ous and varied to be found anywhere.
Senior Health Exam Urged
All men students graduating from
the University in June are urged to
secure complete physical examina-
tions before leaving. Men desiring
check-ups should make appointments
immediately at the Health Service.

will be given at the
SUNDAY at 8:00 P.M.
The music is to be by
Prize winning moving pictures
of rat behaviorisms will be pre-
sented by Dr. Norman Maier.
The dance is for the Benefit of
the Czechoslovakia Relief Fund.



New Invisible Half -Soles
will keep your feet DRY
Don't wait for the spring rains
-anticipate them.. . by having
your shoes soled today you may
avoid illness !



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