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January 21, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-21

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v ,~1.


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, bIe.
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Managing Editor
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Board of Editors
. . . . Rot
. . . . .O]
. . . . .1

bert D, Mitchell,
Albert P. Mayio
race W. Gilmore
bert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

" Y

Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager. . 'Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Offensive' .. .
NEVER was a military movement so
aptly named as the "Chamberlain
Offensive" in Spain now in process of staging
another step in the greatest international black-
mail game the world has ever known.
Chamberlain left Rome Jan. 15 after a few
days conference with Herr Mussolini with nothing
more accomplished than a polite consummation
of the intimate relationship already existing be-
tween the Chamberlain government and Hitler's
Gaul, formerly known as Italy.
Oh, there was a slight change. For two and a
half years the Baldwin-Chamberlain ministries
mildly spoke of non-intervention in Spain as
they looked hopefully at Italy and Germany
-a non-intervention which would mean the
quiet withdrawal of all foreign troops while the
world with hands folded behind its back would
close its eyes temporarily, whistle to itself and
forgive. But* the market on bluff rose, and so
when Chamberlain left Rome to the tune of
"Giovenezza" and "God Save the King (Hitler?) ,"
his terms of non-intervention now were that
after the rebels had won, Italy would please to
kindly remove its troops from Spain so that their
shadow might fall no longer across a hitherto
sun-swept Gibraltar. While he was toasting Mus-
solini, Mussolini's troops were taking part in
one of the greatest drives of the whole Civil War.
But that didn't bother Brittania's prime minister.
If, he said in effect, Mussolini carries out his
part of the, bargain after the rebels win, and
packs his troops home again, he, Chamberlain,
would see that Italy gets a nice fat loan, a few
colonial concessions and British development
of Ethiopian water-power. At least these were
some of the trading-points of the Anglo-Italian
treaty which Chamberlain wished to make opera-
tive during his visit to Rome. But, what, in
heaven's name, will guarantee that Mussolini wiJ
be pleased to remove his troops from Spain, if,
when, and after the rebels win?
And France, "democratic France" which re-
fused to aid in any way the Spanish government,
what assurance does it have that Mussolini will
.ot insist on staying in Spain until concessions of
French colonial territory are made to him? What
guarantee does it have that the blackmail stakes
will not rise higher and higher?
When Major Clement Richard Atlee, Labor
part leader, asked Chamberlain Wednesday to
lift the embargo on shipments of arms and muni-
tions to the Barcelona government to help it push
back Franco's offensive, the Prime Minister re-
plied such action would enlarge the Spanish
Civil War. Told of a famine which is threatening
Republican Spain, and asked to have his govern-
ment cooperate with other countries on a large
scale to alleviate the plight of the civilian popu-
lation, Mr. Chamberlain answered such action
would be impossible, but, he said, his government
would back unofficial relief work conducted by
private organizations.
Earlier the same day his government had de-
manded from the French that they refuse to
give any aid to the Loyalists.
Perhaps there is a grave danger of a world war
immediately if France and England give supplies
to Spain. The danger would come from Ger-

tion by force and war is a question. So far his
policy seems to be one of alliance with France
and England or at least neutralization when thc.
time comes to strike at the Ukraine.
Against the risk of war at present, France, if
the rebels win, will be trapped on three sides by
Fascist forces. She will then have to take either of
two alternatives: (1) war with the fascist powers,
or (2) peace at the price of internal fascism and
armed neutrality.
If she chooses the first she will have three
frontiers to guard and defend, if she chooses
the second, as she now seems to be doing, she
must, as the blackmail victim always does, pay
higher and higher tributes, ultimately, perhaps,
her whole colonial empire. Yet she is ready and
willing to fight now for her colonies, as Premier
Daladier's recent utterances and defiant trip
aboard a French warship to Tunisia and Corsica
prove. Consequently, unless France decides to give
up her empire, which is improbable, she will
have to fight and fight under more disadvantag-
eous conditions than she faces at present. Thus
the second alternative fuses into and is insepar-
able with the first. If she is willing to fight for
her colonial territory now, if she is willing to
risk international war for a single square inch
of her empire, as she says, it seems as suicidal as
it is inconsistent for her not to run the lesser
risk to retain a crucial frontier, a frontier which
also practically guarantees the intactness of her
communications to the source of her greatest
strength her colonies. Needless to point out,
France could concentrate more men and muni-
tions at her two other frontiers than if she had
three sides to worry about.
The French seem to understand this, for it
was evidently only under tremendous pressure
from Chamberlain's government that they bowed
once more and refused to open their frontiers.
They bowed because Mr. Chamberlain's words
left no ambiguity: if France opened her frontiers,
she could not count on England a minute longer.
On Neville Chamberlain depend the plight of
Spain and France, if not Britain. That 'he is
determined the Rebels shall win can be no ques-
tion. Unless he falls, there can be but one answer'
in the notebook of history which begins: "1900--".
a few jagged blood-smeared edges marking where
the scissors of appeasement wielded by an Eng-
lishman who betrayed his countryand the world
clipped 'off the pages titled "Democracy ."
-Albert Mayio
Notes: Local And Abroad
Ellen Rothblatt and James Barton took over
the two leading roles of Gabby and Alan in the
Thursday evening performance of "The Petrified
Forest," now the current Play Poduction vehicle
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. They are al-
ternating with Nancy Schaeffer and Karl Klaus-
Mr. Barton lived up to only fifty per cent of
the acting tradition of the famous name he
bears. He caught moments of the life of the
intellectual hitch-hiker who was seeking some-
thing to believe; those moments were fleeting
but when he had them, he held us in the palm of
his hand. Appealing, by all means yes, but it
was not a sustained performance; Mr. Barton
needs an assurance that will come with experi-
As Gabby, the girl who "gets the stink of the
gas and the lunchroom" out of her by reading
poetry, Ellen Rothblatt gave the best perform-
ance of her acting career. She has a buoyancy
and flippant charm that integrated well with
the unimaginable beauties she dreams as Gabby.
It was:a good mixture of that "part' of her which
is French (and practical) and the other part,
American (and imaginative.)"
* k
Robert Henderson, theatrical entrepeneur of
Ann Arbor and the middle west, opened in New
York City with a revival of Oscar Wilde's "The
Importance of Being Earnest," starring Estelle
Winwood, Clifton Webb and Hope Williams. It re-
ceived "mixed" notices at the hands of the re-

viewers, Brooks Atkinson claiming, sarcastically,
that the author showed great promise, and ,hop-
ing for "better things to come" . . . The last we
heard of Norman Rosten and Art Miller, both
former Hopwood winners, was that they were
collaborating on a musical comedy which they
hope to complete very soon. Rosten has had
several plays given over the air, via the Columbia
Workshop . . . As a shot in the dark, it is our
guess that one of the plays the Ann Arbor Dram-
atic Season will bring here this spring will be
Elmer Ricers "American Landscape" Whit-
ford Kane, after playing one of the leading roles
during the Philadelphia engagement of Paul Vin-
cent Carroll's latest smash hit, "The White
Steed," left that company and resumed his duties
as First Gravedigger in Maurice Evans' produc-
tion of "Hamlet." The latter show closes tonight,
incidentally . . . Random House is coming out
next week with a new play anthology entitled,
"The Best Short Plays of the Social Theatre."
The book will contain the complete text -of ten
plays, including "Waiting for Lefty," "Bury the
Dead," "The Cradle Will Rock," "The Dog Be-
neath the Skin," and "Hymn to the Rising Sun"
. . Next Tuesday brings to campus the Yale
Pupeteers in their production of "It's a Small
World." Theplace is, of course, the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The resources of Columbia University and its
affiliated institutions are now estimated at
$158,868,638. Its budget for the last fiscal year
was $15,756,444.
The man who continues the strenuous activity
of stealing 2OO-h manholpcoverns, in (hiran r

Jife einr lo.
Heywood Broun
During the primary battles between liberal
and conservative Democrats, somebody took up
the word "purge" and pinned it on the President.
As a satirical use of that term it was legitimate
enough and it proved highly
effective politically. And yet
some damage is done to clear
thinking when words are
twisted out of their usual
JY meaning. When a true call
comes for them they have
been strained to such an ex-
...tent that they have lost their
For instance, at this very moment many hun-
dreds of thousands of Americans are literally
in danger of being purged. In their case "purge"
is not just a convenience for headline writers but
a threat as grim as a summons to stand before
a firing squad. To be sure, the punishment which
Congress purposes to mete out to them is slower
than that contained in a rattle of musketry, but
for that very reason, more cruel.,
The slash of $150,000,000 by the House in the
relief deficiency bill is supported by its propon-I
ents as a drive for economy. They say it is a
first step toward a ,balanced budget. But in a
sense the cut is a purchase rather than a deposit.
The conservatives in both camps are minded to
take a flier in human misery.
Didends In Privation
Balance is to be achieved by throwing into one
side of the scales the body and bones and blood
of jobless men and women. It would be.foolish
to deny that the investment will produce divi-
dends. Indeed, winter is good growing weather
for the crop which assuredly will be reaped.
There will be a rich yield in privation, want and
Even the most bitter foes of Fiorello La Guardia
should admit that he is an expert witness on the
affairs of the City of clew York. And the Mayor
has gone to Washingeton to say, without qualifi-
cation, that the cut will mean complete havoc
in the life of the metropolis. Indeed, he added,
"There is not a Mayor in the country who knows
what he is going to do if this appropriation is cut
below the President's estimate."
It is the well-considered judgment of the Mayor
that all the large cities have absorbed every-
thing they can on direct relief. "They cannot ab-
sorb more." To put it bluntly, this means that
very many persons stand an excellent chance of
starving before spring. It is barely possible, of
course, that there are legislators who are willing
to face this picture and reply, "So what?" but in
that case they should be a little more logical.
The same House of Representatives which has
iicated a willingness to throw as many as a-
million men and women into the streets also
seems intent upon voting $150,000 to Martin
Dies to investigate subversive activties. In other
words, they seem to be saying, "We will furnish
the stimulation for subversive activities and then
we will give you the money to go out and investi-
gate them." - x
WThat Dies Can Investigate
During one of the sessions of the committee a
newspaper witness attempted to say that it was'
a waste of time to study subversive activities
without investigating the sources from which they
sprang. Martin Dies shut him off, and he was re-
buked editorially on the ground that there was
no connection between the work which Dies was
coing and the existence of poverty and want and
privation. If there was no connection, then there
will be now.
It is said that the agents of discontent are
eloquent and devilishly clever. But no multitude
was ever moved by a speech or a booklet in the
same manner that hunger and homelessness can
move a mob. And so when the Dies committee
begins to function again I make the wholly serious

suggestion that it proceed to investigate the sub-
versive activities of the economy group in the
Seventy-Sixth Congress of the United States.
An exhibition of Chinese photography by
Cheng Chao-Min sponsored by the Interna-
tional Center in the galleries of the Rackham
Building closes Jan, 28.
Mr. Cheng adequately dispels the bugaboo that
one-man photographic exhibits must be monot-
onous by his well-balanced, though not so well-
selected display of photographs he took in
The prints, classified as artistic and docu-
mentary, ironically show China in a peace which
no longer exists. Doubtless many of the Sixteenth
Century statuary he displays have been bombed
and the calm of the Pied Piper destroyed. For this
reason the documentary photographs may be
looked upon with interest; they are nearly all
clear and accurately rendered, about all one can
ask of work in this field.
Of the artistic section, by far the best is A
Sampan at Ease (No. 4). It is composed very
simply about the masses of a boat and a dock
and their vertical lines which meet a human
figure at the center of interest. When you see
the print, look carefully at the rhythmic place-
ment of the oars inside the boat and notice the
gradation of tones between the dark of the
.Gh r ,inm in +he n t.ta + p -arp o h i-t. r -a

Take The Consequences the WPA in the midst of bitter cold
and suffering is the manifestation of
To the Editor: an un-American philosophy. They
Wintertime is cold and cruel. But have smuggled in a set of notions
not more so than the Republican labeled "Made in Nazi Germany."
Party bloc and Garnercrats in the If there is to be a measure of eco-
United States Congress who would nomic recovery then certainly it will
throw hundreds of thousands -of im- depend on the spending by industry
poverished Americans out into the at large. By curbing the power of
arms of that bitter winter. The op- monopolies, by exercising stricter
position to the really human and controls on the stock exchange we1
practical New Deal provisions for re- shall be travelling toward a condition
lief is trying to make it winter all of freer movement in the economy.
year round for the unemployed. By cutting off the power of people
What would the appropriation cut to buy. as the anti-WPA forces wish
mean? The United States Conference to do, you do not promote recovery.
of Mayors, headed by Mayor La Rather by removing from monopoly
Guardia of New York, said the con- its vast and disproportionate aggrega-
templated cuts would call for the fir- tions of the national wealth do you
ing of 1,151,300 workers from relief stimulate recovery. By making the
rolls. It would mean "reductions of necessary improvements in utilities,
1,000 workers in Nevada to a reduc- and railroads, by spending and in-
tion of 97,000 in Pennsylvania and creasing employment, as the Federal
97,600 in Ohio." In Michigan it would Reserve Bulletin for November sug-
mean cutting 54,400 workers from the gests, do you improve the lot of the
rolls. And the families of these work- nation.
ers? Where are they to find their That is what we ought to tell our
daily bread and their homes? The Re- legislators. Let them know we want
publicans and anti-New Deal Demo- no extension of human suffering as
crats don't give a darn. By God that they propose shall be the state of the
budget has got to be cut and it's going nation. Let them know we want the
to be cut even if -we do throw hun- people to take the power from the
dreds of thousands into starvation, monopolies and put the economic and
these politicians say. They don't see political operation of our land in the
beyond the decimal points, these hands of the people themselves.
econo-mizers. That is DEMOCRACY as it should
Instead of going forward with the be.
WPA program to stimulate the idling --Edward Magdol, '39
parts of our economy this group of
politicians turns its back on pro- Agiler's 'Sloppy Thinking'
gress and trods back to the grim days
of Hooverism-frightening breadlines To the Editor:
and ramshackle Hoovervilles and the My boy friend says that some of the
liberty for employers to cut wages athletes are mighty hot at Professor
and speed-up labor. The Clare Hoff- Aigler's letter in The Daily against'
mans, the Clifton A. Woodrums who subsidization. They say that he is do-
are so ,active in the destruction of ing a lot of "sloppy thinking."
the relief set-up speak glibly about If that is so, why don't the athletes
budgets and economy but they dis- get up a petition protesting his dic-
play a sadism, akin to the behavior tatorial ideas? Then he would be
of fascists. They care little for human forced to put subsidiziation up to the
lives. Their torture of the poorer plain proper authorities.
folk of our nation with this threat to - - -G. W.
By Sec Terry

A CONCERT of inverted cheers-
razzberries, to the bleacher trade
-will greet him when he swoops onto
Coliseum ice tonight. And through-s
out the evening, the clientele will
heap upon him contumely and vitriol
no end. Glaring ominously through
a swath of bandages. testifying to
some recent collision, he is hockey's
perfect villain, collegiana's 'Eddie
Shore,' hell bent for destruction. His
warring swagger, if a skater can
swagger, somehow provokes mob
wrath. Not a mild, momentary huff,
but a violent, hot hate-the kind that
impels men like the bespectacled gent
sitting in the first row near the press
box at Thursday night's brawl to
reach out and threaten private assault
after the game.
Reference, of course, is to John
Mariucci, Minnesota's reckless de-
fenseman who is 'the Gopher hockey
team.' But the story behind his ap-
parently vicious character is simply
that off the ice he's a gentleman,
soft-spoken and so reserved as to in-
vite the suspicion he's one of nature's
little timidmen. His voice, high-
pitched and hesitant, suggests one of
momma's boys. Last year, he skated
past Coach Eddie Lowrey's box and
paused to say something, wagging his
finger as he spoke. A salvo of boos
accompanied the gesture, the crowd
believing obviously that he was threat-
ening the Wolverine coach. Actually,
he was saying in his soprano voice,
"Hey, Eddie, you'd better tell them to
stop," and it sounded more like a
plea than warning.
But in hockey regalia he's the vil-
lain, and it would be as hard for him
to discard the impression as it would
for Boris Karloff to play Daddy Long
Legs. And as far as the verbal abuse
visited upon him is concerned, he
doesn't, by his own admission, hear
a word of it. He's too busy playing
hockey and provoking hostility.
WEDNESDAY'S night performance
of "The Petrified Forest" pleased'
the assorted quintet-Reed, Cummins,
Zeitlin, Fineberg and Kelley-which
is as blanket a testimonial as we can
at the moment imagine. And though
we don't wish to take serious issues
with "Tennessee" Kiell's hasty re-
view, we must regret his error of omis-
sion in the case of Gramp Maple, the
role which a fellow named Bernard
Benoway used to "steal the show,"
as they say back-stage. It's like re-
viewing "Whiteoaks" without men-
tioning Ethel Barrymore. Once, when
Duke Mantee's gunman leveled off
at Alan Squier, the "lost" aesthete,
Gramps jumped up and cried, "D'ya
mean yer gonna kill 'im?" There
was a generation of anticipation, as
well as nostalgia, in the old man's
voice; remember, Gramps was prob-
,I h7 [rf1,- __I- mr s :,_ -- .. _ -

(Continued from Page 2)
Stalker Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. For
further information and reservations
call 6881 before noon today.
The Outdoor Club will meet at Lane
Hall at 2:30 p.m. this afternoon to
go tobogganing. Any students in-
terested are invited to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
tonight at 7:38 pA!f. 'at the Rackham
Building and will go in a group to the
Intramural Building for indoor sports
and swimming.
Sunday they will meet at the Club
'room at 2:30 p.m. and from there will
go to the Saline Valley Farms for
skating and taboggoning outdoors
and games and dancing indoors. They
will return to Ann Arbor after supper.
All graduate students are invited..
Lutheran Student Club: A skiing
and tobogganing party is being
planned for all club members -,to-
day in the Arboretum if the
weather permits. Meet at the wom-
en's Athletic Building at 2 p.m. sharp.
Equipment will be provided at a
slight cost. Let's have everyone out
for an afternoon of fun'.

With Dirty Faces," whose gats spat3
and smoked in a manner which we
and the Dead End kids have come toI
expect of our bad men.-
OVERHEARD on the diagonal
as the boy, strolling along
between two girls, greeted pass-4
ers-by with a cosmopolitan cas- t
ualness: "Gee, Morrie, you know t
everybody. It must be wonderful f
to wait table in a beer tavern." t
ALTHOUGH we can't print it all
for fear of revealing its author,
this excerpt was found in an article"
plucked from the copy basket on the
night desk yesterday. It was a review1
of "Drums," the Alexander Korda
production now showing at the Michi-
gan. In part the article reads:
"Your people's correspondent
hfartily recommends it as the
most overmanned, underacted
picture of the year. The English
have an equivalent of Shirley
Temple in the Indian boy Sabu 1
who is as natural as our little
Shirley in her films. In addition
to this, our British cousins would
like to convince the public (but
your correspondent saw through
it all, being the proud possessor
of a distinct anti-British bias)
that their colonial system is civil-
ized and humanitarian. There-
fore, all the Indians who oppose
the British colonials are bad,
wicked men and all those who
acquiesce are good men. The sav-
age Indians use machine guns;
the civilized British usebbombers.
You'd think the poor benighted
Indian would appreciate British
"Drums" has some interesting
photographic shots. The color
contrast of Sabu and the Scotch
dummer is effective. If you want
to see the English die bravely (in
formal clothes I believe); then
by all means see little Sabu in
"Drums" and a cast of 3000."
OFF THE CUFF: Wednesday night
a student identifying himself as
John Ferdian, Jr.. rushed into Daily
offices with the "exclusive story" of
how Beniamino Gigli, the noted sing-
er, accosted him in the Union and
invited him in for a game of pocket
billiards . . , Ferdian insisted he was
no press agent and the story a legiti-
mate one, and took extreme care to
see that his name was spelled correct-
ly . But the Daily in its desire
to score a scoop on an artist's demo-
cratic spirit lost the details . .. . But
as far as the waiting public was con-
cerned, Ferdian's experience did not
go unrecorded, for he took the pre-
caution of supplying the rival paper
in town with the same facts .. . and

Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting willbe
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. .
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially 'in-
vited. Professor Hans Pick will con-
inue his talk (with records) on "Ab-
solute Musik urnd Programm Musik."
La Sociedad Hispanica will pose for
its Michiganensian picture at the
Spedding Studio, 619 East Liberty St.
on Sunday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. All
members are urged to be on time.
Physics Colloquium: Professor Otto
Laporte will speak on the "EleMen-
ary Particle of Spin Unity" at the
Physics Colloquium on Monday, Jan
23 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 East
Physics Bldg.
Geological Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 7:15 p.m. in
Room 3065 N.S. Kenneth Brill will
speak on "The McCoy Formation."
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, Jan. 23, 1939, 7-9 p.m., Room
319 West Medical Building.
"The Chemistry of Hemoglobin and
Its Derivatives-Heme Enzymes" will
be discussed. All interested are iri-
Sigma Xi: The third chapter meet-
ing of the year will be held Monday,
Jan. 23 at 8 p.m. in the Amphitheatre
of the University Hospital, second
floor rear. Dr. Franklin Johnston
will speak on "The Electrocardiogram
in Diagnosis of Heart Ailments."
Druids supper meeting at the Union,
Sunday, Jan. 22, at 5:45.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting on Tuesday, Jan.
24, at 6:15 in the Union. Professor
E. T. Vincent, of the Mechanical En-
gineering Department, will speak.
Pi Lambda Theta is sponsoring a
lecture by Prof. McGeoch on "Music
Appreciation" on Tuesday evening at
7:30 p.m. in the Bell Tower. All mem-
bers and their guests are welcome.
Botanical Journal'Club, Tuesday,
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, Jan. 24,
1939. Reports by-
Alice Kornat-Mitochondria in the
life cycle of certain higher plants.
James McCranie - Mitochondria
and plastids in living cells of Allium
Lois Jotter-Chromosome studies
on Trillium Kamtschaticum.
Douglas Savile-The cytology and
development of Phyllactinia corylea
Chairman: Professor B. M. Davis.
Philosophy Club members and oth-
er students interested in philosophi-
cal discussion are invited to attend a
meeting Monday, Jan. 23, at 4:15
p.m. in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Beinard
Friedman will read a paper on "The
Status of Logical Principles" and dis-
cussion will follow.
Fraternity Presidents: House presi-
dents are reminded of the meeting
of the Executive Committee of the
Interfraternity Council on Wednes-
day, Jan. 25. All petitions must be in
before this date.
Freshmen Glee Club: There will be
a special meeting at 4:15 Monday in
the Michigan Union. All memibers are
urgently requested to attend. This
will be the last meeting of the semes-
Congregational Student Fellowship
Saturday afternoon at 2:30. - The
time of our toboggan party has been
changed to 2:30 Saturday afterno~on.
The group will meet at Pilgrim Hall
and go to the Arboretum.

Sunday evening at 6:00. Regular
supper meeting, after which Dr.

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