February 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 95) • Page Image 4
… the meeting and will look after the Wolverine interests. The meeting Saturday is in the na- ture of an annual gathering to prepare for the spring intercollegiate, and to elect officers of the…
… the meeting and will look after the Wolverine interests. The meeting Saturday is in the na- ture of an annual gathering to prepare for the spring intercollegiate, and to elect officers of the…
… ded by Annual Winter ish Between Sophs and Fresh A OF STARS, N STILL HOPE Arraction Will be the Veteran Tiger Quartette Against the' Untried Wolverines chigan's "at home" track season e launched…
… tonight when a double will be staged in Watermann gym- im, the Wolverine Varsity meeting eton in a two-mile relay race af- he freshmen and sophomores have it it out for supremacy in their al winter clash. e…
… the Lucky ones will see the Wolverines club's membership campaign, which and Tigers in action tonight. starts Tuesday. Special arrangements will be made for the transportation Some have already found…
… women of the University, in- choose a business manager and man- cluding -freshmen, and any girls who aging editor for the Wolverine, and a are interested, will be given an op- business Wanager for the…
… ground when I heard a noise like the Wolverine ex- press coming at full speed. "Well, this rushing thing came right out of a clear sky. I did not try to crank, but dropped flat in the mud, hoping the shell…
…Michigan started out muchi stroliger' dluring thme second hlalf. They-'pL~yed a mutch stronger off ensive- gamne,' scor- inmg three baskets during this: period. The Wolverine team 'work. was equal it' not better…
… and intends! to continue to do so in ordIer to have ;ne Wolverines in toga form for the ;itre Mamse game, which will be held at Weinberg's coliseum Thursday.L Notre Dame adIministered a stinging * "- 8…
… men will be fifth on the team. The Wolverine bowlers will clash with Yale in a third match next Wed- nesday afternoon, at the Union. 'FRESHMAN CINDER TEAM WILL HOLDTRIAL MEET Freshman tracksters are…
… Monday night. and Harrison's progress will be watch- Wolverines will return to Ann ed with interest. Prout, Northrup, and or and engage Chicago in the final Huff are the best of the yearling pole 1 'game…
… defeats of thy test of the Illini, who will un-t the season by Illinois, losing 27-2. (doubtedly find the going much hard-I JEast season the Wolverines failedl er than has been the case with the to win a…
… Wolverine undefeated 115 pound-; sition for the Buckeyes for the rest t en, is countedi on to add at least twor of the season. At the rate at which poinits, Goldstein, the Michigan heavy- the team has been…
…Xvate-t tiwoioa ()'laces. By winning their f'our r e- , n<. maining tilts, the Wolverines couli a'x ody ahig n' il a e e enih~'M ai-am c iicr go ahead of Ohio State should the 'Tb 0 (coilh (10o0.; nt raId .,ii…
… touted Ohio State mat team, 17 to 6. The Wolverine grapplers repeated -their performance of last weekagainst Purdue by win- ning all of the first five bouts of the meet, one by a fall and four by decis…
… hisf first home meet of the season to in- crease the Wolverine lead to 6. This bout also went overtime, each man gaining only a slight time advantage in the regular period. The Michigan star gained, an…
… team took breast stroke, and crawl events, will ton, Del., winning the swimming hon-;better than 24 feet. His work in the is a good indication of his ability, furnish the Wolverines some keen com- ors…
… Wolverine. grappler sev- 50115 of competition. The Xt'olxerie oral time s during the bout and re- leader defeated Wilford, 148 pounder' main there long enough to gain an ad- from the 1926 Ohio State team xvho…
… six minuttes of the 16 to A defeat suffered at C-lum bus in rotit, and then IDonahoe -wet behind the first Big Ten meet last year. It his opponent, by ti: ig the double arm wasN the Wolverine's fifth…
… of interna- tional prominence tonight in De- troit at the Michigan A. A. U. championships, according to an announcement made late yesterday afternoon by Coach Steve Farrell Ten Wolverine thinclads will…
… was the only Wolverine able urday with a total of 43 4-5 points. to penetrate the strong Illinois The Badgers scored only two firsts, defense when Michigan lost to the but picked up one or more points…
… Joseph's Goal Wins recuperatef The Wolverines' three goals were Minneapolis; tallied by Mason, Hart, and Joseph. get in shape Neither team scored in the third and the Go period but .Joseph penetrated the…
… decide the I the Wolverine sextet. Last Satur- ship. The Illini day night Michigan dropped a game to the fast-skating Marquette ret dist team, 5-2, on the Milwaukee rink. basket dsp: Tomorrow the…
… Wolverines meet .breaking g Minnesota's strong team in the first r keep. thkie of a two game series at Minne- most of th apolis. -tIhmselves1 RECU PR ATES R~est After lard Trip estt d III DroaPPig n To Second…
… Fast The pool at the " is one which is Grand Rapids known in state swimming .circles as "fast," and Coach Matt Mann of the Wolverine team hopes to break some records. In their past invasions of the…
…, Walker and Ault. At this Thomse ..LD.. ..... Bryant same- ibet, Dick Spindle, present .Meiklejohn. .R D..........Hart Wolverine captain, set a new inter- Frisch.......Go al........Grace collegiate 220 yard…
… Greenleaf, national tip-in, but the gun cut off furtler pocket billiard champion since 1919, Wolverine efforts. wae m e runner-up wiv ie given a gold medal. For two years, H., H. Horowitz has defeated the…
…- members "The Passing Show" was outdistanced Ladd, Wolverine forming a cabinet only if he had Michigan Alumnus Is Iearly American architecture and I fessional atmosphere of the gradu- the subject of a talk…
… ____ _ _ ....._.. _ _ ___._ .. LN LEFT BY VETERANS 1IS FSHER'S TASK Captain Harvey Straub, Myron, and Truskowski, Only Lettermen Back. PITCHERS REPORT EARLY Montague Expected' to Act Mainstay of Wolverine Hurling Staff. as Facing…
… practice. The Wolverines' schedile for the coming season includes 28 games, 12 of them with Conference op- ponnts. Michiganl will Meet North- western, Ohio State, Illinois, Pur- due,. Wisconsin, and Chicago…
… in home and hoie series to complete its >ig Ten schedule. In addition to these Conference games the Wolverines will again make a Southern trip which will include two games apiece with Vanderbilt…
… Colgate o May 1 and 2. In addition to these new opponents, the Wolverines have scheduled a game with Oberlin,to be played in Ann Arbor on May 22. MICHIGAN HOCKEY TEAM PRACTICES, TO FACEGOPHERS' With the…
… Wolverine rink with a strong team bf veteran players. The Gophers have been fortunate in having ten of the best men from last year, again on the ice and the formida- ble record that they have hung up so far…
… fourth. Distance, 41 ft. 3 in. theWolverine wheNorsemen,but they are con- the end of the second period Psi wil wrestle Mitchell, a new man on Pole vault - Won by P o t t oveie w rsm n ceeeltl caceo wnig…
…"~ h and Blue squad ran up a 111% to shown by his charges in their earlyi 512 score. The Wolverines complete- meets Coach Neils Thorpe, of the' ly outclassed the Spartans by hold- Gophers, is well aware…
… the Field House last nigh i;. Heart-breaking as the defeat was, Wolverine fans saw a rejuvenated Cappon outfit battle the Badgers every minute of the game. It was the same inspired Wisconsin team that…
… Riskey. , ii Badgers Trim Michigan Court Squad, 32 To 26 Wolverines Succumb To Wisconsin Rally During Final Period (Continued from Page 1) Early Inquiries Show Interest In National Wrestling Me cagers…
…, giving Wisconsin a 26-22 lead. Joslin stopped the spree with a points to the Wolverine total. Pre- boski and Hamann both scored on fouls, and Plummer took a pass from Fishman to tally, making the score 26…
… let it be known that with further conditioning the Michigan track team will be capable of pro- 'ucing even better results than were evinced in the last meet, which was ;he first for the Wolverines…
… such a nickname is re-educating America had turned the Wolverines out of a . on so vital a subject. Then there is the case of Whittier College in California Big Ten title. In the Conference out- whose…
… his' appendix was the ice. Since the Wolverines played removed in an emergency operation The Minnesota D a i 1 y, student Minneapolis Arena January about ten days ago. nswspaper at the University of Min…
… for not teaching in their first three grid gan year. his Varsity players cagey enough reason. With Jewell in the Wolverine goal, tactics. Two of the fans interviewed Michigan would have been generally…
… the Goph- ers could do was tie the WolverinesPD in one game. PhiBD.Leads When it was first known that Jew- ell would be out of the lineup, titlee Are teThin hopes became nil. Coach Eddie Low- rey began…
… gasoline ad) i low's 1935 single game record by a to Michigan's Wolverines by ignorant point, pulled his average to 12 and a wolverine except the single, moth-eat fraction points per game equal to the rounds…
… Nazis the Buckeyes had too much power for erected behind Hitler's rostrum in critical questions rmained a secret. .Essay Awards the Wolverine swimmers. Even Cap- thbut the subject of endless speculation…
… of rains.s McNUTT OPPOSES WITHDRAWAL Wolverines Suffer Fourth Loss In Five Conference Starts; 6 Ties li Game .Townsenid Is High Scorer With .14 By BUD BENJAMIN Michigan's lingering hopes for its first…
… Big Ten basketball title since '29 were convincingly buried in the Yost Field House last night, when a scrappy and alert Minnesota quintet handed the Wolverines their fourth Conference defeat in five…
… inaccuracy from the forecourt once more gave the opposition an opportunity to gang up in the back and clog the offensive lanes. The Wolverines had previously beaten the Gophers 31 to 16 in a game, Jan, 16, at…
…. Maki's four baskets kept the visitors in the thick of the fight, while Town- send's pivot shot and tip-in along with his three fouls helped put the Wolverines on par at 16 all at half time. Jim Rae…
…, lanky Wolverine center, opened the second period with an overhand flip from inside, but Maki's fourth long tied it up again at 18 points. Dick whirled prettily in the foul circle for two more Ghoper…
… position as a stag. Sunday night gloom was dispensed at the Wolverine social with swing and classics in alternating sets. Jim Gribble and Al Haske, chairmen, were un-tied by any particular women, but John…
…- Ten victory-seeking Wolverine puck- men will arrive here tomorrow to face a Colorado Tiger crew in a weekend series at the Ice Palace. With their claws well-sharpened after two sparkling ties with South…
…-will parade their vast talents in local arenas. For weeks the Wolverine swim- ming pool bulletin board has her- alded the Impending clash with Yale's tank dynamo of the East, Innumerable clippings from East…
…-grabbing machinations of the business staff, this forthcoming prediction can't be backed up by cold reason. There is insufficient room. It will have to be backed up by the deeds of Wolverine cindermen tonight. Notre Dame…
… third year as a Tiger regular, will be in the nets at all times. He will probably be the best goalie the Wolverines have faced this season. Coach Eddie Lowrey's starting six; is still a uncertainty. But…
… win. (Continued from Page 1) this season. Maloney's 9:40 is also better than any two-mile time turned in by a Wolverine up to date. Thomas and sophomore Chuck Pinney are classed with Notre Dame…
… the 16-pound iron "apple" 51 feet 3 inches. Wolverines' George Os- -____ _-- -- f/c~o~',~. RAP 77~-~2i -~YA~ Matmen Face Indiana Tomorrow . w ~P Microtomic VAN DYKE The Drawing Pencil that…
…,4v . fi 4 + ._a li (. ri zi A ,r., _ , ::a Sextet Plays Gophers Here; Mermen agers at Ohi( ) State Pucksters Seek Victory In Return Clash Tonight - 4 l3y WALT KLEE' The Wolverine sextet will…
… players al- most broke out into a fist fight in the third period when Gopher Patty Ryan and Wolverine Bob Stenberg exchanged blows just inside the Michigan blue line. Pre-game dope seemed to point to a walk…
…-away for the invading Vik- ings; but the surprising Wolverines put up a battle that Coach Larry Armstrong's boys will remember for a long while to come. The much im- proved Maize and Blue fought on even…
… terms with the Norsemen and gained a moral victory as a result of the tie. Anderson Gets Goal It appears that Gordon Anderson was the Wolverine who slipped the puck past Minnesota's goalie Mac, Thayer for…
… try every trick of the trade in a i effort to stop the Wolverines. The Minnesota first- line 'of Dick Kelley and his twoflankmen, Bob Graiziger and Pat Ryan, will not have the overconfidence that they…
… 'up' to- night when they collide with an equally unpredictable Ohio State quintet on the latter's home .court. The three. sophs whose presence is all importait in the Wolverine lineup are Dave Strack…
… the Wolverine and Buckeye track squads pair off in a dual meet at Yost Field House. The possibility of a new record in the 440-yard dash appears strong, since Ufer has approached the mark of :49…
… obtained special permission from his draft board o enlist as a voluntary indnetee. CLOSER THIS TIME: Wolverine-Buckeye Swim Tit To Present CreamofBi TnI TEMPLE TON SENSATIONAL PIANIST THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 8…
… Columbus be- cause of the proximity of the Big Ten meet, March 5-6. Intervening dual matches have, proven that the Wolverine and Buck- eye mermen comprise the class of the Conference and, probably, of the en…
… in Patten Gymnasium yesterday, win- ning five out of the nine events and placing heavily in runner-up posi- tions to chalk up their 14th title in 19 years. The Wolverines, heavy favorites to win, left…
… Brant f ord's Woes Sa Disi(fualied; Reichert Is Beaten i S milinals; Greene, Oberly Take Seconds Comiltird e rnt Page 1) pounds, while Johnny Greene and Lowel Obr took seconds. Th Wolverines started off…
… last year, scored a fall over Chip Warrick of the Wolverines. How- ever, Warrick wrestled in a consola- ion bout, held to determine third and fourth places, and he came in four h. George Curtis then beat…
…-. .more guard Gerry Mitchell each dumped in 12 points to supple- ment the 15 tossed in by Grant. DESPITE THE FACT that the Gophers did all right by them- selves in the scoring department the Wolverine…
…, Mitchell beat out Bob Hinkle of Illinois in :08.9, and Wolverine Don Hoo- ver was third. In the lows, Hinkle was again second to Mitchell, who was timed in :08.2. Two Wolverines placed in the 60-yard dash…
… of Illinois tied for first at 13 ft., 934 in. Purdue's Lawrence Busby was third. HERB BARTEN, Wolverine middle-distance ace, ran a con- servative race in the 880-yard run, and coasted to an easy 1…
… Jewsbury, winning in 9:30. Shel Capp finished fourth for Michi- gan. Illini Bob Downs took the mile run, beating out Wolverine Cap- tain Bob Thomason in 4:21.1. Going into the final event, the mile relay…
… the second win in as many starts for the Wolverine acrobats, who captured four first places in the six events. Pete Bar- thell led the individual point- makers with 13. taking top hon- ors in the…
… parallel bar test and leading a Michigan sweep of the tumbling competition. Ed. Buchanan added another first for the Wolverines by taking the trampoline event, and Michi- gan's Bob Willoughby outpointed his…
… other Wolverine penalty in the final period. The two goalies, Jack McDon- ald and Gopher captain Jack Mc- Ewen had about the amount of saves with McDonald having the edge with 38. McEwen kicked out 33…
… Wolverine shots. MICHIGAN TECH and Minne- sota both have three losses in re- gional play after last night's con- test. On the other hand Michigan has only one loss, that coming at the hands of the Huskies up…
…, howling band of grap- ling fans watched the Wolverines rop their fifth straight match of he season as superior Hoosier rid- ng time in two crucial bouts pro- ided the measure of power neces- x ary for…
… Indiana's third win gainst one loss. * AFTER LOSING four straight ndividual bouts, the Wolverines et the stage for their ill-fated ictory drive. Captain Bob Betzig literally ;roared out inta the ring to…
… ing the third period. Although of the Wolverine gymnasts, about the match ended in a 3-3 tie, this sophomore wonder tumbler ndiana was awarded riding who presents a major obstacle to time, thus winning…
… the necessary incra- were the only man the Wolverines ent to put the Indiana club far had to fear, but it seems that xnough ahead to win despite the trouble comes in droves. ower-surge of the Wolverines…
… play the Lawrence Tech respective fields. B" team at 2 p.m. Monday in rsetv ils etroit. Last Monday the Wolverine ALTIOUG 'I'61 THESE three are1 agers bowed to the Blue Devils the backbone of the Illini…
… feet for over a month. But the Boilermakers are not particularly long in this department which maly give more of the Wolverines a chance. IN THE GAME at Lafayette, Bill Mikulich and Bill Doyle were…
… the golf squad, in- Coach Bert Katzenmeyer Tues- day, Fe~b. 22, at 4 p.m., on the I-M golf driving range. up class as the Wolverines prepare for next Saturday's "big one" with Ohio State. I Best of the…
… Mann's Wolverine American diver in 1951. tankmen will put their record on* * the firing line at eight p.m. to- PURDUE University's1 night against the Bainbridge Dunlop, Big Ten 200 yard Naval Training…
… several years a ago. . The Wolverines will use their usual crew of talented swimmers this evening, led by Co-captains John Davies and Stewart Elliott in the breast stroke, versatile free JOHN DAVIES styler…
… year's Wolverine grappler at 157 pounds. This year Bender will face Bud Holcombe at 167 pounds, the same opponent that his brother, George wrestled against last year. The elder Bender is now graduated…
… Wolverines their third Big Ten win against Wisconsin Mon- day night. COACH ERNIE McCoy's cagers had very little in their favor going into the final ten minutes of play with the Badgers. They were trailing by…
… that in the last 13 minutes Michigan had to field a team that averaged only 6 feet as compared with the visitors 6-3 aggregate. Tallest man on the court for the Wolverines was Captain Jim Skala, the 6…
…. * * * HOWEVER, North Dakota will probably give the Wolverines the * * . Congressmen Get World Report from Ikse l M UNION DEVELOPMENT-Expanding 60 feet north of th.e present structure, the remodeled Union…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREU uck sters in Crucial Contests * * * * FIRST DUAL MEET: Wolverine Thinclads Face Notre Dame 4 * * * [umping Wolverines Face eague Leaders at Coliseum…
… Wolverines on the long end of a lopsided 92% to 39%/ score. The Irish squad, however, is much stronger than last year's competitors. * * * THIS YEAR the Irish have made a sprinting start with an easy triumph…
… over Purdue's thin- clads. But the Wolverines have displayed balance and power in For that Hard-to-find TEXTBOOK try Michigan is both favored and rated underdog in tonight's tri- angular gymnastics…
… the pole vault, Michigan's weak spot. Wolverine leapers Bob Evans, Howard Liverance, and Dave Heinzman can be expected to meet strong opposition in high jumper Tom Hassinger who has topped six feet…
… Wolverines now possess a 3-1 record in Conference dual meets but have a rough road to hoe facing Minnesota today and a good Michigan State team in re- maining meets. By WARREN WERTHEIMER Phi Delta Theta ran a…
… The Daily EAST LANSING - Michigan's hockey mastery over Michigan State ended last night as a fired up Spartan squad desperately fought off a Wolverine sextet du- ing 70 minutes of scoreless hockey and…
… gained a 0-0 tie. The tie game, which gave the Wolverines only a half-point in the WHL standing, practically ended the last remaining hopes the Maize and Blue had of earn- ing a berth to the NCAA playoffs…
…- fought, and outthought the slug- gish Wolverines as they swarm- ed all over Ikola. Only the Michigan netminder's sensa- tional play staved off any MSC scoring. The Heyligermen, who had perked up somewhat…
… feats in the State twies against desperate Wolverine onslaughts. THE HECTIC third frame prov- ed extremely frustrating to the Ann Arbor sextet as their repeat- ed breakaway and close range shots were…
…, Doug Mul- len; Burt Dunn and Doug Phil- pott combined on a power play but Schiller's circus acrobatics stymied the Michigan attack. The Wolverines had two more chances to break the deadlock before…
… Badger's starting lineup. This will be the only meeting of the two clubs thip year. Last year Wisconsin dribbed the Wolverines twice. The Maize and Blue which has not won a con- ference game since the…
…'RDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAr-W. fri bD IEB U R 0, 1 3 HI ! M C IG A % I T V~r W u rau£Yz I E Wolverine Gymnasts Ready For Clash With Ohio State Illini Tracksters Host…
… to the Wolverines for the remainder of the season. WUERTH 55c 55c Today thru Sunday HILARIOUS LOVE STORY OF A HOT-HEADED BEAUTY .... THE SENSATIONAL STAGE SUCCESS I M4*M's MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA "N…
… depth may prove the deciding factor in the dual meet at Champaign today as the Wolverines attempt to change the winning ways of the mighty Illini cindermen. In the track meet which will be a preview of…
… Hendricks will compete in the high hurdles for Michigan,I while Coach Leo Johnson of Illi- nois will have Willard Thompson" running. The Wolverines are pit- ting the same trio in the low hur- dles against…
…. Gordon Iverson and Kent Penwell of Illinois will be running against the Michigan participants. The Wolverines will have Bob Brown, Pete Sutton, Carroll and Scruggs in the one-mile relay. The team beat…
…. * * * MICHIGAN STATE, which now leads the Conference with a mark of four wins has piled up a string almost identical to that tallied by the Wolverines. Both squads have defeated one of the top teams in the Big Ten…
… Purdue. In the State's first match of the season they lost, 19-8, to the same Pitt group that the Wolverines beat, 16-11. In their matches with Purdue, State won, 20-8, while Michigan lost. 15-9. Coach…
… Wolverines are sophomore Don Haney with a; 6-1 mark and Dick O'Shaughnessy with five wins. Puchsters Tie (Continued from Page 1) FOR SALE MICHIGAN DAILY Phone NO 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED…
… his opponent, Arthur T. Iverson, to concede defeat. Feikens' ability to pull votes out of the big areas such as Oak- lal~d, Kent, and Wayne districts proved the deciding factor in his Wolverines…
… slot, and giv- ing away 10 inches and many pounds, the sophomore still man- aged to flip 25 points through the nets. But Kramer couldn't do it all by himself and Minnesota had too much for the Wolverines…
… the game still to play. M' Gets Break At the 11:58 mark, the Maize and Blue received a break. Groffs- ky blocked a Garmaker shot, and in the ensuing scramble, Garmaker grabbed the Wolverine forward and…
… the opening half, the Wolverines led '13-3. -. ~ But this was not to last. When Simonovich hit on a lay-up with 6:04 still to play in the initial 20 minutes, the Gophers moved into a 24-23 advantage, a…
… Gopher sextet, 3-1, last night in jam-packed Wil- liams Arena. The win coupled with Fri- day night's victory considerably strengthens the Wolverines chanc- es of gaining a berth to the NCAA championships…
…,000,000 WA TCHERS: Television, Fans, Singers Invade Yost By MURRY FRYMER CBS was there, and so were 8,500 closely packed rooters, the Men's Glee Club, Batoners Bill Modlin and Champ Patton, and the Wolverine…
… varsity pool. Performing before a capacity crowd in their second home dual meet, the Wolverines captured seven of the ten events, while two tankmen broke pool and varsity records in the process Captain…
… Northwestern Wildcats, 21-8. By winning this meet, Michigan extended its winning s t r e a k against the Wildcats to 21. The Wolverines have not been defeat- ed by Northwestern since 1931. Although Michigan…
…:36 to increase the Wolverine lead and finish the scoring for the night. Gophers Try Rally Minnesota became desperate in the final period and made several all out attempts to score but to no avail. With…
… vacant Minnesota net only to have his shot go wide of the goal mouth. Howes in Top Form Wolverine goalie Lorne Howes continued in top form as he made 33 saves to Mattson's 19. Michi- gan's defense was…
… Workmanship The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theatre For the special attention of Electrical Engineers aPhysicists I BASKETBALL TELETHON: Gophers Outclass Wolverines, 74-65 HLLGHES RESEARCH AND…
… three tries. Lack of an adequate playmaker continues to plague Michigan. Time after time the Wolverines would bring the ball down and shoot without working the leath- er around. The guards had great…
… state of Michigan when the Wolverines slid past the Spartans, 70-69, at East Lansing. JIM SHEARON Stop and Go Sincethe beginning of Confer- ... dependable stand-in ence play this year, the Michigan cagers…
… have acted somewhat like an overworked Model-T Ford- they stop and go, and stop and go; you crank them up again and they sputter for awhile and then stop once again. The Wolverines no sooner put away an…
… collected by the bus drivers. No provisions have been made for a return trip, as difficulties were encountered in selling return tickets in similar plans made in previous years by the Wolverine Club and the…
… in the Big Ten show only fair performances, in- dicating that Michigan and Illi- nois will be in a class by them- selves when the championships are held two weekends from to- day. Thus, the Illini-Wolverine…
… in the final relay except for the 1957 match. Last year, Michigan led the Il- lini going into the mile relay. But a Wolverine runner pulled a muscle in that relay after gaining a good margin over his…
… Wolverines, whose dual meet depth is centered here. Despite the interest in the team score, individuals cannot be over- looked; V Michigan's Tom Robinson, al- ready a holder of one world rec- ord (indoor…
…___THE MICHIGAN DAILY kfichigan Seeks Revyenge; 1ooking for Two Wins in Away Contests Mariners To Face MSU, 0 NCAA Titlists To Clash 11 I By MIKE GILLMAN Wolverine coach, Al Renfrew, will…
… take his hockey team to Houghton, Michigan, tonight for a weeken1d twin bill. The Michigan squad will be in hopes that Michigan Tech will prove to be as hospitable hosts as the Wolverines showed…
… as the Wolverines have won only one of the .eight games played since that weekend. Both teams will be looking to get back on the win trail. Michi- gan..droppedtwo toMinnesota last week and Tech tied…
… one and lost one in a series with Colorado Col-' .lege. The victory-starved Wolverines; have an extra incentive to take at least one of the games as cap- tain Bobbie Watt will be remem,- bering the in…
… STEINBERG Swim coach Gus Stager and his band of mariners will battle Mich- igan State in a Conference meet tonight at East Lansing. The Wolverines, who have re- mained undefeated in more than two years, are…
… 200-yd. breaststroke. His amazing times of 1:05.0 and 2:23.4 are- a few tenths of a second better than Wolverine Cy Hopkins who's best 'in the 200- yd. is 2:23.7. The odds are favor- able for a new…
… 3:30 in Varsity Exhibi- tion Pool. On the basis of times turned in previous to today's meet, the Hoosiers must be rated as slight favorites over the Wolverines, Who won their 33rd consecutive dual…
…. Wolverines, who are undefeated in dual meet com- petition since Feb. 25, 1956 when they lost, 57-48, to Ohio State. Record Holders Led by world record holders Frank McKinney and Mike Troy, Indiana has easily…
… Wolverine matmen, whose tri- umph here was their eighth straight. The 23-3 score equaled Michigan's most lopsided victory of the season, achieved Feb. 1 against Purdue. The loss was Il- linois' eighth in 11…
… RON CLARK DAVE GILLANDERS ...American record-holder ... Pan-American champ JOE GERLACH FRANK LEGACKI ... AAU champion ... NCAA champion Wolverine Swim Team Overwhelms Wisconsin 65-30-; Many Regulars…
… of his competition in the back- stroke, but the battle for second place should be close. Indiana's ~&ACV MNFVDick Beaver and the Wolverines #FMcJV K.1 N NEY AlexGaxiola, Fred Wolf and John Smith are…
… events. The meet's only double winner was Wolverine sophomore Bechtel, who won both the and 440-yard freestyle. Tom 220- CAGERS AWAY Th inclads Host "Open Meet Today Aqua Answers HOW MANY American…
… "Who will win?" and you will have some of the biggest problems in Michigan swimming history as the Wolverines prepare to enter the water against Indiana today. The answer to question one isn't as vague…
…' vacancy in the 50 is a tossup between a half-dozen swimmers,none of who havethe class of their Wolverine counterparts. 200- AND 400-YARD FREE STYLE-Andy Morrow and' Bill Darntori of Michigan haven't shown…
… celebrated doubly WCHA playoffs were definitely to . The Wolverines took the con Pioneers were completely outskated .... …
… hind Michigan State's Carl Shaar, against Wisconsin Saturday. Thrasher's unofficial split was :53.9 the third-place finisher in last as the Wolverines timed -:46.5. year's Big Ten Meet.i "Jeff should…
… event against the :53.9 split on the butterfly leg of Wolf No Problem Badgers the next day, Mannard the 400-yd. medley relay Friday. The Wolverines' other individual winning in 2:06.7 and Shaefer, He also…
… 12-point margin at one time with the score 37-25 but the Wolverines fought back with Harris' scoring outburst. Rayl Too Much Rayi, who is fighting Purdue's Terry Dischinger for the confer- ence…
… Wolverines sport a similar 4-0 mark.. The two meets this week round out the dual meet season for Michigan, their next encounter be- ing the Big Ten tourney, also at East Lansing, on March 8 and 9. Michigan…
… State and Minnesota conclude their respective cam- paigns in a meet between the two Saturday on MSU's home grounds. Lascari Leads In the Wolverines' most recent outing, they handily outpointed Il- linois…
… couldn't make Illinois' chances very bright all by himself, Cooper alone doesn't figure to be enough to overcome the entire Wolverine squad. The difference is that MSU Pro Standings has more than just…
… Against Illinois last Saturday on for any Wolverine in the meet. RECRUITING: en MSU RNever-EndingTask' Steve Johnson and Gani Browsh, (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first is likely to be a strong contender o…
… his nat- title since the heyday of M. C. ural ability to add up into what Burton, George Lee, and John he considers to be a future bas- Tidwell who led the Wolverines ketball player for Michigan. to a…
… third place finish in 1958- One look at a player is usually 59 season. That is, until this year. not enough to be sure of a play- Although the Wolverines are er's net worth, but it determines mired in the…
… 'i r NEW YORK AIR CHARTER .. f F , CALF LOAFERS u g , I \Ld 88 Regularly 7.98 r. sponsored by WOLVERINE CLUB Limited time only... timely reduction on your favorite sport shoes with those…
… MINNEAPOLIS - Michigan's hockey team backed into fourth place in the WCHA standings last night even though the Wolverines came up on a short end of a 5-4 score in a hard-fought game with Minnesota. The loss was…
… Polonic. De- chaine's shot went in from just in front of Minnesota goalie John at Lothrop's cage after a struggle in g- front of the net. th The Wolverines went into the h- lead three and one-half minutes…
… meet at Yost Field House last night by a score of 92-48, as the Wolverine thinclads continued to steadily improve their perform- By RICK STERN Battling Michigan this after- noon in Yost Field House…
…,'l-. r ftn, A o , n r The Buckeye-Wolverine clashes Runaway POLE VAULT-1. Canamare (M); 2. Wells (M). Height-14'6" (meet record). SHOT PUT - 1. Harvey (M); 2. Leuchtman (M); 3. Yearby (M). Distance-54…
… basketball team, will lead the Buckeyes into Yost Field House this afternoon to take on the Wolverines. Ricketts, a senior guard, has been averag- ing 17 points a game, placing him 17th in the Big Ten. I…
… his teammates. The Wolverine win, by an NBA score of 128-94, broke the old school record set one long week ago against Wisconsin. The total also established a new Big Ten team scoring record, and the…
… in scoring, but the memory of those games made the Wolverine con- tingent scoff at his alleged offen- sive potentcy. his best shot is a one hand jumper, the first shot every skinny high school player…
… overbearing on occasion," says a team- mate. Cazzie performs in practice like it's a game situation.. He'll club somebody and snap at a player even though he's a fellow Wolverine. A practice session con- sumes…
…, revived basketball interest and power at Michigan, and led the Wolverines to two straight Big Ten championships and second place in the NCAA last year. Natch. But focusing a bit on his background, Cazzie…
…, because he liked the coaches, Bill Buntin, the prestige of a Michigan de- gree, and because the Wolverines "looked like a team that needed help." You know the rest. He broke the Michigan season scoring…
… Defeat Scrambles Race Four Wolverines Break 20-Point Mark By The Associated Press MADISON - Wisconsin edged second-place Michigan State 78-77 yesterday and dropped the Spar- tans two games behind front…
… that the high total was not normal. "A few games ago we House Reco Schellhase. Tomorrow, the Wolverines wili forsake the quest for new marks for the books as they travel to Iowa for a game that effects…
…) offense.. t Saturday's anemic performance 3) The Wolverines won their against ninth-place Indiana in first conference road game in aantnnhpaeIdaaI eons. which the Hoosiers romped all over. eons 4i…