. . ... .... ......
Ir x
Yanks Seize Air
Base on Eniwetok Atoll;
Allies Hold Anzio Line Against Nazi I
German Casualties Rise'
In Beachhead Struggle,
Allied Airmen Shoot Down 15 Enemy Planes
In Intensive Aerial Activity over Area
By The Associated Press
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Naples, Feb. 19.-American and Brit-
ish troops have carpeted the ground before their Anzio beachhead line with
German dead and in four days have wiped out as many as half of some
Nazi units in one of the greatest and most crucial battles of the war, front
dispatches reaching here disclosed tonight.
Meeting the German attempt to push- them back into the sea with a
hurricane of steel, Fifth Army troops fell back in one sector but kept their
lines intact and prevented a break-through. The Allied soldiers were
fighting doggedly to wear out the Germans.
Against them the Germans have thrown at least four divisions of in-
fantry and armor in this battle on the beachhead front south of Rome.
Planes Destroyed
Allied airmen in a day of intense activity over the beachhead todO
shot down at least 15 Nazi planes and probably destroyed five others of the
more than 100 enemy aircraft which -
Pattern of Warfare in Allied March Against Japanese
HINA JAPANPacific Ocean
." --------- .7 - G U IN EA --- - - __.
EQUA TOR ' .-.--
Engebi Isle Captured;
U. S. Casualties Light
Forces Now 750 Miles West of"Truk;
Other Posts in Area Fall to Americans
By The Associated Press
U.S. PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Feb. 19.-With
a mighty smash American Marines captured Engebi Island with its im-
portant air base one day after landing on Eniwetok atoll in the Marshalls.
Several other islands in the northern portion also have fallen to the
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz so announced today, saying that preliminary
reports indicated American casualties have been light. Other islands of
the atoll captured were not named, but islands from that area include
Muzinbaarikku, Yeiri and Rujiyoru, southeast of Engebi, and Bogon, Bogar-
Congress Hits
Baruch Plan
attacked the British and American
ground troops.
In the day's air battles over the
beachhead American medium bomb-
ers shot down eight out of 20 Ger-
man planes that tried to intercept
their bombing of Nazi supply dumps
around Carroceto. Returning pilots.
said that five more German planes
were so badly damaged that they
probably crashed. The bombers blew
up a gasoline dump which sent flames
spouting 200 feet in the air.
Seven German planes were shot
down by British fighters and two by
American fighter bombers.
De Luce Tells Story
A dispatch filed from the beach-t
head at noon today by Daniel Det
Luce, Associated Press correspond-(
ent, summed up the situation as ofi
that moment by saying: "Field Mar-'i
shal Albert Kesselring's offensive is1
being held."
Telling a story of swaying battlef
in which the Germans attacked with
"almost' reckless sacrifice' of lives,"
De Luce radioed:
"I saw American doughboys and
tankmen hit back and recover in two1
hours some ground that the Germans1
had paid for with a heavy loss of lives
in 24 hours' continuous fighting a
day earlier."7
Allies Prevent Breakthrough
De Luce had filed a dispatch 12
hours previously declaring that Kes-
selring by the weight of his infantry-
armor blows, supported by artilleryt
and air power, had forced the Alliest
back in a sector four miles wide. The
correspondent asserted, however, that
the Allied troops had prevented a1
breakthrough and the Germans fail-
ed to gain tactically decisive ground.
The main front south of Cassino1
as well as on the Anzio beachhead
the Allies were engaged in one of the
decisive battles of the war against1
German forces brought from many
parts of Europe. A new phase wasF
indicated with a reinforcement of
the Fifth Army at Cassino by In-1
dians and New Zealanders brought
from the. Eighth Army on the oppo-
site side of Italy.
Take Meets
special to The Daily
EVANSTON, Feb. 20.-Michigan's
high-powered swimmers amassed a
staggering 72 point total to dethrone
Ohio State as Big Ten champions in
Patten Gymnasium yesterday, win-
ning five out of the nine events and
placing heavily in runner-up posi-
tions to chalk up their 14th title in
19 years.
The Wolverines, heavy favorites to
win, left no doubt as to final out-
come when they placed heavily in the
preliminaries, qualifying men in
every event except fancy diving.
Northwestern, the only team fig-
ured to press Michigan, came in sec-
See SWIMMERS, Page 7
Grapplers Win, 28-27
Special to The Daily
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 20.-Coach
Ray Courtright's grapplers fought an
uphill battle against surprisingly stiff
opposition from the Boilermakers at
Evanston yesterday to co their first
Reds Capture
18,200 Nazis
In Ukraine Area
Soviet Forces Move
On Pskov, Take 130
Northern Communities
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON,. Feb. .20, Sunday.-
The Russians announced last night
that they had not only killed or cap-
tured 73,200 Germans in the battle
of the Korsun trap but had seized an
immense armory of Nazi equipment,
including 10,000 trucks,,618 guns and
116 tanks. The Nazi Eighth Army
commander's body also was decla'ed
found among the dead.
The announcement said that 10,-
000 more Germans had been counted
since figures on German losses in the
great Dnieper Bend debacle had been
made public first last Thursday.
Among these were 3,000 dead, mak-
ing a total of 55,000 slain, and 7,200
additional prisoners for a total of
18,200 captives.
Later, a Moscow midnight bulletin
gave details of steady Russian ad-
vances in the north where 130 more
communities were captured in the
three-way drive on Pskov, gateway to
the Baltic states.
The rail station of Pyussa, 58
miles northeast of Phkov on the Len-
ingrad-Prkov railway, was taken aft-
er a tense fight which cost the Ger-
mans hundreds of dead, the late bul-
letin said. Much war material was
captured on that front and many
prisoners taken. Ski troops were ac-
tive, making surprise raids behind
enemy strongpoints and suddenly
flanking positions the Germans had
counted secure.
To the east the Russian forces
which captured Staraya Russa tore a
great semi-circle of territory out of
German hands to the west and
southwesthofStarayaRussa. The
rail station of Tuleblya, 11 miles west
of Sttraya Russa on the railroad to
Pskov, was captured and Harino, 21
miles southwest of the ancient city,
also fell, the Russians said.
SMourn Loss
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-(R)-Ed-
ucators expressed concern today over
the national loss of educated young
men as well as the financial effect on
colleges and universities from the
Army's curtailment of its specialized
training program.
Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, chancellor
of Stanford University, called it "one
of the mistakes people in a democ-
racy make because they do not look
far enough ahead."
An Associated Press survey indi-
cated many smaller colleges would be
particularly hard hit by the Army
decision to withdraw about 110,000
of the 145,000 men assigned to special
training courses in 20 colleges.
Among schools which said they
would be particularly hard hit by the
Army's action was Niagara Univer-
sity, which said it "will clean us out"
onlA et n-a ,- ( V rimr. -
Split arrow from Hawaiian Islands represents U. S. Navy attack on Truk,' Japan's
Southwest Pacific
Naval Bastion, which marks wane of Jap domination in waters extending westward to the" continent of
Asia and north to the Philippines. Solid arrow coming from lower right points to Eniwetok in the Mar-
shall Islands where Army and Marine assault troops landed and established beachheads. Open arrows
indicate threats to Japan's Hearland from Allied for ces in the Southwest Pacific and Gen. MacArthur, in
India and the Aleutians.
Hannah Addresses Graduates;
Awarded Honorary Doctorate
Cited "as an educator alive to both
the immediate problems and ultimate
purposes of teaching and research,"
Dr. John Hannah, President of Mich-
igan State College who delivered the
principal commencement address
yesterday at the University's second
midyear exercise in Hill Auditorium
was awarded the honorary degree of
Doctor of Laws by the University.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
conferred the degree upon Dr. Han-
nah following a citation by Prof.
John Winter.
Dr. Hannah's speech called atten-
tion to our aims both in this war and
in the peace and stated "The coming
peace will not necessarily make the
world safe for democracy. The ques-
tion is whether the victory over the
Axis powers is to become the victory
of an idea."
Viewing the trend of the world
stream of civilization, President Han-
nah pointed to the destined role of
the Western Hemisphere.
"The world's center of gravity-in-
tellectual, economic, and political-
has crossed the Atlantic," he declared
and continued, "The age of the Am-
ericas has come, and that fact will
Knutson Hits
FDR on Veto
have a profound effect upon our
Emphasizing the role of the pub-
licly-supported colleges and univer-
sities, he said that they ". . . were
dedicated to the training of common
people, and this dedication carries
the responsibility of providing honest
leadership for the best interests of
the common good divorced from all
selfish motives."
World News
in Brief
E a
.Rabaul -Bombed
By Destroyears
' Y/f g '
For First Tire
Kavieng Also Raided;
Shore Installationfs,
Shipping Hit Heavily
20, Sunday--(A)-American destroy-
ers daringly shelled once mighty Ra-
baul and its supplementary base of
Kavieng early Friday for the first
time in the war.
Moving boldly to within four miles
of those Japanese strongpoints on
northeastern New Britain and north-
western New Ireland, they duelled
with shore batteries and silenced
them. They damaged shipping heav-
ily and blew up shore installations.
Then they departed undamaged. At
Rabaul, they smashed Simpson Har-
bor which lies deep within Blanche
Huge fires were set in dock areas.
At Kavieng, the destroyers remained
until after daybreak.
The warships at Kavieng, 160 miles
northwest of Rabaul, hit a tanker
which exploded.
Company C Men To
Sing on Broadcast
Cpl. Joseph Schamitz and Pfc.
Robert Bentley, stars of "Bidin' Our
Time," Company C's forthcoming
musical comedy, are scheduled to sing
in a nationwide broadcast over Sta-
tion WXYZ.
They were auditioned yesterday at
the USO in Detroit. Every Saturday
at 5 p.m. a broadcast is put on with
servicemen who are stationed near
Detroit to appear on this program.
As Dictatorial
George Attack Claims
Proposal Gives Future
Of Nation to Executive
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-The Ba-
ruch plan for post-war reconversion
of industry and manpower to civilian
pursuits was challenged in Congress
today on the grounds that it would
deliver the future destiny of the na-
tion into the hands of the executive.
Chairman George, (Dem., Ga.), of
the Senate post-war planning com-
mittee, led the attack with an. asser-
tion that the proposals submitted by
Bernard M. Baruch, 73-year-old fin-
ancier and presidential advisor, posed
a basic issue whether Congress or the
executive should lay down the gen-
eral policies for the change over.
Senator Vandiemnberg (Rep.,
Mich), a member, backed up this
viewpoint with the declaration,
that the committee is not willing to
leave such decisions to "executive
lieutenants" but will insist on the
establishment of an overall auth-
ority accountable to Congress for
its actions. .
In a statement, George charged
that the Baruch plan for reconvert-
ing industry, disposing of surpluses
and war plants and channeling work-
ers back to peacetime jobs was "to do
the whole job by executive order un-
der Justice Byrnes."
"The two reports sharply outline
the question of whether the econo-
mic destiny of the country is to be
settled by executive directives or by
general policies established by the
the elected representative."
Campus Coeds
Enter Contest
Harriet Porter, '44SM, and Virginia
Louise Zapf, '45SM, both pupils of
Hardin Van Deursen of the School of
Music, are two of four singers select-
ed from 227 auditioned at the Detroit
Conservatory of Music to enter final
competition for a place with Phil
Spitalny's All Girl Orchestra on the
Sunday evening "Hour of Charm"
The contest, conducted by the Gen-
eral Electric Company, was started
in quest of an undiscovered voice in
America. Contestants must be over
18 years of age.
sikk, Elugelab and Bogallua to the
The victory in many ways rivaled
the lightning victory at Kwajalein
atoll 400 miles to the southeast.
Assaults on other portions of the
atoll are proceeding on schedule, Ad-
miral Nimitz said. His announce-
ment did not indicate how much re-
sistance the Japanese offered the Am-
erican invaders at Engebi with its
5,000-foot airstrip.
Radio Silence Observed
The capture of Engebi pt.ts our
forces 750 statute miles west of the
Japanese' great fortress of Truk
which was attacked by a great force
of American carrier-based planes
and the result of which has not been
disclosed because radio" silence must
be observed by ships of the attack-
ing forces.
There was no indication of the size
of the Japanese garrison defending
Engebi and the surrounding islands,
in the westernmost Marshalls, but
it is probable preliminary ship bomg-
bardment and plane bombing and
strafing killed many of the defend-
ers and knocked out many defense
positions'beforeathe 22nd Marine
Regiment charged ashore.
Truk Within Range
For the first time Truk is within
range of American land-based planes.
Ponape, 425 miles southwest of En-
gebi, is within easy range even of
medium Mitchells and their 75mm-
There was no mention of Army
troops in today's announcement.
Nazi Bombs
Raze London
German Attack Marks
Worst Blitz Since 1941
LONDON, Feb. 19.-VP)-Tough,
truculent London shook off the ef-
fects of the worst blitz in three years
today and calmly prepared for what
is expected to be a repetition of 1940-
41, although under far different cir-
cumstances, as Hitler attempts to
disrupt the western front military ef-
The early morning assault on this
bomb-scarred city was more than a
reprisal for RAF blasts at Berlin. For
propaganda purposes, half a dozen
planes would have served just as well
for a reprisal raid, wih fewer German
losses, but the Luftwaffe sent over
more planes than at any time since
The attack showed all the charac-
teristics of the opening of German
efforts to disrupt Allied western front
preparations by blocking communi-
cations and diverting civilian and
military strength.
Feb. 19.-A')-
Knutson, (Rep.,
Minn.) suggested today that Presi-
dent Roosevelt's "reputedly unfriend-
ly attitude" toward the newly-passed
tax bill might be attributable to the
provision which requires labor unionsI
to file financial statements with the
"It should not be forgotten," he
said in a statement, "that the CIO
has urged the President to veto the
bill, no doubt because of a fear of
having to disclose its handling of theI
dues exacted from its members.".
Democratic leaders in Congress
have expressed belief that Mr. Roose-
velt will veto the bill and the Presi-I
dent indicated yesterday that this is<
a possibility, saying at his news con-j
ference that he would send the bill
to Congress Monday or Tuesday.
Knutson, ranking R eopublican:
member of the House Ways and,
Meane Committee which handles tax
legislation, said a veto would not af-
fect the government's income to anyj
vitaol vtent "since wea r adyodv1
Peace Plans Continue ...
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 19.-(P-The
delicate machinery needed to start
the Finnish armistice negotiations
with Russia rolled into motion slowly
this week but at least ten days are
expected to pass before even the pre-
liminary decisions are made to get
Finland out of the war.
Diplomats tonight saw encourag-
ing signs for agreement in the con-
tinued presence here of the Finnish
diplomat, Juhu K. Paasikivi, who
came to Stockholm for "private busi-
Nazi Attache Released ...
BUENOS AIRES, Feb 19.-(A)-
Shertly after a federal police re-
port named Gen. Friedrich Wolff
German military attache, as the
leader of an espionage organiza-
tion in Argentina, the Under-Sec-
retariat of Information and the
press announced that he would not
be subject to trial and had been re-
leased from house arrest so that he
could be repatriated.
Stalin Reply Awaited ...
LONDON, Feb. 19.-(A)-Marshal
Stalin's reply to Prime Minister
Churchill on the latest Polish pro-
posals for settling the Russo-Polish
boundary dispute is being awaited as
an indicateion whether the Russians
are willing to accept a compromise.
Congyress' Deadlock
Feared on Vote
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. - -P)-
Concern that a Congressional dead-
lock over service voting legislation
might roh the arnmi foresP of a vote
Holmes To Discuss North Africa
Algeria, Tunis, Libya, Morocco, Gi-
braltar, Dakar, and Suez will pass in
review Tuesday evening when Burton
Holmes gives his second travelogue
at Hill Auditorium, as the sixth at-
traction of the current Lecture
The lecture entitled "Our Fronts in
North Africa" will not be on the pre-
sent war in Africa, but was designed
to show the wives and sweethearts
of American soldiers on that battle
front what that part of the world was
The vnstness of North African
rific air raids, with its happy, Peace-
loving people. Shots of Casablanca,
now a city of major importance, are
also included.
Holmes gives the French great cre-
dit for the roads they have made, the
cities they have restored, and the
fighters they have trained.
This is the second in a series of
travelogues with films which Holmes
has presented on the campus. His
first lecture and set of films dealt
with Russia in connection with her
part in the war. This second lecture
program will stress the French im-
... .. s