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February 20, 1959 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-20

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i# RIDA'Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1939


M' Thinclads


Face Illini Tomorrow


What could be the greatest col-
lege dual track meet of the 1959
indoor season will take place to-
morrow at Champaign when
Michigan and Illinois stage anotg-
er of their traditional showdowns.
Early returns of results by the
other eight 'teams in the Big Ten
show only fair performances, in-
dicating that Michigan and Illi-
nois will be in a class by them-
selves when the championships
are held two weekends from to-
Thus, the Illini-Wolverine en-

counter will serve as a preview of
that meet.
Traditional Powers
Defending Big Ten titlist Illi-
nois and rebuilt Michigan, tradi-
tionally the powers of Conference
track, will be meeting for the only
time this year in dual competition.
"It's really going to be a close
one," added the coach, who point-
ed out that since he has been
coach (11 years) the Michigan-
Illinois duels have been decided
in the final relay except for the
1957 match.

Last year, Michigan led the Il-
lini going into the mile relay. But
a Wolverine runner pulled a
muscle in that relay after gaining
a good margin over his opponent.
Illinois went on to win, 75-61
Michigan's hopes for tomor-
row were dimmed when Illinois
dropped the 600- and 1000-yd.
runs - two standard Big Ten
events -from the program. This
hampers the Wolverines, whose
dual meet depth is centered here.
Despite the interest in the team
score, individuals cannot be over-


Michigan's Tom Robinson, al-
ready a holder of one world rec-
ord (indoor 220-yd. dash) and a
share in another (75-yd. dash), is
entered in the 60 and the 300
He has run the 60 in :06.2 for
five straight starts now, compared
to the world mark of :06.1 held
by about 30 sprinters. Last week
he tied the varsity 300 record and
may have some surprises in store
for the record book once he gets
a chance on Illinois' huge track
(which has 5%-laps-per-mile,
contrasted to Yost's eight).
Eeles Landstrom is expected to
assault Don Laz' eight-yr.-old Il-
linois Armory pole vault mark of
14'81/". The "Flying Finn" has
two jumps of 14'8" during the
present indoor season.
The Illini will counteract this
pair with their "Carribean All
Stars" - Big Ten champs Ernle
Haisley and George Kerr, and
sophomores Paul Foreman (Brit-
ish Empire broad jump champ)
and Erwin Adderley. The latter is
from Bermuda, while the other
three are Jamaica imports.
The titlists' chances, however,
may hinge upon the condition of
Jim Bowers, a 4:10.1 miler last
year, who is suffering an injured"
Bower's Health Key
But Bowers' health is just one
of the key ifs of this clash. A third
place by Michigan's Bill Guinness
in the vault or by Lou Williams in
the broad jump, for example, may
be just as important as any first
Canham hinted that the final'




. . . another record.?
mile relay could be the factor
again. He figures it will take a
3:18 or better clocking to win (the
best-ever by a Conference quartet
is 3:17.4).
Michigan's best time this year
is 3:20.0 and the Illini have a
3:20.8. However, 'M' will have Rob-
inson running anchor for the first
time this year. He is capable of
breaking :49 in his 440 leg.

Michigan-Illinois Best Performers

Tom Robinson
Bryan Gibson
Tony Seth (relay)
Dave Martin
Dick Schwartz





Didk Cephas No time $
Pete Stanger :08.6
B. Gibson, Chalfant,
Dickerson, Seth 3:20.Ot
Joel Boyden 50'4%"
Cephas 6'6"
Les Bird 23'9"
Eeles Landstrom 14'9%/"

60-yd. Dash
300-yd. Dash
440-yd. Dash
880-yd. Run
Mile Run
Two-mile Run
70-yd. L. Hurd.
70-yd. H. Hurd.
Mile Relay
Shot Put
High Jump,
Broad Jump
Pole Vault

Del Coleman :06.3
Erwin Adderley :31.8
George Kerr :48.6
Kerr 1:55.5
Jim Bowers 4:10.1*
Ken Brown 9:25.t
Coleman :08.2
Armand LeCrone :09.1
Coleman, C. LeCrone,
Beastall, Kerr 3:20.8
Larry Stewart 54'9'*
Ernle Haisley 61'91/4"
Paul Foreman 23'1%"
None listed on roster



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* Last year's performance.
t Time unofficial; was not first place.
2 Cephas is Michigan's best low hurdler; no'

'M' men have time at this1

Dave Lyon
$ Student-Faculty 'Clash'
One of the reasons the intramural sports program at Michigan
is regarded as second to none in the country is the student-faculty
competition, consisting of 12 sports, which begins Monday and will
run through March 14.
Organized student-faculty sports competition, begun in 1953, is
unique to Michigan. "There is nothing similar to it anywhere in
the country," says I-M Director Earl Riskey, "because there is no
faculty sports program anywhere else." The faculty I-M program
here is an active one, and has been for some time. "We took a count
recently," Riskey says, "and discovered that faculty members from
42 different departments have participated in the student-faculty
program in the past."
So there is a strong tradition behind this competition. And it is
still expanding. Last year the student-faculty series was run off in
two weeks, but this year, says Riskey, "we're extending it to three
weeks for the convenience of those participating." Still, there is much
to be done in three weeks. The biggest sport on the program will
again be volleyball, with 27 games between student and faculty teams
scheduled (last year there were 20). Eight basketball games, four more
than last year, are also slated, and in addition, there will be com-
petition in bowling, water polo, billiards, squash rackets, handball,
paddleball, badminton, table tennis, rifle shooting, and tennis.
Because ,of the tight schedule at the I-M Building's main gym,
definite dates and times are being set up for team events, but Riskey
says that contestants in individual sports are setting up their own
times during the three-week period.
Student-faculty relations are, needless to say, improved by this
sports program. Riskey was pleased to note that some student hous-
ing units are planning to invite faculty members to dinner after com-
peting against them in a sport the preceding afternoon.
A Busy Period.. .
Riskey and his staff, however, are not concerned entirely with
the upcoming student-faculty activities, for this is a busy period of
the I-M year. Playoffs in some sports are being held now or will
shortly be held, and other sports will come along to take their place.
On Monday the I-M ice hockey playoffs will be held on the Coli-
seum rink. South Quad's team will meet Law Club at 8:30 p.m. for the
championship. Stags and Strauss will battle for the fourth place play-
off spot at 6:30, Zoology meets Penguins for second spot at 7:30, and
Blue Devils plays Delta Sigma Pi at 9:30 for third place to cap the
evening's action.
Today fraternity "A" and "B" basketball drawings will be con-
ducted by the I-M department, to determine who plays'whom in the
opening round of the fraternity cage playoffs next week. Residence
hall, independent, and professional fraternity tournament action will
not begin until the following week, because those leagues play one
more regular-schedule game than the social fraternities.
On Feb. 28 the four fastest residence hall and fraternity relay
teams will run at the Purdue-Michigan track meet. In the prelimin--
aries held at Yost Field House yesterday to determine the four fast-
est in each division, defending fraternity champion Sigma Alpha Mu
led all teams with a 1:41.4 clocking over the 880-yard distance. Other
fraternity qualifiers were Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, aind
Lambda Chi Alpha.
Residence qualifiers, in order of finish, were Chicago, Van Tyne,
Scott, and defending champion Reeves. Chicago's time was 1:44.9.
Only five teams competed in the independent division, so their plac-
ings yesterday were considered as final. Gomberg Older Element's
four men, each running 220 yards, clocked 1:48.7 to win; with Fred-
erick finishing second, Rabble-Rousers third, TEP fourth, and Evans
Scholars fifth.
Catching Up to Michigan ...
Riskey is encouraged by the construction of new intramural fa-
cilities at two other Big Ten schools, Michigan State and Purdue.
"Before you can have an effective I-M program, you need adequate
facilities," Riskey says. "It means that other Big Ten schools, after
30 years, are beginning to catch up to Michigan's lead." The Michigan
I-M Building was constructed in 1928, and was billed then as the
"only building on any college campus devoted exclusively to intra-
mural athletics."
The huge building with its large gymnasium, many handball and
squash courts, an excellent swimming pool, and extensive training
facilities, was described as a "showplace." Since 1928 the I-M program
has expanded manyfold, and the intramural program of 30 years
later is beginning to feel the pinch of limited space.
"We've extended our program about as far as present facilities
permit us," says Riskey. "For example, the main gym is so crowded
every day that when a basketball team calls us up and wants a
regularly-scheduled game postponed for some reason, we find it
difficult because there is no time left to postpone it to." Riskey says
that the only consideration which limits the expansion of such pro-
grams as the student-faculty competition is that of space, although
there is still some leeway left in individual sports.









NYU 78, V'ilanova 60
St. Johns (NY) 87, Niagara 78
Miami (Fla.) 99, Stetson 81
Carnegie Tech 84, Slippery Rock 83
Massachusetts 68, Boston College 65
Olivet 50, Ferris 48
Wheaton 81, Elmhurst 54
Quantico Marines 51, Providence 50
Akron 102, Bartlesville 94
Wichita 110, Peoria 94
Davis & Elkins 74, Morris Harvey 72
Loyola (New Orleans) 62, Southeast-
ern Louisiana 54
Indiana State 88, Butler 87 (two




Grid Five 81, Rabble Rousers 23
CMS 19, Buckeyes 17
Cooley 35, Hawaiians 15
Frederick 26, Speed Boys 24
GOE 45, Zips 32
Fyigo 23, Meatchoppers 17
Prescott 50, Alpha Kappa Psi 24
PhisDelta Phi 43,Phi Delta Epsilon
Phi Alpha Kappa 39, Tau Epsilon
Rho 36
Nu Sigma Nu 43, Phi Delta Chi 7
Phi Alpha Kappa 72, Phi Alpha
Delta 17
Delta Theta Pi over Alpha Kappa
Kappa, forfeit



113, Boston 105


Montreal 7, Detroit 0


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