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February 20, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-20

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Cola Winds

t t

4 t

Students' Attitude
!Shows Rationalization ...

- U


Out As Cripps
Gets New Post
In Shake-Up
Lyttelton -Will Supervise
Production; Greenwood,
Wood Dropped In Shift
Of British War Cabinet
Churchill Reverses
Stand OfMonday
LONDON, Friday, Peb. 20.-( P)-
Sir Stafford Cripps, former ambas-
sador to Moscow and a rising star in
British politics, was named Lord
Privy Seal and House of Commons
leader by Prime Minister Winston
Churchill today in a cabinet reshuf-
fle dictated by Parliament criticism
over Britain's recent military reverses
and by the approach of vital spring
Oliver Lyttelton, known as "one of
Winston's bright young men," was
made Minister of State in charge of
production to supplant the dynamic
Lord Beaverbrook, who declined to
join the new war cabinet on grounds
of health.
Goes To United States
Beaverbrook, who organized Brit-
ain's aircraft and tank production,
will go to the United States to carry
on the task of pooling the resources
of the United Nations.
Lyttelton, who has been Minister
of State in the Middle East, will join
the war cabinet, reduced from nine
to seven members, and will exercise
"general supervision over produc-
Laborite Sir Stafford replaces
Clement Attlee as Lord Privy Seal,
and will take the place of Churchill
himself in facing a House of Com-
mons which has shown increasing
resentment over the fact the Prime
Minister has not shorn himself of
some of his portfolios.
Attlee, in response to Dominions
demands for representation in the
war cabinet, becomes Secretary of
State for Dominion affairs.
Others Also Dropped
Dropped from the war cabinet were
the veterans, Sir Kingsley Wood,
Chancellor of the Exchequer, and
Arthur Greenwood, Labor Minister
without portfolio.
The hold-overs who will direct
British strategy at a crucial moment
in history include Prime Minister
Churchill, who remains as Defense
Minister and First Lord of the Treas-
ury, Attlee, Labor Minister Ernest
Bevin, Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden, and the Lord President of the
Council, Sir John Anderson.
Churchill disarmed his opponents,
gathering for a bitter House debate
over British war reverses, by an-
nouncing the changes in which he
gave way on all major points save
one-that of his own retention of the
Ministry of Defense.
Attlee, as a direct representative
of the Dominions, answers the re-
peated Australian requests for a
place in the war cabinet.
Youth To Boss
Appointment of Lyttelston was a
guarantee that a younger man will
boss Britain's production effort.
Cripps will lift much work from
Churchill's shoulders by being his
stand-in for House of Commons ses-
On the whole Parliament members
degarded the new cabinet as a vic-
tory over a stubborn Prime Minister,
and there appeared to be no doubt

that the new machine, 'shorn of
deadwood, would receive better treat-
ment in the House.
There were persistent reports to-
night that a number of other minis-
terial changes probably will be an-
nounced next week.
Rt. Rev. Hobson
To Give Public
Lecture On War
An honored leader both from his
pulpit and on the battlefield, the Rt.
Rev. Henry W. Hobson will deliver a
public -lecture at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day in Rackham Lecture. Hall on
"America In War."
Bishop Hobson, head of the South-
ern Diocese of Ohio and holder of
the Distinguished Service Cross for
his 1918 heroism, will speak here un-
der the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor
Chapter of the Committee To Defend
According to Prof. Bradley Davis
of the botany department, CDA
s.-hnir a - cim h ,,. e.al- .wil

Trackmen Face Irish;
Sextet To MeetTigers

Submarines Strike



Greatest galaxy of individual stars
ever to be brought together in a
Midwest dual meet will assemble at
7:15 tonight in Yost Field House
when Michigan's mighty track squad
is pitted against the crack Irish crew
from Notre Dame.
Leading the Maize and Blue into
the opening' indoor meet of the 1942
season will be Capt. Al Piel who is
making his first appearance in col-
legiate competition this season. Piel,
Al Thomas and Notre Dame's Gib-
son are undoubtedly among the na-
tion's top men at 60 yards.
The invading Irish thinclads are
led by Capt. Ray Roy who anchors
the visitors' one mile relay quartet
and is one of the country's outstand-
ing quarter-milers. Roy and a team-
mate, George Schiewe, took the quar-
ter in Notre Dame's dual meet with
Indiana recently in 49.9. Both should
give Michigan's Bob Ufer some com-
petition over the 440-yard route.
Incidentally, Ufer is the best in-
door quarter-miler in the nation to-
day, and his 48.8 record last week
is only six-tenths of a second off the
world indoor mark of Indiana's Roy
Michigan's Dave Matthews is head
and shoulders above all Big Ten half-
milers at this stage of the current
campaign, and his 1:56.4 mark is the
best turned in during the indoor sea-
son up to date.
Notre Dame's distance trio of Ma-
loney, Hunter and Conforti can be
classed with Indiana's distance crew
as the best in the country today.
Hunter's 9:22 in the two-mile recent-
ly, puts him in a class by himself. All
three have turned in 4:20 in the mile
(Continued on Page 3)
Yoshi Gosho
Dodges Draft
He believes in democracy and he's
a conscientious objector but he didn't
report for his physical after register-~
ing for the draft so special FBI
agents picked him up in Ann Arbor
yesterday for a violation of the Se-
lective Service Act.
Thirty-three-year-old Yoshi-Hide
Lewis Gosho, a Japanese who was
born in America, was taken into
court in Detroit and heard United
States Commissioner J. Stanley Hurd
place him under a $1,000 bond sub-
ject to investigation by a Federal
grand jury.
Smiling at John S. Bugas, hlead of
the Detroit office of the FBI, Gosho
humbly told him, "... If I knew what
I know now I would never have reg-
istered for the draft. I think the law
is unconstitutional. That's all there
is to itas far as I'm concerned."
Born min Seattle, Wash., the law-
breaker graduated from the Univer-
sity in 1938 with degrees in arts and
chemistry. His record of employment
is as follows:
Employed at the University Hos-
pital. Lost job. Employed as custod-
ian of a Boy Scout camp ,in Dexter.
Lost job for incompetency. Unem-
ployed to date of arrest by Federal
agents. Residence: Cooperative
boarding house In Ann Arbor.

(Special to The Daily)
Ten victory-seeking Wolverine puck-
men will arrive here tomorrow to
face a Colorado Tiger crew in a
weekend series at the Ice Palace.
With their claws well-sharpened
after two sparkling ties with South-
ern California, the Tigers will be a
real obstacle for the Michigan sex-
tet to overcome. C.C. is just begin-
ning to hit its stride, with the team
now functioning like a unit.
Coach Garrett Livingston, with
two equal combinations ready to
start, will follow his usual habit of
starting his so-called second team.
On this squad Ernie Young and Bill
Tuten will handle the defense posts,
while Clem Roy, Don Ringsred and
Capt. Jack Clamney will be on the
front line. Livingston, however, will
(Continued on Page 3)
Senate Scraps
Pensions; Lifts
House Committee Rejects
Unemployment Benefits
For War Conversion
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19.--)P-In
response to angry criticism from all
over the country, the Senate voted
tonight, 75 to 5, to scrap the "pen-
sions for Congress" law and then de-
cided to give the nation's fighting
men abroad a raise in pay.
Soon after the pension vote, the
chamber accepted a suggestion from
Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.) and voted
for an increase of 20 per cent in the
base pay for enlisted men and 10 per
cent for officers serving in the Army
and Navy in foreign countries, and
in Midway, Hawaii and the Philip-
A few minutes later, the. House
Civil Service Committee sent to the
floor, without recommendation, a bill
to repeal the Congressional pension
House Shelves Bill
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. -(') -
The House Ways and Means Con-
mittee dealt the Administration a
stunning defeat today by voting, 16
to 8, to shelve a $300,000,000 program
of unemployment benefits to workers
displaced by conversion of factories
to wartime production.
Members said afterward that they
had decided to table the legislation
because state officials had contend-
ed they could cope adequately with
the problem and feared that the pro-
gram involved a direct attack on
state's rights.
Prospective Daily editorial and
sports staff tryouts who were un-
able to attend Wednesday's gen-
eral meeting are urged to meet
at 5 p.m. today in the Daily of-
fices of the Publications Building
for general instruction.

Aruba Ports In New Nigi

Japs Encounter Surprise
Resistance Of Sumatra;
Allies Also Hold Well
In Burma,_Philippines
Chinese To Shift
India Supply Route
(Associated Press War Editor)
The arrival of American and other
Allied expeditionary forces in Java,
the last great center of Allied power
in the South Pacific above Australia,
was disclosed yesterday while the
Japanese invader was striking twice
by air at thebAustralian mainland
itself and was being bitterly engaged
in the Burma theatre far to the
Japanese planes attacked the Allied
Naval Base of Darwin in northern
Australia today after two heavy raids
yesterday in which 15 persons were
reported killed and 24 injured.
Drakeford Announces
Australian Air Minister Arthur S.
Drakeford announced the third at-
tack on Darwin, now next in import-
ance to Soerbaja, Java, as an Allied
counter-offensive base. There were
no details immediately available.
The reinforcements for Java-
and the American detachment in-
cluded ground troops and fighter
and bomber pilots-were described in
Batavia as "by no means large en-
ough yet" for the historic struggle
now approaching. Nevertheless, their
mere presence was proudly saluted
there as showing the world "that the
Netherland Indies do not fight alone."
And, perhaps even more important,
CHUNGKING, China, Feb. 19.-
(AP)-China's governmet disclosed
today that Chiang Kai-Shek has
.made conerete ~'rrangements to
replace the Burma Road with an
India - to - China rail - road - river
route, now that the approaches to
Rangoon are mined and that men-
aced city is no longer a practical
port of entry for war material con-
signed to China.
all the circumstances suggested that
when the enemy gets down to the
Java bastion he is going to be in
such a fight as the Pacific has not
thus far known.
Already it developed, he was hav-
inging more trouble than had ap-
peared at all likely in Sumatra, the
island just to the northwest which
he is trying to convert into a major
base for the spring, for the Dutch
Command reported that strong re-
sistance was continuing there and
that in addition to the Dutch and
native garrisons some British troops
-almost certainly survivors of the
tragedy of Singapore-were in action
Of Immense Importance
All this was of immense import-
ance as an action delaying the en-
emy's major thrust while the mar-
shalling of Allied power went on in
and around Java, and it was accom-
panied by a Dutch recapitulation
showing that in the Pacific generally
the invader had up to Feb. 14 suf-
fered the loss or damage of at least
182 ships, principally to American
and Dutch action
In their biggest scrap yet with the
enemy over the Indies 16 American
Army pursuit planes shot down eight
heavy Japanese bombers and an en-
emy fighter to the loss of only one
American craft, according to a late
Aneta news dispatch.
The agency also said that 12 Jap-
anese bombers escorted by 20 fight-
ers attacked Bandoeng, inland Java
city and site of the N.E.I. AArmy
headquarters yesterday.
This was accompanied, coincident-
ally, by word of new offensive action
by the United States Navy, which
announced the sinking of a 5,000-ton
enemy cargo ship in the East China
Sea by an American submarine.

Burma Road Threatened
In the struggle for Burma the im-
mediate military phase was going
better for the British, for the imper-
ial Command reported that in iight-
ing along the Bilin River-this is an
area 50 miles or less from the Ran-
goon-Mandalay railway leg of the
Burma supply road to China.
In the Philippines, General Doug-
las MacArthur's American-Filipino
line upon Bataan Peninsula, Luzon,
was meeting increasing Japanese
pressure, particularly on the right,
and Japanese troop movements again
- -imcscnta t. t O - - -U 11-- ..aar2t

Failure Of Students To Return
Questionnaires Stymies Survey

Total Response By Those
Not Planning To Attend'
Third Term Is Asked
Stymied by the failure of a "highly,
important minority" of students to
return their Regential questionnaires,
the University War Board asked yes-
terday that all outstanding forms be
returned immediately.
"The non-responders," War Board
secretary Clark Tibbitts said, "are
probably all of one group-those who
do not intend to return for the sum-
mer term."
Explaining that an even distribu-
tion of opinion could not be expected
among the delinquent students, Tib-
bitts said:
"It is highly important that every-!
one-whether or not he intends to
return this summer-return the ques-
tionnaire. If we base our study on
the answers of 80 per cent of theJ
students, half of whom state that
they will return, we will not know
whether 40 per cent or 50 per cent
will be here. And that 10 per cent
variance represents well over 1,000
Tibbitts emphasized that the Uni-
versity wanted to study, not to sam-
ple student opinion.
Any student who has not even pro-
cured a copy of the Student Plans
Inquiry may yet do so by visiting his
concentration school adviser or his
academic counsellor.
On top of the list in total returns{
Student Help
Federal, State Aid Asked,
Says President Ruthven
Recently returned from an im-
portant meeting of the Wartime Edu-
cation Commission in Washington,
President Alexander Ruthven said
yesterday that the commission had
discussed the possibility of securing
aid for those students who will be
financially inconvenienced by the war
speed-up program.
He said that a canvass had been
made of possible state and federal
aid, as well as of what assistance the
colleges themselves could give.
Members of the Executive Commit-
tee of the National Association of
State Universities will meet here
Monday with President Ruthven to
consider the entire problem.
The University presidents who will
attend include Frank Graham of
North Carolina, J. F. Zimmerman
of New Mexico, John West of North
Dakota, J. R. McKissick of South
Carolina, H. B. Wells of Indiana and'
Herman James of Ohio.

are the dental, business administra-
tion and engineering schools.
Prof. Harlow J. Heneman, execu-
tive director of the War Board, said
that returns through yesterday were
"very heartening" and urged Univer-
sity students to "take advantage of
an opportunity to participate in the
formation of the University's summer
school plans."
As soon as total returns reach a
"reliable and usable" percentage,
War Board clerks will complete tabu-
lation of student plans and prepare
a war calendar which will be sub-
mitted to the Regents at their Febru-
ary meeting next week.
State Highwa
Head Stresses
Post-War Plan
G. Donald Kennedy Ends
Parley; Van Wagoner
I Called To Lansing
An unexpected call to Lansing kept
Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner from
attending the twenty-eighth annual
Michigan Highway Conference ban-
quet yesterday, but State Highway
Commissioner G. Donald Kennedy
was on hand to climax the two-day
parley and emphasize the need "for
continued post-war service planning
in the face of great difficulties and
immediate plans for the post-war
With the conclusion of the ban-
quet, only the business meeting of
the Michigan Association of Road
Commissioners and Engineers, sched-
uled for 9:30 a.m. today, remained on
the conference program.
Second speaker on the banquet
program was M. W. Bingay of the
Detroit Free Press, who predicted
that the war tide would not totally
favor the United States until the
fall of 1944, and warned that we
must prepare for many disappoint-
ments until that time.
Earlier in the day 0. K. Normann
of the U.S. Public Roads Adminis-
tration opened the morning session
with his talk on "Highway Capacity,"
followed by W. H. Harvie of the
State Highway Department, who pre-
dicted that "the future of transpor-
tation was probably completely
changed on Dec. 7."
Opposing the general trend of the
conference, Maxwell Halsey of the
Michigan State Safety Commission
urged 100 per cent attention to the
problem of war transport, and "don't
worry about post-war preparations
until victory is won."
The morning session was con-
cluded by S. J. Williams of the Na..
tional Safety Council, who advocated
(Continued on Page 2)

it Raids;
Troo ps
Attackers Fail In Attempt
To Fire Oil Refineries;
Unexplained Explosions
Damage Two Vessels
Stimson Says U.S.
Offensive Is Near
(By The Associated Press)
New U-boat attacks were reported
yesterday in the Caribbean but they
failed to set fire to the huge oil refin-
eries on Aruba with shelling from
deck gunnery and failed to sink two
ships which were, however, damaged
by unexplained explosions off Trini-
dad, the southern anchor of the is-
land perimeter defenses of the Pana-
ma Canal.
However, a tanker flying the Pan-
ama flag was reported torpedoed by
a U-boat Thursday morning off Aru-
ba, less than 700 miles from the
Attacking Submarine
The submarine attacking Aruba
may have been sunk, for U.S. Army
bombers, already flying the dawn
patrol, spotted it quickly and dropped
a heavy charge of explosives as the
prowler crash-dived.
No casualties were reported either
at Aruba, well inside the island de-
fenses, or at Trinidad, 600 miles to
the east, where the presence of en-
emy subshsuggested some might be
making their way out of the Carib-
bean and down the South American
There are U.S. troops on both Aru-
ba, where they are cooperating with
the Dutch hosts in defense of vital
oil, and on Trinidad where a base
was acquired from the British in the
1940 destroyer swap.
The American troops on Aruba
were Uider fire in the new raid, which
concentrated on shelling with appar-
ent intention of setting afire the
vital oil works.
Shells Fall Short
All the shells fired from the sub
lying three or four miles off-shore
fell short of the oil refineries and
reservoirs but they whistled through
the advance posts occupied by Ameri-
None of the shells exploded, which
raised the suspicion that they may
have timers for belated detonation.
In this connection it was recalled that
a "dud" torpedo fired in last Mon-
day's raid on Aruba was found on
the beach and then exploded the
next day, killing four Dutchmen who
wefe dismantling it.
Stimson Says U.S.
Offensive Is Near
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. -(RP)--
Secretary Stimson said today the na-
tion was massing its forces for the
earliest possible offensive and would
not disperse its strength to combat
such coastal raids as the German
attack on Aruba, the Dutch oil island.
Forays of that character, the Secre-
tary of War told newspapermen were
to be expected "all along our coasts"
and at "other places." Demands from
"thoughtless persons" that the coun-
try's forces be scattered to meet them
were foreseen, he said, but "yield-
ing to that pressure would be the
surest way to lose the war."
The Cabinet member assured the
people that the United Nations would
"seize every opportunity for counter-
attack and the offense.

Cinema League's
Spring Program
To Open Sunday
Paul Robeson, in the title role of
Eugene O'Neill's famous play "Em-
peror Jones," will open the Art Cin-
ema League's annual spring series at
6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sunday in.
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The noted Negro baritone's pro-
duction will be followed on the Sun-
day night series by the outstanding
films "La Maternelle," "The Thir-
teen" and "The Lady Vanishes."
Tickets are on sale at a State
Street bookstore and the League.
Single tickets will be sold.
"La Maternelle, a film which has
drawn heavy aplpause at its earlier
appearances here, is said to be one
of the finest foreign pictures pro-
dned. Tt will be nresented March 8

Make Up Your Mind, JWashington;
'Shuttling Of Conditions' Stymies
Local Authorities At Willow Run

Only One Year's Supply Left:
Prof. Bartlett Urges Immediate
Exploitation Of Amazon Rubber

(This is the third in a series of ar-
ticles on Willow Run. The article is
based entirely on FACTS obtained ini
colaboration with Dr. Otto K. Engelke,
director of the Washtenaw County
Health Department, and Robert Cam-
eron, county sanitation engineer, be-
sides other loca" officials seeking to
avoid a bottleneck.)
Chief factor that has stymied
hard-working local authorities bat-
tling to house an influx of laborers
in the critical Willow Run defense
area is the over-night shuttling of
conditions-a factor caused by the
government's time-consuming policy
of holding back decisions relative to
the number of workers who will be
housed around the big bomber plant.
This obstacle has harassed county
officials all along the line. They don't
know how to go about planning for
the new community-how many to
house, how many to transport, how
to provide sanitation, how to finance
Iliri-ic- ri anfnn s h n rapi-

progress is nullified the next day be-
cause the estimated number of work-
ers jumps to new proportions.
The result of all this jack-rabbit
change of affairs is delay-delay
which causes hit-and-miss methods
of control over housing and sanita-
tion, delay which renders the control
efforts of local authorities effective
for only a short-run period of time.
If the government doesn't make up
its mind soon, the whole situation
threatens to run away with itself and
a bottleneck of serious consequences
may develop.
The water supply and sewage dis-
posal problem is urgent. The facili-
ties available are in Ypsilanti, Ann
Arbor and a few of the smaller towns.
These are municipally controlled. But
the areas not served by these districts
are crying for utilities to handle the
Should there be individual sewage
and water disposal facilities on each
lot of ground or shall there be some
I s,,,iiirnt nn tr 1 n rn r.fincr th

Warning that our present supply of
rubber will last us not more than a
year, Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, chair-
man of the botany department, yes-
terday recommended the immediate
expenditure of between 100 and 250
million dollars for the exploitation of
rubber trees in the Amazon valley
and in the scuthwestern United
speaking befo-e a meeting of re-
presentatives from Michigan Church-
Related Colleges, Professor Bartlett
asserted that in less than two years
"we will be on the spot as far as
rubber is concerned and we will re-
main there for at least five years if
things continue to go badly in the
"The money spent immediately for
rubber exploitation may save our ba-
con. If so, it is worth it."
Bartlett said that even though

the rubber supply in the Western
Hemisphere and utilize to the utmost
the already available supply.
In an attempt to solve the first of
these problems, Bartlett said that he
had recently transplanted 7,600 rub-
ber trees of the finest strain from the
Phillipines to Haiti. "It will take at
least 20 years for this source of rub-
ber to become as good or better than
that in Sumatra."
"If we are willing to spend the
money, however," he continued, "we
can get at 'least 100,00 pounds of
rObber from the Amazon valley in
the next year or two."t
"A second immediate source of rub-
ber is in New Mexico and Southern
California where the .guayule plant
can be exploited immediately and
can be cultivated for future use."
Bartlett pointed out that we should
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